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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger) – Absent this session
- Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – Absent this session
- Zeebuzz, Guide from Gnomewhere (‘3PO type personality)
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC) – on board the Spelljammer working on the captured Spelljammer
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
BusinessmanRogue, NPC) – on board the Spelljammer working on the captured Spelljammer
- Spelljammer Crew:
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard) – Absent This Session – Officially considered out of the game, and as such regarding as an NPC flying the party’s Spelljammer
- Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
- Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
- Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
- Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
- Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
- Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
- Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
- Earth Genasi Rebels:
- Adrian seeing that Sephrenia doesn’t have any winter clothing, decides to give her his while he dons the ugly winter sweater he’d gotten from Nikalos (back in Session 79) – DM Note: I checked after the session and she did have Winter Clothing; however, just going to explain it away as she’d forgotten about it due to her previous head wound she got back in Session 86, and was used to explain the few sessions the player had missed after that.
- As Adrian throws his winter clothes to Sephrenia behind him somewhere – the clothes land on Korra’s face, obscuring her view (which will explain her loss of turn for the first round due to a critical fail)
- Don slips into unconscious as Elevation Sickness overcomes him (DM Note – This is just a way to excuse why his character takes no actions, as he missed this session)
- The Frost Giant then grabs a large stone and hits Sephrenia, and then takes a second boulder at Adrian – striking both of them!
- Terra rushes forward, towards the Frost Giant, shouting over her shoulder, “Come on, Paladin! Glory calls to us!” Adrian shouts back, as he slides on his ugly sweater, “I’ll be there in a minute!” And then he casts Shield of Faith.
- Sephrenia casts Mass Healing Word
- Moonstone reaches over to Korra and touches her and whispers a prayer giving Korra Freedom of Movement
- The Frost Giant cleaves into Terra, spraying the Earth Genasi’s blood everywhere (and from Terra, Adrian hears, “Any day now, Paladin!”)
- Sephrenia knows that if Terra has any hope of surviving, she must call on one of her more powerful spells and casts Heal on her
- From up in the battle, Terra’s voice can be heard shouting back, “Thanks, Moony!” (Assuming it was Moonstone who healed her; or knowing it was Sephrenia and simply yanking her chain). Sephrenia snarls loudly and shouts, “It was me!” But Terra doesn’t hear her or at least pretends to have not heard her, in the heat of battle
- Korra fires her crossbow and lands a hit – adding additional damage since Terra is next to the Frost Giant
- Terra manages to land a Critical Strike, but that’s immediately followed up with a Critical Fail on her second attack…
- As combat goes on, Critical Fails would continue to haunt Terra…
- Sephrenia decides to use the Banish spell and the Frost Giant disappears; the party rushes into the cave where they see Stonesight had been tied up and badly beaten. The party unties him and just then they hear a lot pop behind them as the Frost Giant reappears after a minute being native to the Plane of Earth.
- However, with Stonesight freed from the ropes, he is able to join in the battle! He picks up a boulder and says, “I wish it had not come to this, Kreela’kath!” and throws the massive boulder at her – and… lands… Natural 20!
- Sephrenia, during this time, whispers the prayer and unleashes Guardian of Faith, which the stunned frost giant, critically fails at saving against…
- A spectral image of Nifika, goddess of elves and magic, suddenly appears, opens her palm – and a massive spear appears in her hand – she grips it with both hands and shoves it through all three heads of the Frost Giant, and with incredible force decapitates the frost giant, Kreela’kath, who them slumps to the ground dead.
- Stonesight goes to her corpse and places his hand on her center head and whispers, “May you find the peace you were long denied, Kreela’kath…”
- The party gains Inspiration for saving Stonesight.
- The party heads back into Stonesight’s cave, where he explains that Kreela’kath had come seeking to find out who would sit as High King/Queen for the Echelon.
