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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Rubber Ducky of Inspiration
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- NPCs:
- Waesyn Oakenpath – Human (Fighter)
- Balgun Sternrest – Elf (Ranger)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
- The party arrives to the familiar sounds of Felhorn; the first town they’d come to when they first shipwrecked here on Eaglerock.

- Just as the edge of the town, Aros looks around for some deer tracks; but unfortunately finds none (though he knows the island is rampant with all kinds of wild life)
- Galiena asks what he’s doing and he explains he needs some deer skin/hide for an idea he has; Galiena is able to identify some deer tracks nearby, however, tracking them proves to be impossible (Critical Fail) due to their approach, with Kavium and Galiena being in armor that made quite a bit of noise, the deer had fled deep into the nearby woods
- Galiena asks if maybe they can come back after they visit Felhorn; she wants to get Dearbhán and see what trouble he’s gotten into; and she’s longing for a bath after all they’d recently gone through. Aros explains that should be fine; and clarifies he needs the hide skin so that he can perhaps get a mask made for Darko, so he can finally feel like he has a true face
- The party arrives at the south end of Felhorn and Aros points out that he wants to stop by Jarick’s home, who had previously purchased the Sahaugin spears from Baldur; Aros hopes to make some money.
- Speaking with Jarick, the fisherman offers 20 gold per spear (which was three of them), so he gives Aros 60 gold; which Aros then gives 20 gold to Kavium and 20 gold to Galiena

- Jarick notes that Baldur (the one who brought everyone “to the fish house!”) is missing
- Galiena mentions that Baldur had a “secret mission” and mentions “he’s probably also catching up with his ‘lady friend.'”
- Jarick laughs about the “to the fish house!” incident and recalls how Baldur had mentioned that Galiena had gone for a swim “with the Sahaugin”
- Galiena shakes her head and explains she’d rather not talk about that night
- The party then moves on to Dalara Daylight and her clothing shop Dalara’s Delights
- She smiles at Kavium, having recognized him around the island, and greets Aros and Galiena, recalling how Galiena had done some work for her
- Galiena explains that she’d like to come back and learn better stitch work because they tend to get tore up a lot and she doesn’t know how to do the Mending spell
- Dalara laughs and explains she’d gladly welcome Galiena’s help again
- Aros, in the meantime asks for Dalara to make him an outfit, that also includes a hood and mask, and shares his idea of what he’d like
- She sketches out the design based on Aros’ drawing
- Dalara explains that her specialty is more in line with the more… erotic… clothing, but that she’s always up for a challenge. Aros asks if she’s able to magically enchant clothing and she laughs and says, “While many say my clothing is magical, I possess no magical abilities. You’d need to go to the crazy wizard, Razathorn’s assistant, Relgar Thornwhip, at the end of the street.”

- Dalara calls out for her primary assistant, a tall, female human named Emarus Violetsky who takes Aros’ measurements and estimates the cost in total (for the material and time) would cost roughly 20 gold
- Aros asks if Dalara could make a similar hood and mask, but have the mask be yellow; and she explains she could.
- Aros asks Galiena and Kavium if they can head to the Orphanage real quick. The other two agree, and go with Aros. Aros enters and sees Annie Longstocking, the owner of the Orphanage. He recalls seeing her when he first arrived and that she’d been with Ramgor when he was in Greenhaven looking for Galiena (See Session 32, Session 33, Session 34, and Session 35)
- She blushes when she sees Aros and thanks him profusely by giving him an overly long and extended hug as well as a kiss on the cheek; to which she realizes what she’s done and quickly picks up the 100 gold Aros has donated and runs to the back. Aros calls out for her that he will be at the The White Fang Inn and Tavern and that he would love to see her there.
- Galiena smiles at Aros and says, “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
- Aros stammers – his jaw open wide – as he squeezes Rubber Ducky
- Kavium offers, “If you need any quick tips or tricks on how to please a lady, let me know.” Aros simply shakes his head and sighs. He looks at Annie as she’s quickly heading for the backroom, embarrassed, and he shouts, “Maybe we can get a drink at the White Fang?”
