Feylinar is the small island from which the Tabaxi hail from. The island is split between three large tribes of Tabaxi. There are the Tabaxi that dwell in the western coastal jungle that call themselves the “Domhainn” – while the forested Tabaxi call themselves the “Coille” and the Tabaxi to the east, in the more swampy lands of the island are known as the “Slugadh.”
Among the Tabaxi historian, the earlies documented stories about the Tabaxi that the ones who called themselesv the Domhainn were highly territorial and occupy the same area for generations. Females actively defend their territories against other females, while resident males protect prides from rival coalitions. Territory size depends on prey abundance, as well as access to water and denning sites. The Coille Tabaxi frequently used pheromones and physical signs (like claw markings or feces) to define their territory. Males roam much larger territories than the females. A male can make a territory more than 200 to 250 square miles in size. In the mating season and venture out to find a female mate, often roaming into Domhainn and Sluhadh marked territory to find their mates. The Sluhadh Tabaxi normally are reclusive and tend to avoid others – preferring to only make contact during hunts. They make their dens in forested, almost swamp-like regions that are dense thickets and under uprooted trees. They are highly territorial are tended to defend their areas, especially against the Coille.
For centuries, the Tabaxi would war against one another on the island; whether it was for trespassing or courting from mixed tribes; the Tabaxi always seemed to be looking for a reason to fight one another.
In the year 1175, the warring among the Tabaxi came to a halt when the island was discovered by several passing ships hoping to restock and search for food on the island – and discovered the Tabaxi. One of the ship commanders saw the Tabaxi as an opportunity to sell them as “exotic pets.” This created a massive slave trade, in which the Tabaxi were being enslaved and dragged to other continents to be sold as these “pets” and chained as a “status symbol.” In 1185, a Tabaxi was freed from her chains by the name Felina, and she would go on to create an underground force to liberate Tabaxi. In 1190, it became outlawed throughout the known world to own Tabaxi as “exotic pets.” (Naturally this does not stop everyone from still breaking this law…)
When the enslavement of Tabaxi began, the Tabaxi tribe elders formed a council and a peace treaty. Despite the end of the Tabaxi enslavement (legally), the Peace Council remains and the Tabaxi no longer war with one another.
Other creatures (some of which are enemies of the Tabaxi) include: Aarakocra (dwell among the mountains and are natural enemies of the Tabaxi), Aboleth (known to exist off the shores of the island), Ankheg (scattered throughout the land and feed on the Tabaxi who don’t stay to the trees), a Beholder (possibly more than one) made its presence known in the cave in the mountains in the center, various forms of Blight exist throughout the island, bugbears roam the mountains, a number of dinosaurs are known to exist on the island – the only other location because the “Forgotten Island” that is known to have dinosaurs, Ettercaps are in the wooded areas and inside some of the caverns around the mountains, gnolls and goblins also roam the mountains, harpies line the shorelines all around the island, lizard folk dwell in the swamps, merfolk and merrow have been seen in the waters around the island, and sahuagin are all around the waters of the island. This is just some of the creatures that dwell in or around the island.