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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Current NPCs traveling with the party:
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29 and Adventure 30.
- After defeating the Wraith, a sense of ease settled in the Courtyard
- Adrian used his Divine Sense and detected the presence of a demon
- The party is able to spot the demon who is perched on one of the fallen stones and decides that they will want to question the demon to find out more about the “Shimmering Woman” visage they saw speaking to the Bugbear Chief, then the demon

- Morsus explains he can speak Abyssal and that perhaps speaking to it may be an option
- Ragnaroc casts Mage Armor on himself as Morsus shouts in Abyssal to the demon, “Hey! Who is your girlfriend!”
- This reveals the presence of the party, which the Vrock takes to the air and lands in front of Morsus, initiating combat!
- Ragnaroc quickly hits it with Eldritch Blast and strikes it harder
- Morsus casts Spirital Weapon and manages to land a Critical Strike
- The Vrock attempts to attack Morsus and misses both times (claw and beak)
- So instead, it vomits a toxic cloud, which only manages to poison Ragnaroc
- However, the toxin does kill Morsus’ bat familiar
- Adrian quickly attacks with Demonbane and when hitting, invokes his Divine Smite
- Sephrenia casts Sacred Flame which the Vrock manages to avoid
- Korra uses her shortbow to try and strike the Vrock, using poison tipped arrows
- She notices that the arrow doesn’t penetrate the hide of the Vrock very well
- And also that the poison doesn’t seem to invoke any damage
- Morsus attempts to cast Faerie Fire on the Vrock but the Vrock quickly avoids the effect
- The Vrock, after being hit by Demonbane is all too familiar with the enchantment on the blade and turns its attention on Adrian and attempts to rake and bite him, missing
- So it once again, turns to something else – releasing a horrid screech – which strikes fear into Korra and Sephrenia, paralyzing them for an entire round
- The battle continues, and the Vrock is finally able to strike Adrian twice, inflicting serious damage
- This forces Adrian to use one of his bonus actions to quaff one of the potions he has
- Sephrenia notices that despite the potion’s help, Adrian is still bleeding excessively, however she uses Sacred Flame and manages to hit the Vrock for some damage
- Still wounded from the previous fights, Ragnaroc sees how much damage the Vrock inflicted on Adrian and decides to quaff a potion as well
- Adrian uses a Protection spell that causes the Vrock to attack at Disadvantage, but it still manages to hit and inflict yet more damage
- However, the party begins to wear down the Vrock between all of them, and Adrian shouts to subdue the Vrock
- It takes the combined efforts of Don, Korra and Morsus to successfully bind the Vrock which is a large fiend
- Adrian casts Zone of Truth which the Vrock makes two attempts to resist, but fails to do so
- Morsus approaches the creature and asks:
- Why are you here? And it responds with “Revenge.”
- Why do you seek Revenge? And it responds, “The sisters seek revenge.”
- Why do the Sisters seek revenge? And it looks at Morsus and Adrian and answers, “You and you have killed one of them. Now the others want your souls. The rest of you they don’t care about.”
- Don asks it (also speaking Abyssal), “Are you working with or for the Sisters?”
- The Vrock responds, “For. They have killed a great demon and gained great power. They now bind me with their new found magic.”
- Morsus says, “Help us help you. We can free you from the hags. How do we find them?”
- The Vrock responds, “You must go into the Feywild to find them.”
- Morsus asks, “Is there a nearby portal?” It responds, “The closest one is in Redstone, if you don’t have the means to open a portal.” It looks over the party and says, “And clearly none of you are that powerful.”
- Adrian shares with the others, about the fight with the hag that he and Morsus were a part of and how they’d been manipulated
- Morsus asks, “How many ‘Sisters’ are there?”
- It responds “There are three sisters – Krizana, Janara, and Maylara.”
- Adrian rolls a Natural 20 on Arcana – and recalls, after fighting the Green Hag, he’d done some reading on hags in the shattered ruins of the library in Spire’s Edge, and some memory of his teachings in the Church about the vile magics of hags; that if there are three hags working together, they form a Coven, which increases the hags’ powers exponentially
- Morsus asks if the Green Hag they killed was one of the three, and the Vrock clarifies, that is not the case – there are three hags who have bound him that he’s aware of
- Morsus asks, “You mentioned the Feywild. How do we find them?”
- It responds, “When you enter the Feywild from Redstone, you will be in a swamp. Look for the wood cabin.”
- Morsus asks if there’s anything they need to be careful of in the swamp and the Vrock only laughs
- Morsus asks if there’s a way to kill them, and the Vrock says, “No. The demon that fought them has been slain – they have great power now.”
- It responds “There are three sisters – Krizana, Janara, and Maylara.”
- Having gathered all they think they need, the party severs the head of the Vrock, whose body collapses forward, and green, ichor blood seeps from the vulture like neck onto the ground, sizzling as it makes contain with the air and soil
- The party goes back to where the Wraith had slain Ms. Claws, recovers the blades and drags them back to Pren – who says, once this business with the Drow is done, they can return to the kingdom now that the old Courtyard’s “dark presence” has been removed and they can begin reclaiming the bodies and matching them with the blades and burying them
- Pren then also notices the crown of the Wraith that Morsus had took to wearing and explains that the crown belongs to Varak Froststorm, King – King Varak Froststorm ruled Thoriden below Blue Mountain for over one hundred years, and was well liked and well respected by everyone. He was thought to be extremely fair and kind to both the rich and the poor, doing what he could to elevate lesser known families in the Dwarven Kingdom. His rule came to an end when the evil green dragon, Emereth appeared and attacked the dwarven underground kingdom, claiming the fallen courtyard as her resting place for nearly seventy years. King Varak was a born warrior and did not cower behind his throne – he ran out, alongside his soldiers and perished in the battle against Emereth, leaving behind a single heir to rule at the throne – Thariak Froststorm.
- The party worn and tired and out of sleep slots, decides they will march to the Azer to get some rest, but along the way are attacked by four Ettercaps

