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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Pet (?): Vindri (Sindri Voodoo Doll)
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard
- The party takes a long rest, after being chased by the white dragon, Frostscale, and a horde of hobgoblins (See Session 29)
- The party, still dragging along the necromancer they’d captured, as well as Bram Kessler, whom they’d helped free make their way back to Ridgecrest and then to High Ridge where they head for the Great Library and meet with Heima, Master of the Library and Wizard.
- Bram explains to Heima all that he’s learned (See Session 29) confirming what appears to be true – there is a “Dragon Army” amassing – but it’s not clear why yet – but he suspects that when Lakrona (The Spider Queen) ascended (See Adventurers Notes – Session 41), she tore a rift in the portal between worlds.
- Bram also goes on to share what he overheard between the Necromancer and Rettniss explaining that the Water Genasi’s grandmother seems to be involved with the rising Dragon Army, explaining that Rettniss’ grandmother, Karliah, who is also a Water Genasi showed the Hobgoblins the ability to complete an ancient ritual known as “Soul Transfer” – where they can capture the soul of a slain Monk and turn them into Hobgoblin Iron Shadows, which are Hobgoblins with Monk like abilities. He explains that Karliah seems to be in search for her – or a – grimoire – which is why she agreed to help these Dragon Amy – because they had information pertaining to the dark book she sought. They had told her it was in the Broken Lands, and that’s where she appears to be headed herself. He adds that this gives him concern because that’s also where the ancient Dragon Cult temple is located (though it’s exact location now is lost, due to the ever shifting sands).
- Bram goes over the recent Dragon sightings of the Chromatic Order he’s aware of –
- The White Dragon, Frostscale, who was with the Hobgoblins at the encampment he’d been captured at
- The Red Dragon, Searscale, which was spotted near Redstone, involving some type of annual carnival that appeared there (See The Adventuers – Session 48, 49, 50)
- The Blue Dragon, Cobalt, which was responsible for attacking the majority of the major city in the Broken Lands, known as Drastor (See The Adventurers – Session 69)
- The Green Dragon, Kala’Shin, that was in the undermountains of the Thoridun Dwarven Kingdom, spotted by the sprite Daggerpoint and his pseudo-dragon, Locke. (See The Adventuers – Session 26)
- The Ancient White Dragon, Snowclaw, which last reported was slumbering near the mountain city of Frost Peak (see Session 26)
- The Black Dragon, Onyx (see The Arrival – Session 07), which resurrected another black dragon, creating an undead black dragon, Ebony. Though Onyx is still alive, thankfully the undead Black Dragon, Ebony, was taken care of by a group of adventurers. (See The Arrival – Session 11)
- His concern is that’s just the dragons he’s aware of; there are undoubtedly others, and he explains he must return to The Path of Enlightenment and bring this news to his master, Shujin Gorudo. (Who, he himself is a dragon – but one of the metallic order – he revealed himself as an ancient Gold Dragon in Session 15 to the party)
- Heima thanks him for his information and offers him a parchment to take to the Stable Master, to be given a horse and to ride with safety
- Bram excuses himself, thanks the party, and departs
- Heima explains he will need some time to do some research but would like to call on the party again in a day or two, as he feels their fates are woven into what is unfolding
- Sindri tells the others he’s going back into the Great Library to do some research – he wants to discover more about the Voodoo Doll – as well as if these Necromancers are ever truly “saved” and what’s the ratio.
- As he follows a trail of books, one referencing the next, that leads to the next, that leads to the next – he comes to a part of the Great Library that seems to be protected by a Mage who stands guard. The mage inquires as to why Sindri would want to enter this section – and Sindri explains how his friend Rettniss, accidentally transferred part of his own essence into a doll that now has – according to it – his memories – but very scrambled – but was able to mimic his cantrip
- The wizard leans forward with great interest, explaining that if his friend had done what he claims, he’s (or she’s) done Necromancy – an ancient art known as Soul Transfer that was part of an ancient religion, said to exist when only primitive humans ruled the world, channeling ancient, dark, uncontrolled magic to do such things – they were known as Shamans
- Sindri tries to backtrack a little and explain that he doesn’t think his friend meant it, making sure not to say Rettniss’ true gender or name
- The wizard explains that he’s never seen where only a ‘portion’ of the soul is transferred – it’s only been all or nothing. He goes on to explain if your friend does not know how they did it – they may be able to be saved. But he recommends keeping an eye on his friend and this doll.
