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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger) – Missed Beginning
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer)
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
- As the colorful hydra emerges, Sephrenia lets out a panicked scream – and drops her weapon – her mind feeling suddenly scattered
- Having suffered enough attacks, and none of the party having rested, Korra immediately casts Mirror Image on herself
- Buppido sees the colorful five headed creature and shouts, “Beware! We are fighting the avatar of Tyhamat herself! Most of you will probably die, but I will avenge you all as I slay her avatar!” (Failed Nature check to see if he might recognize what a hydra was; made it difficult because Hydras are not common; and raised it even higher because the unique coloring of red, black, blue, white and green on it)
- Buppido shouts, “The one with the green tint! That could be acidic? I think green is acidic? Or it could be algae!”
- Buppido starts the fight by casting Tasha’s Caustic Brew which the hydra fails to save against, taking acid damage every round, unless it wipes it off, or breaks Buppido’s concentration
- Each head then lunges forward – the first one lunges for Korra, seeing several of her, due to the Mirror Damage, destroying one of the Mirror Images
- The next bite lunges for Buppido but misses
- The third strikes for Sephrenia, and hits doing some good damage
- The fourth lunges for Adrian, and misses
- The final head going for Disnarium, but Critically Fails, biting one of the other heads
- The mouths begin to glow various color – and a prismatic breath bursts forward
- Dusk, Sephrenia, Disnarius and Buppido all fail to get out of the way; while Adrian, Korra and Kraun manage to avoid it
- Kraun shoves Disnarium as he dives, shouting, “Get out of the way!” Which causes Disnarium to critically fumble (Natural 1)
- The prismatic breath inflicts acid damage this round – dealing heavy damage; but even those who dove out of the way take half; Buppido uses Absorb Elements spell to only take half
- Buppido shouts, “Did I not say avoid the acid thing?”
- Dusk does a pitiful Hellish Rebuke
- After fighting that first one, Adrian recalls that hydras can regenerate their health; and that hydras usually don’t live in deserts; their homes are typically deserts
- He also knows that most hydras mimic their surroundings; so in the swamp, they’d be greenish in color to meld with the swamp to surprise attack people
- The color scheme is also chromatic, so it is odd that it bares the chromatic colors
- Adrian casts Shield of Faith on himself
- Just then, Don Kanin arrives. “What have you guys got yourselves into? I was… taking care of some business… came back… and the people at the pyramid said you were off to go find some meteorite in the desert. Are you telling me you’re really listening to Buppido?”
- Seeing the hydra, Don mutters, “Remember that time Buppido led us into a temple full of slime worshippers?” (All the way back in Session 43)
- Adrian manages to hit it – and expend Smite into his weapon, calling upon Prenah – who sends a surging energy through and does significant damage to the hydra; Adrian notes that the hydra’s flesh almost feels like dragonscale
- Don lands a hit with his radiant bow, doing damage marking the beast as his sworn enemy
- Dusk casts Healing on himself
- Kraun hits with the Lycan Blade Dagger
- At that moment – the moon shines extremely bright – its gaze upon the world more brightly than normal – and everyone realizes… it… The Hollowing. (DM Note – I always do The Hallowing as a Halloween event and had forgotten at the start of the fight)
- It’s then however, as things begin to turn for the worse, as Korra misfires (Natural 1) and hits Sephrenia who is panicking (Natural 1 on Initiative) and didn’t see Korra aiming to take fire
- The party’s ill fortunate continues, as just after Korra critical fails, so does Disnarium
- His wild swing hits Buppido
- Buppido’s spell goes off – but the damage seems minimal – the bad luck going on
- Buppido then casts Raulothim’s Psychic Lance which the hydra fails against
- The hydra recharges its breath since it’s a bonus action
- Dusk and Sephrenia both go down after that breath weapon hit
- The luck is quickly, quickly turning against the party – this time the breath is cold damage
- Adrian attempts to drag Sephrenia away from the battle (DM Note – I made the DC just 5, because of carrying her in heavy armor)
- On Dusk’s turn, Buppido uses portent to give him a Natural 20, which means he stands up at 1 hit point – so he’s conscious
- Kran manages to stab the beast, dealing some nice damage
- Don manages to hit the beast twice, doing great damage since he’s a favored enemy; the second hit kills one of the five heads
- Sephrenia does a Death Save and fails once
- Korra expends a turn trying to do medicine; however, due to the failed Death Save the DC was 11 and Korra rolled a 10
- Disnarium slides next to Sephrenia and manages a successful medicine check which stabilizes her
- Buppido casts Healing Word on Sephrenia now that she’s stable
- And suddenly – as a side effect of the Hollowing – the body hair of everyone grows 26 inches!
