Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 85

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  • NPCs:
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC)
  • Spelljammer Crew:
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
    • Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
  • After the battle with the three braxat (see the previous session, Session 84) the party heads for Councilor Estel‘s estate to rest in the West Wing
  • Korra and Adrian return to the massage place (see last session), but this time the masseuses swap clients – and it’s Korra who gets the better massage, instead of Adrian
  • Adrian, Sephenia and Korra also head to the potion shop which is Meznar’s Potion Shop, run by a male astral elf by the name Meznar (funny how that works)
Meznar, who runs Meznar’s Potion Shop
  • The party asks about his supply, and he explains due to the recent (and really, constant battles with the native beasts known as Braxat – which the party helped fight just recently) – he’s frequently low on potions because the majority goes to the soldiers and the scouts who frequently encounter the dangers that live on Barawaui. However, he does reveal he had 23 normal potions and 23 greater healing potions (this was rolled by the players, leaving fate in their hands!)
First roll at 7:17, was to see if they had any – Natural 20, so I said, “Sure. Roll a D20 to see how many regular he has.” I said roll a 3d10 – see how many. She rolls a 23. She asks about Greater Healing Potion, so I raise the DC, but doesn’t matter natural 20 – again. I said, “Roll 3d10 to see how many” and she rolls another 23. Crazy odds of that happening? Two 20’s – then on a 3d10, both come up 23?
  • Meznar recognizes the party, since they’re not Astral Elves, and noticed them on the battlefield and offers to give the party the greater healing potion for 90 gold per potion (after Adrian offers to purchase in bulk), rather than the normal cost of 100 gold per. He explains he would like to offer them at a cheaper price, but money they make goes into the rebellion funds to help fight the Githyanki.
    • Adrian purchased 7 Greater Healing Potions (for 630 gold)
    • Korra purchases 7 Greater Healing Potions (for 630 gold)
    • Sephrenia purchases 7 Great Healing Potions (for 630 gold)
    • From there they make their way to Tavaris’ Wonder of Wonderous Things, a magic shop
    • Sephrenia asks if he’s able to recharge her amulet of inspiration
    • Tavaris explains that that is a gift from an Avatar and that no mortal could recharge it
    • However, he speculates that if she remains honorable and true, that Lady Valen Tyne will recharge it when the time is right (DM Note – On Valentine’s Day)
      • He, however, can not confirm or deny, whether it would actually every recharge
    • Sephrenia then asks if he has any other magical items
    • Tavaris explains that most of the magical items go towards the Rebellion and the Soldiers who battle the Githyanki
    • But sometimes he has a surplus of items that hasn’t been assigned to the Soldiers yet, that he can try to sell to the party – depending on what she needs
    • Tavaris asks for Sephrenia’s hand – and as she holds out – he places her hands into his – and he whispers several words of magic – and begins detecting off the magical items that she has on her and explains he doesn’t have much to offer – except he has a Cloak of Protection (+1).
  • While speaking to Tavaris, Sephrenia explains how she had Adamantine Armor from helping dwarves; and while the High Elves rarely cared for the (dirty, underground dwelling) Mountain Dwarves, she confessed she’d grown fond of them – one of them in particular (Pren). DM Note – This flew over my head during the game, because of things happening at home; but when listening to the recording and hearing her in character, I retroactively gave her character Inspiration to use next time we played.
  • DM Note – While 1st and 2nd Edition D&D were brutal – something I loved is having Magic Items already priced out in the DMG for very easy reference. Sadly, this is something they did away with in 5th Edition… for reasons… I will never understand. Instead I found this chart –
    • Found something in Xanthar’s Guide for buying Magic Items –
    • Rarity – Asking Price*
    • Common = (1d6+1) x 10 gp
    • Uncommon = 1d6x100 gp
    • Rare = 2d10 x 1000 gp
    • Very Rare = (1d4+1) x 10,000 gp
    • Legendary = 2d6 x 25,000 gp
    • Half for consumable (potions, scrolls, etc)
      So probably going to use this going forward, to see how it works out.