- Sindri is so shook up that it takes him some time to search and find the next thing – a ledger of names, thousands of pages long, dating back several hundred years; of the “Cleaning” as it’s called – where the Wizards attempt to ‘cure’ those who practice the dark arts. While most show failures or repeat offenders, there are some that note the removal of the person’s magical abilities and some of those remain ‘saved’ while others apparently relapsed (perhaps using demonology and becoming Warlocks to regain power)
- During this time, the rest of the party agrees and as they’re on their way back to the Inn that Heima has put them up at Anzenna (meaning ‘safe haven’ in Eibrikku) – a familiar voice calls out Rettniss’ name; as she turns she sees Keyleek Twostaff. (He had developed feelings for Rettniss and under Twilight’s guidance, even had gone on a date with her)
- Keyleek explains that he’s been looking all over for Rettniss – after he had set up his shop – he hired someone immediately and spent endless days in Low and Mid-Ridge looking for her; and while there’d been some sightings of her, he never found her – so he was shocked to see her. He asks if she’d be willing to catch up for the night. Rettniss agrees, as long as Vikarus is involved. They meet later on, and Rettniss drinks quite a bit, but remains comfortably numb, spilling out everything to Keyleek – from how her grandmother may be some evil person, the white dragon, the hobgoblins, and the magic doll she’d created. It proves to be quite a bit for Keyleek who can’t tell if she’s telling the truth as she rambles or if she’s intoxicated by the famous Vikarus drink (which, Rettniss manages to slight of hand and steal the bottle, where she resumes drinking herself to oblivion in the room)
- The following morning Rettniss wakes up hung over (effectively has 1 level of Exhaustion to represent the hang over) and they head the Great Library, answering Heima’s calls, surprised he’d found information in one day
- He calls them into his chamber and lays out a map, explaining he would like them to go to Drastor in the Broken Lands – but asks that they take a very specific route to investigate a few things…

- He explains each tick (number) in the map is a standard day’s travel on horses. Pushing them beyond may cause exhaustion with the horses. He explains that at tick 2, Stoneguard – it’s an ancient watch tower that has not been used in a hundred years. Events there, and near there at the West Brook Tower, have led to speculation that the tower is haunted. There have been undead seen in the swaps as well as reports of a hag in the area. However, while the undead are still in the swamps, the hag has not been seen in awhile; so that should not be a concern. The concern is Stoneguard itself – the tower, according to those that travel near it, is reported to be infested with undead. If it’s true, see if you can put an end to it.
- From there, down to tick 5, that is Lakefront – that’s where the undead dragon, Ebony was. See if you can find out more information from the townspeople about the undead dragon, and even the ‘adventurers’ who battled it.
- He slides his hand to tick 8, and explains Redstone has many mysteries to it; I am sure you will hear about it when you get there. But the main thing is – there were witnesses to the annual carnival event, where the red dragon Searscale was seen. Some survivors of the event even claim the ‘heroes’ helped Searscale. Find out what happened – and find out more about these heroes – they may be Dragon Cultists.
- He slides his hand to tick 12 and explains that’s the entrance to the Fern Dale. The Fern Dale is full of Wild and High Elves; most of the elves in this continent hail from the Fern Dale. However, the concern is your friend (gesturing to Avacyn), noting that the Elves and Orcs have hated either other since the dawn of time, thanks to their own gods; and the Elves of Fern Dale do not have much exposure to the outside world; so they’re sheltered. However, Elves have long memories and may have information about dragons that may be useful. However, I’d ensure you have a disguise for Avacyn.
