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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Pet (?): Vindri (Sindri Voodoo Doll)
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard
- At the Seahaven Tavern, of the patrons that still remain, listening to the four survivors, Sindri moves from table to table, asking about the survivors, wondering if that many people are needed for a rescue mission, and doing what he can to instill doubt in the people around him, because he – along with the rest of the party – suspect that there’s something up with these survivors
- One of the patrons whom Sindri speaks with turns to him and (quite intoxicated) says, “It’s not an island! Were you not listening to the fantastic tale? It’s not an island… it’s on no map… it’s just this… chunk of land mass that these potential survivors washed upon… and their time is running out!”
- The patron holds up his tankard expecting Sindri to have one; Sindri turns and uses Minor Illusion to create one; and as the man goes to clank it, Sindri uses Prestidigitation to make a clanking sound.
- Sindri adds, “It’s odd that no one has ever mapped it…”
- The man scoffs, “It’s so small! It wouldn’t even really show up on any map that showed the Garagin Depths! It’s barely small enough to hold twenty people… they said there’s not even a single tree on it! Just some grass. So these survivors don’t have much time…”
- “But,” Sindri pushes, “every sailor I know, worth their copper, would map it. After all, a small sandbar might make a nice place to bury some treasure.”
- “I suppose,” the man thinks, “I suppose you’re right,” he finally says. “It is odd that no one I know of has mapped it. Or made mention of it. And working the docks like I do you’d think someone would have said or mapped the thing.”
- “Definitely seems fishy,” Sindri mutters
- The man laughs, “Fishy! I love it.” He takes another swig of his drink. Sindri shakes his head and looks for someone else to talk to.
- Twilight also begins asking around – about the ship that these survivors had been on – and one of the patrons explains, “They were aboard a fine ship called The Winged Griffon, when they were coming back from Drastor… somewhere in the Garagin Depths – they say some creature – massive in size – attacked their ship and brought it down. They were able to hang on to fragments of their ship and were set adrift. They’d seen some of the survivors swim to what appeared to be a tiny sandbar… but there wasn’t anything to it… no trees or anything… they’re as good as dead if we don’t get to them soon… the four of them,” he gestures to the survivors, “remained on their ship fragments, believing that they had a better chance of being spotted together floating, rather than being on an unmarked land mass. And lucky for them! A ship coming out of the Kingshill Landing happened to spot them and bring them aboard – and brought them back here to Lakefront.”
- “Why didn’t the survivors urge the sailors from Kingshill Landing to sail to the land mass rather than come here to Lakefront?” Twilight asks
- The drunk patron gives it some thought. “I… I suppose they wanted their friends and family to know what happened… sooner than later… because many perished, according to them,” the patron finally answers, as if that were good enough for him.
- Twilight, having previously been a sailor herself, thinks back at the times she’d sailed in and around the Garagin Depths, and clearly could not recall any sandbar
- She begins explaining to the patron the unlikelihood – having been a sailor for many years herself aboard the Destiny’s Courtship that has sailed around the area for years; she’s seen the Garagin Depths first hand – and the depths of the water in that area is so deep that the water turns black. There would be no way that a random sandbar would ever exist out there. The patron begins to listen to Twilight and begins to see the logic she’s putting together, but his intoxicated brain is slow to process what she’s saying.
- Avacyn in the meantime, unsure of what to say – since talking has never really been her thing – sees a strong, drunken Tiefling named Asador Moontouched and decides to approach the drunk Tiefling and gives him a hard shove. The drunken tiefling is caught off guard and collides into three others, toppling them down as well. When the patrons look at the clear row, Avacyn stands there, a wide grin. One of the patrons shouts, “What’s your problem?” While another shouts, “Get’er!”
- Avacyn spots something unusual – when the Tiefling’s drink spills onto the floor – she catches something that sort of looks like… sea weed in his drink?
- Before Avacyn can give it much more thought, Asador is on his feet, and says, “I hate to hit a woman, but…” And brings his fist colliding into Avacyn’s cheek bone. An ensuring bar fight immediately erupts between the drunken patrons.
- DM Note – I had Avacyn roll the Percentile/D100 dice to see how many of the patrons get involved in the bar fight… seems about right, when you have a bunch of intoxicated people…
- Soon, the majority of the bar is now erupting into a fight; drinks are flying, fists are flying, and tables and chair are flying…
- As Arhian and Hartmut are walking towards the home of Ellanah Eversail, the wife of one of the survivors. On the way there, they see Rettniss coming into the town talking to her voodoo doll, Vindri. She’s muttering, “I told you, the camp fire can’t be that big.” She looks up, pleasantly surprised to see Arhian and Hartmut; while Arhian and Hartmut see smoke rising in the distance and stare at Rettniss who then points to Vindri. “So, what’s going on with you guys?” she asks, putting Vindri away.
