Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 92

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NPCs with the party:

  • Ferin Unthall (Drow Warrior)
  • General Va’rum (Drow Warrior)
    • Small Drow Force (Archers & Swordsmen) – 15
  • Earth Genasi Rebels:
    • Moonstone (Cleric) – The Quiet Leader, very close to Terra
    • Ria – Druid/Shaman
    • Jasper – Bard/Lore Keeper
    • Delta – Ranger/Scout
    • Mica – Wizard (Oxbow’s sister)
    • Oxbow – Warlock (Mica’s sister)
    • Terra (Fighter) – Brash warrior, rushes right into battle without thought or consideration.

Note: The player who controlled Dusk had missed quite a few sessions and has essentially dropped, similar to the player who controlled Morsus/Buppido, and as such been removed from the roster of players.

  • Don uses pass without trace to allow the others to stealth closer to the cave
  • Once there, Adrian whispers that Don should take someone with him towards the captured Emerald dragon encased in a glowing net (Aoil) – since Don can speak Draconic, he can communicate to Aoil, their plan.
  • The cave is 300×300 – and when Don checks, there’s no sky – but the ceiling isn’t visible, so freeing the dragon will give it some room, but it will not be able to fly out of the room – it will need to be escorted through the caves when the battle is over
  • Adrian sees there’s a behir snapping at the dragon and only being held back by a Githyanki holding an orb – and a second Githyanki that is wearing a necklace – and on that necklace the Elder Ring of Air! The ring Korra is searching for – the final ring – her people’s ring to command the Elder Elemental!
  • Adrian explains that they need to focus on the Behir – because if they kill the Githyanki using the orb, it may then lash out at the dragon – and if it’s not freed yet, the dragon will not last long at all. So focus on the Behir and the Githyanki may command it to come after them instead of the dragon.
  • Don warns the others that he remembers from the circus event (back in Session 50) that the Behir is not only cunning and strong, but it possesses a magical breath weapon similar to dragons
  • The party agrees the Drow need to focus fire on the Behir, since there’s more of them and they do more damage
  • The party agrees that the Genasi need to go for the Behir as well
    • The idea being both to damage the Behir as much as possible, but to also provide a threat to the Behir so the Githyanki give it the command to go after the attacking threat, rather than the captured dragon, Aoil.
  • Sephrenia casts Guidance on a few of the party members, while Moonstone casts Resistance on several party members
  • As combat starts, Adrian casts Crusader’s Mantle which allows those near him to feel the boldness of Adrian’s blessing, and deal extra damage
  • With Don using Pass without a Trace for the party’s movement – I give them one round of surprise – as Initiative begins…
  • Moonstone holds her action since the plan is to free the dragon
  • Seeing that the net holding the dragon may be magical, Don pulls out two +2 daggers he has in his possession (Korra wonders why he has better magical weapons than she does!) and begins cutting at the net… and scores… a Natural 20!
I gave advantage on “attacks” against the net since the net is not moving or trying to escape, essentially treating it as the prone condition
  • Don assures Aoil that they’re there to help him; Aoil, who is clearly weakened by the magical net that drains his strength, is shocked to hear someone speaking Draconian to him and whispers, “Free me and I can help you.”
  • The Drow launch their arrows against the Behir while the Genasi scream and surprise the Githyanki with the necklace
  • Thanks to Don’s Natural 20 – cutting the rope is now at Super Advantage, which Korra is able to cut into…
  • The Githyanki commanding the Behir barks the command in Gith, “Devour the Genasi.”
  • The Githyanki with the necklace, draws his weapon and begins to attack the Genasi surrounding him
  • Sephrenia knows that the Behir understands Gith, which is a bastardized version of Elven – so she casts Command on the Behir and tells it to grovel… however, the Behir is able to shake off her spell
  • On the behir’s turn, forced to obey the Githyanki holding the orb, commanding it – it rushes past Adrian, who tries to cut at it – his magical blade striking the behir, but not able to piece its thick hide as it rushes by and begins to tear into some of the drow archers; the few that survive the first attack, quickly drop their bows and draw their swords
  • The Genasi who are behind the drow, also prepare for melee
  • Adrian is able to strike the Behir who has ignored him using both of his attacks to not only land solid hits, but the Crusader’s Mantle striking maximum damage – both times – Prenah is watching over one of her favored followers, it would seem…
  • On the second attack, Adrian adds a Divine Smite
  • Terra attacks the Githyanki with the necklace – and manages to hit
  • Moonstone helps with the tearing of the net and manages to expand the tear Don had created
  • Don cuts again, striking the net twice, with his +2 daggers, cutting larger holes into it – and with his last cut – makes the hole wide enough to break the magical enchantment on the net, allowing Aoil to roar and spread her wings
  • The behir, now seeing it’s natural enemy – the dragon – free from the net struggles against the command the Githyanki has over it – it’s frenzied eyes dash from the dragon, Adrian who had hit it twice, the Drow and the Genasi behind the drow – the Githyanki with the orb, shouts in Gith again, “Focus on the Drow, then the Genasi.”
