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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
Galiena picks up Dearbhán, her faerie dragon who wraps himself around her neck, hiding mostly beneath her hair as Baldur and Aros wait for her downstairs in the White Fang tavern. She eventually makes her way down and the trio head for Lady Falsour’s – The Best Potion Shop – Ever. As soon as the trio enter, Lady Falsour greets them, “Oh, if it isn’t my favorite patrons!”
Lady Falsour explains that she’s managed to create twenty eight potions currently, though Whistle Leaf is getting more and more difficult to find. Lady Falsour offers each potion for 25 gold, since the party has helped get Whistling Leaf in the past. Galiena purchases 5 potions while Aros purchases 10. Lady Falsour asks where the party is headed, purchasing so many healing potions – and they explain they’re headed to Kaltore. Lady Falsour explains that Kaltore was once a mine town, that was the sight of a massive slaughter. The town had been run by a rather… eccentric cult.
Knowing that the walk there would be roughly four days, the party decides that they’d better find a way to get horses to cut that travel in half. Baldur explains that he’s rather walk – which is why he also didn’t purchase any potions – because he wants to make sure he has enough money for armor.
Galiena approaches Ramgor at The White Fang and asks him if they can borrow his horses and carriage, explaining that they’re going to Kaltore to try and get some steel (for armor) – she tells him, because she trusts him – but she knows there are those that undoubtedly serve the current lord of the island, Lord Brenmoon. As Galiena comes around the corner with Walter pulling the carriage – and Baldur shouts, “Walter! Good buddy!”

- Baldur rides up front and takes the reigns of the wagon. Aros sits up front with Baldur and looks back at Galiena and winks – so that she and Kavium are in the back of the wagon.
The party travels deep into the night, leaving Felhorn in the rearview as they head towards Kaltore. There’s plenty of bantering between Galiena offering to drive the wagon if Baldur would like to speak with Kavium about their dance moves (a reference to the previous session). Baldur explains that the pamphlet of Prenah was more than enough.
The night seems to go uneventful – until what the people of Felhorn refer to as the “Witching Hour” (10 PM, though impossible to tell the time since there is a constant darkness lingering over the island) – when an odd feeling washes over the island – and residents quickly seek shelter indoors if they’re wise. The entire party feels a piercing cold all around them that causes them slight discomfort (DM Note – They all passed their savings throw) – and can’t shake the feeling that they’re being watched (which, from what the party has learned is the same feeling everyone gets during the Witching Hour – though, for some – it can be so consuming that the individuals can show signs of insanity for the night, until it passes).
Feeling uneasy, Kavium takes this moment to make matters a little worse – as he begins sharing information about Kaltore. Kaltore was once Eagle Rock’s main access for any form of metals – whether steel, gold, copper – it all came from Kaltore’s mountains. Unfortunately, as Lady Falsour eluded to – the people who founded Kaltore were religious fanatics – but not of any of the Gods of Light – or even, Gods of Darkness. They all followed an unknown “god” that swore to them if they believed and followed – that he would guide them to riches – and this “god” spoke to their “prophet” – and led the town to what would become Kaltore – and had them begin mining – and, this “god” delivered – since they struck riches in gold, silver, platinum, and steel in the surrounding mountains. This only made them believe in this “god” even more, as Kaltore became a critical source of trade. Some people who traded with the people of Kaltore were often converted to worship this “god” – and those that dedicated their life to this god, gave up whatever life they had before – and moved to Kaltore to become a part of this growing religion.
However, he goes on to explain – after the disappearance of Lord Starfall, the new “Lord” of the island – Lord Brenmoon commanded his army to march into Kaltore and slaughter all that were there and to use Thunderwave to collapse all the mountains – so a small army of warriors and wizards – marched into Kaltore and began slaughtering the people. From what I heard – there were people in Kaltore who fought back – but Brenmoon’s army had reported back that much of the town seemed to have been abandoned already – as if they were aware of the coming attack. With those who fought – dead – the Wizards proceeded to use their magic to destroy all the entrances to the mining caves and left the town behind.
