Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 87

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  • Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
    • Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
  • Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric) – Absent this session
  • Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
    • Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
  • Korra (Air Genasi Rogue) 
    • Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
  • Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – Absent this session
    • Zeebuzz, Guide from Gnomewhere (‘3PO type personality)
  • NPCs:
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC)
  • Spelljammer Crew:
    • Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard) – Absent This Session – Officially considered out of the game, and as such regarding as an NPC flying the party’s Spelljammer
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
    • Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
  • Earth Genasi Rebels:
    • Moonstone (Cleric) – The Quiet Leader, very close to Terra
    • Ria
    • Jasper
    • Delta
    • Mica
    • Oxbow
    • Terra (Fighter) – Brash warrior, rushes right into battle without thought or consideration.
  • The Earth Genasi Cleric, Moonstone asks Korra, “Lady Korra, what are you doing here on the Plane of Earth?” She seems suspicious of Korra, but is trying not to also be insulting, speaking to Korra with great respect
Moonstone, Cleric of Valingard 
  • Korra explains that she was sent by her father to uncover what the Drow had been up to as well (Who else remembers that Korra was introduced to the party by the Myconoids – the Mushroom People – to investigate Drow activities way back in Session 19?)
  • Korra goes on to explain that they uncovered that the Drow were trying to raise their ancient goddess, Lakrona (Elder Name: L’orak’ana) – Goddess of Lies and Deceit, Mistress of the Web. And that they had abducted dwarves to learn how to mine admantine, but when the dwarves refused the Drow uncovered ancient knowledge of the Elder Elementals – (One for Air: Valinor, One for Water: Leviathan; One for Fire: Phoenix, and One for Earth: Zaratan)
    • Phoenix was manipulated to provide the heat the melt down the admantine
    • Valinor was manipulated to keep the fires of the Phoenix going
    • Leviathan was manipulated to cool the adamantine
    • Zaratan was manipulated to pound the adamantine
  • Korra explains that the Drow Priestess had made an admanatine body for herself to soul transfer into, which they had to fight
  • She explain that they tracked the Drow down – fought one in a port city who had the Ring of Water, but he had escaped – but they found his body later and recovered that ring, as well as the Ring of Fire. Later, she would recover the Ring of Earth. She’s not yet found the Ring of Air. Her own family’s ring.
    • Rough recap: Korra joined the party in Session 19 revealing that Drow had raided the Elemental Planes and stolen the rings – but convinced powerful genasi leaders that other factions of genasi were responsible, inciting a war among the planes. The Drow used the Water Elemental Ring to keep the Azer at bay in Session 27, proof they had they ring. In Session 28, they found further evidence in a document that explained that all the rings of Elder Elementals had been taken by the Drow. In Session 35 they learned the rings were being used to shape a large admantine drow statue for the Priestess to possess. Later, after the Drow War, there was no sign of those who had the rings – which means they’d escaped. But the party encountered the Drow with the Water Ring in Session 46, but he managed to escape. At a dark carnival, Korra has a vision of peace restored and being welcomed home again, in Session 48. The bodies of three drow are discovered in Session 55, and Korra is able to recover the Plane of Water Ring. However, Buppido grabs the other ring, which happens to be the Plane of Fire. However, during that night and the resting – Korra managed to successfully Sleight of Hand and take the ring from him. Giving her two of the four rings. And now this was the Earth Elder Ring in Session 61.
  • Moonstone explains that the Drow had arrived to Everstone Keep – and our king, Lord Greymountain listened – as these Drow explained that the other Planes were planning to overthrow Lord Greymountain and take the ring.
  • She goes on to explain that Lord Greymountain, despite the advise of others, decided to believe these Drow. We’re not sure why he did – but he seemed very fearful of the message they were providing. He assigned his own guards as well as several Drow guards to keep guard of the sacred ring – and several days later – the Earth Genasi guards, as well as the Drow guards, were found murdered – and there was evidence of water all throughout, indicating that perhaps someone from the Plane of Water had come and done the very thing the Drow had said. With both Drow and Genasi murdered, Lord Greymountain further believed the Drow who became an intricate part of Lord Greymountain’s council.
  • She explains that – something happened among the gods – that suddenly several of them had gone silent – and when they did – the Drow launched their attack and began to murder my people from within.
