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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard – Missed This Session
- The party, their mind filled with knowledge (this is due to another group unlocking the captured magic into the world – See The Adventurers – Session 66) decide to head to an Inn and get some rest, and rinse off from the sewer they’d climbed through
- They check in at The Moon’s Shadow, run by Shorkin Eversky
- Spotting three pets (Pabu, Kalistia, and Gem) – he does mention it will cost extra for the pets (because they can tear things up)
- Standard, two bedroom is 10 gold a night, for pets; 5 gold otherwise
- Sindri asks how many people fit in a two bedroom
- The Innkeeper, puzzled, answers, “Well, there’s two beds. That’s why it’s called ‘two bedroom.’ So I am not sure if any of you are couples, but a couple could fit comfortably on a bed.”
- He checks in Sindri and Rettniss, who have no pets into the first floor
- Twilight and Avacyn get a room together, also on the first floor
- Arhian and Hartmut, however, are booked on the sixth floor
- DM Note: How I determined which floor they would be on, is having each pair determine who would roll a D6 to determine the floor. For Twilight and Avacyn, obviously Avacyn rolled since Twilight wasn’t present.
- Twilight stays in the room to examine the lyre that the party recovered from the undead bard (See Session 19) (DM Note – Since Twilight missed this session, it was an easy way to write her out of this session’s events)
- Sindri remains in his room as well, with Rettniss telling him she’s heading down to the tavern below
- As Arhian and Hartmut are heading down the stairs from dropping off their equipment on the sixth floor, Arhian turns to Hartmut to explain that the Oracle, or Seer, Prama Seersight had mentioned that when his parents were murdered… they were killed by Hobgoblins who had attacked the city… looking for some kind of book… or book of blood… or something about a bloodline… she wasn’t too clear.
- They briefly consider if it’s about the Orc Warchief, Rak’grum Bloodseed who was killed hundreds of years ago by “The Mad Elf” – Ashen’Var. Because the orcs were interested in resurrecting Rak’grum’s spirit – but his coffin had gone missing from the Bloodseed Mountains, which he had been buried at. (Information about Rak’grum was gathered all the way back in Session 7)
- There was a Hobgoblin, long ago, who had led the Hobgoblin revolution (See History of Utsukkuen) name Grath Honorbound. There’d been the note they’d found about “the Illithid know of the bloodline of Grath Honorbound” that they’d found. (Back in Session 5). Also the master, Shujin Gorudo, at the Path of Enlightenment mentioned that there’d been a way to unlock the magic from the cestus – to reveal more about Grath Honorbound. (See Session 18).
- But neither of them could recall anything in their teachings, about a book that the Hobgoblins might have been interested in
- Reaching the tavern and seeing Rettniss sulking in the dark, they grab a drink at the bar and join her in the shadows
- Avacyn makes sure Twilight doesn’t need anything, before leaving her and heading for the taven. Once there, the others wave her over and Avacyn joins them for a drink.
- While sitting there talking over the events of the last few days, especially the “White Sky Event” that has everyone buzzing, and how they each feel different – three mages enter the tavern and gather near the fireplace, huddled close together, deep in conversation, no dount also talking about the “White Sky Event.”
- Avacyn and Hartmut are able to listen in on the Mages, as Rettniss heads to her room to go get Sindri. Avacyn and Hartmut hear the mages say, “When that light burst happened – we all felt it. Something changed. There’s magic flowing everywhere – unbridled and unchanneled. Could it be someone finally found the sphere that the Mad Elf imprisoned the magic of the world into? And if they did, they have managed to break it free? That’s what it feels like.”
- The second mage, sounding more concerned, mutters, “Yes, but what about the scrying spell that came after that? The one that was probing our shields around Ridgecrest?”
- The third mage adds, “Well it doesn’t sound like they penetrated the barrier.”
- “At least not from above,” the first mage mutters. “But you know, down below the great library… things are… different. They may not have come from above, but what if they came in from below?”
- “Impossible,” the third shakes his head. “No one knows about the area below the library. Only a handful are aware. Certainly no one outside of our trusted circle. The scrying came from somewhere else – it was distant – but very powerful.”
- As Sindri and Rettniss enter the tavern again, the others notice that Sindri has a small, translucent squirrel on his shoulder (and off to the side Shorkin Eversky can be heard shouting, “Did we charge him a pet fee?”)
- Sindri is busy explaining to Rettniss, “Well, this is Paige – or, Page,” he seems to laugh at himself regarding the joke, “You know the bright light that filled the sky? And all that raw magic we felt? Well, it turns out – it bestowed all kinds of new knowledge. And this,” he gestures to the small, translucent squirrel, “is a manifestation of my actual spellbook.”
- As Sindri hoists himself up into a chair, Hartmut looks at Sindri and says, “Speaking of that flash of light,” he gestures to the three gathered mages, “they’re talking about it too. Except they seemed to be really concerned about some kind of portals opening up.”
- Sindri looks over, and notices two of the three bare the Scrollmaster titles on their robes; meaning they work in a library of mages; the third bares a higher rank of Chronicler.