The town, Kavium adds, has a very, very distinct reputation for being very, very, very haunted. Kavium explains that even he had venture to Kaltore on his own – and even at the entrance of the town – he could feel it. There was a strong, powerful, and very vile presence all around him – and he opted to simply turn back and return to Felhorn, confirming that the town definitely seemed haunted.
Galiena asks how long Kavium has been here – and he explains he can’t really recall. But if counting by times he’s slept – he would say he was here roughly here about ten years. She then asks him about getting off the island – and where the people of Keltore might have disappeared to before the slaughter – and Kavium explains that the most common belief is that this “god” spirited the most faithful away.
Galiena thinks about this – because the only person she’s aware of that has been able to come and go is Mordak/Razathorn, according to the information given to them by Razathorn’s assistant, Reglar.
The party eventually reaches what appears to be a small look out post that butts up against a small stream – and after the odd feeling they had before – realize that they can fit the horse and carriage inside also – and it would make for a good place to stop for the night.
Galiena says this would be a great spot to “hide from the gnome riding wolves” – she says sarcastically staring at Baldur. Baldur adds, “I also don’t trust the trees,” he whispers. Baldur verifies that no one is inside the fort – but an attempt to open the door proves difficult as they are rusted. Aros stops looking at the “suspicious tree” as Baldur calls it and looks at Baldur to ask if he wants him to oil the lock. From the back of the wagon, Kavium shouts, “I have some body oil with me, if anyone needs it.”
“We’re fine,” Aros calls back shaking his head – stopping himself, just in time, from asking why Kavium has body oil on his person. Aros slides off and oils the doors – and despite that, Baldur still can’t open the door growling at Aros, “I thought you oiled these damn doors.”
“I did!” Aros growls.
“I think the oil is bad,” Baldur grumbles.
Aros gives the door a yank – and the door flies open (Natural 20), “Told you I oiled it.”
“I loosened it,” Baldur grumbles as he climbs back into the wagon.
Baldur tries to back the wagon into the small fort – however, from keeping his eye on the “suspicious tree” – he fails to hear Galiena shouting, “You’re off the track! You’re off the track!” And the back of the wagon plunges into the water – and both Galiena and Kavium fail to get out of the wagon in time and are thrown in the the green waters of the lake.
Kavium and Galiena find themselves dealing with aquatic rot grub swarms that live in the water, but they prove to be very little of an issue as they rot grub isn’t able to penetrate the clothing and armor being worn by Kavium and Galiena, before they make it to shore, with Galiena shouting at Baldur about not paying attention. After a few more tries, Baldur is able to back to wagon into the tower successfully.
Inside the tower, there’s just stone benches and where there were undoubtedly beds, but they’re decayed and falling apart. In the center is stairs that goes up. The wall is lined with sconces for torches – but none of the sconces have any torches in them. When they enter the small tower – Kavium explains there’s an unusual cold about this place.
Baldur explains that’s probably because Kavium’s wet from falling into the water. Kavium shakes his head, and says that it’s something else. Galiena gets the feed from the side of the wagon, thankful that it’s not wet – and feeds Walter. As she feeds Walter she blames Baldur and explains that it clearly wasn’t Walter’s fault.
After feeding Walter, Aros explains they should go up to the top – so they can took a look around. Baldur climbs up – he reaches another rusted door – and as he gives it a shove, he realizes the watery area has rusted the hinges. Baldur calls back, “I can use some lubrication up here.”
“I still have the body oil,” Kavium calls back, “for all the lubrication needs.”
Aros shakes his head, “I got this.” And climbs up and oils the hinge and Baldur climbs gives it a shove and it opens. Climbing out – he sees an unusual branch that seems to almost be shaped like something… unable to determine what it is – this human sized tree branch, Baldur shrugs, “I think I found us some firewood.”

Baldur tries to nudge Galiena forward, “You’re a druid. Go do your druid thing.”