  • So because the Cloak of Protection is considered an Uncommon item, I let Sephrenia roll the dice on the cost and be the one to set the price by fate…
  • So based on the formula – it would be 3 (Rolled) x 100 making it 300 gold
  • Sephrenia purchases the Cloak of Protection for 300 gold
  • Adrian is impressed – and asks for Tavaris to do the same
  • Tavaris identifies a number of items; noting his Ring of Communication and the Tiger Sword that Adrian has
  • When Adrian explains he’s supposed to get the Tiger Shield after defeating the Beholder who’d gone mad
  • Tavaris explains that there’s reports of the Beholder – with the gem for an eye – that’s been wreaking havoc in the Astral Plane – and it was spotted inside the dead god sea, within the mind of Drakenfiel, the God of Wisdom.
  • Tavaris explains that – the Scouts in the Astral Plane, however, reported the Beholder soon teleported away and seems to have allied itself with the Githyanki, who then attacked the Scouts ship.
  • Tavaris explains that there’s a Hunter named Nikarus, who is an expert Mage Slayer – and has an interest in discovering what the Beholder is doing. He tells the party how to find Nikarus.
  • Adrian asks about another Cloak of Protection, and Tavaris explains that he has a Cloak of Protection – that was made from a failed Displacer Beast hide tanning – so it doesn’t do the Displacement effect, but has a slight shimmer (which is what grants the +1 AC) and because Adrian rolled a 4, that explains the additional 100 gold cost (the Displacer Beast hide)
  • Dusk is taken to the Great Library of Historical Knowledge; intrigued by the weapon he’d seen the Hadozee hermit, Adoy, using (See Session 79)
    • He discovers in order to make such an item – he will need a few things, and most of them are on each of the planes…
      • From the Plane Of Fire – A Fire Crystal – to creature the fire damage
      • From the Plane of Water – A Water Crystal – to heal a target
      • From the Plane of Air – An Air Crystal – to shoot the flame
      • From the Plane of Earth – Syvarian Wood, as well as the essence of a Lampad
        • The Syvarian wood must be acquired first to trap the Lampad’s essence; the Lampad’s essence is what is used to manipulate the crystals to create the Wither and Bloom effect
        • The Lampad must be killed (final blow) using the Syvarian Wood to trap its essence in the wood
      • It does not that to fire the weapon, the person using the weapon must expend two actions focusing on firing off the crystal effects; however, if the person using the weapon has access to magic (and has existing spell slots) – they can channel their own magic into it, and reduce the requirement down to 1 turn (and burn an existing spell slot doing so)
    • Everyone makes their way back to the Spelljammer
    • Adrian uses his ring to communicate with his fiancé, Isabella, who sees him still very bloody and beaten up; she asks what happens and Adrian explains how they fought giant beasts (the braxat) and that he’d taken damage for Korra
    • DM Note – For fun, since Adrian hadn’t used the ring to communicate with her I figured this might be a fun moment to do some potential “trouble in paradise” – so I made him roll to see if his fiancé would be jealous…
  • DM Note – Things are taking a turn as Isabella clearly shows signs of jealousy that he hadn’t called her for awhile and that he was risking his life for Korra. As the conversation between the two it sways back and forth from good to bad, and back to good finally, before he explains it might be awhile before he contacts her again (He doesn’t explain why but he needs to free up an attunement slot for his Cloak of Protection)
  • After everyone gets a long rest, Nikarus meets the party on their Spelljammer and shows them an Astral Plane map and points to a rift that leads to the Plane of Earth. Nikarus explains that’s where all indications show that the Beholder went after departing the “mind” of the dead god Drakenfiel’s head. Nikarus explains that he is fearful that somehow the Beholder channeled additional information from within Drakenfiel’s mind – because Drakenfiel was known as the God of Wisdom – The legend behind Drakenfiel is that there is no question that he does not know the answer to. He also admits he is curious whatever became of Drakenfiel’s mystical raven, Foresight, as it is not in the Sea of Dead Gods, which means it may yet be alive…
  • Nikarus leaps off the party’s Spelljammer and wishes them luck
  • Councilor Estel approaches the party and explains that they will continue to clean off the Githyanki Spelljammer they recovered and begin the ritual for summoning the decease spirit of a Astral Solar Dragon – so that when the party returns they can try to convince it to enter the Spelljammer and serve them. He explains that depending how long the party is on the Plane of Earth, where he understands from Nikarus, where the party is headed next that they may have the ship ready by then.
