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Humans – Humans dominate most of KneUrth, ranging in tones of flesh, and attitude. Humans are by far, the most diverse race throughout KneUrth, ranging everything from simple farmers, to powerful warriors, or master magicians. Humans also happen to be the most common race, other than the newly seen Tieflings, that become Warlocks, making deals with demons from other planes.

Elves – There are several branches of Elves, each with a slightly different appearance and attitude:
- The Grey Elf: This is the most common elf seen in KneUrth. They are the ones that tend to walk among the humans, and venture into the world. They are tall and slender, like the other Elves of KneUrth, but tend to be slightly more muscular.
- Grey Elf Name Suggestions: Because the Grey Elves have forsaken their “nature” according to the High Elves, many of them adapt to “human” like names, combining words to make names, such as: Stargazer, Windwalker, Moonrunner, etc.
- The High Elf: These are the most common elves in the world; in that they number the greatest among Elves. They are, however, rarely seen and stick to their elegant forest kingdoms, wanting to do very little with the “outside world.” The main forest land of Skytree Forest is the main home of the majority of High Elves who live in their sealed city of Quan’rath.
- High Elf Names: High Elves typically have “fancy” sounding names, such as: Ariana, Arellia, Heirodun, etc. (These words often have some special meaning when translated to the Elven language).

- The Wild Elf: These are High Elves, who have broken away from “the old ways” of shunning the world, and tend to remain in the forest lands, but can be unpredictable, and sometimes, quite mischievous.
- Wild Elf Names: Wild Elves, much like the Grey Elf, often combine their names with words of nature: Riverrun, Luna, Sunburst, etc.

The Drow Elf: There is very little that is known about the Drow Elves. Hailing from somewhere, deep beneath the mountains (in an area the Dwarves call “The Shadow Stones”) – Drow Elves as masters of Magic. However, most of them have become corrupted by the very magic they wield. The few Drow Elves that ever came to the surface and survived (not being killed by Dwarves, Elves and Humans), Mages have learned that the Magic that Drow Elves yield is far more different than that used by standard Magic Users. Drow Elf Magic seems to come from some ancient source; spells are spoken in a language that most Magic Users simply can not decipher.
- The history of the Drow Elf is not documented in standard history documents, simply because very few people know the truth about the Drow Elves, or their origins; including The Drow themselves.
- As far as Drow history records; the Drow have been servants to a race of underground humanoids known as The Mind Rippers. Only recently did the Drow overthrow the Mind Rippers and gain their freedom in the Shadow Stones; where now, they have grown stronger and wage a war against their former masters. Generations of slavery and exposure to the ancient magic has corrupted the Drow Elves so that they have become malicious and cruel and seek to inflict pain – and eventually, death – to those that are not of their own kind.
- Drow Elf Names: Drow Elves typically have “hard” sounding single syllable names, such as: Krek, Brel, Tren, etc. Drow Elves have no last name (never having been given one, through the generations of slavery).

Dwarves – The Dwarven community is based beneath the mountain range to the west called Stonepass. There are some dwarves, though they number few, who have made their homes outside of the mountain, in neighboring towns and cities around the base of the massive mountain. Dwarves have no ability to use magic (other than Priests). There are three types of Dwarves:
- Mountain Dwarf: These are the most common dwarves, found within the great halls of Stonepass, beneath the mountain’s surface. The dwarves have forged a magnificent kingdom beneath the stone. From time to time, some of these dwarves venture into the world to seek out other possible homes, beneath mountains. Among Mountain Dwarves, cutting off the beard is reserved for those who are being punished for a great crime, for the longer the beard, the more stature the dwarf has.
- Mountain Dwarf Names: A Mountain Dwarf’s first name, can virtually be anything (sometimes it’s something like “Forge” named after what they use), sometimes it’s a sound (Kachang), and sometimes it’s a random selection of words (Kredell) – what is important to a Mountain Dwarf is the last name, which is highly regarded to uphold an honor (which is typically combined words as Flamestrike, Forgemaker, Swordcutter, etc).
- Hill Dwarves: These are the dwarves that have chosen to live among men, and human communities, outside of the mountains. They are very much like their cousins, the Mountain Dwarves, in almost every regard; except Hill Dwarves have lost the desire to dig; rather they focus on forging. They also have done away with the tradition of growing out their beards, and never cutting them.
- Hill Dwarf Names: They are frequently combined words of their surrounding nature (Hilltop, Greystone, Moonriver, etc). Most Hill Dwarves do not have a last name, since, unlike Mountain Dwarves, they do not have family clans.
- The Duergar: These are Mountain Dwarves who have been corrupted by Necromantic magics, performed by the Mind Rippers. Used originally as slaves by the Mind Rippers, many of the Duergar have broken free, and formed their own community in the Shadow Stones, and now thrive there.
- Duergar Names: Much like the Drow, the Duergar have one syllabel names, often hard sounding (Trak, Purk, Neek, etc) and no last name; the idea of clans washed away by the Mind Rippers.

