Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 63

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  • Korra and Adrian finally make their way down to the consoles and Korra looks at it for a moment and quickly realizes – this is based on a puzzle that’s often taught in the Planes…
It’s sodoku – and it was opitional – if one of them figured it out, everyone got Inspiration. The actual puzzles above are from Mass Effect: Andromeda
  • After a moment, Korra is able to figure them out – and everyone finds themselves plummeting down a tube that seems to fall forever
  • Despite what seems like falling for hours – the party suddenly lands on rough dirt – and immediately realize their food suddenly turns to mold and the water cantinas evaporate as they look around
Where do we go? Where do we go now?
  • The party looks on the table – and sees a large, circular yellow button – but it appears to be missing pieces, and pushing down on it doesn’t appear to do anything
  • Ragnaroc, Adrian and Buppido head down one way; while Don, Sephrenia, Korra and Dusk head the other way
  • As Buppido scouts slightly ahead – he steps on something – and waits for the lightning damage, like on the stairs – however, instead – he hears what sounds like hundreds of gears suddenly churning somewhere beneath the floor – and suddenly tiny lights on the floor light up and show a red line headed towards the upper left and blue lights lead to the lower left
  • As they peek down the hall – they do notice two statues on each side of the path that seem to be motionless
  • They move to the south and follow the blue line and get to a corner where they see a chest – Buppido attempts to use Mage Hand – but it doesn’t unlock
  • Korra and Adrian move forward to examine the chest – Korra attempts to open it – and lands a Natural 20 – and despite that – it does not open
  • Korra looks for runes on the chest; but fails to see any because of how dusty it is – but Buppido walks up brushes off the sand, and notes there’s a number of runes on the chest and on the floor surrounding the chest
  • Buppido studies the runes and realizes; to unlock this chest – there’s something else that needs to be done – elsewhere
  • The party pauses and studies the statue near the blue trail
Missing One Gem Eye, And One Light Blue Gem Eye
  • Seeing the gem in this twelve foot statue, and drawn to all forms of gems, Buppido quickly climbs the statue and tries to take out the eye – only to find himself severely electricuted by a massive shock that sends him flying off the statue
  • He then tries to Mage Hand the gem; but the mage hand experiences the same thing
  • Don moves to the center – and sees a room with four runes on the door
The Runes
  • Looking at the runes, he sees they can be slid so that they can be moved in a different order
  • Don moves the blue icon to the far left – but it quickly resets itself. So clearly there needs to be a specific order to move them.
  • Korra calls for Ragnarok and Buppido to come over to Adrian and Don and the point to the symbols
  • It takes a moment – but the party discovers the order is Red, Pink, Orange and Blue
  • Adrian opens the door and sees four knights in the same order – in color that represents the runes
  • They learn the runes stand for Pink = Love, Blue = Protection, Orange = Mind, Red = Strength
  • As Don examines the armor – there’s eyes seemingly peering from inside
  • Adrian speaks to the Orange Knight – and the Orange Knight says: Anakrin trusted me but I failed to see the love the Blue Knight felt for the Lady. Ankarin cursed me and stole my name from the minds of all. Awaken The Guardian.
  • Don approaches the Blue Knight and it says: I was to guard the Lady. But I fell in love and Akarin cursed me and stole my name from the minds of all. Awaken the Guardian.
  • Adrian approaches the Red Knight which says: I was to guard Ankarin from all the enemies. I refused to strike down my own brother, the Blue Knight, so Ankarin cursed me and stole my name from the minds of all. Awaken the Guardian.
  • Don approaches the Pink Armor and notices a woman’s features and she says: I was Ankarin’s wife and fell in love with another. Ankarin cursed us here, stripped us of our spirits, trapped us here, then stole our names from the minds of us all and bound us here. Awaken the Guardian.
  • Don then realizes that the blue knight – his armor is the same color as the blue gem in the statue
  • The party begins wandering around the dungeon – and Ragnaroc heads up the red line that they triggered earlier and finds the statue here has a red gem in its eye –
The Red Eye Statue
  • Buppido tries to mage hand the gem from this statue, and discovers it triggers a fire trap that burns the Mage Hand but doesn’t remove the runes
  • Don heads into the upper left corner, and finds a chest which magical runes like they discovered in the lower left corner
  • Bupiddo casts Firebolt on the chest which makes them light up and then nothing
  • Adrian asks about pushing the statue, but being 12 feet tall – it’s not movable
  • Don pieces together – there was four runes on the door that matched the four colors of the knights – so it stands to reason there’s two other statues to discover
  • And as they do – they do indeed find two more.
  • In the upper right, they find a statue – like the others, missing an eye, but with an orange gem in the other socket
Orange Gem
  • And as they deduced, in the southern right corner, another with a pink eye gem…
Pink Eye. But not the disease.