- The fight with the Ettercaps proves to be a quick one as the party easily defeats them, and Don is able to salvage some poison to give to Korra (x10 uses of Ettercap poison, but also did manage to poison himself with a Critical Fail on one of them)
- The party finally reaches the Azer where they sleep for the night, gaining the benefits of a long rest
- The following morning, Adrian summons Ms. Claws and Morsus summons up his bat familiar yet again
- The party then heads for Nor’Orn – however, along the way overhear some people talking – and discover four Drow soldiers searching in the shrubbery – and notice one of them has an empty leash in his hands

- The party confronts the Drow and manages to take down three of them relatively quickly
- However, the fourth one casts Darkness which Adrian was the only one out of range
- This left the others lost in the Darkness spell with Sephrenia and Ragnaroc colliding into one another; Korra was able to use her racial ability to levitate herself, and Don managed to use his dexterity to successfully get out of the darkness
- The party eventually kills the last Drow and Adrian sends Ms. Claws to look for what the Drow were looking for
- Korra takes two of the Drow hand crossbows and bolts as inventory
- Ms. Claws wags her tail indicating she’s caught the scent of something
- However – what she’s found in the bust attacks her – dealing some significant necrotic damage
- The creature leaps out, in an attempt to defend itself – revealing a creature none of them have seen before!
- As the party attacks the creature, a rustling sound is heard and a giant honey badger joins the fight

- Just before the unusual creature is slain by Ragnaroc’s powerful Eldritch Blasts it looks at Adrian pleadingly and says into his mind, “The Coven is after you.”
- Adrian shouts the warning that it’s talking into his head – but Ragnaroc kills it before it can be stopped
- Morsus, after Adrian shares that, explains that perhaps the unusual beast may have had some useful information after all
- The party reaches Nor’Orn and gives him the ingredients that he’d asked them to get
- Nor’Orn is excited and explains now they must go to Doomsilk and fight him – well, the party will fight him – while Nor’Orn works on countering the poison
- Nor’Orn is unusually excited – and says he will be back – he summons Glider, and says he will go get his friend
- Nor’Orn arrives back with a creature that the party recognizes that they’d encountered by the wagon before coming into the cavern

- Nor’Orn assures his friend that the party are allies; and Nor’Orn can barely contain his excitement about taking the fight to Doomsilk!
And this is where we ended this session!