- She turns and looks at Aros, her cheeks a deep read, and smiles, saying softly, “I’d like that.” She then goes into the backroom and closes the door, where a cute, high pitched, “Squee!” sound can be heard.
- With that, the party heads for The White Fang Inn and Tavern – and as the door swings open, Galiena’s eyes immediately catch Ramgor’s gaze; but then Galiena’s eyes go wide as she sees Dearbhán laying on the table, in front of Ramgor, on his back, legs up in the air and a very extended, rotund belly. He’s been eating quite well.
- Ramgor rushes up and hugs Galiena, then quickly releases her and looks at Kavium who smiles back and says, “The date’s officially over. Now she’s on to number three.” To which Ramgor smiles. He then looks at Galiena and says, “I am glad to see you are OK.” Galiena asks about Dearbhán and Ramgor explains that Dearbhán had gotten into a few things, so Ramgor took it upon himself to look after Dearbhán because he’d… “earned quite the bill” turning invisible and sneaking into the pantries – so Ramgor took upon himself and told the innkeeper to bill him – and being unsure of how to truly take care of a faerie dragon; he noticed that trinkets and food are the two things Dearbhán seemed to care about the most.
- Dearbhán sees Galiana and lets out a happy puff of purple mist, indicating he’s quite happy
- Ramgor explains that when he’d take Dearbhán out, that Dearbhán and Walter would apparently “talk” to one another, because Dearbhán seemed to learn how to speak to the horses
- Dearbhán is on the table and rocking back and forth from his back, to try to get back on his feet; and after a moment, is able to get back on his feet
- As Galiena scoops up Dearbhán she says, “I am so glad you had a good time with Ramgor and Walter,” and each time she mentions either Ramgor or Walter, Dearbhán emits a purple mist from his mouth, indicating happiness, “but you’re going to have to lose some weight,” to which Dearbhán releases red mist from his mouth, indicating displeasure. “I bet you can barely fly off of the ground like this, Dearbhán!”
- Kavium gives Galiena one final hug and a soft kiss on the cheek and says, with sincerity in his voice, “Thank you for the time spent with me. I truly did learn much.” With that he gestures to Ramgor and heads to sit across from him as the two of them talk.
- Galiena’s third date, Balgun Sternrest (see Session 07) approaches, and Galiena immediately can tell that the Elven Ranger looks nervous. She glances past him and glares at Ramgor who smiles and waves back, before looking back at Balgun. She quickly realizes that Ramgor probably spent a considerable amount of time talking about not the date he’d gone on, but the many dangers they’d encountered on the date.
- Balgun clears his throat, “It’s… nice to meet you again.”
- DM Note – Not only had Balgun met her during the “Dating Game” – but he also took the bet from Aros about Aros stealing one of Galiena’s undergarments, not believing the halfling would dare steal from a friend – Balgun was wrong when Aros delivered one of her undergarments to Balgun who was mortified and returned it – see Session 7)
- Galiena explains that the dates do tend to go long, because they usually end up on some kind of adventure helping people, but it always turns out all right
- Balgun looks at Aros who is standing next to her, thumbs up in the air, still looking very beaten up from the encounter with the bugbears (see Session 46). Balgun then looks nervously at Galiena. “Yes, it looks like you guys have a … smashing time, by the looks of things.”
