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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric) – Missed This Session
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue) – Missed This Session
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – Missed Most This Session
- NPCs:
- Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
- Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (
BusinessmanRogue, NPC)
- Buppido suddenly sat up and wondered why he had burns on him and then heard a large booming sound outside and said, “My ship’s in trouble!” And began, without looking around, bolting back down the hall, towards the party’s Spelljammer
- The reset see that the unusual looking Illithid descending down from the rafters and don’t believe they’re ready to fight it. “Well, at least Buppido woke up – we should probably follow his lead.”
- The party quickly begins bolting down the very same hall they’d originally come down, thankful now, perhaps, that there were no supplies to carry and slow them down; but they knew, should they reach their Spelljammer and cut themselves off from this derelict ship that they would, once again, be adrift in the Astral Plane
- The Illithid, who floats above the ground moves much slower, allowing the party to get a good lead ahead of him, but as they reach their Spelljammer and begin cutting themselves free, the Illithid launches another psychic lance type mental attack that renders Korra, Sephrenia and Dusk unconscious on their ship (DM Note – The three of them had missed this session, with Dusk joining much later during the session – this was an easy way to “knock them out” and explain why they were not partaking in the adventure)
- The party cuts their Spelljammer free – and Buppido uses a Fire Bolt spell to quickly push their ship away from the Illithid’s ship (better known as a Nautiloid).
- As the others look, they see Buppido talking to some simian humanoids – on their own ship who had tied their Spelljammer to theirs – and had been launching attacks against the Illithid ship to warn the party that the Illithid’s ship was a trap to lure in pirates and other foolish people, and the Illithid would feed on them and turn the remains of their brains into a variation of the Intellect Devour. The simian race explain that they’re known as Hadozee. They go on to explain that the Illithid is named Kr’ilar’ak and he has lured many onto his ship to feast upon them; and that the Hadozee frequently patrol around his ship looking to warn others by pounding on drums and trying to draw people away from going inside
- The Hazodee captain introduces himself as Arkin, he introduces his first mate (the one who had tied the party’s Spelljammer to the Hadozee Spelljammer) as Seris – explaining that their ship was called The Night Howler. Arkin mentions the Hadozee will tow the party’s ship – but because of the dead weight of the party’s Spelljammer that it will take some time; and he gestures to Dusk, Korra and Sephrenia and mentions that it looks like they have their own to take care of and he and Series return to their own ship and begin towing the party’s Spelljammer
- As the party’s ship is being pulled; each of them once again feels that “uneasy feeling” they had aboard the Illithid ship… which makes each of them wonder why… they’d each felt it when they had boarded the Illithid ship, and once the Illithid revealed itself, they had believed it had been because of that… had some kind of creature come aboard the ship? If so, when?
- Arkin mentions how he and his crew can feel a sense of unease aboard the party’s Spelljammer and describe it as “feeling as though it were haunted by a restless spirit”
- Adrian points out that he recalls, when they were fleeing the Illithid… the odd sense of fear wasn’t there, so whatever had been causing it… had, at some point, moved away from being there – probably during the chaos of the locked door and fire… because that was the last time he felt it…
- Adrian comes up with an idea and casts Divine Sense to try and detect any Celestial, Fiend, and Undead aboard the ship – however, the only thing he feels faintly are the Kindori (space whales) swimming further away in the Astral Plane
- When Adrian confirms he can’t sense any undead, Don uses his Primeval Awareness which allows him to detect: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead – and he is able to pick something up – so now the party knows it’s some form of: aberration, dragon, elemental, or fey.