“I am a Warlock first,” Galiena growls, but proceeds to move forward. As she examines the branch – she notes – it’s not a rotting branch – but rather, a rotting corpse – the flesh, having turned leathery – and the skin having a tree bark like appearance. Kavium suddenly shouts, “Wait – she’s undead.”
And at that moment – a banshee rises from the branch…
The spirit, a female – her voice chaotic sounding – as if trapped between worlds, asks, “Where is Zedvar?”
Baldur shrugs, “He’s not here right now.”
Alyson Rainscribe says, “I can not see Zedvar. Where is he?”
Baldur answers, “Yeah, because he’s not here. So I don’t know where he is.”
Alyson then says, “I need my necklace. I am bound here. Waiting for Zedvar.”
“Can you describe your necklace?” Galiena asks.
“A golden necklace, with a diamond, and it had my name,” Alyson explains.
“Were you wearing it?” Galiena asks.
“No, I had to run,” she explains.
“Run? From where?” Galiena asks.
“I had to flee from Kaltore,” the spirit explains.
“Why were you running?” Galiena asks.
“I had to flee from the men who came to slaughter,” the spirit whispers.
“How were you warned?” Galiena asks.
“The god spoke to the priest, warned him how he heard and saw Lord Brenmoon’s men marching through the roots,” the spirit says.
“Who was Zedvar?” Galiena asks.
“He was a jeweler, he was my husband,” the spirit explains.
After awhile the party watches as the Banshee returns to the branch. The party heads back down – a few hours later – they hear her rise up again – hearing her say, “Where is Zedvar? I can’t see him.”
Galiena and Kavium explain that they need to get some firewood – because burning the Banshee’s body is out of the question. Galiena explains that since Baldur is why she and Kavium are wet – that he should be the one to go out and find firewood. Baldur winks and says, “I know you two want some alone time. Come on, Aros.”
Baldur and Aros begin looking for firewood – and Baldur finds some small branches, but he also spots a flickering light deeper in the woods. They creepy closer – and see four humans huddled around a small camp fire with equipment around them. Baldur points to Aros, and whispers, “Do you think we can handle them if it goes wrong?”
Aros nods and smiles. Aros stealths and approaches the four humans, and overhears one of them muttering that there isn’t much in the way off food out in the woods lately. Aros signals Baldur – and while trying to signal Baldur, tries to bat away some insects in his face – and Baldur isn’t sure exactly what he’s saying – perhaps labeling the two on the left are good, and the two on the right are bad. Baldur approaches the four humans and waves at them as he approaches.
The four men leap to their feet, “Whoa, who are you? What are you doing?”
“Hello, I am here,” Baldur explains. “My friends are behind me. What are you guys doing out here?”
“We’re mining the town,” one of them points behind him, in the general direction of Kaltore. “We just need to get out before the Witching Hour. It’s not even safe before the Witching Hour… but if the Witching Hour strikes… it’s bad…”
“Yeah,” Baldur shrugs. “My stomach got upset a little while ago.”
“So where are you and your friends staying out here tonight?” one of the men asks, wiping dirt from his face.
“Back at that small fort thing on the side of the road, next to the stream,” Baldur answers.
“There? Really? We went there… and we got… a really bad feeling… it was unnaturally cold there,” one of them says.
“Oh yeah, that’s because of the spirit that lives – well, exists, I guess – on the top,” Baldur explains.
“A spirit?” one of the men pales.
“Yeah, she’s wanting something from the mining town,” Baldur explains. “We’re headed that way anyway. So we’re going to try to help her.”
Back at the fort, Kavium says, “Well, they’ve gone over a hill. I can’t see either of them anymore.”
“Leave it to those two to go out of eyesight,” Galiena shrinks. “We might need to get ready to move if we hear shouting. Just so you’re aware there was a time that Baldur once led us in circles before – more than once.” Galiena looks at her dress and sighs, “And this is a new dress.”
“We can wash it,” Kavium smiles.
Galiena smirks and shakes her head. “It’s too cold to be out of clothes.”
“I know how to stay warm,” Kavium smirks.