- Buppido’s ongoing Tasha’s Caustic Brew does its damage
- He then casts Toll the Dead – which the Hollowing side effect – surges his body with magic – recovering all of his spell slots
- As Buppido moves to the side – he casts Shield as all five heads lunge to attack – and thankfully miss
- Dusk who has newly stood, and finds himself bit – and goes down again
- One of the heads lunges at Korra – but bites her Mirror Image
- At the end of its turn, the breath weapon does not recharge – a good sign for the heroes
- Adrian hits once; and uses his power to heal those around him; unfortunately, Dusk does not get the benefits of healing (See House Rules on healing downed characters)
- Dusk manages a successful Death Save (1 success, 0 failures)
- Luck seems to be going against the heroes again as Don fires a Critical Fail – the bolt striking the hydra’s reflective, metallic hide, bouncing it back to hit (randomly rolled) the unconscious Dusk
- Kraun shakes his head and strikes the hydra, doing significant damage
- Sephrenia does Mass Healing Word – and it does minimum healing
- However, the side effect of the spell is Sephrenia is constipated for 15 days!
- Korra slides over to Dusk and does medicine – and gets him back up to 1 hit point again with a Natural 20
- Dusk, recovering – still sees the hydra alive – and awaits for the darkness to come for him again; she manages to shove a potion down his throat and restore a little more health this time
- Buppido manages to down a second head
- Luck seems to turn against the heroes again, as Adrian critical fumbles…
- This time he hits Sephrenia, who is already low on health, having gone down once
- Dusk dashes away while the hydra is incapacitated
- Don fires two shots, and downs a third head!
- Sephrenia casts Mass Healing Word again which goes off but has a side effect of turning her skin into copper dragon scales!
- Cheering that another head is down – Disnarium loses concentration during his attack, and cuts himself (Critical Fail)
- Buppido does Raulothim’s Psychic Lance again
- DM Note – I realized he didn’t roll spell side effects for the previous lance attack so I had him roll two this time
- Buppido suddenly tears off all his clothing and armor (first effect, hates all form of clothing)
- Then Buppido suddenly discovers a third leg has magically manifested from the area of his buttox
- “Well, this is alarming,” he mutters
- The hydra manages to recharge its breath –
- Only Disnarium fails taking the full damage, while Sephrenia, Adrian, and Kraun take half, and the others, thanks to several heads being down – the range of its breath has decreased and are safely away from the impact
- Buppido’s spell takes down a fourth head
- Adrian lands two hits – calling Prenah to smite the beast – and does enough damage to take down another head – but he sees the head rapidly falling he shouts to get out of the way – unfortunately still dazed, Sephrenia looks up just in time for the head to land on her, but Adrian puts up his shield and defends her taking the damage she would have taken (which saved her life) – as he slays the fifth and final head
- Buppido casts fly and while naked, he towards the meteorite – he breaks off a piece and hears a divine voice in his head says, “Bring it home” as the small fragment breaks off and flies directly into his forehead and embeds itself there.
- He breaks off another piece for the Spelljammer
- The party heads back to the pyramid and Buppido hands the meteorite chunk to Disnarium and Disnarium places it in the control panel and it charges the Spelljammer
Everyone levels!