- When he mentions the Echelon – Korra has heard of it, but not clear on the details. Sephrenia has definitely heard and knows – that long ago, the Titans (also known as Immortals) from Aftgrand entered Kne’Urth and the other Planes, to investigate and report back to the gods. However, when the Shadow Gods found a way into Aftgrand, the gods were forced to seal the portal trapping these Titans on the world, who became known as Empyreans (as their powers decreased, being cut off from the gods). These Empyreans who bore children on Kne’Urth found out their offspring were further diluted in power, and became known as giants. The Empyreans who cared little for mortals and were more concerned about returning to the gods found that their children, the giants, were more curious about mortals – and often fought over ruling them. To establish a sense of order, the Giants developed the Echelon, where tribes of giants gather, under a zone of peace, to discuss who shall be the next High King or High Queen to rule the Echelon. The giants attempt to rotate the various types of giants who have this honor to ensure that all giants are represented. The High King/Queen has a council of several of the must trusted giants from the various giant-kin to speak to and learn what the others may wish of the High King/Queen. However, there were some who despised the Echelon and often attempted to disrupt it – finding themselves forever cursed by the combined forces of the giants who sought to maintain the order of the Echelon.
- Stonesight explains that Kreela’kath was from one of those tribes who rebelled against the Echelon and was cursed – as you can see with her heads – all of which never rested, always wanting to fight. He explains that she had captured him in hopes of learning who might sit next on the seat of the High King/Queen, simply so she could murder them and cause chaos in the Echelon.
- He turns to the party, “But that is not why you’re here. Tell me, why have you climbed so high to speak to me?”
- Sephrenia says, “We want to know if you have any information about the Githyanki.”
- Stonesight reaches into his cave and pulls out a large bag and spills out bones onto the floor and spreads them around while muttering what is undoubtedly the Giant language, before pausing and saying, “The bones, they speak to me. I see here, the eye socket of the bear… this means, you seek the sphere… the sphere who has planted many lies, and created much chaos as he seeks to ascend… he has planted lies into the elven ears of the Githyanki… he promises to bring their serpent god, according to this rib bone, into the world – see how it jaunts outward lying on the floor? He has lied and said he will bring this serpent god into the world – but, look – see how that bone touches this one here that is broken? This symbolizes broken vows… the sphere lies to the serpent elves.”
- “What can we do to stop them?” Korra asks
- Stonesight picks up all the bones and places them into the bag and shakes the bag violently, again, chanting in the Giant tongue, before pouring them out onto the floor. He looks shocked for a moment, as he moves some of the bones, “See here, how the claws of the six bears are furthest out from the other bones… this is someone willing to lend a hand… no, wait, I see… no… it can’t be…” He looks up, “Do you know who Karvus is?”
- Korra nods, “He is a legend. He’s not real.”
- Stonesight smiles, “Ah, but legends are often born of truth. Karvus is very real. Perhaps some of the variations of the stories have been exaggerated, but Karvus as a being was quite real.”
- Stonesight continues, “He was supposedly an Empyrean on these mortal planes who was so fearless he drew the attention of Arikreel, the God of Strength. The stories and,” he looks at Korra, “legends, if you are to say they’re such – claim that he and Arikreel not only fought endless hordes of demons and demon lords – but Karvus, despite not being a deity never faltered – never cowered, never showed any sign of fear. However, he was, in the end, still mortal because he had been cut off from Aftgrand… and as such, as fearless as one is, being mortal means it only takes one lucky strike to sever the mortal coil. However, the Sisters of Fate, who watched Karvus – when his thread was cut – his thread was gathered by the sisters and placed into the Wheel again. His essence is still on the mortal plane, waiting to be awakened again.”
- Korra looks to the others, “They called him Karvus, the one hundred handed warrior, because he cut through so many enemies so quickly.”
- “Where would we find him?” Moonstone asked
- “He’s everywhere,” Stonesight smiled, gesturing widely with his arms. “And by that,” he adds after a moment, “I mean – you must awaken him. First, you must find his eyes, so that he can see the world and see the enemy. These are two, large, red rubies now in the possession of a Githyanki Cleric of the Serpent God. They are nearby… Find them to begin the Awakening.”
- He pauses, and stirs the bones, “You must also find his breath again – to fill his lungs and give him life – that can be found in the Plane of Air. But Karvus – he was a great warrior – he will need the fire that burned in his heart – which can be found on the Plane of Fire. Take these three things to the Plane of Water, where you will need to find Karvus’ final resting place and awaken him. Then he will rise again and aid you against the battle that is coming before you.”
- Korra asks, “What do you know of the dragon, Aoil the Emerald Dragon? And where he has disappeared to?”