Galiena looks at the Banshee looking over the ledge towards Kaltore. “Where could we find your necklace,” she asks, changing the subject.
“It was on the dresser of my home,” Alyson recalls.
“Do you remember the name of your god?”
“He called himself the Sovereign – his true name was Dalasmon.”
“Do you know a wizard named Razathorn?” Galiena asks.
“I did – he was a powerful wizard. He knew of the Sovereign, because of his study of Necromancy,” Alyson whispers.
Galiena turns to Kavium, “What do you know of the undead?”
Kavium shakes his head, “The entire island is cursed. Even among the living I sense death.”
Galiena turns towards Alyson again, “This Sovereign – he led the people of Kaltore there… to begin mining. Was there something the Sovereign sought? Did he expect the people to uncover precious metals as a part of a sacrifice?”
“A stone,” Alyson explains, “was found with… life energy. It was placed in the center of town… said to be able to return lost souls back to the body… but I see now, there was a cost… it would demand the soul of someone innocent and pure, willing to die… it was a fractured piece of adamantine stone… from a war before… smuggled here… magic… vile… I am not sure why the Sovereign wanted this stone…”
“Sacrifices?” Kavium asks, the tale growing darker.
“We gave ourselves to the roots,” Alyson explains.
“What do you mean you gave yourself to the roots,” Galiena asks.
“Our souls were siphoned into the Sovereign… We became one with the roots… we grew as the Sovereign’s protectors…” Alyson says.
Kavium shakes his head and whispers, “That would explain it,” he tells Galiena. “Her skin – the way she looked – she looked like a dead tree branch up here… what if… what if that’s what she’d become by giving herself to the roots. The eyes… when you get into the town… You feel like you’re being watched… and what if you are… the Sovereign’s protectors… people who became trees?”
Back with Baldur and the four men…
The four men enjoy Baldur’s company, and begin drinking old, wine. Baldur excuses himself and explains he needs to get back to getting firewood, and one of the men explains that as long as everyone stays out of each other’s way – everything should be fine.
Baldur asks if they know which mine is best for getting iron, and one of them explains that iron is in the southern mine – and the four men are looting gold and silver in the northern mine. One of the men explains that he has to use the restroom as quickly as he can.
As Baldur stands and looks – he notices that the three present men seem to be on edge, and just then the fourth one makes himself known – that he’s not just a human – he’s a wererat – and the other three begin to change their form as well.
Baldur is quickly able to kill the first one who had feigned to go to the restroom, while the others quickly changed and rushed towards Baldur. However, the three remaining wererats are unaware that Aros is in the shadows – and he leaps onto the back of one of them – plunging his magic weapon Lycan Blade deep into the ear of one of them – and backflips back into the shrubbery – as one of them falls over dead.
One of the wererats lunges forward – and Baldur attempts to hit it (Critical Fail), due to the blood running down the pole – and it slips out of his hand (Critical Fail on Dexterity check, as well!) and the spear goes flying out of his hand. Baldur then quickly mutters the words that allow him to cast Toll the Dead. One of the wererats brings its claws into Baldur’s side. A brief moment later, the remaining wererats are slain – save for one, who quickly flees – and Baldur recovers his spear and says, “Well, I guess we can take their firewood. And look, they have some mining supplies.” Together, they also recover 60 gold on the three bodies, so they split it 30 gold each.
Baldur and Aros return to the small fort with firewood and mining equipment, and cuts and scratches. Seeing them Galiena shakes her head, “Do I even want to know?”
“Ran into some really big rats,” Baldur smirks.
“Katelyn might be a little suspicious of those marks, they look very familiar,” Galiena smirks.
Baldur then explains the entire encounter with the men who turned into wererats.
They party makes a fire at the top of the fort to keep warm, and keep watch – and eventually all of them manage to get a long rest. The following morning day, the party exits and rides – they come across two tree houses on each side of the road – and they know they’re near Kaltore.