- Galiena assures Balgun that some of the stories he’s heard are probably fabricated to make him more nervous…
- So Balgun asks about the demons… and the heads with bat wings… Galiena confirms that part was true (see Session 8)… Balgun asks about the harpies… and Galiena confirms that part was true (see Session 9)… Balgun asks about the curse Satyr in the mountains… Galiena confirms it’s true, but then also notes that he’s been cured now (see Session 10 and Session 45)… Balgun asks about some kind of two headed dog that was hunting them down… Galiena confirms that part is true (see Session 11 and Session 13)… Balgun then says the next thing he heard has to be false because no one would dare attack Razathorn’s keep… and Galiena confirms it’s actually true (see Session 14)… Balgun laughs, and asks about the giant turtle has to be ficticious… and sadly Galiena confirms even that one is true (see Session 15)…
- Galiena sighs and says, “Listen. Let me get cleaned up and then I’d be glad to answer any questions you might have.” Galiena also adds, “I’ve learned about a missing boy recently, that I would like to try and find.”
- Balgun grimaces, “Many people go missing and are never seen again.”
- Galiena explains, “Well, this one is special. We know he’s not one of the ones who disappeared into the dark. Something’s happened to him that’s changed him. And we believe he may be hiding and in need of our help. Unfortunately, he’s not been seen in about two weeks since his ‘change’ was noticed. And Kavium reminded me that you would be excellent at being able to help track down this boy.”
- Balgun nods, “I would be honored,” for a moment his fear is gone, as he thinks about the idea of helping a child in need.
- At that moment, a door in the back (behind the bar) swings open and an all too familiar voice shouts, “Is that who I think it is? It is! Listen! He’s a wussy! I am here to go out with you as your third date!”
- Galiena looks, and she already knows – it’s Waesyn Oakenpath

- Waesyn comes out wearing an apron from the back of the kitchen, explaining he’s been cooking at the inn for awhile (that’s how he pays for his room and board).

- Galiena seeing Waesyn is glad to see he’s feeling better
- DM Note: Waesyn had been infected by Vargouilles (see Session 8). One of the wereravens the party encountered used the Daylight spell to keep the infection at bay (see Session 9). The party was instructed on how to help cure it and did so (see Session 13). The party learned after he was cure he’d be sick for about a week, and that he’d been sent back to Felhorn (see Session 15).
- Galiena thinks, with Baldur out scouting last they saw, they could use another hand. Galiena says, “Waesyn, I would love to have you join us when we go search for a missing boy as an escort. We could definitely use a hand.”
- Waesyn holds up both hands and says, “Good. Look, I have two.”
- Galiena recalls that Waesyn comes from Thalaustrea, a small island, where perhaps the Common tongue is not their primary language and some phrases may be lost on him
- Aros asks how’s Waesyn’s cooking and that will determine if he can join
- Waesyn explains he cooks here to pay for his room and board; but he was a cook on his home island of Thalaustrea, and that when he washed ashore here from a shipwreck, he had lost all his cooking supplies, so he began working out and now has his perfect, physical form. But when he needed a place to stay, Gergie Woodfire, who runs the White Fang Inn and Tavern offered him a place to stay if he could cook, because Gergie lost his previous cook “to the dark.”
- Waesyn explains that he can “pump up” Aros’ tiny arms by showing how to eat some protein drinks that Waesyn has learned to make with some of the fruits and vegetables that seem to be unique to Eagle Rock
- Aros nods, “I’d love that! Now about this food you said you were going to cook?”
- Waesyn grabs his apron and nods, “I’ll be back.”
- DM Note: With Baldur out of the game for an undisclosed amount of time, I figured I’d bring in another fighter type – and because Waesyn was already established, this made it perfect to bring him back into the fold to take the place of the “tank” of the party. My goal is now to say as many Arnold “quotes” as possible that fit within the D&D game.
- Galiena tells Balgun that she will back and grabs Dearbhán and begins to head upstairs. Aros calls out, “Galiena! Can I use your tub after you finish taking a bath? I could really use a wash. I smell like bugbears.”
- Galiena peeks her head down, “You can. If you promise not to steal my … stuff… again.”
- To this, Balgun flushes red with embarrassment (see Session 7)
- Galiena then continues up the stairs.
- When she gets in her room, Dearbhán, excitedly goes under the bed and pulls out several trinkets which Galiena doesn’t recognize – it’s four very nice rings and four necklaces. Galiena takes it away from him and provides him with some gold coins, which after quite a bit of convincing, he accepts as a trade.