- Stonesight picks up the bones, places them in the bag and gives it another good shake and spills the contents onto the floor again. “Ah, yes, see there how some thread wraps around those bones there? Aoil is captured. Held down. But see how that rib cage arcs over the threaded bone? He is underground somewhere – nets, of some kind, prevent him from flying. Seek him in the shadows of darkness and you can free Aoil.”
- “And Kvars, the Topaz Dragon serving the Githyanki?” Moonstone asks
- Stonesight doesn’t pick up the stones. “Intwined,” he points to two bones laying over one another. “Kvars serves the Githyanki… but it’s not clear why… see how the intwined bones are easily swaying from side to side… Kvars could be swayed…”
- He gathers his bones and looks at the party. “That is all I can tell you. I grow weary. Stay here in the warmth and safety of my cave. I will keep watch tonight.”
- The party does so and awakens to Stonesight throwing the carcass of a dead bear on the ground. “Eat up, my friends. You will need your strength.”
- “Do you have any winter clothing I might have?” Adrian asks. “I gave mine to my cleric,” as he gestures to Sephrenia.
- Stonesight slaps the bearskin of the bear he had just killed for breakfast onto Adrian and pats him on the back. Adrian can feel the improperly skinned remains of the bear seeping into his armor as he adjusts the cloak – the bear head going over his eyes. “Thank you,” Adrian says, as he pulls the new bear cloak tightly around him.
- DM Note – For the next part, I want to explain a little what happened. So after they spoke with Stonesight – I figured they’d descend into the caves and I’d do a random encounter fight (since we were approaching the end of the night) – and that, rather than me pick what happens I would have my three players roll. So I told Adrian, Sephrenia and Korra to all roll a D20 – highest wins. Adrian and Sephrenia each rolled a 10, while Korra rolled a 1. So Korra was out, now it was time to do a tie breaker between Sephrenia and Adrian. So I had them roll a D20 just between them – Adrian rolled a 3 and Sephrenia rolled a 1. Adrian won the tie breaker – so I told him to roll a D100. He rolled a 50. Using the Xanthar’s Guide to Everything, I used the “Underdark” low level – because I was just looking for a quick fight. 50 is Winged Kobolds. What was going to be a random battle turned out into so much more when I figured I’d have these kobolds talking about the Githyanki and the topaz dragon, Kvars… but the Kobolds know him by a different name…
- As it would turn out… Sephrenia spoke Draconic…
- As the party makes their way down from the high, snowy peak and back into the cave; they’re thankful to be out of the deep snow and freezing cold winds. As they make their way down the mountain – off to the side, somewhere up ahead – they hear voices and as they listen, Sephrenia can understand the voice – they’re speaking in Draconic. And she hears:
- “Yes! Yes! Zapot will reward us well.”
- “Why Zapot no eat the snake elves?”
- “I don’t like Lara’tur…”
- “Don’t question the great Zapot! But that is good question. Why she no eat snake elves?”
- “Why we fight along snake elves? Zapot should eat them!”
- “Yes! Gobble them up, she should!”
- “Yeah! And that way we get our gems back!”
- Hearing this – the party decides that they want to speak to the Kobolds and remain on the path and keep their weapons sheathed to show they mean no harm.
- The kobolds are startled to see anyone on the path.
- Sephrenia raises her arms. “Hello, Kobolds. We mean you no harm. We’ve heard what you said and we’re aligned. As a matter of fact, we can help you get your gems back. We just need … say two gems… as payment for helping. You see, my people are not fans of the snake elves either. And my friends and I would be happy to help you be free of them.”
- “We should do it, Ralf!” one of them pipes up
- “Shut up, Zor!” the one named Ralf retorts. “You don’t know everything!”
- “I do too!” Zor growls in protest.
- “Tell us more,” Ralf urges.
- “She looks like snake elf,” the one named Bin whispers. “But no scales.”
- “What do you know of our gems?” Fourn, the apparently leader of this band of kobolds, based on how he is dressed. (He has a few more bobbles than the others)
- Terka, the kobold priestess (based on her stick with the stirge skull on the end) says, “Lara’tur speak to her god. She like me.”
- Korra whispers, “That means she’s probably a cleric or druid of some kind.”