- From there, his hand slides down to tick 16 and explains roughly 30 years ago, an Cloud Giant (who are notoriously evil) landed his flying castle next to Castle Silvercrown and Dragon Cultists were seen exiting his castle and entering Castle Silvercrown. I do not know if the Cultists are still there – but whether or not, there may be clues there that could help us understand what’s going on.
- He then moves his hand to tick 17, and explains it’s the entrance to the Broken Lands. He advises the party to be aware – the very sand itself is almost sentient – due to the events hundreds of years ago by the foolish elf Porlen Hollowroot. (See The Lore of the Broken Lands). He explains if the sand detects magic items on your person it may suddenly become softer, making it more difficult to traverse in hopes you lie down and rest so it can pull you into the sand while you sleep. It’s highly recommended to remain on the ‘paved’ path that is constantly being updated, because of the shifting sands. He also warns that there are creatures unique to the Broken Lands that only exist there. He then adds that those who wear metal may become very uncomfortable during the day, as the sand seemingly reflects the sun with such intensity it mimics the Heat Metal spell, in hopes that the denizens of the Broken Lands can defeat those who enter her barren wastes. He explains that the travel through the Broken Lands, as noted is shorter stops – this is due to that intense heat.
- When the party reaches Drastor – they should see if they can find out anything about the Blue Dragon attack, as well as find out about the ancient Dragon Cult temple that existed out there hundreds of years ago.
- He then rolls up the map and hands it to the party as well as a parchment for the Stable Master to give the party each a horse and a single wagon if they desire
- The party exits and then heads for Stonestream’s Dreams, to visit Caraus Stonestream to purchase potions – however, while standing out the door – Arhian asks how many potions people have to see how many they need to buy…
- Sindri: 2
- Arhian: 1
- Hartmut: 7
- Twilight: 4
- Avacyn: 2
- Rettniss: 11
- The party opts to split the potions between them – so that they each carry 4 potions and Rettniss will carry 7
- They then turn and go to Taylor Songswift‘s Lavender shop and ask her about a disguise for Avacyn, explaining they’re headed into the Ferndale. Taylor measures Avacyn and creates a wonderful elf disguise that the party picks up the following day which costs 30 gold (it’s a Master Disguise – Elf)
- They head to Teelara’s Blades and Protection and Avacyn tries to first persuade her to trade in her chainmail, which is riddled with broken chain links (between the battle with the Aurochs – which slammed into her chest (See Session 27) and the many arrows that struck (See Session 28) Teelara says she can’t take the trade. She offers the Splint Mail for 200 gold. Avacyn then growls at her and slams her first down, demanding a discount (using Intimidation and rolls much higher). Teelara explains she still can’t take Avacyn’s old armor, but will sell the splint armor for 150 gold instead.
- Rettniss explains she’s interested in Studded Leather, but Twilight gives Rettniss hers, and upgrades to a chain shirt for herself
- The party uses their gold from defeating the scouts for the hobgoblins (See Session 27) to make these purchases
- Gold: 350 gold total
- Weapons: 14 throwing daggers, 30 shuriken (they’re just darts, flavored), 2 ornate daggers (+1 Dagger each), 2 long swords
- Poison: 12 vials of poison that do 2d6 poison damage (1 use per vial).
- Sindri takes one of the +1 Daggers, in the event he ever finds himself in the unfortunate situation of melee
- Twilight takes the other +1 Dagger for herself
- The shurikens and throwing daggers are divided up
- At the shop, Twilight stocks up on more Crossbow Bolts while Hartmut stocks up on more Arrows
- Rettniss purchases a Hooded Lantern and a Bullseye Lantern
- The party also stocks up on Silk Rope, since it’s more durable
- Hartmut purchases 20 oil flasks for 1 gold
- Hartmut stocks up in 30 days of rations, knowing that the Broken Lands will be demanding; Twilight does the same as do several others
- The party then heads for the stable master and presents the notice from Heima; and the stable master gets the horses that are requested – and a mule for Sindri
The Dragons are amassing…
The skies are dark with their wings..
The Light is gone
The colors are death.