Arhian Vos Origin

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Arhian lost both of her parents, Felix and Rhiannon, during an attack on their town. Both were part of the Town Guard in Meriddian and they sent her with the rest of the children to a nearby Monastery that was run by Monks of the Old Order until it was safe to return home. She and the other children spent several days at the monastery observing and interacting with the monks who were from every race. They would take time from their training to play with the children and also show them some basic self defense. Arhian interacted the most with a monk by the name of Oberon who would sit and tell her stories during meals and before she would fall asleep. This brought her comfort as it reminded her of what her parents would do.

After four days word arrived that it was safe to return to the village and an escort, in the form of Oberon and four other monks, was provided to help return the villagers to their town. When the gates of the town were reached Arhian said goodbye to Oberon and he told her that she could always visit the temple. Arhian arrived at her family home she was met by the Captain of the Guard, Gerald, and told that her parents had fallen during the attack but they had fought bravely to defend it. He was close to both of her parents and felt obligated to take her in.

This worked for a few days but with the shock of what had happened Arhian no longer felt safe in the town and wandered back to the Monastery which was the last place she felt some semblance of safety. When she arrived at the Temple steps she was unable to find Oberon and felt to nervous to continue in with out seeing someone she knew and had spent time with. For the next several days she slept on the Temples steps until Oberon saw her when he was entering the temple. He picked her up and brought her inside. The next morning she told him what had happened and that she had nowhere else to go. Oberon took this news to the Grand Master and it was decided that the temple would take her in and train her.

While she had lost her parent she had also gained a new place to belong and feel welcome in Oberon and the other monks of the temple. To her though the most important bond that she created was with Hartmut, an elf, who helped her through the initial days and weeks of adjusting to the temple life. They formed a strong friendship and she considers him to be an older brother, her family.

Some nights however, she wakes up from a nightmare: Reliving the day that she arrived home only to find that what made it was lost forever or ,perhaps worse, losing those she is now close too. She never wants to experience that pain again and is reluctant to talk about these feelings even with Hartmut. Instead she will try and speak with the Goddess, Romanita, who she wants to believe passed her teachings to the order she joined or will recite the Old Order Code. If neither option works she can always find “peace” through more conventional methods, namely, at the bottom of a bottle.

Word was given to the duo that ancient relics that interest their order were rumored to be in the new world and that they had been selected to investigate.