Kavium explains these were formerly guard towers and notes the way the roots of the trees weave around – and recalls Alyson’s words about “giving them themselves to the roots” and their sacrifices. Kavium and Baldur each race up the ladder on opposing sides of the road to examine the tree house. Aros quickly scampers after Baldur while winking at Galiena so she can go up the same tree as Kavium. She shoots him a playful scowl and spins on her heels and begins walking towards the tree which Kavium entered.
There are a number of skeletons inside the tree forts – and Galiena is able to determine that none of them have any wounds on them – and it appears – whatever happened – they all seemed to have died at the same time – and by something that left no mark on them. The bones are not cracked or broken, nothing is burned. Aros climbs on Baldur’s shoulder and as they peer out the western window towards Kaltore, they can see the mountain range – and the city of Kaltore – and they’re shocked to see as if nature itself has tried to reclaim the haunted city… creating an eerie look…
Baldur looks out at the town and shakes his head. He goes to the other side and shouts to Galiena and Kavium about the town – but something in the woods seems to be draining their voices. Galiena shouts that there’s a large stone in the middle of town – and Baldur only hears something about large stone and points to the mountain and shouts back, “It’s called a mountain, Galiena! You nearly fell to your death from one.”
A time comes when an eerie feeling washes over the party – and Baldur realizes, this is what the wererats meant – that odd feeling. He peers out towards Kaltore and sees a fog descend from the mountains – and yet the way it moves is not natural… it’s almost as if it’s searching – and he sees the roots of the town react to it. He’s not even sure what to make of what he’s just witnessed.
The party makes their way down from the tree forts and get back in the wagon and head into the town. Galiena and Kavium notices that the texture of the massive roots don’t look like tree bark – but rather, flesh. This brings back Alyson’s words again about sacrifices… and giving them to the roots…
At that moment, the wagon enters the town and hits a ridge – and Aros looks down and sees a large stone cobblestone in a massive shape – and as he looks up to tell Baldur – he sees that Baldur has brought the wagon to a halt.
“What’s wrong? Did you notice that thing we ran over?” Aros asks.
“No, that,” Baldur points to ten cultists – and sees a demon that appears to be undead. (This undead demon is reference to a cult found here – ironically where the tree’s sap is composed of blood).
One of the cultists points to Baldur and whispers, “Stop.” And Baldur suddenly feels compelled to stop the wagon. The second cultist laughs, “Dance,” as he points to Aros – and Aros suddenly feels compelled to dance.
One of the cultists approaches Aros and places his hand on his shoulder and casts Inflict Wounds (doing 17 points of damage!) Baldur in the meantime breaks free of the hold and casts Shield of Faith on himself – and tries to spear one of the cultists and misses. Aros now free of the command plunges the dagger into the chest of the cultist who had inflicted him with the searing pain.
The undead demon lunges forward – choosing to try and eat Baldur. Baldur hits him with his spear, which doesn’t deal any damage – but the undead creature hits for maximum damage (which isn’t much) and then bites (also landing a hit). Kavium speaks of Prenah and her love and begins Conquering Presence – which manages to make the undead demon creature suddenly seems disturbed by Kavium’s presence, but the cultists are unaffected, unswayed by their dark beliefs.
Dearbhán puffs his magical breath into the undead creature’s face – and despite not having lungs, the creature is impacted – and can do nothing (on its turn) except make a savings throw against the faerie dragon’s magical breath. Two cultists see Galiena and Kavium and try to command them to stop – but both of them succeed their savings throw. Galiena explains, “Now you see why these ‘dates’ run so long?”
“So fighting undead monkey things is normal?” Kavium chuckles.
“For us, yes,” Galiena sighs.
The battle continues – with the party getting very wounded – and finally defeats the cultists and the “undead monkey” – upon the destruction of the undead monkey creature – a visage of a woman appears – and extends a rose to Galiena who had used Moonbeam to destroy the undead monkey creature – and Galiena recognizes the woman as Lady Valen Tyne. And Galiena knows to plunge the rose into the remains of the undead monkey’s ashes, preventing it forever from returning.
Lady Valen Tyne was made because this session was right near Valentine’s Day.