Halfmen – The Halfmen (sometimes calling “Halflings”) live mostly in the Evergreen; an area just outside of the Skytree Forest (home to the High Elves). Halfmen are extremely peaceful people, wanting very little to do with adventure, profit, status. For the most part, Halfmen are content to be farmers. Some Halfmen, however, who have been exposed to the constant flow of people venturing into the lands, have taken an interest in “the rest of the world.” A benefit to Halfmen is very few people in a busy city ever seem to notice them, thinking them to be children. This has given many Halfmen the ability to become quite good and picking pockets, and what not. (Though most Halfmen do not see this as a crime; as in their own community, they shared with one another what was needed – whether it was food, leathers, anything). Halfmen tend to have brown to reddish hair.
- Halfmen are frequently named simple sounding words (Hallo, Belton, Jurry), though some do adopt the idea of combining existing words (Greentree, Stareyes, Autumbreeze, etc).

Gnomes – An existing community, rather small by most standards, of Gnomes was discovered living beneath the mountain (as Dwarves do) of Rockhome (as the Gnomes called it). The Gnomes were initially believed to be an off shoot of Dwarves, but upon closer examination there was quite a few differences. Gnomes did not care much for forging weapons, armor or magnificent halls; they were more interested in wealth – but not for the sake of being rich, but rather to fund their “experiments” which involved an assortment of contraptions. Gnomes have mastered the ability to use steam, to power everything within their environment. Unlike their “Dwarven Cousins” – gnomes are capable of magic. Who, or how they learned to use magic, remains completely unknown. (Not even the Gnomes remember who first brought Magic to their people). There is said to be only about 1,000 known gnomes in the “known” world thus far, making them the most uncommon race. Some gnomes are “touched” by what is called “Touch of Bargledar” which compels gnomes to acquire diamonds and jewels to “rebuild the Great Star.” Gnomes do not record much of anything; all their time “writing things down” is dedicated to schematics. So there is no calendar (thus no gnomes know their age in years), there’s no history of population, etc.
- Gnomes have given themselves all kinds of first names; and some have last names, some do not (it gets confusing, because if it’s not about building steam contraptions, gnomes are notorious for simply not keeping record of it). So one gnome may adopt the last name of Streampower, and their son may take up the last name of Lavaburst, or no last name at all.
With the Age of Dragons came new races into the world…

The Dragonborn – Dragons, who have re-entered the world found that the world they were banished from had changed drastically. What was once a chaotic world, was now one populated, dominated by humans. The Dragons, in an attempt to learn about the world that had changed, used their magical ability to polymorph themselves and take on human disguises. An unexpected result came of this; humans were giving birth to half-human / half-dragons, when these disguised Dragons mated with humans. And thus, the Dragonborn came into the world.

Half-Orcs: Though, technically not a new race, having existed as long as humans and orcs have warred with one another, half-orcs often find themselves unwanted on both sides. They have now been accepted among many human civilizations (usually on the poorer end of the spectrum, who welcome these half-orcs, who often take up the jobs as guardians for these small towns, in exchange for being accepted). Many still fear that Half-Orcs will give in to their Orcish heritage and unleash violence; but many half-orcs who take these odd jobs have often proved their worth as fearless defenders who take great pride in their honor and their name.