  • Korra explains that the Drow had done the very same thing with the Dwarves on Kne’Urth as well (See the entire arc: Adventure 14Adventure 15Adventure 16Adventure 17Adventure 18Adventure 19Adventure 20Adventure 21Adventure 22Adventure 23Adventure 24Adventure 25Adventure 26Adventure 27Adventure 28 , Adventure 29Adventure 30Adventure 31Adventure 32Adventure 33Adventure 34Adventure 35Adventure 36Adventure 37Adventure 38Adventure 39, Adventure 40 and concluding in Adventure 41).
  • Korra explains that the gods that had gone “silent” had actually been slain by the Drow goddess (Lakrona), who ascended. The ones slain were: Airana, goddess of fertility; Akanda, god of travel; Drakenfhel, god of wisdom; Elenar, god of wind, fire and water; Krauzden, god of wind and flight, Lauhzar, goddess of winter, Tavara, goddess of weather, and Tearak, god of judgement
  • Korra also explains that she would not be surprised if the “Drow Guards” were willing sacrifices, knowing they would be murdered by their own kind; due to the times that they’d fought the Drow, many of them would bite on a toxin they kept in their mouth that would kill them rapidly so they could not be captured or questioned
  • The rest of the party listens – and notices that Moonstone refers to Korra as “Lady Korra” repeatedly – Adrian then asks if Korra is some form of royalty
  • And Moonstone is astonished that they don’t know that she is an heir to the Plane of Air Throne; and that she is indeed royalty – she’s the daughter of the King
  • Adrian begins to refer to her as Lady Korra, and Korra explains that she just wants to be known as Korra. Moonstone apologizes for revealing Korra’s true origin. Korra explains that she volunteered to “investigate the Drow activities” because, in truth, she simply wanted to get away from the pressures of being royalty and the pressures her father placed on her
  • Korra gives Moonstone the Ring of Earth Elemental (Zaratan). Moonstone takes the ring and loops it through her religious necklace (the symbol of Valingard – a kneeled soldier with a poleaxe in hand) and loops it on her necklace for safe keeping. She places her hand on it and explains that she must get this back to the Lord Greymountain.
  • Moonstone goes on to explain that when a new enemy arrived – more elves – to which she looks at Sephrenia, dubiously – and goes on to say these new elves looked like elves, with pointed ears, and similar features – however, their flesh was yellow in color, almost like serpents. We’d seen them before from time to time when we used Spelljammers – but never gathered in a force like this. These elves were a united front which has never been seen in the hundreds of years we’ve encountered their kind in the Astral Plane.
  • Korra explains that she learned from Sephrenia that these “elves” as she keeps calling them are shunned even by elvenkind – and are known as “Githyanki” which in the Elven tongue stands for “Gith” meaning Eternally and “yanki” meaning banished and that they worship an ancient “Serpent God” (actually a “Serpent Demonlord”) named Nehebkau – that even the Drow despise them (and the Drow are much hated by normal Elves). (Sephrenia had shared this information all the way back in Session 69!)
  • Moonstone explains that what Sephrenia is saying makes sense; because the Drow suddenly lost interest in attacking the Earth Genasi and focused their attacks on the Githyanki (both to attack, and to defend themselves because of the sheer number of Githyanki that arrived). Many of the Drow were forced to flee and did so taking cover in the nearby mountains, retreating into the caves.
  • Moonstone explains they can’t get to the kingdom overland – there’s an underground passage that was made as an escape route for the royal family – they will need to go that way. She explains that the “Githyanki” as they’re called – somehow gained the knowledge of how to awaken an ancient Dao spirit named Stonas. How they could have learned such a thing is beyond Moonstone’s understanding; because Stonas had been banished and the way to free him lost when the pages were burned (to ensure he could never return).
  • Moonstone explains there’s also a Topaz Dragon, who normally is fairly neutral about things – seems to have sided with the Githyanki. The Topaz Dragon’s true name is Kvars, but Moonstone knows that there’s kobolds who worship her – and call her something else in Draconic (Zapot). Moonstone wonders if Kvars could be turned to fight for the Earth Genasi if they can figure out how the Githyanki convinced her to fight for them.
  • As the party heads to the mouth of the cave nearby, Moonstone does ask (Lady) Korra – and admits it’s suspicious – that she had the Earth Elemental ring, she has the Fire and Water Ring, but not her own ring. Moonstone admits, had (Lady) Korra not returned the Earth Ring to her, it would almost seem like Korra stole all the Plane rings – and would not have needed to “steal” the Air Ring, since her father probably has it.
