Shadow Island – Session 11

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  • Arwynn Liadon (Half-Elf – Druid / Ranger)
    • Rides Horse: Laska
    • Pet: Mozilla (Fire Fox)
  • Arrimar Oakroot (Wood Elf – Ranger)
    • Rides Horse: Goliath
    • Pet: Chrome (Silver Wolf)
  • Darko Wintersage (Human – Wizard – NPC)
  • As they begin to pack up, Darko winces and explains that he occasionally gets these headaches at his temples of his skull (DM Note – This is a reference to a game that takes place in an undisclosed amount of time in the future and he will be found with an immovable rod shoved through his head in a different game)
  • As Arrimar, Arwynn and Darko go out – Arrimar grumbles when Goliath seems to respond kinder to Darko than he does to Arrimar, though this seems par for the course
  • A storm descends over Shadow Island, and brings pouring rain and darkness that cuts down visbility
  • As the trio rides through the rain on their horses, with their pets, Firefox and Chrome, following close behind – they come to a bridge – and across the bridge they can see four or five caravans on the other side of the road
  • Arwynn spots that there are people moving about the small encampment, and they have a small fire going in the rain, to try and keep warm and cook some food; as they get closer they can see the people appear to be the gypsies that are known to travel around the island
  • Arwynn points out the wagons to Arrimar who notes that they could use shelter from the rain; and when he threatens to leave Goliath in the rain, Arwynn explains they could tie them beneath the trees to get shelter
  • One of the men steps forward, “What’s this? We have guests! Come, all three of you – come take shelter with us from this foul rain.”
  • Arwynn looks at the two others, and both Arrimar and Darko nod, wishing to get out of the rain
  • As the gypsies welcome the trio over, Arwynn manages to spot that one of the women is grinding up a green leaf into the drinks – specifically in three mugs – and as she tries to make out the plant, she recognizes it as Doramar, a plant that is medically used to render victims unconscious, which also while consumed, dulls the victim from feeling any form of pain for several hours.
  • As the gypsies hand each of them a drink, Arwynn quickly pulls Arrimar and Darko aside explaining she needs to talk to them about their “travel plans.”
  • In hushed tones, Arwynn explains what she observed
  • Arrimar explains that they should keep their mouths closed, but put the mugs to their lips, as if drinking; but not consume any
  • Arwynn agrees; and explains she will then stand, and pretend to fall knocking over the drinks
  • Arwynn joins the gypsies, sitting next to them, as Darko and Arrimar come to stand behind them; one of the gypsies, a woman, talks about how she senses a connection between Arrimar and Arwynn; a deep connection, which both of them shrug off; she tells Darko, that his future shall be bright, but it will not be as he imagines it
  • Shortly after, Arwynn stands, when Arrimar, herself, and Darko have set their drinks on the barrel, and explains that she’s going to go check on their horses; and pretends to stumble forward, knocking over the barrel and drinks, which pour harmlessly onto the floor
  • One of the gypsies, who seems attracted to Arwynn, speaks with her and offers her some supplies, before asking if she and her… friends … will be staying for dinner, because they just hunted some fine deer that would be delicious.
  • Arwynn explains that she and her friends are on the move; but they don’t have the exact location, but they need to go east; and are trying to reach specific points each night.
  • Arwynn excuses herself and grabs Arrimar and Darko and explains they need to fill their waterskins
  • Arrimar whispers, when they get to the river, that something is definitely strange; between trying to put them to sleep and their overly friendly attitude about staying for dinner (which they would probably try to use the Doramar again.
  • As they stand at the river and look over their shoulder, the four gypsies are seen standing; and suddenly the four of them have changed…
  • Arrimar draws his bow, “Are they werewolves?”
  • “No,” Darko had corrected, “their facial structure looks more like jackals. I would think an elf would know the difference.”
  • “Not now,” Arwynn growled as the four jackalwere rushed towards the trio.
  • Sensing danger, Chrome and Firefox joined the fight
  • It became evident that these creatures did not suffer normal Lycanthropy and they possessed the ability to put their victims to sleep through their gaze; thankfully, due to the Elven blood that ran through both Arrimar and Arwynn, they were resistant to the jackalwere’s gaze
  • After a bloody battle, the fight was over; and the trio quickly put the deceased creatures in the river and let their bodies wash down the river. They then moved up to their caravan and sorted through their items and camped there for the night, awaiting for the rain to subside, keeping vigilant watch in case other jackalwere were coming back to the camp
  • Darko explains they’re about a day out from The Garrison Lake where they can speak with some Tortles who may have some information about the meteorite…
Party is located at #1 headed for The Garrison Lake

To Be Continued?