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The Aurochs are bulls who have what appears to be a mixture of mountain goats in them. In many regards they behave like both creatures; completely fearless, they’re always ready to charge anyone who threatens them, and yet – despite their massive size, they’re capable of carefully balancing themselves on small rocks. Orcs have been known to capture the creatures and use them as beasts of burden and creatures to ride into battle, because the creatures will ram anyone that stands in front of them.

These foul creatures reek of evil. Originally created by a Coven of Hags by convincing a Bullywug to kill its clan and kin and return to the hag with proof. These bullywugs are promised great power – which, is a bended truth. The bullywug, through a powerful and painful process, is changed into a Banderhobb by the Coven – however, it loses all of it’s free will and becomes completely subservient to the Coven. Hags typically create the Banderhobb for one of two reason – to guard the Coven’s home, or to track down someone who has slighted the Coven in some way – and murder them. Banderhobbs thrive on devouring anything and everything in their path, often regurgitating their victims within an hour, their remains devoured by the highly toxic and acidic fluids of the Banderhobb’s stomach. The Banderhobb are extremely cunning and intelligent, and will often stalk their prey and look for the best time to strike.

The evil god, Brezden (God of Greed) had struck a deal with Maglubier (God of Goblins), to use the Goblins to murder the Dwarves, and thus weaken Jarisfargen. This resulted in a bloody war between Goblins and Dwarves, and a natural hatred was born. When it became clear that the goblins were not going to be able to drive the dwarves from their home, Maglubier had the goblins retreat. Brezden was furious and cursed the goblins, so that each of them that has ever seen a dwarf has a chance to have their soul twisted by greed and hatred, turning their soul into a barghest – a werewolf like creature that’s birthed upon the goblin’s death (ripping itself from inside their body), and seeks to attack and kill anything in their sight. Hags, who have spent their long lives studying lycanthropy, have also developed a means – of cursing the blood of a lycanthrope they’ve captured (most commonly werewolves) – and, after murdering the werewolf and extracting their blood – makes a cursed concoction that they often trick goblins into drinking (“It will make you more powerful!”) which will turn them into a Barghest. This may be the true origin of where Barghests come from, rather that the origin that mentions this was due to a feud between gods; though both may be true.

Beholder, Death Kiss
These Beholders are unlike most of their kin; since their ten eye stalks are replaced with ten tentacles, and upon the end of each of those tentacles is a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The Death Kiss relies solely on drinking blood. It does not posses the magical eye beams that normal beholders do; though striking the beast does have an electrical effect against any who try to hit it. In lacking the magical abilities of its brethren, it instead becomes extremely lethal with the ability to strike multiple times with its tentacles. There is speculation that the Death’s Kiss is the result of what is known as Feypire – which is a fey who possesses vampire like abilities, but is not a true vampire. (Sometimes also called Feympire)

Beholder, Gauth
The creation of the Gauth Beholder is said to stem from the blood of a true Beholder, who has bled on the sands of the Broken Lands. The sand from the Broken Lands is so magically charged, the the true Beholder so powerful in magic; that the very droplets of blood turn into Gauth, whose sole purpose is to find and devour magic items it can detect – which the Broken Lands are full of.

Beholder, Gazer
The Gazer is a smaller Beholder-like creature, only 12 inches in size, it has four eye stalks, one large center eye and a mouth full of teeth. The origin of the Gazer seems to stem from legends of a Beholder that had learned to regenerate itself – and that severed eye stalks had grown into Gazers. The validity of this has never been confirmed. The Gazer is often employed by wizards and warlocks to keep the domains clean, as the Gazer feasts on vermin.

The Bodak is a spirit whose service to Orcus has granted them unholy life. There are Warriors of Orcus who have gone on to impress the demon-lord enough that he sees further use for them as undead, to continue killing. Each Bodak is directly tied to Orcus, allowing the demon-lord to see and hear anything the Bodak does; and even allows the demon-lord, should he choose, to speak and act through the Bodak, who freely surrenders its will to its master. The bodak’s feature is one that is horrible to simply gaze upon, invoking horror and visions of death.