  • Don and Ragnaroc trigger a red line upward and a blue line southward; which confuses the party – they assumed the lines that would be triggered would be orange and pink
  • Don checks the chest in the upper right – and much like the other two chests – it’s definitely just like the other two chests
  • Buppido tries to Mage Hand the Orange Statue’s gem – and has the mage hand burned
  • Don and Buppido make their way back to the first statue they saw with the blue gem and Don shrugs, recalling what the Knights had all said, and whispers, “Awaken the Guardian.”
  • At that moment the statue animates – and begins to attack! (Don gets inspiration for solving the puzzle)
    • Note: This was fun – because everyone was scattered around the dungeon, and I made it so now it was costing everyone movement to make it back, once they shouted that they woke up one of the statues – so it took a considerable amount of time for some players on the other side of the map to get back to this area! I required Perception Checks for those that were not close to hear the action.
  • Ragnaroc runs around the corner and shouts, “Run to the chest!”
  • Bupiddo casts Minor Illusion on the creature – so that it thinks there’s a bag on its head
  • Quickly, Bupiddo and Don step away from the creature
  • Adrian failed his Perception checks to hear the statue, or Ragnaroc, but did manage to hear Bupiddo yelled, “Run away!” Adrian makes his way to Korra to explain that he heard Bupiddo shout.
  • The statue sees three targets – and sees Ragnaroc – and approaches him – and pounds Ragnaroc with two fists (and nails him for 20 damage, since he always strikes with 10 damage per hit)
  • Adrian explains the general direction that Ragnaroc run; and as Korra runs around the corner, she sees the statue with the blue gem punching Ragnaroc – Ragnaroc quickly tries to get away from the statue – and the statue misses for its opportunity of attack. Ragnaroc uses the side portal to escape to the other side of the map!
Ragnaroc enters (1) and teleports to the other side (2)
  • Bupiddo dashes and follows Ragnaroc, pleased to see that stepping into the blackened portal did not lead to an instant death
  • Don reaches the bottom chest and realizes there is a potion in the chest that had previously been locked. He consumes the blue potion – and all of his magic slots are refilled – and he feels his body crackling with magical energy
Blue Mana Potion
  • The statue having seen two people enter the portal begins moving towards the portal
  • Korra keeps trailing the statue – and then fires her crossbow – and hits it hard
  • Despite the hard hit – the statue seems to recover slightly from her hit
  • Ragnaroc and Bupiddo keep moving towards where they last saw Korra and Adrian
  • Don dashes and heads into the hall, feeling charged – and Don yells to try and yell to get the statue’s attention
  • Korra fires off a Fire Bolt and misses, while Don finally gets the statue in line of sight and hits for some incredible damage and fires a second shot after he realizes his strikes are doing great damage
  • The second shot fires – and Don fires center mass – and leaves a hole through the statue, that then crumples, leaving only his head. Don quickly moves up and grabs the blue gem, which is the only thing that seems to be intact.
  • Don notices that the magical energy ceases
  • They notice the statue had been standing in front of a door of some kind in its original location; turning the the sphere, the party unlocks the door – and opens it – and is washed over with a chilling coldness as blue eyes light up in the dark and whisper, “I’m sorry.”
  • Initative begins as a blue spirit attacks!
The Blue Knight Attacks!
  • Korra fires at the Blue Knight Spirit – and while she hits, she realizes the strike doesn’t do as much damage as it should have
  • Ragnaroc manages to hit the spirit once with Eldritch Blast and shove it back ten feet
  • The Blue Knight Spirit runs his blade through Ragnaroc and does 20 points of Necrotic damage; thankfully Ragnaroc is resistant to Necrotic damage and only takes 10 damage
  • Adrian strikes, not doing much damage – but then does Divine Smite through the blade channeling
  • Adrian does a second attack (Natural 20!) and sends another Divine Smite through his blade doing far more damage
  • Korra lands a Fire Bolt
  • Don begins moving towards the room where the four knights were with the blue gem
  • The Blue Knight runs his sword through Ragnaroc again, hitting him for hard hitting Necrotic damage, which thankfully Raganroc is resistant to – but it’s enough between the statue and the two hits, to make Ragnaroc bloody
  • Bupiddo hits with a Fire Bolt
  • The Blue Spirit continues to move after Ragnaroc, giving Adrian an opportunity again – and he lands a hit
  • The Blue Knight lands another hit on Ragnaroc (Natural 20!) – and thankfully being resistant to the Necrotic damage isn’t as bad as it could have been
  • Adrian manages to land the final strike – doing a cross swing – knocking the spirit back – and does a spin – and severes the spirit’s head – the spirit suddenly rises and quickly moves through the hall – and Don watches as it moves past him at blinding speed heading into the room where the four knights were
  • Looking at Ragnaroc, he is down – and Bupiddo does Spare the Dying to stabalize him and Adrian gives him Lay On Hands giving him 12 points
  • Don runs back to the party and explains the Knight wants the gem
  • Don gives him the gem and the Blue Knight points to the table – and there, is a piece of the button that was missing from where they first landed, now having 1/4 of the missing pieces – and the party realizes, they must the defeat the other statues and other ghosts

And that’s where we finished for the night!