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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear)
- Wickedstraza – Dragonborn (Bronze), Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) – Not present
DM Note – The party goes up to level 2. Aros remains a Rogue (Level 2), Baldur remains a Warlock (Level 2), and Galiena dips into Druid (Level 1 Warlock / Level 1 Druid)
The party wakes up in their designated rooms (Aros and Galiena / Baldur and Hellina). As Galiena stretches, she looks at Aros. “It seems like we’re going to be stuck here for awhile. I want to go shopping. Maybe even go on a date if I find someone… suitable.” Galiena prepares herself and heads downstairs. Inside the tavern, there are people bustling about. She sits down and gets some food and drink. She speaks with the barmaid named Servana Deelyon and asks about a clothing shop and Servana points her to Dalara’s Delights, which is run by an attractive female human named Dalara Daylight, who explains she came up with the name, because people often referred to her as “Dalara D. Light” which eventually became Dalara Delights. She exudes confidence and sexuality; and her store, along with some incredible dresses and clothing of all kinds, also has an assortment of lingerie as well.
“You’re new here,” Dalara says. “So were you shipwrecked? Because no one comes here anymore.”
Galiena shrugs, “Well, yes. In a roundabout way.”
“Well, let me give you some advise,” Dalara says. “It’s impossible to tell the difference between day and night here, as you no doubt have discovered – due to the arrival of the fog. And despite how others may live, you may wish to be indoors before the tower clock rings ten bells. After the ten bells ring… that’s when people tend to go missing. But,” she shrugs, “people here, live as each day may be their last – and thus, many of them enjoy… frivolous courtships that last no more than a day – sometimes, only an hour – if you ask the men, women will tell you it last much shorter – and that’s not all that was shorter if you listen to the women’s version of these sordid love flings.” Dalara laughs, and gestures to the wide arrange of lingerie in her store, “But who am I to say anything since I am capitalizing on their lustful needs.”
Galiena says, “Yes… Well, as you guessed… we were sort of shipwrecked… so we’re without our belongings… so I was looking for something other than this,” as she tugs on her tunic which was riddled with holes and bloodstains.
Dalara asks, “Well, if you were shipwrecked … do you have… how do I say this… coin? Hopefully you’ve not had to,” she looks Galiena over, “had to … make money… using your body in this town.”
Galiena blushes. “No, I’ve not had to do that. I have some coin, but not much.”
“Well,” Dalara shrugs. “If you see something you like and can’t afford it, I could always use a hand back here crafting dresses. The people… who vanish … well, those clothes are never coming back… and there’s always more children who age to their late teens who need clothing… and,” she looks at Galiena and Aros, “those whose ships get rocked against our jagged coastline, that’s so much more difficult to see in the fog that extends for several miles past the island’s beaches.” (DM Note – they were not shipwrecked as Dalara suspects, rather they escaped the ship they were on when their paperwork was found to be forgeries made by Aros). “What are you looking for specifically?”
Galiena smiles and blushes slightly, “Something… flirtatious.”
Dalara smiles, and whispers, “That’s my girl.” She peeks back, “Emarus (Violetsky), bring out the Accio Dress.” A young, voluptuous woman walks out wearing a stunning red and black dress.
“Will this do for you?” Dalara asks.
“Quite,” Galiena remarks.
“Perfect,” Dalara remarks and says, “hold still let me get your measurements. I can get the dress adjusted in a moment. Emarus, go put the dress on the body-study.” (Essentially their version of a mannequin).
As Dalara takes Galiena’s measurements, Galiena asks, “So have you always been here, or were you shipwrecked here?”
“Always here,” Dalara explains as she takes the measuring tape from her mouth and wraps it around Galiena’s bust.
“So did you know Lord Starfall?” Galiena asks, as Dalara gets very close to her face and smiles; Galiena believing for a moment that Dalara was about to kiss her.
“Sure,” Dalara continues measuring Galiena, now focusing on her waist. “I knew Lord Starfall – well, of his pristine reputation as a great man. Rarely came into my store – and at the White Fang, he had a designated crew that served him to ensure his safety.”
After a moment, Dalara goes to the back with the measurements and begins working on the adjustments of the dress. After two hours, she comes out with the dress in the box and gives it to Galiena.
Galiena and Aros return to the White Fang and they meet Baldur and Hellina in their room and she excitedly states that she may have a job – and just got a dress – which she shows to them. “I might be able to get more information while I work at the store.”
Galiena rushes back to her room and puts on the dress and walks down the stairs.

Galiena hears bards suddenly mistake the following notes, forget the words of their songs and poems, and many men choke on their drinks as Galiena smiles at everyone. She looks to try and see her companions, but the wall of men offering their hand to her, obscures her view (Critical Fail Perception Check). Baldur is too busy into Hellina (Failed Perception Check) however, Aros, whose feet are swinging on the chair that’s too tall for him sees a beautiful woman coming down the stairs – and immediately recognizes it as Galiena in her new dress!
