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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue) – Departed after the defeat of the red ghost
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – NPC
- The party having previously fought the Blue Knight Spirit previously (Session 63), and defeated the four guardian statues (Session 64), they’ve deduced that the four statues in the room – each colored red, blue, orange and pink – the same color as the statues – and fought a blue ghost behind the blue statue – believe that behind each defeated statue, locked in the rooms – is a spirit that needs to be defeated
- Korra hands several potions over to Ragnarok who is quite bloodied
- Adrian casts Protection from Evil and Good on himself
- Sephrenia casts Spiritual Guardians to swirl around her
- They move to where the red statue had been guarding and insert the red gem into the door’s lock – immediately a red ghost materializes moaning, “Forgive me…” And proceeds to attack
- As the fight starts – Sephrenia summons her Spiritual Weapon

- Adrian then charges into the room and swings his sword, striking the spirit twice
- Korra slides into the room, next to Adrian and plunges her dagger into the red ghost
- Ragnaroc hits the red ghost twice with Eldritch Blast, and shoves the ghost back – which Korra manages to move out of the way
- Realizing he needs room, Don stays out of the room – and fires one shot with his energy bow, which manages to hit; and after landing his Hunter Mark, and misses his second shot however
- Standing far behind everyone; Buppido, already short – stares beneath everyone’s legs and launches a Fire Bolt spell, but misses
- The red ghost faces Korra who had done the most damage; and focuses all three of his Searing Blade attacks on her; and he manages to land two of them – striking with massive force damage; and in one round, bloodies Korra
- Sephrenia stands over Buppido – as he screams about her tabard covering his eyes – and she casts a 4th level Healing Word on Korra
- Adrian seeing Korra struck so hard – focuses all his energy into striking the red ghost – and manages to do a critical hit (Natural 20!)
- Adrian’s second hit manages to hit the red ghost a second time
- He then turns to Korra and casts Sanctuary on her – and explains to move away – but she knows if she moves away – the red ghost can attempt a strike against her (if he makes a successful Wisdom Save)
- Korra uses Uncanny Dodge and then quickly quaffs a healing potion
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts; the first misses, but the second hits and shoves the red ghost 10 feet back again
- Peeking from beneath Sephrenia’s tabard – he closes one eye and focuses – and blasts another Fire Bolt – this time, a Natural 20!
- The red ghost moves towards Ragnarok, since Ragnarok kept shoving him back – and strikes Ragnaroc once for some heavy damage; but also manages to strike himself (Critical Fail)
- Sephrenia moves inside the room, once again, coming to stand over Buppido and fires a Guiding Bolt, which unfortunately misses; she attempts to follow up with her Spiritual Hammer but it slams against the red ghost’s armor
- Adrian swings twice, and manages to hit once, doing some minor damage
- Korra attempts to stab the red ghost, and her dagger slams against the armor but doesn’t penetrate it
- Ragnaroc, now in melee with the red ghost fires his first Eldritch Blast and misses; but the second hits – but Ragnaroc does not force the red ghost back, knowing it would shove him next to Korra
- Buppido attempts a Poison Spray from beneath Sephrenia’s tabard; however, the red ghost passes the difficulty check
- The red ghost strikes at Ragnaroc – the first strike a critical hit (Natural 20!)
- His second hit on Ragnaroc, takes the warlock down – he then turns to Adrian with his third swing and attacks – but he’s not able to penetrate Adrian’s armor
- Sephrenia, thankfully is right next to Ragnaroc when he goes down, and she’s able to kneel down and cast Spare the Dying
- Sephrenia casts Healing Word on Ragnaroc and grants him some health
- Adrian swings – and nearly critical fails – but uses a surge of Inspiration to save from a critical save, and the attack misses
- He swings a second time… and still, didn’t have a good grip on his blade…
- His critical fail misses as the red ghost turns transparent at that moment, so the blade goes through and strikes the recently risen Ragnaroc for half the one handed damage (See House Rules)
- Ragnaroc, holding his wound, looks at Adrian and sneers, “I knew there was another ‘murderer’ among us…”
- Korra jumps on the red ghost from behind, and slices the red ghost across the neck – his body turns to mist and a red diamond falls on the ground
- With the red spirit defeated, Korra looks at the others and explains she will scout around the dungeon (DM Note – Korra had to leave after the defeat of the Red Ghost, to I just had her character “scouting the dungeon” to explain why she wasn’t partaking in the rest of tonight’s session)
- Ragnaroc quaffs a healing potion and Sephrenia does a Healing Word
- The party heads for the location of the orange spirit

- Adrian casts Protection from Good and Evil upon himself again
- Adrian opens the door and an orange spirit emerges and moans, “Forgive me.”
