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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Ms. Claws – Summoned Raptor Mount
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Halia – Summoned Drake (Typically Blue)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Rei – Skyfox pet (Plane of Air)
Celebrating 100 sessions, made this which has the players who are in my active games (The Adventurers, Discovery, Servants of the Wizard and Explorers games)
- The party returns to the underwater lake where they’d met the Naiad named Nallia. Using the conch that she’d given to Adrian, they blow into it and summon Nallia again.
- The party explains that they have destroyed the Githyanki Mummy Priest – she explains that she could tell – there is a great sense of peace on the island now.
- She reveals to the party that, because they have helped her, she would like to offer them something. She explains that the waters she calls home here on the island are very magical, as it is the resting place of a powerful being known as Karvus – the name rings a bell, as they were given a quest to restore Karvus for the battle ahead – and so far, they’d recovered his gem infused eyes. So there was a good chance they’d be seeing Nallia again.
- Nallia explains that Karvus’ essence in the water allows her to create portals – that allow people to communicate, as if standing on each side of the mirror
- Adrian asks to be able to see his wife in Drastor. Nallia uses the pool of water’s magical blessing and detects water inside the pyramid’s bath house. The portal shimmers – and Adrian calls for the ladies of Prenah to fetch his wife. Isabella is brought forth and she is happy to see Adrian is still alive and – while looking quite beat up, the armor tarnished – over all, still alive! She places her hand on her baby bump (See Session 97 where she revealed she was pregnant with Adrian’s child). She reveals that Pren and Lady Gemstar showed up – but they didn’t show up alone – they showed up with something like fifty dwarves who took over the manual labor in the temple and completed – a way of saying thanks for what the group had done to help the Dwarves end the civil war and the fight against the Drow Priestess. (See the epic saga – Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29, Adventure 30, Adventure 31, Adventure 32, Adventure 33, Adventure 34, Adventure 35, Adventure 36, Adventure 37, Adventure 38, Adventure 39, Adventure 40 and Adventure 41).
- Isabella explains that Pren also employed some of the barbarians that live on the mountain peak of their home to come along – and one of the more impressive ones was a female by the name of Nairda who is very protective – and yet, Isabella has witnessed the female barbarian face off against sand sharks that frequent the land.
- She explains that Pren and the dwarves have also begun building a greenhouse at the top of the temple so that Isabella can grow her garden that she once had to use for the creation of potions.
- Her tone changes, as she explains that Kraun returned after doing some business on the Spelljammer to ask about his son, Var who was headed for Eagle Rock (See Session 80 – DM Note – It was revealed that Var is trapped on Eagle Rock during the Servants of the Wizard game)
- After Adrian speaks with Isabella for awhile, it’s Korra next who asks Nallia to see if she can speak with her father. Nallia does as requested – and the water spout opens into a mirror – where Korra sees her father who is sitting on his throne – looking beyond exhausted. As Korra calls out for her father – her father springs to his feet and sees the shimmering magical portal – and sees Korra, along with others behind her – and asks why she hasn’t come home yet.
- Korra explains that the Drow were – and that they have been defeated. She explains that the Drow had lied to all the Planes – and that they were the ones who stole the Elder Rings.
- Her father is stunned – as the Drow had been helpful. Korra explains the Drow stole the rings to resurrect their Spider Queen goddess – and so that the Priestess could take on their Queen’s form as her avatar on the prime material plane – but her and her newly made friends (back then) had managed to stop the Drow – and slowly recover the Elder Rings.
- She explains that they just gave the Earth Elder Ring to Lord Greymountain. She explains she has the other rings – but the Plane of Air has been blocked – but she wants to find a way to return all the Elder Rings and prove that the Drow were behind it. She explains that she’s currently on the Plane of Water now and hopes to get the Water Elder Ring to King Sunreach Amberskies; and that she’s currently traveling with Sunreach’s daughter – and that the situation is “complicated.”
- Korra’s father apologizes, and explains that he was wrong to send her away; and that he’s felt endless shame since doing so – and feels that this war is his punishment. He explains he just didn’t know what to do with her adventurous spirit and her endless curiosity that often landed her in trouble. He explains that he now sees that she was never meant to be a “princess who sits on a throne” – but perhaps someone who is meant to go out in the world and make a difference.
- As Korra’s father keeps speaking about the family – Nallia’s expression suddenly looks worried – and the water shimmering dissipates – and Nallia whispers, “Run!” as she dives into the water and a creature bursts forth from the water!
- DM Note – While this should have been a difficult fight for the party… things like this happened, where in the same turn it Critical Failed two of it’s attacks back to back…

