Apostrophe Origin

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Apostrophe grew up among the high mountain peaks of The Spine Mountains, among the rest of his tribe of the Kalem-Venn (Of Stone And Sky) clan. Like all Goliaths, he had no interest in the world below that dealt with the humanoids, such as Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Half-Men.

But in the year, 1110 – something changed. The very air, even at the peaks of the Spine Mountains, had changed. The scent of death, like nothing before, lingered heavily in the air. Something in the world had changed, and swayed the balance between life and death, in favor of death. But this was not a natural death. This was foul, and even among the goliaths, they could taste in the air, and in their food and in their drink.

Scouts were sent down to investigate what was going on and returned a few short years later to report of a great war that was happening among the mortals. An Ancient Elf – by the name of The Ashen Elf – had raised a great army of undead in order to fight against the Orcs – specifically a large band of Orcs known as the Broken Hand.

In the year 1124, something even more bizarre happened. The scent of death had faded, and suddenly portals in the heavens opened everywhere, and dragons of all colors and metal poured through them, once again, re-entering the world of Kne’Urth.

Apostrophe knew that, according to the shamans of his tribe, that dragons once lived and ruled all across the lands, just before the battle with the gods spread across the lands. Somehow the dragons had been tricked into fleeing; where they were imprisoned, and cut off from the world.

How had they come back? What kind of omen was this?

The answer would come in the form of an ancient Silver Dragon named Rowdayne. While normally not one to be impressed by anything of any size, Apostrophe’s tribe was in awe of the majestic beast. Rowdayne explained that the world was still in great danger – that the Chromatic Dragons would settle in the world, but they would soon seek to find a way to bring back Tyhamat, the Goddess of Doom – a five headed, Chromatic Dragon.

Rowdayne became an honorary member of the Kalem-Venn tribe, staying there with them through the cold winters, and departing during the summers. Rowdayne spent time with Apostrophe and taught him the way of the Gathered, focusing on the gods of light. One hot summer, Rowdayne returned, severely injured and claimed that an ancient foe of his, an ancient female green dragon named Emereth, had ambushed him.

Apostrophe took it upon himself to track down Emereth to exact revenge for harming someone that the Goliath’s highly regarded as a special guest member of their tribe. Apostrophe began his descent down the Spine Mountains and in 1136, heard news that Emereth had traveled across the seas, to a new continent, where she continued her reign of terror.

He eventually reached a port city, and booked passage aboard the Wave Hammer.