- Realizing that their excited tones has caught some unwanted attention, the three mages begin to whisper again; unaware that Sindri, while seeing their lips can easily read their lips to know what’s being said (DM Note – thanks to the Observer feat which Sindri took)
- Sindri can see that the Chronicler is concerned because the alarms went off shortly after the “white light event” – all around the city – as if something was trying to penetrate the city – as if some being was looking specifically in Ridgecrest for something – and it was furious, in its attempt to scry the city – but they’re confident, the barrier held up
- Sindri shares what he’s heard from them and Hartmut asks if they should go talk to them; Arhian raises the concern that they might think they’re the “outsiders” and Sindri adds, “If we do, Rettniss should stay here and sulk in the shadows. Because from what I can tell, these Mages are not just a part of the Wizard’s tower; but they’re also a part of the guard. And since Rettniss decided to go animal shape, she doesn’t have a pass to be in Mid-Ridge. So if they ask for our passes, she’s going to get into some trouble.” (Absolutely true – See Session 21 in regards to Rettniss)
- Sindri scooches off his chair, and with his tiny little gnome legs, struts over to the three mages, and says, “Hey, fellow mage here,” and extends his hands, to which the three mages look at him, then his hand, before Sindri recalls his arm. “I am sorry, did I overhear that there was something going on? Portals and such?”
- The Chronicler scolds one of the Scollmasters, about talking too loud, before looking at Sindri and saying, “Don’t worry. Nothing has penetrated the city’s defenses. You can sleep safe tonight. Everything will be totally fine.”
- Sindri smiles, “Well that was convincing. If I wanted to learn more about this magic event – is there somewhere I could go?”
- “Only High Ridge,” the Chronicler replies. “That’s where the great Library is. But it requires a High Ridge Pass.”
- Sindri asks if there’s a way to get a pass for himself.
- The three discuss amongst themselves, and finally the Chronicler hands Sindri a note, that allows Sindri a temporary pass for 50 gold – on Behalf of High Ridge’s Mage Tower
- Arhian and Hartmut explain they’d like to see if there’s any Monk orders in Mid Ridge to gather some information; and Sindri says if they’re going to do that, he’d like to go to High Ridge. However, they all agree they should probably shower and rest – and get the stench of the sewers off of them before they do anything and get some rest.

- The assassins strike.
- In Arhian’s room – One of the assassins manages to stab Arhian with their dagger, before Arhian is able to react (DM Note – Surprise Round for the Assassins!)
- One strikes Hartmut, as well as in the other room, Sindri and Rettniss are attacked, but the on who is attacking Avacyn fails to stab her
- Each of them awakens, and immediately notices each of the assassins has gouged out one of their eyes, and foaming at the mouth
- While everyone in the party, rolled poorly for initiative – it is the two monks who are caught flatfooted – surprised that someone had scaled six stories into their room to attack them
- As the fighting erupts in the rooms; no one aware that the other members are being attacked, chaos ensues
- In a desperate attempt to drive the assassin away from her, Rettniss casts Burning Hands which does successfully burn the assassin, but proceeds to ignite the room on fire as well (DM Note – Per the Spell Description: The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.)
- I had Rettniss roll the percent of damage that the room went up…
- Sindri casts Phantasmal Force to trick the assassin into believing he’s being crushed
- Sindri shouts, “What are you doing?” to Rettniss
- “Do you see these assassins? They’ve gouged their own eyes! And foaming at the mouth!” Rettniss shouts back over the burning flames
- “I might be worried about the fire than the assassins!” Sindri shouts back
- Rettniss shouts back, “I have contingency plans over here!” As more the room burns, Rettniss eventually casts Create/Destroy Water and summons 30 gallons of water and splashes it into the room
- Meanwhile, despite the rough start, Arhian and Hartmut have taken care of their assassins and Hartmut notices smoke coming up; he peers out through the window and sees smoke on the first floor and uses his Shadow Step to get to the first floor – and sees that it’s coming from Rettniss’ and Sindri’s room
- Meanwhile, in Avacyn’s room – she struggles against the assassin – but in the end, cleaves her assassin from shoulder to waistline diagonally – and the sundered assassin collapses on the still unconscious Twilight, who has not awakened – and unnoticed to Avacyn, Twilight’s fingers are resting on the lyre strings…
- Avacyn runs over to Rettniss and Sindri’s room, since they’re on the first floor; and immediately noticed that the outside door seems burned; and the floor is wet; using all her strength she cleaves through the door and helps with the final assassin that’s in the room
- A moment later, the Inn Keeper, Shorkin Eversky‘s voice can be heard yelling from down the hall
- With the assassins defeated, they examine the bodies of the assassins and immediately notice that all the assassins bare the same markings
- They quickly notice the markings are that in a tongue that spells out: As’zar’vari’tium
- Hartmut looks at the others, with concern, “As’zar’vari’tium… that’s the name of the Beholder… whose items we found on the island.” It’d been his ship (see all the way back to Session 01 and his treasure, that they’d taken – back in Session 03)
- The party pieces together – the Mages had mentioned “Scrying” – so somehow, As’zar’vari’tium had done some kind of scrying; and the portals the Mages mentioned, must have been As’zar’vari’tium teleporting his assassins to Ridgecrest… since he now, somehow, knew the location of his former belongings. It’s clear he didn’t really care to have them back; but rather, murder those who would dare steal from him… even if his ship had been lost at sea. (DM Note – In another game session, since everything is connected, the dreaded Beholder gained a Skull-Gem that whispers secrets to him – which can be seen over in The Adventurers session – they first learn about in Session 44 when a Tiefling named Kraun hired them – and an Allip they encounter shares more information about it; they recovered it from a Thieves Guild in Session 46; Kraun purchases the skull from the party for 6,000 gold in Session 47; the party learns about the power of the skull gem and how it bestows infinite knowledge in Session 60; and in the following session, accidentally ruin the deal Kraun had with the Beholder in Session 61; they learned that Kraun had planned on double crossing the Beholder in Session 70 and recently met up with a mysterious elf named Disnarium who says it’s imperative that the party stops the Beholder before it attains immortality, because godhood is next; the party is currently in a Spelljammer giving chase in the planes – not caught up to those notes yet…)