- The party begins moving through the ship to try and determine it’s location, going below deck, down to the same floor where the storage area was that was blown out; they move closer and closer, and the feeling of dread becomes stronger and stronger –
- The party tracks it to the door that leads to the sundered storage area; they know, because this is where Korra had been when the murder comet struck, that just inside there’s oxygen around five feet of the destroyed portion; but beyond that was an opening that led right into the Astral Plane. Adrian tells Buppido and Don to be ready to fire; and that he suspects that perhaps a face hugger may be aboard the ship; holding the shield in front of his face, Adrian swings the door open and ducks down, shield in front of him – while Buppido and Don prepare to fire – but as the door swings open – all they see is the damaged area of the ship that leads into the Astral Plane; everything else in there had been destroyed and/or floated away when the murder comet had struck; there was no visible beast inside
- They waited; and suddenly noticed that while the sense of dread was there, it had waned; as if whatever had been there was moving away from them
- The party suddenly realizes, they’d left the unconscious Korra, Sephrenia and Dusk on the deck of the ship and quickly rushed up there; to see something happening to Korra’s arm, as if she’d been stung by some form of sea creature; Adrian tries to do Lay on Hands but the wounds return – however in different locations on her arm
- He tries to pull Korra away and feels something resisting; as if something has her
- Don casts Wind Wall between Korra and the edge of the deck; and while it does make it’s save, it becomes visible that some form of creature is there
- This allows Buppido then focus a Faerie Fire spell which the creature fails; and suddenly the horror of the creature is now visible
- Don, Adrian and Buppido begin attacking the beast, even as it remains focused on Korra; launching something called Nightmare Fuel which does a lot of damage to Korra and sends her body into convulsions; the party realizes they need to separate the beast from Korra somehow as it seems to be feeding on her
- Don aims at the beast, and speaks to his bow, and whispers, “This is for you, Korra…” And he fires the shot that severs the hold on Korra and kills the beast, and sends it adrift – and immediately the sense of fear washes away
- The party takes Korra and Sephrenia to their rooms and lays them there to rest; Adrian does some Lay on Hands but the scars are there on Korra’s arm
- Don ties Dusk to the mast of the ship
- Adrian offers to take the first watch (because Buppido explains he doesn’t fully trust the Hadozee) and Don takes the second watch
- Adrian doesn’t see any threats; and on Don’s shift, Don gives the unconscious Dusk a good swift kick to the nether region, while patrolling the dock of the ship
- The Hadozee tow the party’s Spelljammer to a large forested asteroid type structure which they explain is called Kruezadune.
- As their Spelljammer docks in the water on a pier, the party’s Spelljammer sensing its damaged hovers ten feet above the water. Using their rope the party descends down the rope and unto the docks where Arkin greets them and says to come to the tavern. The party, along the way notice plasmoid humanoids as well as insect humanoids
- Arkin seeing that they’re surprised; explains that the “plasma humanoids” are known as Plasmoids; and the insect humanoids come from Kne’Urth (as do the plasmoids) and re known as Thri-Kreen.
- He goes on to explain that the Plasmoids were followers of the evil god, Razataun – who had bestowed knowledge of Spelljammers to his followers – and those who uncovered a Spelljammer in an area called “the Gold Coast” (Arkin used air quotes unsure of what that meant, not being a native to Kne’Urth) explains that as soon as they got into the Astral Plane, their connection with Razataun was broken and they realized that they were finally free; they believe another Deity may have been the one who bestowed that knowledge to them so that they could be free of the evil god; and now, they have grown and thrived as a new species in the Astral Plane. He explains that the Thri-Kreen were changed by the same “magic in the Gold Coast” – and they had been one of the first to find the Spelljammers in some ancient pyramids and learned how to use them. He explains that Thri-Kreen are seen far more throughout the Astral Plane than the Plasmoids; but the Plasmoids are becoming a more common site as they often work aboard Spelljammers, exploring the Astral Plane, happy to be free of Razataun’s madness.