The Hollowing Spell Effects Table This Season –
Dice Roll | All Spells Go Off When Cast, Unless Otherwise Noted Below |
#1 | You grow an extra leg! Your movement is increased by 20′ |
#2 | One person in your party grows an extra leg! (Randomly select) Their movement speed is increased 20′ |
#3 | Fairie Fire for all (within 60′ range of you)! No Save! Lasts for 1d4 rounds, then wears off of everyone. |
#4 | Both of your arms turn invisible for 2d4 rounds! |
#5 | One of your party members turns invisible (Randomly select) for 2d4 rounds! |
#6 | Silence! You are silenced for 1d4 rounds! |
#7 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#8 | Panic! You run in a random direction at full speed! (d4 = 1 North, 2 South, 3 West, 4 East) |
#9 | A Faerie Dragon appears and breathes upon the enemy! (See Faerie Dragon) It disappears after breathing. |
#10 | For 3d4 rounds, any melee attack you make deals an extra 2d4 damage! |
#11 | For 1d4 rounds, a random person in your party has fists of fire (randomly select) dealing an extra 2d4 fire damage! |
#12 | Stirges! Stirges appear and magically drawn to attack (only) you for 2d4 rounds! Each time one is destroyed another magically takes it’s place! |
#13 | You are teleported d100 feet away from your current location (d4 = 1 North, 2 South, 3 West, 4 East) |
#14 | You become lucky for 2d4 rounds! You can reroll any 1’s (hits, damage, saves, etc) |
#15 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#16 | You make someone lucky (randomly selected from part) for 1d4 rounds (they can reroll any 1’s – hits, damage, saves) |
#17 | Everyone’s hair around you grows magically 1d4 feet in length! |
#18 | The fates smile! Any hit against you – melee or magical – is forced to be rerolled for 2d4 rounds! |
#19 | You suddenly begin to levitate 2d4 feet in the air! You movement reduced to half speed. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#20 | One of your party members begins to levitate (randomly selected)! Their movement is reduced to half speed! This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#21 | Your Mind is protected! You’re immune to all pshyic damage for 1d4 rounds! |
#22 | Your gender is swapped for 1d4 days! |
#23 | The gender of a party member (randomly selected) is swapped for 2d8 hours. |
#24 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – the spell slot however is used. |
#25 | Any melee attack by you heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#26 | Any melee attack by someone in your party heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#27 | Your spell – if it does any form of damage – is a critical hit – doing maximum damage in addition to the rolled damage. |
#28 | Your body hair grows 2d20 inches! |
#29 | The body hair of everyone who is friendly to you grows 3d10 inches! |
#30 | Turn of luck! Any critical fail (Natural 1) becomes a Natural 20! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#31 | Friendly Mental Enslavement! One of the party members of the party is forced to listen to your every command (except self harm) for 1d4 rounds! Randomly selected! |
#32 | A pair of shoes materialize around your feet – binding you there for 2d4 Rounds! |
#33 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) gain a +1 ability for 2d4 rounds. |
#34 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) disappear for 2d4 rounds! |
#35 | You grow an extra arm! You gain one additional melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 2d4 rounds! |
#36 | One of your party members (random selected) grows an extra arm! They gain an extra melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 1d4 rounds! |
#37 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – and somehow two spell slots were used! |
#38 | With a quickness! Your mind flows! You can cast two spells as single action! This lasts 1d4 rounds. (It uses a spell slot for each spell) |
#39 | Roll a D20 each round! Any time you roll less than a 8, you take 1d8 psychic damage! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#40 | Your skin grows copper scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#41 | Your skin grows silver scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#42 | Your skin grows brass scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#43 | Your skin grows platinum scales! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#44 | Your skin grows bronze scales! This lasts 4d10 days! |
#45 | You realize if you spend an action vomtting you can cast Magic Missile as projectile vomit at Level 1. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#46 | Nothing Happens |
#47 | You magically grow 1d4 feet! This last for 4d10 days! All melee damage does an additional d4. |
#48 | One of your companions, randomly selected, grows 1d4 feet, for 1d10 days! All melee damage does an additiona d4 damage. |
#49 | You shrink down 1d4 feet! All melee damage is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#50 | You shrink down one of your companions 1d4 feet! All melee damage from them is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#51 | Your words breathe fire! You can cast cone of fire once, in a 15′ cone, doing 2d4 fire damage! |