Aros leaps off the bar stool and makes his way through the crowd, digging between their legs and extends his hand to Galiena when he reaches her. “You look lovely! Did you check your pockets?”
Galiena looks puzzled and finds a pocket for her dress – but finds nothing.
Aros sighs, “The other pockets. Your tunic outfit.”
Galiena shakes her head, “No, I hadn’t.” (DM Note – Aros put 6 gold in Galiena’s tunic pocket when he heard the dress was 6 gold)
“Do you know where Baldur and Hellina are so we can discuss our plans for today?” Galiena asks.
“The lovebirds?” Aros asks, then pauses, “Do you think Hellina would be offended calling her a lovebird… considering her… situation?” Galiena shakes her head. “Oh, good. They’re over there at the bar. All the tables were full. These people get up early and start drinking very, very early.”
As Aros tries to escort her back to the bar, the men clamoring around her don’t stop, all of them asking for her to sit with them, if she’d like to hear a song, that one of them just wrote a song about her, and Aros has a very difficult time moving forward (Critical Fail on Strength check to push past the crowd – DM Note – Understand that Haflings have the ability to re-roll 1’s. He rolled two critical fails – back to back…)
The two finally make it to Baldur and Hellina. Galiena wishes them both a good morning, and she notices Hellina is glowing and smiling and Baldur also seems to be quite content – as she notices a few small scratches on his arm, and some rat fur on him – and it becomes very clear that they enjoyed one another’s company.
“So what’s our plan today?” Galiena asks.
“Well, we should go see Relgar, and see if he found anything about the Starfall Curse and, well, your situation,” Baldur gestures towards Galiena, “your situation.”
Galiena orders some food, and says, “I would like to see Relgar and see if I can be free of this infection,” she looks at Hellina, “no offense,” she adds. Hellina assures her that there’s none taken, especially now that she’s learned that during their private time, Baldur enjoyed her alternate form as well. Galiena shares that, Dalara also mentioned that being out past when the tower rings ten is ill advised – and that’s when “people disappear.”
Aros asks the barkeep if they have a bathtub for the room, since all they have is a small room with a drain, where they pour water buckets over their head. The barkeep looks and says, “Is it for you and,” he looks over at Galiena and winks at Aros, “wink, wink, nudge, nudge.”
After breakfast, Galiena heads back up to her room – and checks her pockets in her adventuring gear – and finds six gold. She changes back into her adventuring gear and comes back down.
Galiena asks if Aros, Hellina and Baldur would like to go to Dalara’s Delights; and the entire party agrees making their way across town. Dalara smiles seeing Galiena with others behind her, “I brought some friends who are looking to purchase some clothing.”
Aros describes what he’s looking for and one of Dalara’s male models comes out to show exactly what Aros had wanted.
Aros agrees that it’s what he’s looking for – in his size, and Dalara assures him that she can get one adjusted to his size in a matter of hours. Baldur describes the outfit he wants and Dalara chuckles. “I have just the outfit – we use the cowskin for such outfits.” She looks at him and smiles, “The one I have should fit you perfectly.”
Baldur purchases an outfit for Hellina as well.
The party then heads to Lady Falsour, the Potion maker, who proclaims to be “the best potion shop – ever.” (Doro, at the Ivory Vale may dispute this) Aros pulls out the five potions he “acquired” at Razathorn’s home and asks if she’s able to identify them. She identifies as standard healing potions. Baldur asks what potions she has available, and she says these days she’s been very low on stock – the cursed fog has changed much of the landscape – and I used to go out to the swamp just north of Lake Kelnor, but … I no longer go out there. There’s something out there that brings a deep sense of dread… much like, well, the fog did when it first came. Now, most of us who have… lived her for so long… have gotten used to the sense of the fog. But whatever is out in the swamps is something different. So I’ve not been able to fetch many of the ingredients I require to make most of my potions.”
Baldur inquires about purchasing more healing potions, and she explains she down’s down to about 10 of them and they’re going for 25 gold each. Galiena explains that they’re interested in trying to help the town and Lady Falsour says, “Well if you’re heading into the Swamp of Despair as it’s now called – there’s a leaf that grows there called a Whistling Leaf. It’s a plant that sprouts a heart shaped leaf with three slits on each side of the heart – and when the wind blows, it creates a whistling sound through the leaf. If you can fetch me some whistling leaf – that’s the primary component I use for healing potions – and I could sell them to you 10 gold.”
Galiena, knowing that she has nine days before the full moon comes, asks Lady Falsour if she’s aware of a potion to cure Lycanthropy. Lady Falsour explains there is a way, as far as she knows, before the full moon comes – but it’s been so long since the fog came and the infection spread, and no one seemed to care – that she no longer recalls what the formula was. She says if anyone might know it’s Razathorn, but warns to be very careful when dealing with him.