Tieflings: Many mortals (mostly human) have often turned to seeking favor (or power) through demons (especially if they feel the gods are not hearing their prayers). This has often led to Demon Pacts where a demon agrees to help, but plants the seed of their essence into the person’s bloodline, so that eventually a Tiefling may be born. The most common cause for Tieflings are mortals who follow the path of the Warlock and their pacts with demon-kind; several demons have been granted access to the world to wreak havoc. As a result, demons frequently take on a human disguise to cause havoc and remain under the radar. At times, these demons have bred with humans, producing half-demons known as Tieflings.
Genasi: Water, Air, Fire and Earth Genasi became aware of the Realm due to the events that gave birth to the Broken Lands (see Broken Lands Lore). The original portals to each of these Planes had been closed, but this made the natives of those realms curious about the world they’d seen. The Genasi Magi eventually found a way to reopen those portals. The Genasi send their kind into the Realm to examine and learn about the Realm. Typically Genasi do not stay in Kne’Urth for long; usually only sent to do specific missions before returning back to their Plane. Some Genasi do remain, curious about Kne’Urth; but Genasi in the world are very, very rare.
Goliath: The Goliath are said to be descendants of the First Giants and children of the gods. Goliaths lived in the highest mountain peaks and lived similar to barbarians in the frozen tops. They remained high above where most would dare go, where the air was too thin for most to endure for long. Recent events have made the Goliaths come down from their mountain tops with rumors of Dragons and Giants going to war with one another. Many Elder Shaman Goliaths have sent others to see what is going on in the world that has caused so much unrest.
Aasimar: In many ways, the Aasimar are the opposites of Tieflings in almost every regard. The Aasimar are born from when one of the angels impregnates a mortal, and the essence of the angel is passed into the bloodline. Similar to Tieflings, the first child of such a pairing may not yield an Aasimar – the Aasimar may not surface in the bloodline for several generations. What triggers the angelic transmutation of a child to an Aasimar in the womb remains completely unknown. Aasimar, similar to Tieflings are extremely rare, but more and more seem to be being born.
Kenku: The Kenku originated from a small island, where they shared the land with the Aarakocra, whom they’ve often disputed with. Several of the Kenku who had frequently turned to their god, Krauzden, grew tired of their god not hearing their pleas to gain an advantage over the Aarakocra over territory disputes (unaware that the Aarakocra also worshiped Krauzden), so they hatched a plan and used ancient magic in order to gain immense power. This, however, not only drew Krauzden’s attention – but his wrath as well. He stripped all Kenku of their ability of flight and speech; flight, because this what they loved and speech, so that they could never recite the spell again. He demanded that the Kenku prove themselves to him and then he will remove the curse. However, that day will never come as Krauzden was one of the gods that was murdered by L’orak’ana. Currently not available as a playable race.
Tabaxi: Tabaxi are originally from a small, yet lethal island known as Chuul. The Tabaxi were found and brought to the main continent, initially sold (despite their protests) as “exotic pets.” Many of the (filthy) rich had Tabaxi chained in their homes to show off their status. People revolted and helped free the Tabaxi from their chains, and now Tabaxi are a rare sight on the main continents of Kne’Urth. Some seek passage back to their home land, but some decide to remain on the continent (having been unaware that a world existed beyond their treacherous home island of Chuul). Currently not available as a playable race.
Triton: The sea dwelling Tritons made themselves known the the many sailors sailing between Tawaim and the new continent. They explained that beneath the seas, the Aboleth – a powerful species had become restless and much more violent. Currently not available as a playable race.
Tortles: Tortles are a peaceful race from an island neighboring the violent Island of Chuul. Because the creatures from the island of Chuul frequently made invasion attempts on the Tortle island, the Tortles have exceptional survival skills. Tortles made themselves aware to traveling sailors who were docking at Chuul. Several Tortle took interest in venturing the world. Currently not available as a playable race.
Lizard People: The Lizard People originally fought the humans who they’d felt were intruding on their lands and swamps; however, over time, a mutual understanding was made between the Lizard People and the Humans. Humans would trade with the Lizard People, offering metal weapons, food, and medicine, and the Lizard People agreed to be guides through dangerous swamps. Over time, more and more Lizard People began to appear in cities. They are very rare, however. Currently not available as a playable race.