Adventure Notes – The Discovery 41

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  • With their business complete in Redstone (noting that Searscale seems sincere in his disinterest in joining his Queen/Goddess to the west in Drastor), the party gathers the other caravan members they’re escorting and reports they will be heading out in the morning
  • The party heads to Trema Lockheart‘s potion shop, where they purchase 20 potions and distribute them among the party (Hartmut paid for all 20)
  • The party looks at the path they need to take – journey into the Ferndale, visit Silvercrown Castle (supposedly abandoned), and then journey through the Broken Lands, and to Drastor.
  • Hartmut then heads for Grosh Forgeheart‘s shop called Dwarven Steal. He’s perhaps one of the few dwarves known to have a sense of humor and enjoy a good pun on words. He sells the +1 Longsword he’d been carrying for 150 gold.
  • Party returns to the caravan – reminder of the caravan traveling with them –
    • Tonias Stonekeeper – Human Male Food Merchant
      • He has several people in his caravan
    • Kelli Starfield – Female Elf Jeweler
      • Has a few Elves in her wagon
    • Motivo – Male Tiefling Weaponsmith
      • He has several people in his wagon
    • Vi – Female Aasimar Armorsmith
      • She has several people in her wagon
  • With a little bit of Inspiration Rettniss is able to help manage the animals as it ascended the mountain side. The party pressed on past a cavern that could have been used for shelter, pushing the horses to exhaustion as they peaked in the snow area, and began to descend down the mountain side on the other side of Redstone.
  • It’s as the get past the peak and begin to descend down, with the heavy snow, that the horses begin to appear uneasy – the party looks around and sees nothing unusual – until a Yeti, suddenly lunges out from the snow, having used it as camouflage!
  • The Yeti is defeated, but in death, attempts to pull the caravan off the side of the snowy ledge, but Avacyn is able to severe the creature’s hold and Rettniss is able to keep the wagon on the narrow, slick, path
  • Descending down the path, the party comes across another wagon, which seems to have had an accident, as it partially blocs the path. Four humans stand, looking rather surprised to see someone else coming down the path this late at night.
  • The party pulls close to the wagon and asks what happened
  • One of the men comes forward and explains that the horses slipped on the ice and crashed into the side wall; and that one of their horses, as well as one of their own wagon riders went over the edge as they tried to escape bandits in the cave.
  • However, Rettniss quickly notices there appears to be fresh marks all over the wagon that appear as if it saw combat. And after speaking with them, the human explains that the bandits emerged from the same cave that Rettniss had steered the caravan from and saw no bandits had emerged when they passed it. Rettniss takes note that there are several bows laying in the back of the wagon. She walks over and points this out to the others, who were also suspicious of the human’s story.
  • As they confront the humans of their suspicions, the four humans take form into Wereboars!
  • The party handles themselves well, but during the battle, Avacyn is unfortunately infected with Lycanthropy and now has 30 days before the change takes full effect!
  • The party descends to the other side of the mountain, officially entering the fringe of the Ferndale Forest. They wait – and are surprised not to be greeted by Wood Elves, who were well known in these woods to often investigate and/or greet those who come into their woods. As the party begins setting up a small camp, Rettniss takes notice – there’s no animal sounds at all. The only sound is the wind blowing through the trees…