Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 99

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  • The party takes Skrek‘s advice and heads north to make a camp at a small lake within the cavern
  • Inside the cavern, it’s no surprise, the party notices, what is potentially Piercers. Moving along the side the party makes a small camp on the other side of the small lake, facing the path (so that if anything comes they can see it).
  • Having traveled to the Plane of Water with her father, plenty of times, during political visits, Korra has heard of the elusive Naiad – Water Fey who rarely make their presence known – so to see one now was an incredible experience
  • Korra, after the surprise, asks the Naiad if this is her home; and the Naiad explains this is her primary home
  • Korra asks if there’s any creatures in this body of water that they should worry about while they rest, and the Naiad explains not currently – but there are others on the island – long ago, a ship of humans shipwrecked on the island, and overtime, began to worship a dark, serpent god, and they gave themselves up to the dark god and were changed by the dark blessing of their god, changing them into serpents
  • Sephrenia nods, “It must be Nebakrau.”
  • The Naiad nods, “You know their dark god?”
  • “We do,” Sephrenia confirms. “He is our enemy.”
  • The Naiad explains that they High Priest is still alive; but not. That he is in a tomb, awaiting – she can sense his evil seeping from the island into the water and if the party could do something to be rid of him and purify the island by doing so it would be of great help to her and her people
  • Korra asks the Naiad if she has access to Vindecarea Kelp, a sea plant that works similar to Whistling Leaf (See the Notable Ships, Places and NPCs page for more)
  • The Naiad introduces herself formally, explaining her name is Nallia. She hands Adrian a conche
  • She explains that if Adrian finds a natural body of water, and blows into the horn, she will be able to hear it across the Planes
  • The party then takes a long rest and the following morning, follow the directions back towards where Skrek has made his home. Speaking with the Nothic, they learn of the passage used by the “Serpent” people. The path is narrow, allowing two by two to walk, so Adrian takes front with Korra behind him, Sephrenia next to Adrian, with Don behind her.
  • As the slick cavern tilts downward, it proves to be too slippery for all but Korra, as they slide down the cavern! Even when Sephrenia tried to use Inspiration!
  • Once Don slips, it begins knocking everyone else down – and Adrian, in his heavy armor, slides down the slope like a bullet train – and directly into the essence of a creature down below… known as a Gelatinous Cube!
  • Adrain takes some damage – and even begins to suffocate inside of the creature – while the others try to stand (by are still on the slick slope, making their footing difficult) – but Adrian is eventually freed from the Gelatinous Cube’s hold and the creature is destroyed.
  • The party makes it to an area – where the halls are decorated with endless bones – undoubtedly those who came to the island and fell victim to the Serpent cult…
  • Sephrenia stops them and points out to some bastardized elvish writing; similar to where they’d seen near the water weird (See Session 94 and Session 95) – where it’s even worse that the Githyanki’s writing –

DeVoUr tHe Fl3sH
TaStE tHe PoIsOn
cOnSuMe tHe Fl3sH
aNd bE rEboRn.

  • Adrian closes his eyes and uses Divine Sense – and immediately senses some form of powerful undead just ahead of them
  • Observing the two serpent statues on each side of the hall beyond, Don summons up two brown bears – and as the brown bears step through – the traps within the serpent statue springs, and spews venom at the bears – searing their magical flesh.
  • Don and Korra both note a tile on the floor that was stepped on when the bears crossed that seems the likely thing to have triggered the trap – however, the tile is large and will require a leap of faith to jump over
  • Thankfully, each of them is able to leap across – and as soon as they do – they enter an elaborate tomb that is decorated in serpent memorabilia – with a large tomb in the center, covered in etchings of serpents.
  • At that moment the tomb flies open and springing forth – a follower of the dark serpent god – the high priest – who is now in the form of a mummy!
  • Korra, seeing the ancient wrappings around the mummy, strikes first with a Fire Bolt which does seem to cause great harm to the mummy
  • This allows for Adrian to cast Elemental Weapon, selecting fire, to better damage and deal with the mummy as well
  • Sephrenia in the meantime, casts Magic Circle to protect herself and her party members, warning them not to leave the Circle
  • Recognizing the Priestess that Sephrenia is – the mummy concentrates on her – raising his hand – chanting in some form of bastardized elvish – and dark energy flies from his fingers as he casts the spell Harm – the disease known as Septicemia, also known as sepsis or blood poisoning, begins coursing through her body, causing her massive damage
  • As the combat continues, the mummy lord uses his Dreadful Glare on Don – Don fails the save and is frightened – however, the Magic Circle prevents the frightened effect – the mummy lord had hoped to paralyze Don
  • Adrian tries a number of things – with Champion Challenge, Command – however the Mummy Lord brushes off the attempts with a vile laugh
  • The battle rages on and the party focuses using fire – avoiding all of his attempts to command the party to step out of the circle
  • Just as he begins to prepare to use his legendary action, Whirlwind of Sands, the party manages to bring him down using fire; though it is Don’s brown bears who delivering the finishing blow, ripping the burning mummy lord apart.

To Be Continued in Session… 100!

The party levels up to Level 14. And to celebrate Session 100 next – gets a free FEAT!