  • In the heat of battle, Korra’s eyes never left the Githyanki with the necklace and the ring – she had managed to move herself next to him in all the confusion (DM Note: I left this up to chance. When she asked how far away is he, I told Korra to roll a d100 so that he could be anywhere from 1 foot away to 100 feet away… she rolled a 2!)
  • The Githyanki with the orb is clearly needing to maintain focus on controlling the Behir, while his companion is not, as he cuts deep into Jasper, one of the Genasi, as he loses sight of Korra who had struck him a moment ago
  • Sephrenia debates healing Aoil, who has cuts along his wings, and has bloody wounds, indicating that the Behir had gotten to it a few times – but she decides to try and blind the Behir – but it resists.
  • The Behir tries to bite at Adrian who had just struck him, but misses; furious, the Behir unleashes a lightning breath – and Adrian misses the fail, but the resistance given by Moonstone helps…
  • Aoil takes flight and unleashes their breath weapon against the Behir, who fails to avoid the dragon’s breath!
  • As the Behir withers from the blast, Adrian misses his first strike against the Behir, but the second lands a hit – and this time he expends magic through his sword placing a Divine Smite which lands very solid damage against the Behir
  • Ferin Unthall is able to follow up Adrian’s attack with a critical strike
  • Don, not to be outdone, follows up with a Critical Hit as well…
  • Sephrenia burns an Inspiration so that her Guiding Bolt strikes…
  • The behir turns it’s head on Adrian – and manages to land a successful bite, fails to constrict, but manages to swallow Adrian into it’s gullet…
  • In the depths of the Behir’s acidic stomach, Adrian quickly quaffs a Greater Healing Potion
  • Followed up 60 points of Lay on Hands on himself
  • Ferin Unthall seeing Adrian swallowed cuts the Behir deeply with her first strike, but fumbles backwards and drops her weapon (Critical Fail) on her second attack
  • Don commands the Behir to do the Drake’s Breath – however, the Behir saves and takes half damage…
  • Sephrenia rushes up to the Behir, knowing that Adrian has been swallowed and reverses her magic – rather than healing, she casts Inflict Wounds, however, the Behir is thrashing around and she misses!
  • The Behir’s lightning breath recharges – and as it points it at those attacking – it has an unexpected result – thrusting Adrian forward and out from it’s stomach, caught up in the lightning bolt (taking half damage), and the Behir targets Sephrenia – and she’s unable to avoid the bolt taking full damage! (I left it to fate to see who was in the path of the straight bolt – since we play through theater of mind I had Sephrenia, Don, and Korra roll a d20 and told them to get an odd number – and they’re not in the path of it – Don and Korra rolled odd, while Sephrenia did not – and then she proceeded to fail her savings throw, taking the full 84 points of damage!)
  • Aoil, furious that the Behir has damaged so many that had come to rescue it, manages three solid hits, which further bloodies the Behir
  • Adrian, stands, and uses an action to quaff a Greater Healing Potion, and his bonus action to do the same
  • Ferin Unthall manages to hit the Behir twice, with her hand axe
  • Terra chases the Githyanki with the necklace, refusing to allow him to get away and not to be outdone by the Drow, also manages to hit twice landing solid hits
  • Moonstone casts Mass Healing Word and gives health to Adrian and Sephrenia
  • Don Kanin looks at his bow and whispers the words to awaken it, “My wrath, my fury.” The bow beams with radiant light – then Don takes aim – and fires – striking the Behir, the badly wounded Behir stumbles back, bleeding everywhere – then Don looks at his drake, Halia and nods as she does her Infused strike…
My wrath, my fury.
  • Halia is able to bite the Behir in the neck, and begin thrashing around, the Behir, profusely bleeding out and confused, sees Don’s energy arrow turn red – aimed directly at its eye – which finds it’s mark – with the force of magical fury allowing it to pierce the eye, through the brain, and out the other eye – the behir’s body slumps to the ground
  • The Githyanki holding the orb, throws it to the ground furious
  • Korra leaps out of the shadows against the Githyanki with the necklace and tries to Shadow Blade him, but just misses – but at that moment, burns the last charge in the Necklace of Inspiration – and manages to correct her attack – and shoves the shadow blade through the Githyanki’s waist, and cuts him in half – and as his upper torso falls off to the side, she grabs the necklace breaks in her hand and she pockets the ring – recovering the Ring of Greater Air Elemental – the final ring that she’d been looking for!
  • The only surviving Githyanki sees Adrian and charges him and strikes twice – thankfully, Adrian’s Adamantine armor prevents the critical damage… but it’s still enough to bloody him again…
  • Sephrenia casts Heal and gives Adrian 78 health back
  • And then for her bonus action quaffs a Greater Healing Potion
  • The Githyanki strikes again – hitting Adrian twice again – with a second critical hit again, but Adrian’s armor prevents the critical damage
  • Moonstone casts Prayer of Healing blessing 29 health to her targets
  • Sephrenia, seeing that the Githyanki is finally hurt by Korra, Don, Halia, Aoil, Terra, and Adrian – smiles and whispers Toll the Dead
  • The Githyanki falls forward – dead.