- Sephrenia holds her action; Ragnaroc holds his action; Don holds his action; each of them waiting for the spirit to come out
- Buppido however, peeks down into the stairwell and unleashes a Fireball spell into the crypt
- The Orange Ghost fails to save and takes extensive fire damage
- The Orange Ghost attempts his Searing Mind on Adrian; but it misses Adrian
- The Orange Ghost stares into Adrian’s eyes and does Horrifying Visage – which Adrian Critical Fails against – which ages Adrian 10 years and invokes a Frightened Condition to Adrian (Only way to undo the age is Greater Restoration within 24 hours or a Wish spell)
- Sephrenia uses her Spiritual Hammer and manages to hit the Orange Ghost
- Buppido fires a Fire Bolt but misses
- The Orange Ghost comes out of the crypt and everyone who had held their action now unleashes their attacks
- Ragnaroc blasts the Orange Spirit twice with Eldritch Blast; and manages to shove the spirit – however, right into Adrian which knocks Adrian over (failed Dexterity Check)
- Don fires his first shot and misses, just because the spirit had been shoved; but the second shot lands a solid, damaging hit
- Adrian succeeds on his Wisdom Save and shakes off the Frightened condition
- Sephrenia seeing what this Orange Ghost is doing decides to get into the combat and hits the ghost with her magical mace; but her Spiritual Hammer misses
- Ragnaroc realizing that things are going side ways; focuses his first Eldritch Blast – Natural 20!
- Don struggles with the Frightened condition and ages 10 years as well, opting to attack at Disadvantage – the first one hits – and the second one lands a hit
- But Don manages to deliver the killing blow with his first shot; and an orange gem appears when the ghost suddenly turns to mist and like the Red and Blue ghost – recreates itself and walks out of the crypt in its corporeal form
- The party makes their way to the final ghost’s chamber – the pink ghost, the female
- Adrian leans to the side and opens the door
- As the door opens, everyone hears weeping from within (which is similar to the pink statue and how it invoked sadness)
- Her weeping actually works well with her critical fail on Initiative
- Don, sensing this was the final ghost, whispers to his bow, “My wrath, my fury” and the bow’s energy doubles, marking his target as a sworn enemy – however, still suffering from the Frightened effects from the Orange Ghost – his first shot misses, and his second is a critical fail
- The misfire arrow strikes Sephrenia for half the damage (10, since she’s not the Sworn Enemy – See House Rules)
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts; one of which hits, the other does not; for the one that misses, he does not shove her further back into the room since they’re trying to lure her out of the room
- Buppido fires Poison Spray – and quickly realizes it does not effect, he stares at her disappointed
- Sephrenia casts Guiding Bolt – and scores a Natural 20! Doing massive damage!
- She follows up with her Spiritual Weapon; but it misses
- Adrian rushes in swings once and misses; swings a second time and hits – this time, expending Divine Smite slots in his hit – turning her body to dust – and she arises, looking normal but corporal and begins walking towards the center room
- The Party heads to the center room where all four spirits headed – and there is a sense of ease – the other ghostly citizens all vanish and the party takes this opportunity to rest in the center room – and the table now has four pieces of the button now all in place
- The party opts to take a long rest for the night
This was clearly – a Pac Man themed couple of sessions, with each of the ghosts representing the ghosts from Pac Man…
The map, which was made by Adrian is even a Pac Man maze…
He had made it a Pac Man maze just to be fun, but when he showed it to me, I knew I had to make it an actual Pac Man related type adventure. The yellow button in the center is a “Power Pellet” (in that it is the power source for what’s to come next).