  • Korra assures her, that her sole goal is ending the bloodshed between the Planes, and to please stop calling her Lady Korra, to which Moonstone says, “My apologies, Lady Korra.”
  • As they reach the cave, Moonstone explains that there’s an Emerald Dragon that would surly help the Earth Genasi named Aoil, however, he often simply goes by the type of dragon she is and calls himself Emerald as well. Moonstone explains that all dragons have ‘true’ names and then they have their ‘common’ name. The problem is that Aoil has gone missing – shortly after the arrival of the Githyanki, and fears the Githyanki may have done something horrible to Aoil.
  • Just inside the cave, the Earth Genasi lead the party to an area that they have often used as a small camp while doing these scouting missions. It’s here, Dusk continues working on the repairs of his armor which took a hit from the fall. (See Session 86) DM Note – Dusk was absent this session, so explaining that his armor is now malfunctioning after the fall he and Sephrenia took, is an easy way to explain why he’s not partaking during the session.
  • It’s there, that the Earth Genasi, Terra, approaches Adrian and explains, “You should learn to fight a Dire Troll from a distance.” (See Session 86)
Terra, Earth Genasi and brash warrior
  • Adrian sighs, “It was my first time encountering one of those… so I wasn’t aware how powerful they were. Thanks for that tip,” he adds sarcastically
  • She laughs, “I prefer to get up close – so I respect that you did that. But those beasts have a natural healing ability – so weaking them from a distance is definitely the way to go.” She brandishes her great axe, and smiles, “I love to get into the fight right from the start myself. So I definitely like your style.”
  • Don smirks, “That’s why I stayed on the cliff and used the bow,” and pats Adrian on the back, where he still has a wound from the dire troll’s vicious attack. Adrian winces in pain.
  • During this time, Moonstone takes a look at Sephrenia who had taken a hard fall when she leapt off the cliff hoping Dusk would catch her. The hit she took has left her considerably dazed, as she seems to float in and out of consciousness. (See Session 86) – DM Note: Since Sephrenia had missed this session, explaining she has a head wound is an easy way to explain why she isn’t participating during this session.
  • Korra looks over at Moonstone tending to Sephrenia and explains, “When she is more coherent, she knows much more about the Githyanki – she’s had dreams or visions about them and their ‘serpent god.’ So when she comes to, she might have some more information that could be useful to you.”
  • Adrian says, “This is my first time encountering your kind – Earth Genasi – and Korra was the first Air Genasi I’d ever seen. I want to make sure there’s nothing I do or say that may offend you or your culture.”
  • Terra slaps Adrian on the back – exactly where Don had – and Adrian winces as Terra explains, “Our people are proud of our stone work. Just don’t make any snide remarks about that, and you should be fine. We’re otherwise,” she taps on her flesh, “very thick skinned, if you will.”
  • Adrian examines Terra’s armor and notices it bares a striking resemblance to his own; so it’s either adamantine or something similar and asks if there’s anyone who could look at his armor and do something with it.
  • Terra explains that the Dire Troll punched (clawed) a few gaps into it; but they should have someone that could look at it and perhaps even improve upon it
  • As the party and the Earth Genasi rebel scouts sit around, Adrian uses his ability to Create Food and Water spell to feed everyone and provide water
  • Adrian notices that the Earth Genasi wait for (Lady) Korra to get her food and drink first, since she is royalty (even if she’s from another Plane)
  • One by one, everyone falls asleep – and the watch rotates between Ria, Jasper, Delta, Mica, and Oxbow
  • The following morning, Moonstone explains they should make their way to Everstone Keep to speak to Lord Greymountain. Korra agrees and asks the others if they’re ready.
  • Don smiles and says, “Anything you command, princess.” And bows. Korra shoots daggers through her gaze at Don who only laughs and begins picking up his belongings
  • Continuing further down the cave, the Earth Genasi have set up several magical lanterns at the initial entrance into the cave that leads further down
  • As they progress deeper, the magical lanterns are no longer used, and darkness cloaks the cavern as no natural light seeps inside. It’s here that it’s clear that the Earth Genasi become visibly more nervous – looking about.
