Ariana Character Origin

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ARI (ARIANA) Character Background:

Hailing from the High Elf City of Quan’rath. True to the typical High Elf, Ariana is not trusting of anyone that isn’t a High Elf themselves. She finds humans to be too greedy in their short lives, seeking to gain too much for no reason, with little to no appreciation of the beauty. She is not favorable of dwarves, because they live underground, away from the things of nature.

However, one day, during her prayers in the Temple of Nifika, she had a vision in which the world was suddenly covered in shadow and darkness – and a large hand seemed to slam against the world with so much force that it cracked the hand – forming a lightning bolt like fracture through the palm. From the split poured out thousands of orcs, all wearing eyes around their necks as they marched into the land slaughtering all that stood before them.

When Ariana snapped out of the trance from the vision, her own palm ached with so much pain that not even her own healing touch seemed to mend the wound. For weeks, the same vision repeated itself, and each time it was the same, and each time, her hand burned with searing pain that could not be healed.

Finally, the Sovereign of the Stars agreed that perhaps Ariana should venture beyond Quan’rath’s walls and see what may be happening in the world outside. As she traveled, mostly alone, she came across several merchants who were reporting news that King Saric’s castle had fallen to a vicious band of orcs.

Believing this could possibly be related to the repeated visions she had been having, Ariana traveled to King Saric’s kingdom, only to find that it had indeed fallen to orcs; hundreds of them. She knew this was not something she could examine herself, so she ventured to Guardstone, the town nearest to the castle to inquire about the king’s fallen castle.

She learned that King Saric himself was still alive; and that his own brother had made a pact with tribe of orcs to overthrow him and that his wife, son and daughter had been missing for years. She agreed to help a small group that had been pulled together to try and sneak inside King Saric’s fallen castle and see if they could unlock any clues on the fate of King Saric’s family.