- At that moment, Dusk slowly awakens, finding himself tied to the mast, and his nether regions in pain and his stomach violently upset
- He tries to recall what happened; thinking back, he remembers fleeing from the Illithid; they’d reached their ship and were cutting the ropes to push off from the Illithid ship when a searing pain forced him into blackened unconsciousness; but as he fell, he recalled also seeing Korra and Sephrenia fall
- And now… he was… tied to the party’s Spelljammer mast… and the Illithid’s ship was nowhere to be seen… as a matter of fact, all around he could see the tops of massive trees, in the distance several mountains, there was dialogue happening – but in a language he could not understand; there was also the sound of water crashing against something coming from below; it looked as if they had landed somewhere…
- Dusk manages to free himself of the ropes but as he goes to stand, his stomach reminds him of the massive pain; as if something were about to burst from inside, or as if he’d been hit hard in the nether regions; both felt the same (just ask any man…)
- Dusk limps over to the edge of the ship and looks over, and sees that their ship seems to have been towed; and the towed ship is docked in the river, while the party’s Spelljammer hovers above the water. He sees unusual races he’d never seen before out on the pier, near the small town. Dusk turns around and begins searching their ship and he finds Korra and Sephrenia each sleeping in their own beds; and wonders why he wasn’t taken to his room and placed in a bed and tied to the ship’s mast.
- Dusk makes his way back down to the bedrooms and tries to awaken Korra and Sephrenia, neither of which awaken; he pushes Sephrenia off of her bed and lays down for a short while until the pain in his stomach slowly begins to subside. He then gets up and climbs down the rope, down to the pier and approaches one of the Thri-Kreen to ask why his nether regions hurt.
- Back to the others, inside the Hadozee tavern, Buppido asks about getting the ship repaired; and Captain Arkin explains that the Appointed One will be by the tavern later; and encourages everyone to enjoy food and drink. Captain Arkin explains to the bartender that he will cover the cost for the strangers. Captain Arkin explains that when the Appointed One arrives, he will be able to see if they have resources or scouts to gather the resources needed to repair the party’s Spelljammer. In the meantime, the party sits down at the bar, and Don Kanin takes note that Disnarium is speaking to the Hadozee in their native tongue, rather than the broken Common tongue that they (barely) speak.
- Captain Arkin explains the bartender, a Thri-Kreen is named is Varuskk – but like most of the Thri-Kreen, Common (even broken) is a language they speak (some have learned, especially those on Spelljammers for trading purposes), but many who remain on Kruezadune do not speak (broken) Common. However, Varuskk can understand Common perfectly. The Thri-Kreen mixes a drinks for the party and sends it to them to consume.
- He then serves Don, Adrian and Buppido a steak, that all three of them look at leery at first, but then begin to devour it and agree it’s the best thing they’ve ever eaten (Adrian and Buppido rolled Natural 20 on Constitution and Don rolled a 17)
- Back to Dusk, he actives his Winged Boots and after a moment of flying around, hears the boisterous voice of Buppido telling a story how he’d singlehandedly fought a giant Hydra while his party members looked on in awe. He lands and enters the tavern, and immediately Adrian, Buppido and Don greet him and encourage him to eat some of the most incredible meat they’ve ever had
- Dusk shakes his head and explains he can’t figure out why he was tied to the mast of the ship and why his nether regions hurt so badly
- Don and Buppido explain that some kind of creature – the one that was causing that creepy feeling on the Illithid ship; it sensed fresh meat on their Spelljammer and had boarded the ship, remaining invisible; and as the Hadozee towed them they could still sense it and tracked it – and discovered it had gotten a hold of Elon’s nether regions and Korra’s arm and that the combination of a Wind Wall and Faerie Fire, they will able to defeat it; and had they not, Korra would have lost an arm (which Dusk confirmed he saw marks on her arm when he saw her in the bedroom). They also explain that Dusk had been tied to the mast because the creature was trying to pull him over the edge of the ship, so they’d tied him down. (DM Note – a lie, mostly)
- Dusk thanks them for saving him.
- Adrian offers to do Lay On Hands
- Dusk accepts as Adrian slides his hands down and does 2 points of Lay on Hands
- Adrian, Don, and Buppido go on to explain who the Hadozee are and how they’d towed them here to their home and hope to fix the ship and that they were just waiting for the Hadozee leader known as “The Appointed One.”