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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Rubber Ducky of Inspiration
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- Kavium – NPC, Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Conquest)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin – Missed this session – Was partaking in a World of Darkness – Vampire the Masquerade game
- Khor’taur – Dragon Spirit inside the Dracospear
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
- In the morning, as Aros is hunting a boar whose tracks he’d picked up – he also hears the sound of men – and dogs barking. Moving closer to examine – the men bear the symbol of Lord Brenmoon and they appear to be with hunting dogs. Aros quickly makes his way back to Caith Mathan’s cave and explains what he’s seen.
- Caith Mathan explains that Lord Brenmoon’s men never come this deep into the woods, unless they’re looking for something or someone. The party realizes, these men must be scouts using scent dogs to try and track down Galiena. Baldur, who realizes, the whole wanted poster incident is slightly his fault – decides he will track the men and make sure they don’t harm the people of Korvask/Fourstone, or pick up the party’s scent – since he knows they’re headed to Chalice. (This was a random encounter roll while Aros was out hunting, but provided the perfect excuse to excuse Baldur who would be missing a few sessions due to a commitment to play a World of Darkness – Vampire the Masquerade game)
- Kavium, Aros and Galiena quickly leave Caith Mathan’s cave, and wish Baldur the best – but know Baldur can take care of himself – and, if he gets in trouble – will probably use his Disguise Self trick again, anyway…
- Moving along the mountain side, heading south, and as they approach Chalice – it seems as all is quiet – there is no one even visible inside the town – which stops them from entering – and just a moment later, from a nearby cliff side a human calls down to them asking if they’re the ones Caith Mathan was sending to help
- The party makes their way up the path towards where a tall human, though in his thirties, his hair is streaked white – he approaches and introduces himself as John Tallbane – and immediately explains that he – like Caith Mathan – is infected with Lycanthropy – except he is a werewolf, and he’s learned to control that side of him.

- Aros pauses, “Wait. If you’re a werewolf. Are you the werewolf that was near our camp?” (See Session 36)
- John Tallbane explains that it was him; he’d been out hunting for the people of Chalice before this “curse” washed over his town; and perhaps that may be what saved his life, as he wasn’t present when the ‘event’ happened. He’d heard arguing, while out hunting, and tracked the party – and noticed they had armor and weapons but did not bare the symbols of Lord Brenmoon. So he had gotten closer to investigate – and while in werewolf form – his hearing picked up a gentle sound of a bell in the wind – and he knew what it was – and disarmed the trap. (DM Note – According to research – A wolf can hear sounds up to a frequency of 25khz, with a maximum of up to 80 khz according to some researchers—much greater than a human’s upper limit of 20 khz and possibly even a dog’s at 47 to 65 khz)
- John Tallbane admitted that he was curious who they were – defying Lord Brenmoon’s orders – but had to resume hunting – and when he returned to Chalice, after hunting – he’d discovered his town was cursed. He learned from survivors who had escaped – as they put it: Something feel from the sky – penetrated the black clouds – and it was small – very small – but appeared to be on fire, as if it were the tiniest of stars falling from the skies, piercing the dark that surrounded the island – but then it struck the graveyard in Chalice – and a wave of energy – black, thick, like smoke or fog – washed over the town – and those caught in it – some were changed – their flesh ripped away – and suddenly turning undead – while others were not affected.
- He goes on to explain: Oddly enough, the town – from the outside appears completely normal – as if whatever had caused this was trying to hide itself while it figured out where it was. Once you step inside the town, it’s infested with the undead of those who perished in the cloud… the effect of the cloud has since subsided… I’ve gone inside, to try and find more survivors. However, the undead are many – and I’ve not been able to get any weapons. I had talked to Caith Mathan, a good friend of mine, and he told me of you all – and I explained I believe I knew who you were – because I’d seen you camping. He said you’d helped him save a woman from a mysterious magical field – and perhaps you could help me free my town from whatever this is.
- Aros and Galiena asks if there’s any potions – but John Tallbane explains that the town’s herbalist perished in the mist (DM Note – I had Galiena roll a D20 and say 11 or higher there’s an herbalist – she rolled an 8)
- John Tallbane explains, from what he’d heard, the herbalist was trying to escape the mist when it came, but she was consumed by the dark, ink that spread around Chalice, and she’s not been seen since
- Aros asks, “Well in the event the herbalist died in the mist – and I hope that’s not the case – but if she did or didn’t – can we go to her shop inside the town if we have to go in the town – and ‘borrow’ supplies and give you payment when we get out?”
- John Tallbane shakes his head, “You’re doing us a favor. If that’s what it takes to remove the curse from the town, I welcome it.”
- With the silence over Chalice, Galiena tilts her head and points up, “Do you hear that?”
- Aros listened and heard a slight whistle. “Is that someone whistling?”
- “No,” Galiena smiles and begins heading down into the grass, off the cliff side – and finds seven whistling leaf – which can be used to chew on for a quick, cheap, and dirty heal
- Galiena realizes she has quite a few in her bag, and gives 11 of them to Aros
- Galiena, Aros and Kavium make their way down to Chalice – and stare inside the town – and it looks normal
- Kavium mentions – even outside the city – he can sense a lot of dead inside the town…

- However, as they step inside the barely visible barrier – the town reveals it’s true state… and it is one that is horrifying… zombies mull about brainlessly…
- Aros whispers, “Kavium, since you can sense the undead… maybe you lead the way?”
- Kavium nods – and as they make their way slowly through the town – the zombies don’t seem to heed the party any attention, and genuinely seem very lost and confused about the state they’re in, and wander as if simply looking for a way out, before bumping into one another, and like kinetic balls, responding and going off in random directions
- Galiena pulls out Darko – and Darko exclaims, “What are you doing in a place like this? You can see these undead right? I know before you couldn’t see the ghosts I could see at the tree town.” (See Session 18)
- Galiena confirms that they can see all the undead; she explains that they’re at Chalice, and Darko knows Chalice is near the beach; but has no idea why these undead have risen
- The party slowly makes their way towards where John Tallbane mentioned this ‘star’ had fallen – and Aros tries to warn Galiena about the odd puddle in front of it – but it’s too late – as she steps into a very slimy puddle
- Suddenly the puddle wraps around her leg; and takes form – and the form is horrifying…
- The creature lunges forward and Galiena screams in horror, drawing the attention of some of the zombies who wander over curiously; but don’t seem interested in attack, merely observing…
- The party quickly puts down the boneless creature; and when they do – many of the zombies who gathered to observe; suddenly flee – some of them falling down on the ground
- Galiena then steps on a swarm of bodies that explode, doing 14 damage to her; which then triggers a swarm of zombie limbs to attack!
- The party then manages to put down the zombie limbs, which is an easy fight
- The party tries to decide what to do next – and Aros and Galiena engage in a game of Rock, Paper/Parchment, Dagger – with Aros coming ahead after the tie!
- Breathing heavy between the boneless, the bomb and the limbs, the party comes just to the edge of the center of town – when they hear voices ahead
- Aros goes ahead – and sees something he’s never seen – he gestures for Galiena to come over and tells Kavium to keep still because of his armor
- As Galiena steps forward – she almost steps on something – and Aros – stops her and whispers about how she’s normally very quiet (Aros uses the last Inspiration from the Lady Valen Tine Necklace of Inspiration)
- Galiena sneaks over and sees the creatures as well – two of these creatures seem to be talking to one another
- Galiena peeks around the corner and can hear the creatures talking about they’re looking for the magic item that’s somewhere here…
- Aros ponders that perhaps there’s a way to avoid them because they look very dangerous…