  • Aoil thanks the party – and they escort Aoil out of the caverns with the help of the Kobolds (Ralf – The one the others vote to always sacrifice first/send in first, Zor – “Knows everything”, Bin – Confused about the “Owlbear” the most, Fourn – Leader, Terka – “Priestess”, Corz – Yaz’s brother, Yaz – Corz’s brother, and Xiar – Dreamer)
  • When Aoil the Emerald Dragon takes to the sky, he is greeted by Kvars, the Topaz Dragon who questions how Aoil had escaped the Earth Genasi imprisonment – when Aoil reveals that it had not been the Earth Genasi who had imprisoned it, but rather the Githyanki – Kvars is furious as he realizes he had been duped by the lies of the Githyanki. Aoil and Kvars fly the wounded Drow and Earth Genasi back to Everstone Peak and leave them to the care of Lord Greystone.
  • Moonstone and Terra explain what had transpired and how the party had helped them free Aoil, who had been captured by the Githyanki. Lord Greystone has the Drow with them, including Ferin Unthall arrested for their crime against the Earth Genasi and the plot to steal the Elder Earth Elemental Ring.
  • Moonstone explains, giving the ring to her father, that Korra was able to recover the ring and that Drow on Kne’Urth had it. Ferin Unthall explains that she and her people will accept whatever punishment Lord Unthall feels is right for their acts against the Earth Genasi originally.
  • Surprisingly, despite the long hatred between Elf and Drow, it is Sephrenia who steps forward and begs the king to be merciful to Ferin Unthall and the few who survived the battle against the Behir. She explains that Ferin Unthall and her people were duped following orders of a deranged priestess.
  • She further explains that the Drow risked their lives to help free Aoil, because the Githyanki are a greater enemy.
  • Ferin Unthall offers that she and her people will gladly be trackers to find any Githyanki that still live in the nearby mountains, as they are best in shadow and darkness. Lord Greystone asks if everyone will vouch for them – and everyone, even his own daughter, Moonstone, agrees that this is justice.
  • Aoil, the Emerald Dragon, and Kvars, the Topaz Dragon, gather other dragons of their kind – and allow the Genasi, Drow, and Party members to help strike at Githyanki bases that Kvars is familiar with, having worked with them.
  • Thousands of Githyanki are killed in the following weeks, those that survive, as Ferin Unthall expected, flee back to the mountains – where she, and the few Drow survivors, spend their nights gifting Lord Greystone with the heads of Githyanki they had found and killed. In the process, Ferin Unthall finds other Drow survivors still in the mountains as well.
  • Adrian asks for time with Lord Greystone afterwards and explains his plan:
    • Metal is taken care of by plane of earth but needs a portal
    • Talk about the plan to make a trading hub at base
    • Requires allowing kobolds (they worship the dragons we freed and are friendly and will provide gems needed to cast portals.)
    • Adrian provides details about how a small group of Kobolds were helpful, and they could get Ferin Unthall to track them down in the mountains. Which he agrees to.
    • Ferin Unthall tracks the Kobolds down – and a plan is formed. Speaking with Kvars, a plan develops that these Kobolds – specifically Terka, will call upon Kvars – who will “answer her summons” – this will convince the other Kobolds to listen to her and view her as a High Priestess who can speak with Kvars
    • These Kobolds will then help mine the gems from the mountain as well as some of the adamantine metals that had been spotted
  • Plane of earth can provide metals in trade for expert dwarven craftsmanship who can provide a portion of the items they make back to the kingdom.
  • Adrian then asks about creating a portal outside of kingdom but under guard for trade and travel purposes to which Lord Greystone agrees to.
    • This will take some effort, and quite a bit of money; as it requires casting Teleportation Circle every day, for a year. (50 gold x 365 = 18,250 gold, which Lord Greystone offers to pay half of – since much of his resources are going into rebuilding his city, tending to the wounded, from the battle)
  • Adrian explains he will need to talk to Pren to see if the king of the dwarves would like an abundance of metal to craft weapons and armor to show off to other nations that the dwarves will forever be the best smithies in the world and even on every plane we contact.
    • Requires some dwarves to work at pyramid to help repair to get established first
    • Metal will come from the Plane of Earth from an alliance of the Earth King
    • The earth king will take payment through a portion of the armor and weapons crafted to keep his kingdom safe and reserves etc
    • Dwarves get to sell the rest of the items they craft and keep profit after pyramid is fully repaired. On occasion if pyramid needs maintenance Dwarves would use the continuous metals received from Plane of earth to repair.
    • Possibly provide discounts to the adventurers that started the deal (the players in the work group game)
  • Adrian knows he needs to talk to Hadozee folks to see if they would be willing to supply wood to repair base in exchange for another network hub where they can get access to buying dwarven craftsmanship and a melting pot of food from people all over the world ( Kne’Urth)
    • Try to find fruit to enhance trade ( assuming they like fruit)
    • Ask to create portal outside of town but under guard for trade and travel purposes
  • Rest of workers can come from broken lands people or even other places as we discover
    • When portals are created we can charge a small fee as it will be a safe fast travel for people to go to different areas
    • And can earn a little money there to continue maintaining stuff / pay workers