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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric) – Not Present
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock) – Not Present
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Current NPCs traveling with the party:
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29, Adventure 30 and Adventure 31.
- Despite Nor’Orn’s excitement to take the fight to Goarus Doomsilk, the party manages to convince him and Boogle that they need rest
- The party manages to get a long rest, but the following morning Morsus hears the Drow Priestess’ voice in his head and falls under her sway, revealing to her everything through Morsus’ eyes – Adrian quickly blindfolds him.
- Adrian notices that Ragnaroc is once again, in a trance, speaking in an unusual tongue that none of them recognize
- Nor’Orn explains that he can make ten potions to take with him that could help – but he’d need to know before they leave so he can gather the components. He offers the following potions to make: Acid Splash, Bane, Barkskin, Blur, Burning Hands, Calm Emotions, Cure Wounds, Darkness, Enlarge/Reduce, Faerie Fire, Flaming Sphere, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Ray of Frost, Sacred Flame, Thunderwave, Water Breathing, or Web.
- Note: Where a spell would normally require Concentration, Nor’Orn’s potion will only last two rounds (rather than the spells duration based on Concentration). Also the user of beneficial potions such as Cure Wounds would require a person’s full action (as they’re being handed a potion from a moving target to get and quaff, rather than the Bonus Action house rule I apply to my games for quaffing potions).
- The party opts for Faerie Fire (x2), Blur, Bane, Hideous Laughter, Grease, Invisibility, Thunderwave, Burning Hands and Flaming Sphere.
- The party marches north from Nor’Orn’s to the base of Shrieker Hill where Boogle moves some rocks and then taps on solid stone and says, “They friends. They here to help.”

- Two Galeb Duhr reveal themselves as they move and reveal a steep incline that is nearly a straight drop down (more of an 85 degree angle)

- Adrian asks them if there’s anything they should be aware of down below
- One of them slowly speaks and says, “Beware of the Web. She has spread her sickness everywhere.”
- When Adrian prods for more information, it simply repeats its warning
- Pren tells the party he should take the Magic Hammer to Flamebeard so they can prepare for the battle that’s to come; however, the party either doesn’t trust Pren or don’t feel like he could make it to Flamebeard on his own – so they tell him to guard the entrance and that they will be back – Pren disagrees, but the party doesn’t budge
- The party looks down the intense slope into pitch darkness after about 20 feet down
- Adrian lights and throws a torch and sees it go about 60 feet down and land on a web; then something quickly moves and grabs the torch and pulls it to the side, quickly snuffing the flame
- Don decides to throw a torch down and notices the creature that pulls the torch away as well, but doesn’t get a good look
- He then fires an arrow, which passes through the web and continues down into the darkness until they eventually hear it hit stone – estimating the the incline goes about 200 to 300 feet down
- Knowing they have to take care of the web – the decide to have Nor’Orn throw the only Flaming Sphere potion he has which ignites the web and destroys it
- Nor’Orn leaps on Glider and flies into the cave – the creature lunges at him and misses
- Boogle slides down on his self made oil slick and also avoids the creature
- Sephrenia casts Sacred Flame and the creature fails to get out of the way and gets burned, it begins scaling the wall and the horror of its appearance becomes clear

- As the creature begins scaling the wall, Adrian fires his crossbolt hitting the beast
- Followed by Don Kannin also hitting it with his longbow as he steps in front of the cave entrance to fire a shot, hitting it twice, with additional damage from Hunter’s Mark, blooding the foul beast
- Sephrenia once again launches Sacred Flame which the beast fails to avoid – and she strikes it for incredible damage – causing it’s flammable blood to explode, sending pieces of the Cave Fisher sliding down the incline
- Adrian begins to slide down the incline, and due to his armor, slips a few times, taking some damage; others also take some falling damage as they descend including Sephrenia who takes a long fall near the end taking quite a bit of a beating; Korra manages to make it most of the way down before losing her grip near the bottom, also taking damage; Don and Ragnaroc however, make it down without taking any damage. Morsus however, from being blind folded takes plunge from the first step down and nearly tumbles down the entire length of the incline, sliding and pounding into rocks as he tumbled down to the bottom, taking the most damage from the fall.
- With the entire party down below – they notice that it looks as if the entire floor is moving
- The entire floor is littered with normal sized spiders, that appear to be black widows with the Drow markings on their bottom – making it nearly several thousand spiders that clutter on the floor, walls, and ceilings; climbing up their bodies as they stand there
- The party spots a cavern with the familiar Drow marking and quickly make their way over there, to get out of the room full of spiders
- The party sees that the cavern is covered in webs, and Adrian moves forward to throw a torch on it, burning it – but suddenly seeing small, humanoid spiders creatures rushing towards him and attacking him

- Adrian recognizes these creatures as the same ones they’d fought before in the miner’s cave
- The party makes pretty quick work of them, though they do manage to inflict considerable damage on Adrian due to their multiple attacks
- During the fight, Korra does manage to accidentally shoot Don in the back (Critical Fail to Hit) with an arrow – Don yanks out the arrows and shoot a scathing look at Korra and keeps the arrow
- Suddenly, Adrian and Korra are able to shake off an unusual effect – but Sephrenia feels herself being Baned
- The creature further in the cave is seen

- The party recognizes the beast from the swamps they had been in only a week ago
- Once it sees the final Chitine fall it quickly retreats into the cave
- The ranged make an attack with a few hitting – but once again, Korra fires a shot and hits Don and once again (Critical Fail to Hit), Don scowls and yanks out the arrow and keeps it – the party pauses to give chance because Sephrenia wants to spend the 10 minutes to do Healing Word – so Don decides to chase it down himself, stealthing into the cave
- Don manages to get to the mouth of the cave… and what he sees… well, that would be spoiling it to say right now
- DM Notes: What Don saw was sent directly to him in a private message in Discord to keep the suspense up for the rest of the party
- The 10 minute spell of Healing Word is cast and the party is alarmed that Don hasn’t returned to say what he’s found
- They decide to go in after him – Korra says because of the heavy armor that both Sephrenia, Adrian and Morsus wear – to give her some distance
- Korra does see Jackson, Don’s honey badger running in circles – but she keeps moving on
- DM Notes: What Korra sees is directly sent to her in a private message in Discord to keep the suspense up for the rest of the party
- When Korra doesn’t come back – now the rest of them proceed forward – where Adrian trips in the dark (Critical Fail on Stealth)
- Nor’Orn comes flying into the cave shouting his excitement about they’re headed for Doomsilk’s alchemy room
- When the party reaches Jackson – Sephrenia looks up and sees Don wrapped in webbing above them
- Adrian hands Nor’Orn his magical longsword and Nor’Orn is able to cut Don down quickly (Natural 20!)
- The party still hasn’t found Korra – but they do reach the mouth of Doomsilk’s lair
- Don looks up and sees Korra stuck in webbing on the ceiling – at the mouth of Doomsilk’s lair
- The party rounds the corner and sees what appears to be a four armed, twelve foot tall creature standing at the entrance – behind him, a cacophony of sheer madness as hundreds of various alchemy experiments are happening; there are creatures being dissected, chained to tables and walls; the odor is thick with sulfur and an overly confident Doomsilk is leaning against the table, facing the entrance and smiling

DM Note: Because there were two people who would be missing out on the fight with Doomsilk, I improvised a lot of this session to be encounter heavy to “fluff” up the session and basically buy time, for next time – where hopefully everyone will be able to attend for this fight which has been building up for quite some time. So there wasn’t as much story this time around.