- She fills the tub with water and lights the candles beneath the tub to begin warming the water. She slides out of her clothes then into the tub, once the water is warm and allows the water to rush over her, enjoying the warmth the water brings her. She stares at Dearbhán and says, “You need a bath too,” as she pulls the faerie dragon into the tub; the water splashing over the edges, as Dearbhán‘s weight displaces the water.
- While floating, buoyantly in the tub, Dearbhán puffs small smokes of purple, happy to be with Galiena, despite her insistent need of urging Dearbhán to go on a diet. Galiena explains that she’d regretted leaving Dearbhán behind, because he is very resourceful and has abilities that could have come in use; and she’d like him to come along with her on the next leg of the adventure
- When Galiena mentions that she will need Dearbhán about losing weight so that he can be stealthy; he uses his Limited Telepathy to convey he can turn Invisible – and he shows her by turning Invisible while in the bath – however, his buoyant form is still leaving an impression in the water. She goes on to say that because of his weight he can’t fly very high off the ground; so he’s likely to hit tree stumps, so he needs to lose weight, to which Dearbhán uses Minor Illusion to make himself appear thin, and puffs joyously, at his ingenious thinking. Galiena puts her arms around his true form and says, “Cute trick, but I can still feel how overweight you are. But I like how you think.”
- “If loud-mouth-cook-come-eat-lots,” Dearbhán shares telepathically
- “Yes, you can still eat, just not as much,” Galiena smiles
- After Dearbhán is done, he climbs out of the tub, opens his scales like a pufferfish and then shakes off like a dog, sending water everywhere. He puffs a small bit of purple smoke as a sign of contentment
- Galiena gets out of her tub, and dries off and gets dressed; heading downstairs, with Dearbhán bouncing behind her
- She looks around the Inn and sees Balgun speaking with Ramgor and Kavium; Galiena quickly walks over, shaking her head, and she gets to Balgun just as she hears Kavium say, “And then there were these… I guess they’re called murder gnomes.”
- “Murdercaps,” Galiena sighs and corrects Kavium. “Why do you listen to Baldur?”
- At the bar, Aros is listening to Waesyn talking about his proteins shakes. Aros listens about how these protein shakes don’t taste good and he’s not sure if he can commit; but Waesyn says, “If you want muscles like me, you make sacrifices!”
- Aros asks how long it will take to get muscles; and Waesyn squeezes Aros’ arm and says, “For you? Take long time! No muscle mass here at all! But you listen to me! You get big muscles like me!”
- Waesyn cooks Aros a meal with deer meat (DM Note – I selected “deer meat” because Aros had tried to track down a deer at the start of this session). When Aros asks if he caught the deer himself, Waesyn explains that his big, rippling muscles are works of art, but he tends to be loud, so he has others do the hunting. But when Aros eats the meal, it’s delicious – it’s cooked to perfection, seasoned amazingly with a side of taters that melts in his mouth.
- Leaning back content, he wonders when Galiena is coming down; and at that moment, he sees her walking over to Balgun and talking to him briefly before coming over to Aros. Aros explains that Waesyn has his vote – he’s a good cook – and then asks if Galiena dumped the dirty water out to which she looks at him as if that was obvious.
- Aros makes his way upstairs, closes the door, pours the water, and lights the candles beneath to heat the water, then slides out of his clothes then into the tub and sighs contently as the water warmly embraces him
- He reaches into his bag and pulls Rubber Ducky in the bath with him; oddly, he doesn’t feel relaxed in the tub; there’s something at the back of his skull telling him something isn’t right; and yet, as he looks around he can’t tell what makes him feel that way.
