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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Rubber Ducky of Inspiration
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- Kavium – NPC, Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Conquest)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin – Missed this session – Was partaking in a World of Darkness – Vampire the Masquerade game
- Khor’taur – Dragon Spirit inside the Dracospear
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
- In the kobold village, the party sees that Chief Kril truly has made things better for the kobolds
- Proper leathers which were exchanged from Greenhaven for Whistling Leaf were used both as clothing as well as tarps over the roofs of the huts within the kobold village providing better protection against the rain
- Several baskets were around, full of fruit, also trades from Greenhaven for the Whistling Leaf the kobolds fetched for them in exchange
- Chief Kril had also taught his warriors how to improve and make better spears; and showed them how to use the tanned leathers as a form of armor as well
- It was rather impressive how much Chief Kril’s leadership brought to the kobold encampment; no longer were they aimless, bumbling kobolds, whose original leader was addicted to the puffing breath of the fairy dragon they’d captured (now as Galiena’s pet)
- Aros asks if there’s anyone Chief Kril can spare to act as a guide; however, Chief Kril explains they’ve lost a few men recently due to a monster near the Whistling Leaf; the party asks for details and he describes a large, plant creature – the Shambling Mound! Instead, Chief Kril offers the party the same map he’d provided them before – that had the den of the catoblepas marked (See Session 24)

- Chief Kril mentions the red lines are dry areas; except during rain season; rain season sinks the dry areas and they need to redo the map since those dry areas may wash away and become new dry areas elsewhere on the map. He notes that the green patch in the middle is the whistling leaf patch; the cave and skull are of course, the former den of the catoblepas that the party helped defeat
- Chief Kril warns to try and stay on the dry area, because there are plants known as assassin vines which live in the swamp; they lure people and animals, with the beautiful and very nicely scented flowers
- Following the map – Aros, who has it – gets distracted – and loses the path briefly – but it’s long enough for him to notice – too late – that he’s just stepped into a nest of assassin vines, which immediately react to pull Aros underwater while constricting around him
- Thankfully, with Kavium’s arms around Galiena’s waist (just where he loves his hands) and with his help, they’re able to pull Aros free of the Assassin Vines and quickly escape
- Galiena frees Darko from her bag – and he emerges – disappointed to see no prisoners for him to possess – and once again – finding himself in an odd setting – he begins yelling and asking why they’re in a swamp. Galiena explains the situation and asks Darko if he knows anything able Shambling Mounds.

- Galiena then realizes she can cast Water Walking as a Ritual which would save a spell slot – but she’d need the time to cast it
- The party finds a larger land mass to allow her to sit down to cast; Kavium, Darko and Aros keep watch – and it’s not long before something has come for them!
- Four Bullywugs leap out and surprise the party!
- As combat begins – the party knows they have to let Galiena finish casting her spell – if she engages in combat too – the sounds of this fight are bound to attract more attention

- The party fights off the Bullywug – and makes quick work of the humanoids who had thought they found an easy target
- Galiena is able to complete her Ritual spell, which allows herself, Aros and Kavium to easily avoid getting levels of exhaustion as the swamp seems to try and pull at each of their feet, making the effort of trudging through the swamp an exhausting effort as it becomes more and more complicated to have the strength to pull their legs out of the mud and murky waters
- With Galiena’s spell – traveling the swamp becomes much easier and they’re able to reach the Whistle Leaf patch with no problem – and that’s when they see a towering ten foot figure of the Shambling Mound rising up; detecting a threat…