- “Could she be the Githyanki cleric Stonesight mentioned,” Adrian whispers from beneath his bear hood-cloak.
- “Sephrenia, who is translating everything for the party, and speaking to the kobolds asks, “Why does this Lara’tur ask you for your gems?”
- “She take them all,” the one named Corz replies. “Up until recently. Now she only take them because she think they pretty. But she ask us to dig and dig and dig and dig and dig and -“
- “They understand,” the one named Yaz injects, “that we dig long time. No need to keep saying ‘and dig’ over and over, Corz.” It’s clear that Corz and Yaz are brothers, both in their appearance and how they bicker.
- The last kobold, Xiar adds, “It’s true,” he adds, dreamily, gazing at the crystals protruding from the walls.
- “No mind him,” Zor says, “he always dreaming. Hit too many times in head.”
- Sephrenia nods, understanding how that feels.
- Sephrenia gestures to Adrian that she’d like to cast a spell (Guidance) but doesn’t want to frighten the kobolds or make them think it’s an aggressive spell so she asks for a distraction; to which Adrian says, “Hello there kobolds.” (Rolling a higher Persuasion than Sephrenia to successfully pull their attention away from her briefly)
- Bin shouts, “Is that a talking bear?”
- Since Sephrenia is trying to hide her casting in the form of a cough and Guidance has a verbal component – just for fun I had her roll Arcana to see if she successfully pulls of the spell – and she does not meet the DC of 10. So she fails to give guidance to herself, and instead goes into a real cough while trying to fake the cough
- Sephrenia however, then says, “He’s not a talking bear… He’s an owlbear.”
- “Maybe we should listen to the talking owlbear? Seems very magical,” Bin notes.
- “He’s very thin for an owlbear,” Ralf comments.
- “Why is he walking on two legs? Don’t owlbears walk on four?” Zor then injects.
- Bin seems to stare at the owlbear (Adrian) in wide eyed terror
- Sephrenia says, “He is weak. He must gather the gems of his ancestors to regain his strength. With his strength he will be able to help us all against the snake elves.”
- Terka shakes her stick, and the stirge head falls off, which she quickly picks up and shoves back onto the top of her stick. “The gods tell me we must help them restore their owlbear companion.”
- Adrian tries to roar and impress the kobolds, but his performance isn’t that great
- Terra snickers, and hits him on the back – the same place his wound is – and he lets out a roar of pain (DM Note – I had said, “Since Terra hit you, roll again to try and impress her and prove her wrong.” Because he rolled a Natural 20, we flavored it as she hit him in the back and he didn’t roar so much as yelp in pain)
- This immediately sets the kobolds in line
- Sephrenia looks at the kobolds, “Do you know where the snake elf priestess is?”
- “Lara’tur?” Zor asks. “Oh yes! I know! Because I know everything!”
- “How many other snake elves are with her?” Sephrenia asks
- “Five,” he replies, counting eight on his fingers, however.
- Sephrenia sighs. “Got it. Is she far?”
- “Not far,” Ralf tries to add, to sound important.
- “Ralf right, not far at all,” Terka answers.
- “We take you,” Bin suggests, all the while staring at the “owlbear”
- “Yes, best we take you,” Corz begins.
- “Because we lay down many traps,” Yaz finishes.
- “Because the shadow elves… they keep coming…” Xiar adds, his voice drifting in and out
- The party follows the kobolds down – and as they get close – seeing a flickering fire reflecting off the cavern walls, they ponder how to approach this
- They decide to take a rest, but Zor’s den that he takes them to, which isn’t far from Lara’tur’s camp, is only large enough to allow one person to truly sleep comfortable; which Korra takes, while Sephrenia uses her elven trait to meditate and get the benefits of a long rest. The rest of the party lays on the rocks and moss and try to make the best of it.
- They know tomorrow, they will potentially be dealing with a powerful cleric… and her guards.
To Be Continued.
The Unexpected Kobold Party –
- Ralf – The one the others vote to always sacrifice first/send in first
- Zor – “Knows everything”
- Bin – Confused about the “Owlbear” the most
- Fourn – Leader
- Terka – “Priestess”
- Corz – Yaz’s brother
- Yaz – Corz’s brother
- Xiar – Dreamer