- After washing off and getting dressed and gathering his belongings again, the odd feeling seems to go away
- Downstairs, Annie Longstocking enters the White Fang and looks around; and spots Galiena at the bar and quickly makes her way to the bar. Galiena greets her and explains that Aros is up in the room freshening up for her; to which Annie blushes deeply
- Annie asks if she can wait here with Galiena
- Waesyn sees Annie and shouts, “Annie! So good to see you again! You want some of the protein shakes?” Annie declines and asks just for steak. He offers Galiena some steak as well, and she explains that she will be sharing her food with Dearbhán.
- Galiena asks Annie if there’s a soap vendor somewhere in Felhorn and he explains that Lauren Gucci-Wexner is well known for her soaps and perfumes. She was someone who developed scented soaps and was becoming quite well known at taverns that she sold them to, on the mainland – when she met Kasey Wexner, who was an established businessman. He helped her go from selling to inns to having her own traveling wagons of employees who ventured out and sold her soaps door to door. Lauren and Kasey eventually developed a romantic relationship and the two opened a store called “LGW” (which stood for Lauran Gucci-Wexner). They were coming to Eagle Rock, the one place that they’d not yet reached, when their ship wrecked along the southern shore. The couple survived with quite a few of their products and moved into Felhorn and opened a shop.
- Aros eventually makes his way down as he hears Waesyn say, “I would have been your best date. I don’t know why you picked all of these puny people. I will go on date with you and show you how I am better date than puny man who fires bow from far away.”
- Aros notices that when Annie isn’t paying attention to the plate in front of her, as she’s talking to Galiena, Dearbhán quickly gobbles food off of her plate; and does the same when Galiena isn’t paying attention to her food
- Aros comes over to the bar and Annie’s cheeks flush red when she sees Aros and explains that he did not have to bathe himself just for her; and Dearbhán quickly devours Annie’s tatters
- Galiena grabs Dearbhán and yells, “What are you doing?” Tatters dribble out of Dearbhán‘s mouth; Galiena smiles at him and excuses herself and heads back towards where Balgun is talking with Kavium and Ramgor
- She pulls Balgun away as Kavium and Ramgor smirk; the two, who had been viciously jealous of one another, seemed to have bonded on freaking out Balgun.
- Balgun asks Galiena how they go about doing things with weapons and armor; because Lord Brenmoon’s soldiers patrol the island, and people seen with weapons and armor are arrested, and typically never seen again. Balgun explains that Lord Brenmoon only allows for bows and spears, as a means for the people of Eagle Rock to be able to hunt whatever food they can find.
- Waesyn sees that Annie and Aros seem to be on a date and refuses to let them just sit at the bar; he leaps over the bar and shoves two patrons away from a table, giving Aros and Annie an entire table to themselves; Waesyn turns to Aros, “Soon if you follow my protein plan, you too can push people off tables. Maybe a little more difficult because you’re so short.”
- With Aros and Annie, Aros asks about Annie; and she explains that she’s lived on Eagle Rock for most of her life and she used to run a little trinket shop of various things she put together. However, when the dark cloud came, ships seemed to be drawn and shipwrecked here; and there seemed to be no way off – the very tide and wind, seems to push ships towards the island. She explains that, as she suspects Aros has learned, that since the dark cloud came, people have ceased aging when they reach maturity. She said that made people live longer, and engage in … activities… that led to more and more children. However, adults would – as they’re fond of saying – “disappear in the dark” – leaving more and more children without parents. So she turned her trinket shop into an orphanage. Thankfully the people of Felhorn have helped tremendously, with Relgar, who is Razathorn’s assistant, coming by to do magic tricks to entertain the children; Lady Falsour making potions for free when the children are ill; Waesyn giving extra food from the night, even scraps, to the orphanage, along with Jarick providing extra supplies of fish when he had some. Dalara using whatever scraps she had to make clothing for the children. Lauren donating soaps to help with the children. So the community of Felhorn has truly come together.
- Aros is very pleased to hear how the community has come together for the orphanage
- Galiena spends the rest of the night speaking with Balgun, explaining all they’d done so far; while Aros spends a wonderful night, just speaking with and hanging out with Annie
Definitely to be continued.