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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
- As the party plunges towards this vast ocean from the portal that opened miles above the sea, they’re suddenly veered to the left – and blink – to crash land on top of a massive turtle that seems to have a small village upon it’s back…

- A male water genasi steps forward and introduces himself as Wade Mistmorn. A beautiful female water genasi walks behind him – and it’s someone Korra immediately recognizes, having met her several times in the past, when the Plane Elders came together for political conferences – it’s Rain Amberskies, daughter of King Sunreach Amberskies.
- Wade asks, “What are you doing here? You’re not Genasi – save for one of you.”
- “We jumped through a portal,” Adrian began.
- “You just jump through portals?” Wade interrupted.
- “Well, we’re chasing down this Beholder who has gotten a hold of a relic,” Adrian continues to explain. “We believe he may have learned – or will soon learn – how to ascend into godhood – and if he does so, this skull-gem he wears will provide him the secret on how to kill the other gods… and become the only god of Kne’Urth.”
- “And that led you here?” Wade asks, confused. “I’ve not seen or heard of any such creature.”
- “Well, we’re also here to fix something the Drow caused,” Adrian explains. “This is,” he looks at Korra and recalls how the Earth Genasi addressed her. “Lady Korra.”
- At that, Rain shouts, “I thought that was you!” She races over and embraces her friend, the two of them roughly the same age. This also brings relief to Korra, because until now she had briefly wondered if Rain had been abducted by pirates.
- “We have more royalty among us,” Wade cheers. “Well, then – let us celebrate with a dinner, if all of you would like to join us.”
- That evening, Korra and Rain share stories of the times they had gotten to know each other as children; with Rain discussing how Korra excelled at hide and seek; when she hid no one could ever find her. Korra goes on to explain that she had left the Plane of Air to chase down what had been going on with the Drow; and discovered a plot by the Drow to have the Planes go to War with one another, and in the confusion had stolen the Rings of Elder Elemental to use in an effort to resurrect their dead goddess and use the priestess as a host for the goddess to reign terror on the mortal plane.(It’s a long, epic tale – begins here with Session Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29, Adventure 30, Adventure 31, Adventure 32, Adventure 33, Adventure 34, Adventure 35, Adventure 36, Adventure 37, Adventure 38, Adventure 39, Adventure 40 and concludes in Adventure 41). Korra goes on to share how she’d been adventuring with this current group – and that there’s two others aboard a Spelljammer – one of them, Buppido, had even helped her understand and wield magic, allowing her to become what is known as an Arcane Trickster.
- Throughout the night, Korra also notices the flag that they bare and recognizes this band of “pirates” as The Nightshells.
- Wade also listened intently as Korra spoke of their adventures, before standing up and said, “Well, not only do we have royalty among us – we happen to have some well traveled adventurers it would seem! Perhaps we could help one another. Since Rain here, has a connection to her father – whom the Ring was stolen from – we can see if we can arrange a conversation that doesn’t end up in him trying to hang me.”
- Wade goes on to explain how he and Rain had fallen in love several years ago, but Wade was not of Royalty and just a “street urchin” according to Rain’s father, so he disallowed Rain from seeing Wade. Rain eventually ran away with Wade aboard a ship; the two had hope to start their life somewhere new; but Rain’s father had been furious and sent ships after the young couple. Despite orders to not physically attack the vessel, the King’s men had done just that, sinking the ship believing Wade and Rain to be dead after the ship sank, finding no sign of either. The returned, reporting that pirates had sunk the ship.
- Wade and Rain had washed ashore, where a young Horizonback Tortoise, had been wounded badly and pulled itself ashore to the same island that Wade and Rain had washed upon. The two tended to the animal, which over the years, grew massively in size, and soon would not leave their side. Wade had heard of other creatures enslaving Horizonback Tortoise to use as mobile bases; but Wade had no intention of enslaving it – but the Horizonback Tortoise was their only way off the island. As the years progressed Wade eventually acquired a crew riding upon the back of this Horizonback Tortoise that they named Shipsnapper.
- Wade explains that they’re aware that one of the King’s ships went down near where they’re currently located – and it was on its way to deliver gold and jewels to another kingdom when the ship was sunk by – according to rumor – “a vast sea serpent.”
- Wade proposes that if the party goes down into the depths – he has a priestess that can provide one hour of water breathing – and recover the treasure, that he will offer 10% of whatever value is found in the wreckage to the party.
- He does explain that going into the water with medium armor or heavier armor is not recommended, as they’d sink like rocks – and swimming back up before the hour time limit, may prove difficult. Those wearing medium armor take off their armor and leap into the water after the blessing of the priestess.
- As they swim into the depths of the ocean; it’s clearly vast and deep; but the clarity of the water is remarkable. Swimming further down – they see a figure – humanoid – using some form of magic or skill, pulling the gold and jewels out of the ship!
- The party quickly realizes their weapons are not very effective underwater, however, their sheer number over this single target, provides enough of an advantage. However, as soon as this mysterious figure becomes bloodied, he spots something swimming towards him and instead swims directly into the party and they hear him say, “We shall all die now.”
- Five Sahuagin, drawn by the scent of blood, join the battle!