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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19 and Adventure 20.
The party talks to Pren about the Dwarven slaves that they freed from the Drow (who were still in shackles). Pren mentions he recognizes three of them (Gor Hammerstine, Dran Homeforge and his brother Bran Homeforge) but not the other three. The other three are dwarves – just not one he recognizes (goes on to say how after awhile Dwarves start to look alike).

Korra appears after a moment and after speaking with the party, agrees that they should free the dwarves of their shackles. Korra goes on to explain that while she was out scouting she’d spotted a Drow alchemist (by appearance of what he was carrying) who entered the Crystal Caverns looking determined when he entered – and about thirty minutes later came out looking smug. She goes on to describe the alchemist that she spotted –

Nor’Orn Greenskin shows up back at his cave, surprised to see yet more people in his cave. After speaking with Korra, Nor’Orn goes on to describe the horrible tests that Goarus would perform – ranging from cutting open displacer beast kittens to learn how they do their shimmering effect, gauth to learn how to harvest magic, Illithid to see how they work; and even how he experimented on his own kind. Nor’Orn has been his slaves, and beaten and tortured, and even experimented on – but Nor’Orn watched Goarus closely and learned alchemy before escaping.
The party speaks with the other dwarves and find that the six freed dwarves are loyal to King Thariak Froststorm – and learn that there had been eight dwarves – and that two of them perished in an ambush (at the same location the party had found the dead dwarves near the brain like creature and as they came out from the old meeting room, Drow on Owlbears and Displacer Beasts ambushed them – killed two, and captured the other six. Their equipment, notes, bags, and armor were all thrown into the swamp when they were enslaved. When questioned – they explain that they were sent down to gather components to the cure – but could only remember “something about a worm that eats dead; some mushroom shriekers and some kind of ash.” They explain that they didn’t memorize or really look at the list other than a quick glance before heading down into the Shadow Vale.
After speaking with the Dwarves – they learn that three of them wanted to head back to report being attacked, while Gor, Bran and and Dran want to continue forward for their King. The party accepts that they can come with them and work together. They learn with the Drow alchemist doing something in the Crystal Caverns – they decide to go there first. Korra reveals that she found a secret passage in the caverns.
She revealed that through the cave, there was five feet of water, with about an air of breathing inside the cave. This would have required the party to carry the dwarves and leaving them exposed to potential dangers in the water; then lead into the underwater lake that had a underground cavern that would shortcut to the Death Swamp.
After some discussion, they decide that they will go the long route, despite the distance. The party reaches the southern end of the tunnel without much trouble but as they made their way up northwest – they sensed something was following them. (First red circle)

They discovered that an Intellect Devourer was following them.

Attempting to trick the creature – they soon discovered it was able to sense their motives and where they were standing – and moved out of range. Several of the party members tried to fire on it, but only Don Kannin managed to strike the beast – which in turn fled, having spied on the party for awhile. The party quickly moved northwest into the mouth of The Death Swamp, where they were forced to rest, after traveling for so many miles.
Sephrenia took first watch, noticing the unique wild life around the swamp, which including seeing Displacer Beasts. Don Kannin took the next watch where he spotted a large, unusual creature like he’d never seen before – circular with three legs, three large tentacles, and a large, gaping mouth – while the beast took notice of the camped party, it didn’t seem interested in attacking. Don noted that there was far more activity during this time, so he assumed this was “night time” here in the Shadow Vale, based on the amount of animal activity, similar to what he’d seen in the jungles and forests of the surface world. Don tells Morsus about the beast when Morsus takes the final watch, and Sephrenia wakes up to take watch with him.
As Don goes to sleep, the unusual beast is spotted by Sephrenia, hiding in the bushes – one of the tentacles having eyes and watching the party before bull rushing them – with Sephrenia yelling for everyone to awaken. (Second red circle on the map)

Korra quickly jumps into the shadows, launching a poisonous arrow into the beast, while Morsus casts the trusty Faerie Fire so that the beast is illuminated, making it an easier target to hit! Don Kannin places his hunter’s mark on the beast and launches a volley of arrows into the beast’s hide, while Sephrenia hits it with Ray of Frost then Sacred Flame. Adrian while wielding Demonbane nearly cuts into the strange beast but the blade does not penetrate the beast’s hide! However, this causes the beast to lose balance, and a bite intended for Adrian is instead delivered to one of it’s own tentacles as it had tried to grab him (critical fail on the bite attack). Ragnaroc delivers a hard hitting Eldrich Blast while Don Kannin lets loose with Sharpshooter, delivering more hard hitting damage. This makes the beast stumble, so Adrian hits it with Demonbane delivering some harder damage. In retaliation, however, the beast does manage to ensnare Adrian with one of its tentacles and bite him for some hard damage. Just in time, Ragnaroc lands a critical hit (Natural 20!) delivering the killing blow to the beast.
As the party enters the dangerous Death Swamp – it becomes unclear for which reason the swamp has earned its name. A putrid odor lingers throughout the massive cavern now covered in knee deep sludge, mud, animal feces and decaying flesh; or if it was because of the lethal beasts that dwell here.
Seeing even twenty feet past themselves proved difficult as moss and sludge seemed to hang and sway from every tree and every branch.
As they enter the swamp – they notice some tentacles (more? Is this a hentai cartoon?) peeking from the murky, green, sludge. Sephrenia mentions she’s got a bad feeling about this – and as the party hopes to avoid it – does she fall, trip on a root beneath the murky green water, and screams as she falls face first into the murky water (Critical fail on a Survival Check) – the beast, alerted that an animal – which meant food – had foolishly wandered into its waters emerged from the green depths and attacked the party! (Third red circle on the map)
Fortunately this eight foot long monstrosity was something the party was in need of as one of the requirements of the poison cure was the eyes of a carrion crawler, for which it can see the dead. Furious that she felt and now reeked of this very swamp – Sephrenia launched two spells (house rule – Natural 20 on Initiative equals two actions!) – so she launched a Shocking Grasp, grabbing the best, then Inflict Wounds which did an incredible amount of damage to the beast, instantly bloodying it! The beast had underestimated it’s prey – and with the help of Korra, Adrian and Don – as well as Pren, and Gor, Dran and Bran – the beast was taken down. Ragnaroc suffered a fall during the attack, and had struck his head against a log and felt too fuzzy (Ragnaroc had to leave just before this battle so I used this as an excuse for him not attacking). Sephrenia was able to harvest both of the carrion crawler’s eyes. The party quickly rushed up the side of Death River and stared at the face of the Crystal Caverns, where they discovered the crystals “hummed” and made a “song” similar to rubbing one’s finger tips on the rim of a glass.