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- Anathema Haniel – Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Redemption)
- Grace Obadiah – Aasimar Cleric (Twilight)
- Kasumi Makaio Iolani – Goliath Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
- Skrizz – Tabaxi Rogue (Soul Knife)
- Separated from Skrizz (see Session 05), the wererat on the path lunges to attack Grace, trying to sink his teeth into her and spread the infection of lycanthropy; however he misses and Grace thanks her goddess
- Deeper in the forest, Skrizz finds himself also fighting a wererat; and having seen them suddenly changes is thrown off balance and not able to land any initial hits
- Seeing Grace being attacked, Kasumi moves in, her towering figure over the wererat, brings her quarterstaff crushing against the wererat’s ribs
- Grace points to the wererat and shouts, “Your unnatural form will have an unnatural end!” as she casts Toll the Dead which causes necrotic damage and causes the wererat to bleed; which then she invokes her Spiritual Weapon in the form of a Mouse Trap which lands a hit on the wererat
- Anathema rushes the wererat, driving her blade between its ribs, and forcibly pulling it away from Grace, with does enough to kill the wererat
- Deeper in the forest, Skrizz continues to combat the wererat, and uses Psychic Whispers to distract the wererat, with mental voices in its head; and Skrizz is able to stab it while it’s distracted
- Kasumi searches the dead wererat, unaware where Skrizz might be, and finds 30 gold on the wererat
- Grace recalling the cries of a child (same direction that Skrizz had gone to investigate – Session 05) and runs into the woods; Anathema pauses as she follows Grace, and hears sounds to the right, where as Grace is headed to the left; Anathema calls her back
- Not far, Skrizz avoids being bit by the wererat; but it does manage to cut him with its blade; and suddenly Anathema and Grace burst through the clearing and see Skrizz fighting another wererat with a gnome who is tied up
- The arrival of Grace and Anathema surprises the wererat, giving Skrizz the opportunity to lunge forward, his mouth and fangs wide open, ripping the wererat’s throat out as it falls to the ground, dead
- The party frees the young gnome, who introduces himself as Bazzel Foozel, and he’d been walking down the path – when he saw an intimidating figure that made him feel awkward, so he quickly jumped off the path and saw two others who’d been behind him do the same thing (assuming they too were wanting to get off the path and away from the approaching figure; who – from a distance looked like a warrior of some kind, human, he believed, but something was very off about him – this is the Wight, Aric Lightsoul that the party is pursuing)
- Bazzel explains that in hindsight, the two men who’d been behind him, had been behind him for awhile, and he should have figured out before it all happened, that they were not travelers or traders (they had no real equipment or wares) and that they were undoubtedly bandits who preyed on those who passed through these small woods
- Skrizz explains that before Grace and Anathema arrived, Skrizz had been bitten by the wererat; Anathema explains that she too had been bitten
- Grace speaks with Bazzel; asks him what he’s doing; and he explains that he was headed for Ivory Coast to seek out adventurers; and now he’s found some (the party!). Grace asks him what he does, and he explains he’s a bit of a tinkerer
- Grace asks if he’s got any of his inventions and he rolls out a large parchment of a blue print of a mechanical owl
- He then reaches into one of his many pouches and pulls out the owl
- The strange mechanical bird looks around, moves its wings, and its eyes turn to bright beams of light. Bazzel explains that the light for the eyes act like powerful lanterns from when he lived in his mountain home.
- The party asks Bazzel to come with them and as they return to their wagon, not far ahead, they spot a large group of people pulling several wagons, not too far ahead of them; they freeze as they watch the mysterious figures moving in the night; and count eight cloaked figures, hiding their appearance, wearing dark robes to blend in with the shadows, and purposely staying just off the path as if to prevent being seen
- Grace whispers, as her eyes focus on the figures, on their cargo, which appears to be two very still bodies, which she quickly surmises are dead people
- Grace then recognizes that the robes seem to belong to Skortaurian, the god of poison and disease
- Grace tries to convince the others that they need to take care of those strangers and put them down; but Kasumi reminds her that the longer they take, the longer Aric Lightsoul, the Wight, will become more and more unreasonable; if they can reach him in time, they may be able to convince him to return to the grave and put himself, and his wife, Lyrisa Lightsoul, who is now a banshee crying for her love to return, back to rest
- Anathema reminds Grace that Skrizz and herself had been bitten by the wererats and may be diseased with lycanthropy that will need to be cured; so they need to hurry and deal with Aric and return back to town so that they might get cured of the disease flowing through their veins before it’s too late
- Grace finally agrees that going after the Wight is the better idea; they wait until the mysterious figures have disappeared deeper into the woods; though Grace made note to mark where they’d entered the woods
- The party traced Aric Lightsoul to a cave within the Great Hills. As they stepped inside, they immediately took note of the stirges that were clinging to the ceiling.
- The party moves quietly past them, ensuring not to disturb them; but it’s not long before they come across another scene; sitting among large mushrooms is a statue of a gnoll who seems quite pleased with himself… it’s an odd statue, to say the least. Grace examines the statue and notes how life-like it is.

- They examine the mushrooms and notice that a large creature seemed to have passed through the area; and discover footprints – many of them. Pulling their knowledge together, they realize the same thing that walked through the mushroom field was the same thing that cursed the gnoll to forever be stone – a basilisk.
- The party is able to track it’s movements; and discover it’s just ahead of them; Grace unfortunately alerts it to their presence, which begins a fight that the party is thankfully able to pull off a victory
- They continue tracking Aric Lightsoul and finally find him near the northern end of the cave, near a large lake where the party avoids the water weird living in the lake; and see Aric standing there, staring at what appears to be an abandoned camp. He spins around and sees the party demanding to know who they are and what they want and if they’re in allegiances with the necromancer, Jacqueline.
- Anathema Haniel shows him how his wife had given her his shield to show him in good faith, that they were there to help him. After a discussion and a promise to hunt down Jacqueline and kill her, Aric Lightsoul agrees to go in peace and his spirit departs.
- The party collapses there, exhausted from all they’d endured.