- Sephrenia uses her Control Water spell to tamper with the creature by creating a whirlpool
- Don Kanin uses his ability to summon animals and summons sharks to attack the Aboleth
- DM Note – Then the aboleth went on to Critical Fail again…
- The creature attempts to flee – but Don lands a critical strike and the sharks finish it off…
- Nallia returns and thanks the party
- Sephrenia then picks up some shouting in the cave – and recognizes it as Wade Mistmorn’s voice shouting about “Get out of my head.”
- The party rushes to the room – and tells Skrek to leave Wade alone. Skrek asks for food and the party feeds him and he releases his hold on Wade. Wade lunges at Skrek but the party steps in front – and explains that Skrek lives in these caves.
- Wade explains, panting, “Someone on the inside of the palace gave us some information – they’ve heard rumors that there’s going to be an assassination attempt on the King. A small ship was able to get near the King’s castle. I fear for Rain’s father’s life, as much as he may want to kill me – that’s Rain’s father in the end. We can’t get near the Kingdom because of the turtle is easily recognized.”
- “We could use Nallia’s water portal,” Adrian says, “to warn him.”
- Korra shrugs, “I don’t know. Because they won’t recognize any of you – and as my father said – I was being blamed for the theft of the Elder Rings… and it doesn’t help that I actually currently have the rings now. It might be better if we try to get close and stop the assassination attempt.”
- Wade nods, “We do have small, unmarked ships you could use.”
- The party runs back to the giant turtle and boards it – the priests traveling with Wade use the spell Fog Cloud to provide some cover over them as well as the two small ships…
- Small Ship 01: Korra, Adrian
- Small Ship 02: Sephrenia, Don
- There is quite a bit of struggling, for each of the boats… (DM Note – DC was a 10 for Strength to Row)…
- However, they finally get it together, with Don and Sephrenia communicating better – and getting there and helping Korra and Adrian
- And just as Wade had said – there was a small entrance the Githyanki used, undoubtedly coming here repeatedly under cover of night to break away at the wall and gain entrance into the sewer system
- Once inside, they spot some heavy foot prints inside – which is unlike Githyanki
- Don examines the tracks – and recognizes them as Grey Renderer… and explains this creature is very capable of adapting to any environment – whether it’s deep in snow or in a lifeless desert. Don also has heard that the creature is so vicious, that when it takes damage, it will lash out at anyone near it. Don suspects that the Githyanki may have brought the Grey Renderer to keep anyone giving pursuit through the sewer – to slow them down.
- The Grey Renderer hears sounds in the sewer – and rushes towards the party – and Sephrenia casts Banishment – forcing the creature to disappear for one minute
- The party decides to quickly dash down the hallway – to get away from where the Grey Renderer had disappeared
- They run down the hall – and it comes to a three way split in front of them – and Sephrenia points out the direction – and the party runs down the path and just as they do they see two Githyanki Knights – however, Don spots a third figure running past the Githyanki Knights – and Don notices – it looks just like Korra!

- Don Kanin looks around him and still sees Korra standing near him – and realizes the Korra that’s still running must be a Githyanki using magic to take on Korra’s appearance – Don realizes, they must be using the news that Korra was responsible for stealing the Elder Rings to now plan the assassination and make it look like Korra was behind it all.
- Don shouts about the Githyanki who has Korra’s appearance – however the two Githyanki Knights block any easy passage of reaching the third Githyanki
- As the battle begins – Adrian engages with one of the Githyanki Knights, while Sephrenia is attacked by the other – Korra uses her dagger to misty step past the Githyanki Knights and Don is able to get by them as well, with him and Korra giving pursuit after the would-be Korra-Assassin

- As the fight rages on, Don and Korra are able to take down the assassin
- The two Githyanki Knights drop a potion each – to signal the loss of their assassin – and in doing so – the potions explode on contact – rocking the cavern – and causing 24 points of damage to Sephrenia and Adrian – the after shocks rock and cause portions of the cavern to collapse striking Don for 8 damage and Korra for 4 damage.
- As the dust settles and everyone calls for one another – the sounds of alarm ring above them…
To. Be. Continued.