#52 | You smell like a blooming flower patch for 4d10 days. |
#53 | You smell like rotten sewage for 4d10 days. All social checks are at disadvantage. |
#54 | You grow 1d4 eyes on your face. You can not be surprised. This lasts 4d10 days. Any social checks are at disadvantage. |
#55 | You spell goes off normal – but flowers fall from some portal above you, raining down in a 60′ radius centered on you. |
#56 | Betrayal! You decide to target any harmful spell towards a companion (randomly selected) and any useful spell towards an enemy (randomly selected) for 1 round. |
#57 | You grow a beard! If you already have one, it grows an additional 2d4 feet! |
#58 | Your ears turn into elf-like ears! If you are already an elf-kin, your ears grow 3d4 inches in size for 4 days. |
#59 | You magically heal to full! |
#60 | You magically heal 10 points! |
#61 | You magically heal one of your companions (randomly selected) for 10 points! |
#62 | Your left foot grows to be the size of an ogre’s foot. Your movement is reduced to half speed. This lasts 2 rounds. |
#63 | Bodily gas! You can’t control your gas! Stinking Cloud centers on you, but you are immune to its damage – anyone within 20′ of you takes 3d6 psychic damage. This lasts 3 roun |
#64 | You polymorph into a sheep for 1 round. |
#65 | Species shift! Your body changes! 1 = Elf, 2 = Human, 3 = Gnome, 4 = Goblin, 5 = Dwarf, 6 = Halfling, 7 = Aasimar, 8 = Tiefling. This lasts for 2d4 days. |
#66 | You magically recover all spell slots! |
#67 | Magic trick! A hat appears at your feet – and a glowing blue rabbit leaps out from it! |
#68 | Fireball centered on you – everyone within 60′ of you must make a DC 13 Dexterity Check or take 3d10 fire damage. Successful save with half the damage. |
#69 | You froth at the mouth for no good reason. This lasts 4d10 days. |
#70 | Fey Dance! Fairies appear around you, or one of your companions (randomly selected) and dance. You are forced to stop doing what you’re doing and dance for 1d4 rounds. |
#71 | You drop to your knees and howl like a wolf – selecting one companion to mark as your territory by urinating on them. This lasts 1 round. |
#72 | You turn into a magestic peacock. This lasts 1 round. |
#73 | Ghostly figure! You become completely corporeal for 1d4 rounds! Physical attacks against you do no harm. |
#74 | A large squid appears on your head. It disappears after 2 rounds. |
#75 | The spell wears you out. You gain one level of exhaustion. This stacks with any other exhaustion you’ve earned. |
#76 | Your eyes merge into one – and you have a cyclops like eye for 4d10 days! |
#77 | You’re fighter, not a caster! For 1d4 rounds you can only make melee attacks! |
#78 | You grow a piglet’s tail on your rear end! This lasts for 4d10 days! |
#79 | Double Vision! A doppleganger of you appears and fights you – trying to take your place (it has no magical abilities however – see Doppleganger) |
#80 | The sound of a Pixie’s voice is centered inside your ear, distracting you. All Saves and Ability Checks are at Disadvantage. |
#81 | Your nose sparks randomly – creating tiny fireworks that are loud and noticable. This lasts 1d4 days. |
#82 | Death has come for you. Make a DC 13 Constituion check. Failure reduces you to 0 Hit Points. |
#83 | Uncontrollable sweat. You begin to sweat wildly and the odor is attracious. This lasts for 2d10 days. |
#84 | Every word you say sounds like you’re a frog. Spells that deal damage are reduced to half damage. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#85 | You legs turn into frog legs! You can leap 30′ as an action. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#86 | Backed up! You’re constipated for 2d10 days. You suffer the Poisoned effect during this time. |
#87 | Can’t hold it in! You’re unable to control your bowel movements, releasing everything inside of you as soon as you eat. This lasts 2d10 days. |
#88 | You grow animal fur over 100% of your body. This lasts for 4d10 days. |
#89 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#90 | You draw magic from one of your companions! If there is another spell cast (randomly selected) – they lose a spell slot, but your spell did not cost one. |
#91 | A Succubus/Incubus appears – seeking to please you. It will constantly plead to please you for 1d4 rounds, before departing. |
#92 | You hate clothing. You strip down. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. |
#93 | All your companions are teleported to be standing right next to you. |
#94 | Fleas! You’ve got fleas! You’re bit and scratch yourself for 2d4 points of damage! The fleas leave after 1 round. |
#95 | Your body turns to liquid for 2 rounds. During this time you can move half speed, but can not talk, attack, etc. |
#96 | Misty Step! For 4 rounds, you can Misty Step 20′ as a bonus action. |
#97 | A large nude painting of you, suddenly appears and floats in the air following you around for 4d10 days. Any damage is instantly restored to the painting. |
#98 | You suddenly find yourself bound in a rope! It would take an action to get out of it. You are considered grappled. |
#99 | Roll again, twice – taking both effects. |
#100 | Roll again, three times – taking all three effects. |