The boggle is a small fey creature that has been corrupted by dark magic, and somehow found its way back to the light – but the magic has forever changed the boggle to be dark in appearance, emitting an oiling skin wherever it walks, that kills nature around it, as a form of punishment. They still have their fey personality that allows them to attempt to play pranks on victims of boggles. Often times, a death caused by a boggle is done on accident (a prank gone too far) which puts the boggle’s soul in a darker place.

These creatures appear to be a mixture of a giant sized warthog, mixed with a rhino, buffalo and hippopotamus all smashed together, taking in all of these creatures worse traits. The stench alone, that these creatures emit can cause someone to become extremely ill. They’re found typically in swamps, and if you see one, you can also bet that they may be a hag somewhere in those swamps as well, as hags often use these creatures as a form of protection. It is said that aside from their vile appearance and smell, that long ago, hags granted these loathsome creatures one more additional ability – that their gaze alone can, at will, attempt to strike a soul so deep, that it kills those who peer into its eyes.

Appearing to be a mixture of a spider and a scorpion, this creature is extremely lethal. They often linger just inside of a cavern to ensnare unaware creatures that might be seeking shelter. Then, once poisoned and webbed, drag the victim to be devoured further inside the cave. Cave Fishers are often hunted by dwarves, because the blood of a cave fisher is extremely alcoholic (so dwarves use it in their brew), while Hobgoblins have been known to use Cave Fishers as guardians to their caves (using the threat of fire to train them, because a cave-fisher’s blood is flammable).

The Dark Elves, loyal servants of Lakrona (Goddess of Lies and Deceit, Mistress of the Web) used vile experiments on slaves in the Shadow Mountain. The slaves were turned into what was called – Chitine – and the Dark Elves took this as a good omen. However, what they did not realize is that Lakrona is a selfish goddess. She did not like that the Dark Elves were mimicking her ability to transform Dark Elves to Driders. She allowed a large number of Chitine to be created, before appearing to them to revolt against the Dark Elves. She locked down the magic of the Dark Elf priests so that their prayers went unanswered during the revolt, so that they could not heal or bless their own. The Chitine did great damage to the Dark Elves before fleeing into Shadow Mountain where they continued to thrive and reproduce.

The Choldrith are Chitine that were born after the rebellion against the Dark Elves. These are the chosen ones from Lakrona, whom she has endowed with magical abilities, all of which are female in gender. Despite that they – like the Dark Elves – worship Lakrona – they are the ones instrumental in the frequent attacks against the Dark Elves, which Lakrona fully supports – believing that it will only make the Dark Elves stronger (and be a constant reminder to not tamper in the magics of altering bodies into spiders).

Cranium Rats (Swarm)
These creatures were created by the Mind Flayers of the Shadow Mountain. These tiny creatures could be used to telepathically communicate back to the Mind Flayers about things happening around the Shadow Mountain. Just one of these creatures alone, does not appear to be much of a threat, and only has the most basic of animal knowledge; but strangely when packed together as a swarm, their intelligence merges, often becoming far more cunning and intelligent than most humans.

According the legends and the lore that surround the mysterious people known as “Darklings” – eons ago, an Elf refused to be limited by the magic he had known; and sought power elsewhere. He turned to Necromancy to continue his life. He betrayed the Dragons and tricked them and used their magic. As a result, the gods cursed the blood line of the one whose name has been stricken from the world and simply known as “The Ashen Elf.” Those from his bloodline are elves, whose bodies attempt to absorb all light. As a result, the Darklings cover up their skin entirely (the intended curse, so that no one would ever see their beauty). However, the truth of their origins has been lost over time and retold by a thousand different bards with a thousand different variations. The Darklings primarily reside deep in the Shadow Vale.

