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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard) – Missed This Session
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger) – Missed This Session/Joined at the end against the pet
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer)
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
- After her companions had not returned back to their Spelljammer, Korra grew concerned and made her way onto the other derelict ship
- As she made her way through the innards, she saw the corpses of odd creatures she’d never seen before (Ssurran and Neh-thalggu) which quickened her pace
- Up ahead Korra suddenly hears a door slam and Sephrenia’s voice shout that “a pet is coming”
- Korra runs into the room where she sees Sephrenia, Buppido, Don, Disnarium and Kraun all standing in a room – looking at a door. Her eyes scan the room for Adrian or Dusk, but neither of them are present
- Before Korra can ask what is going on – the sensation of a psychic lance fires through their heads – with such force that it renders Buppido and Don unconscious (this was an easy way to “knock them out” since they’d missed this session, to explain why their characters were taking no actions)
- At that point the “pet” makes itself known

- Sephrenia, Korra, Disnarium and Kraun all turn their attention to the first door Adrian had originally opened and Buppido had sent a fire bolt into (See Session 76) where they can suddenly hear something scratching against the closed door – the room had been full of – what appeared to be – dead, miniature intellect devourers… and it became very clear, that perhaps they were not dead, but rather in some form of psychic hibernation…
- Meanwhile, inside the locked room with Adrian and Dusk – they begin hearing something moving behind the crates and realize they’re not alone, as several Intellect Devourers make themselves known
- Adrian explains, “These things are different… they’re much smaller than the ones I’ve seen…” (It’s true! Adrian encountered one all the way back in Session 08, as well as discovering one had been trailing them back in Session 21!)
- The two Intellect Devourers inside the ship attempt to mind stun Adrian and Dusk, but fail to do so; but the sensation is felt by both, so they now know for sure there’s something locked in the room with them
- As combat starts – the dice help tell a story…

- One of the small ones leaps onto Sephrenia’s face, and tenticles shoot out of its brain and connect into her ear and nostrils – and seize control of her mind
- Korra screams as she watches it leap on her friend’s face – and seems to be trying to devour Sephrenia’s brain (Note – the player who players Dusk loves the Aliens movie franchise, so I modified Intellect Devourers to essentially be “Face Huggers” from the Aliens movie franchise)
- Because of this distraction, one manages to also leap onto Korra’s face and do the same thing!
- Things are going poorly for the party outside the room, while inside the room…
- Dusk casts Fly using his flying boots and then begins to burn the room down with continuous Lightning spell blasts, in hopes of hitting the Intellect Devourers. Adrian begins shouting at him to stop because these are the supplies they need to rebuild the rudder and back of the ship – but the sound of crackling wood and flames doesn’t stop Dusk as he continues to burn the room. Adrian pounds on the door and discovers it seems to be magically sealed – and the fire was consuming all the oxygen in the storage room they were in!
- As the battle outside the room rages on, Disnarium and Kraun help Korra and get the face hugger off of her face; while Sephrenia continues to struggle – before they finally get it off of her as well – and unfortunately she suffered permanent damage (lost 2 Intelligence from the Face Hugger – able to be restored with a Wish or similar spell)
- Inside the storage room, which is now consumed with flames, the oxygen burns up and Adrian and Dusk begin making Constitution Saves to remain conscious and not take damage as they struggle with the door, with the flames licking at their heels
- Finally with the help of the others on the other side who have managed to defeat the face huggers – the door is pulled open – however, the sudden surge of oxygen causes a backdraft igniting the entire room, forcing everyone to leap out of the way of the flaming explosion coming out of the storage room – (Korra succeeds and takes half of the 19 damage, Adrian fails takes the full 19 damage, Sephrenia fails takes the full 19 damage, Dusk succeeds and takes quarter damage due to his resistance, Buppido and Don who are unconscious take the full damage, while Kraun and Disnarium take half as well)
- Even as everyone is brushing themselves off – the pet, who had been observing – now leaps into action and attacks the party! (Did we forget about the pet’s arrival? No. Just wanted the group together to prevent a TPK since two players were already missing this session! I am such a kind and loving DM, am I not?)

- Don Kanin awakens, with a searing headache, the fire having woke him up and joins in the fight against the pet
- Just around the same time, booming sounds can be heard in the direction of the party’s Spelljammer and Buppido suddenly sits up and and wondered why he had burns on him and then heard a large booming sound outside and said, “My ship’s in trouble!” And began, without looking around, bolting back down the hall, towards the party’s Spelljammer
- As the party eventually takes down the pet – a voice from above them says, “Enough. Now I shall take care of you once and for all.” As they look up, a humanoid figure descends down magically… immediately noticeable is his flesh looks odd like the “pet”…
- Don mutters, “We should probably follow Buppido’s lead…”