  • All too familiar with Piercers, Korra spots some scuttling about on the ceiling; both she and Don recall how where there are Piercers, there are undoubtedly Ropers as well – since Ropers are just full grown Piercers. And sure enough – there is one – but as they scanned the room – none of them were able to spot it – and it lashes out and snares Korra by the ankle and yanks her off her feet!
  • Adrian seeing Korra snared – feels the Paladin duty to protect her – Natural 20 on Initiative!
  • Adrian quickly cleaves away at the tendril – and manages to free Korra from the Roper
  • Adrian reaches down and helps Korra to her feet
  • Korra whispers words of arcane nature and then clenches her fist – which makes a rumbling sound – then when she opens it – a small diamond she had crushed and infused with thunder crackles as she hurls it at the Roper – striking it for heavy damage!
  • Don fires two shots – and both land hard hits – adding to it the Hunter’s Mark
  • Terra begins dashing towards the Roper shouting over her shoulder, “Come on, Paladin! What are you waiting for! It’s not a Dire Troll!”
  • Adrian sighs
  • The Roper seeing Terra rushing towards her – lashes out a tendril and pulls her off her feet and directly to it
  • Korra takes aim – her fingers glow – as Magic Missile flies from her finger tips, striking the Roper
  • Don fires his energy bow – and delivers more hard hitting shots to the Roper; however, due to the Roper’s body, it’s impossible to tell if the creature “is bloodied”
  • Despite being flailed about by the Roper, one of Terra’s strikes manages to hit
  • During the time of being flailed about, she shouts, “Are you going to do anything anytime soon, Paladin?”
  • The Roper then manages to bite into Terra, several times, and Moonstone screams in horror seeing blood spray everywhere. But she’s relieved to hear Terra’s gruff voice growl, “Ain’t dead yet, beast…” (DM Note: The Roper delivered a total of 103 hit points – Terra had 104 hit points!)
  • Adrian heaves a deep breath – calling on his goddess, Prenah, to help him strike true to save Terra – his blade strikes the Roper – and he feels the Divine Energy of his goddess radiate through his body, through his blade, and into the Roper, delivering the killing blow
  • Terra mutters, between bloody fits of coughing, “… about time, Paladin.”
  • When the Roper’s body explodes from the energy – Adrian notices several gems went flying out of the Roper’s body
  • The party recovers:
    • Six gems worth about 400 gold each
  • Don who went and got the gems hands them to Adrian who then puts them in the bag of holding he has
  • The party eventually gets to a part of the cave where they’re forced to crawl on their hands and needs and crawl in a single file
  • Despite the anxiety of crawling in this small cave, they do manage to make it to the other side, where Korra summons Rei, her skyfox.
  • As they emerge into a much larger cave, full of purple veins of gems crisscrossing all over the cave, Moonstone explains that this area is known as “the living cave.” She goes on to explain that veins of these crystals poke out all over the mountain – and refract the light of the sky into the depths down below – and something with the crystal creates an ultraviolet light-like effect that allows plants of all kinds to grow down here. She explains that everyone should be wary of the plants – often, the most beautiful and sweetly scented plants are that way to lure the unwary
The Living Cave
  • As the party progresses through the caves, they’re reminded of their time in the Shadow Vale, where similar plants were seen there (Scroll up to see the links for Sessions 14 through 41 – the party spent a long time beneath the mountain back then!)
  • As they travel through, Moonstone points out which plants to definitely stay away from, as many of them feed on humanoids, due to the lack of nutrients – they evolved to eating larger meat to sustain themselves
  • The party reaches an area of the cave that loses the purple light and becomes red
  • The room smells of iron and blood; and even the tip of their tongue seems to taste of blood
  • Terra explains that a great battle here – and that there was so much blood spilled here – that it’s seeped into the very stone itself
  • As they’re looking around, Korra spots an unusual looking plant admis the stones and they each seem out of place
  • Korra points them out to Don
  • Don tells everyone he’s familiar with them and they’re called Murder Magnolias (DM Note – He actually failed his check – but proceeded to make this up – and I had him roll a Persuasion check to see if the party buys it… and wouldn’t you know it…)
Natural 20!
  • He explains that they appear when there’s been bloodshed, they feast on the dead, and throw corpses (pretty close to accurate)
  • The party manages to successful stealth past the flowers without triggering them thanks to Don’s Ranger ability Pass Without Trace
  • They reach a small lake, where they decide to camp for the night.

To Be Continued.