Day of Terrarack

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Day of Terrarack

There is a prophecy, that one day – there will be a War in the Heavens that will sunder the world, and end all that exists – that day is known as The Day of Terrarack (which loosely translates to an end to all that ever began). There are several versions of the lore behind this doomsday event.

One of the most common ones is that the Goddess of Doom herself, the five headed, chromatic dragon, Thyamat, will fight her most bitter enemy – Valingard, the God of War and Honor. In this version of the prophecy, Thyamat will finally get what she wants – and that is the destruction of Valingard and his holy sword (“The Blade of Justice”) and shield (“The Guard of Valor”) will be destroyed. However, in doing so, the goddess of doom will have nothing left to show of it, because the resulting battle will have sundered the world and left it in pieces, with no one left alive.

The other belief, that’s been gaining more popularity with the recent creatures surfacing from the Shadow Stone Realm is that, an ancient god, older than the “new Gods” (Gods of Light/Gods of Shade) once ruled this world named Terrorskew, who had gone into a slumber (being a beast himself). When he awoke he found his world drastically changed by the arrival of the new gods; but also found some of his beasts were buried alive, and still survived in this new underground area he deemed The Shadow Stone Realm. Originally bent on revenge, he shaped a great many creatures, trying to forge a God Killer, as he called it – before finally creating the Tarasque (which is loosely named after, and resembles him). He realized that his ultimate revenge was not to destroy the gods, but to destroy all they held precious – which was the world itself. So there is a legend that a Tarasque resides in the Shadow Stone Realm and is slowly making its way to the surface to sunder the people of the world and leave nothing in its wake.