The Island of Chuul

The map below is an “estimation” of what the few explorers who dared near the island believe it to look like. Earlier one ship docked near the island and made their way to the island to gather resources and were attacked by creatures they’d never seen before. One survivor ran through the island in fear, and in doing so had managed to see some of it, before reaching the shore on the other side and then, in an attempt to survive, grabbed drift wood and pushed out to sea. They were, surprisingly, found a week later by another passing ship; but by this time the survivor was completely insane. The rough map they had in their hands is what the below map of Chuul is based on. The previously unnamed island got the name of “Chuul” because according to this sole survivor, that’s what the being chanted over and over – directly into their minds. The island is primarily an extremely dense jungle, whose ground becomes more and more fluid-like the closer you get to the center.