  • The party bids their farewells and shunts to the Plane of Earth
  • From above, Buppido (being controlled by the DM since he wasn’t present) shouts down to the party since he’s attuned to the Spelljammer – that the Spelljammer is reporting that it can’t land on the Plane of Earth, as it’s too rugged and it’s detecting all kinds of abnormal magic going off on the Plane itself. The Spelljammer (Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer) explains to Buppido that she can attempt to teleport the party down – however, the abnormal magic she’s sensing may cause the teleportation to go awry – essentially it may shunt them in a random direction from the actual desired location
  • DM Note – I rolled a 1d5 to see who I’d make the next roll – and just did it Alphabetically from their character names in Discord – 1. Adrian, 2. Don Kanin, 3. Dusk, 4. Korra and 5. Sephrenia. It landed on 1, so I had Adrian roll a percentile dice.
  • The Spelljammer’s teleporting was 42% accurate (which was good – put them right in the middle – not at the exact location of the Plane of Earth’s Kingdom, which would have been best – but didn’t shove them way off – which would have made for a longer trek!
  • The teleportation devices, whirs and humans – and finally teleports the party away, leaving Buppido aboard the ship to beam them back up (easy way to explain why he wouldn’t be with the party since he was present this session)
  • The party finds themselves on top of a mountain – the ground 300 feet below. A cave is nearby that looks to head downward.
  • As the party lands on the rocky cliffs – the bumpy teleportation doesn’t seem to impact any of them (the ship warning them that it may go wrong apparently got them all ready as they all succeeded the DC 15 Constitution Save!)
  • Seeing the cave; the party tries to decide for a plan. Dusk uses his flying boots and begins scanning the mountain as he flies about and finds another – 25 cave exits/entrances that could be connected to the cave system the party is next to at the top. (DM Note – I decided to let Dusk roll a D20 and said I’d add 5 to whatever he rolled – so a minimum of 6 caves – he rolled a 20… making it 25…)
  • As the party debates whether they should allow Dusk to fly them down one at a time (potentially putting one half in danger) or going into the cave together, Dusk decides to just grab Korra and begin flying her down – explaining she can just stealth when she gets down there and that he will fly Adrian down next. Despite Korra being normally very dexterous she fails to make a solid landing and rolls into some rocks, taking some cuts and bruises. As she tries to recover, she notices some shadows on some nearby rocks behaving oddly.
  • Dusk flies up and gets Adrian next, whom he brings down – and Adrian is able to gracefully land (having seen how poorly Korra landed he was better prepared)
  • As Dusk makes his way up, unaware of the danger on the ground – the shadowy mass attacks and reveals itself to be a Drow like they’ve never seen before!
  • Don, who is able to spot the Drow Shadowblade, fires from above
  • As Dusk reaches the top and sees Don firing down at shadows, Sephrenia explains that something seems to be attacking Korra and Adrian
  • Dusk explains they have problems of their own as another figure emerges from near the cave mouth…
  • DM Note – We paused there because it was already close to 9pm.
  • The order of combat:
    • (Ground) Drow Shadowblade – 24
    • (Mountain) Don Kanin – 22.18
    • (Mountain) Drow Arachnomancer – 22
    • (Ground) Adrian – 17
    • (Ground) Korra – 10
    • (Mountain) Sephrenia – 10
    • (Mountain) Dusk – 7