Deep Scion
There are a number of stories that speak of the origins of the Deep Scions. The most common one is that Memnash (God of Misfortune) seeks out ships to bestow ill fortunate upon, to sink, crash, or get lost – and in a deal with Xaragorn (God of Despair), turns those dying souls (who in that moment before death, swear they’d do anything to live), and twist their bodies into Deep Scions – cursed to live forever under the tides of the relentless ocean. Deep Scions have the ability to polymorph themselves back into their original bodies for up to twenty four hours. They typically do this in order to lure others aboard ships that are doomed to endure the same fate they had.

Demon, Babau
A Quasit who has proven itself worthy to whatever demon lord it serves, can sometimes find itself being evolved into a Babau demon. Having survived serving a demon lord, it’s now learned to fight, as well as have limited forms of magic. And the constant fighting in the planes of Hell, which it has also somehow survived, have taught it to use a weapon as well; however, by this time it thrives on chaos and destruction over everything else – even serving the demon lord who has “evolved” it. They’re often evolved only to be sent in against minions of opposing demons to wreak havoc, so their lives are often cut short.

Demon, Maw
Said to be the “hounds of Yeegowhen” – the Maw Demons share Yeegowhen’s desire for carnage and flesh. Unless something is done to prevent it – those devoured and killed by a Maw Demon, have their souls sent to Yeegowhen to rend into a thousand pieces for all eternity. Maw demons are known to travel with larger gnoll war parties; but the gnolls do not control them; they merely tolerate the volatile Maw Demons and hope they listen.

Demon, Shoosuva
These demons are special demonic hyena hybrids bestowed to powerful gnoll warchiefs from Yeegowhen. After a great battle, a gnoll warchief can blow their hollowed horns, which rings out like a wild pack of hyenas barking – and if Yeegowhen hears the call and feels the warchief is worthy – he bestows them a Shoosuva which will appears in the center of the battlefield, bathed in blood. It will, from that moment on, serve their new gnoll warchief master faithfully – up until its death. If the gnoll warchief is killed before the Shoosuva; then the Shoosuva is banished back to the planes of Hell, for failing its master and often devolved into a Maw demon.

One of the most fearsome things created by the Demon Lord, Orcus – the Devourer travels all of the planes, in an endless search for souls to consume. With a terrifying ability to literally rend the souls from the living with powerful necrotic magic; the Devourer then imprisoners the soul within its hollowed rib cage – and should the individual perish, their soul is cast down to the planes of Hell, where Orcus imprisons them – to further his collection of souls to unleash an army of the undead. The Devourer can also devour the dead and spit their corpses out as newly formed undead creatures. Vile and disgusting, these creatures are despised by all – demon and mortal alike.
Dolphins populate the vast majority of oceans; and though most consider these mammals of the sea to be “unaligned” – they have somehow developed a keen sense of detecting good and evil in the seas. If a dolphin is near a ship that has sunk or has sailors that have fallen into the ocean; the dolphin will often attempt to help those it somehow senses as “good” people and allow them to grab hold of the dolphins as they either pull them to shore (if it’s close enough) or pull them to large pieces of drift wood. Dolphins have been known to choose between two people, selecting the one who has exhibited kindness in life (especially towards sea animals). How these dolphins are able to make these kinds of determination is completely unknown, but highly suspected, such beings as Aquatic/Sea Elves and their kind, who have often been seen with dolphins have somehow trained these dolphins in detecting such people.

The Dark Elves, in their never ending pursuit for power and understanding magic, with a willingness to put any form of “morals” aside – the Draegloth were created by the Dark Elves who tampered with polymorphing magic mixed with demonology. It takes a very powerful Dark Elf mage to create such creatures – however, once created – these creatures, much like their demonic life in the planes of Hell, are quickly subservient to the Dark Elf who has summoned them – loyal to the death. Their mixture of Dark Elf blood grants them a number of benefits, while their demonic side grants them powerful strength and a relentlessness to please their dark masters.