The party puts away their belongings in the White Fang Inn rooms and returns to Razathorn’s to meet with his assistant, Relgar. Relgar quickly pulls them into the room and looks at Galiena and smiles. “As you know – when the fog came – shortly there after the disease of lycanthropy seemed to be carried by rats which infected everyone – well, not everyone – I don’t have it, and it’s unfortunate you do,” he clears his throat and continues, “I think the basis of what infected the rats is coming from the corruption of the very land itself! Perhaps something that the rats fed on! To the north, near Lake Kelnor – there’s a swamp that borders the lake to the north – there are creatures – that nature itself seems to have become twisted – exist these creatures called blights. Now there are several types of blights – the smaller ones are Twig Blights – if you find those – you will need to bring me many, because I need to extract things from them. There’s a larger one – humanoid sized – called a vine blight – they look like people made from vines. If you can bring me one of those; that will suffice.” He adds after a moment, “If you see a tree blight – run. Those are treants that used to roam the Lake – quite friendly before the fog came – now they’re… quite evil. Run if you see one of those.”
He continues, “And in my research – I believe I found some information about Lord Starfall’s curse. I found some notes from Razathorn – that he’d given Lord Starfall a book – but the book dealt with Demonology – and from the notes scribbled in it – it talks about the book could be used to bring forth a demon that could create a potion that would remove a woman’s memory and make her fall in love unconditionally. If this is true – that means that the Quasit may still be at the manor. If you can capture the Quasit – we can perhaps get it to speak. I think I found what it takes to reverse the effects – I’d need the scale of a Fairy Dragon – fairy dragons emit such powerful magic that their scales are imbued with the essence of magic! I’ll also need the acidic essence of the false eye (DM Note – This is what they call Gas Spores), which are found lately in the Swamp of Despair, just north of Lake Kelnor – it’s a floating fungus thing. They look like large sphere with an eye in the center… and stalks on top of their head. The acidic nature of it’s insides will help break down the components – just… be sure not to be near it when you destroy the false eye. Also, will need the essence of Mud Mephits too – they’re also in the swamp. Their magical essence is helpful for breaking down compounds.”
Baldur looks at Relgar, “You mentioned the Quasit… We were at the manor before we came to Felhorn. We found a secret passage but found no evidence of a book on demonology or any kind of summoning room that might be required…”
Relgar flips through one of the books that he’d bookmarked and shows them, “Razathorn mentions a summoning room being one of the kitchen coolers that stores meat. The passage is behind there.”
Baldur considers it and recalls that the stairs that had collapsed did collapse into a section that led to what appeared to possibly be a basement (20 feet below the main floor) in the manor.
Baldur turns to Hellina. “Does that sound familiar?”
“Dennin owned the kitchen,” Hellina answers. “He’d never let anyone else inside there, really. Shorkil could drop off vegetables, but then was always told to scurry off. If this is true about that’s where the passage was – it might make sense. Dennin was the one that infected Shorkil and I as we washed ashore at different times. He seemed far more vile… and evil. It could be he knew about the passage and was doing dark magic of his own down there.”
Baldur mentions the creature they met in the manor that he thought was a flying goblin that went by the name Burlap. After describing it to Relgar, he’s able to confirm that the creature did not work for Razathorn – as far as he knew – and are typically employed by demons or powerful creatures (not to say Razathorn isn’t powerful himself). Relgar explains that the creature is known as a Berbalang – and they’re obsessed with discovering secrets. They normally rarely speak to the living, having an innate ability to speak to the dead. They’re able to enter a trance that sends a spectral version of themselves out. Hellina mentions how she’d seen it frequently in her dreams – and Relgar explains that’s very unusual. While the berbalang can travel different astral planes – entering the dream realm is typically not one they’re able to do.
Relgar asks where Burlap is now; and Baldur confirms they’d drank some Vikarus with the goblins and lost track of him there. Relgar mentions how Burlap’s presence on the island may be a very ill omen (on top of everything else happening).
Galiena mentions that they should go to the swamp first; because they can potentially find a components that may cure the Lycanthropy; rather than spending time getting to the Manor and back and burning time.
The party heads back to the White Fang Inn to gather their supplies and head north. After an hour, they reach Lake Kelnor – and there’s an eerie silence about the swamp. No sounds of crickets or birds. As they look for a more secure spot to camp, there’s nothing better than the clearing they’re currently at that borders the waters. Aros sets up a small string with bells – and sure enough – as they sleep – the bells ring and a black bear that seems to be infected with mange attacks the party – but is quickly put down. The party stares at the dead black bear, and sees the condition of it’s flesh, as if small parts of it had been fed upon.
“This isn’t good,” Aros mutters beneath his breath.