- “There seems to be something up with some survivors who recently returned to Lakefront and we’re doing some investigating,” Arhian explains.
- “Why are we always doing the investigating,” Rettniss mutters.
- “Well, some of Twilight’s… friends… are also checking into it, and even the local authority – the dwarf who greeted us at the gates,” Hartmut explains, “believe that something isn’t adding up – but they’re afraid to upset the people. We’re strangers here,” he shrugs, “we’ve got nothing to lose. That’s why we’re investigating.”
- Rettniss rolls her eyes, “Fine. So where are we going?’
- Arhian looks at the paper in her hand, “Ellanah Eversail’s home. She’s the wife of one of the survivors, Bardon Eversail. We’re going to ask if he’s been displaying some unusual behavior since his return,” Arhian explains.
- They reach Ellanah’s home and knock on the door; and an attractive, but hard working woman answers the door.

- She looks at the two woman and one man standing in her doorway – not recognizing any of them. She tilts her head slight, “I am sorry, I do not recognize you. How can I help you?”
- Hartmut steps forward, “We’ve learned that your husband was one of the survivors of that travesty that happened, where so many lives were lost. We were hoping to speak to you for a moment.”
- She smiles faintly, looking very tired, “He’s at Seahaven if it’s him you’re looking for – along with everyone else by the sounds of it.”
- “It’s actually you, whom we’d like to speak with, if you have a moment,” Hartmut explains
- She nods.
- “Have you noticed that he seems different?” Hartmut asks
- She nods, “He seems… detached… as if he’s just doing the things as a part of some memory, and not really… there. However, he did survive a horrible ordeal, so he may still be trying to process everything. He lost good friends on that ship.”
- She pauses, a tear in her eye, “When he came home… and he said I love you… I was glad to hear the words after seeing him alive… but his words felt… hollow.” She shakes her head, “I feel guilty feeling the way I do… I was so happy to see him, but he doesn’t seem like he’s really there… and I feel guilty wanting him to rush through processing everything he’s endured so I can have my loving husband back.”
- She invites the three of them in; and goes to the back of the kitchen and places tea in front of each of them. “Something’s definitely changed since he’s returned…”
- Each of them glances nervously between each other, having remembered the last time a stranger had offered them tea… (DM Note – All the way back in Session 14 when they were ascending the Path of Enlightenment)…
- All three agree to drink the bartlett pear tea
- She explains that normally the voyage from Drastor to Lakefront has never been too drastic; other than the occasional violent storms; and explains he’s had some wild tales of hearing women sing in the ocean, male and female mermaids swimming along the ship
- Hartmut shares how all four survivors seem to be acting odd; even more so, how agreeable all the patrons seem
- Back at the Seahaven…
- The four survivors leap to the other side of the bar, and begin shouting to stop fighting; and suddenly the majority of the people seem to stop and turn to look at the survivors to see what they have to say
- It’s a very odd moment – where the violence comes to a sudden stop.
- The four survivors, shout, “We need to stop fighting! We must get ready for our voyage to go find the other survivors!”
- Twilight quickly runs to the entrance of the door and begins playing her hurdy-gurdy and begins to sing… (DM Note – this epic song on the Hurdy Gurdy is amazing on Youtube… so I threw down some lyrics)
In a bar, located inside of Lakefront
The patrons gathered for the hunt
But I ask you to listen to this tale
Before you all take sail…
He said he was never one for the night
Because the darkness brought shadows and fright
But he said he was never one for the day
Wishing the sun would just go away
But he said the best time, was between day and night
That moment of Twilight
He said just before the sun sets
And the patrons wash away their regrets
There’s the orange rays that stretch across the skies
Like the hands of the gods, allowing your hopes to rise.
It’s that strum of the guitar, the key of the piano
The one that you touch, the one that you know.
This is where I’m supposed to be
Right here, right now, my destiny.
There is where I am meant to be
Right here, right now, my destiny.
- It’d been a song that Severin Goldenharp had taught her; the very first song on the very hurdy-gurdy she was now using… it was the first thing that came to her mind… no doubt influenced by the vision she’d just seen of him (Session 32)
- Her performance captivates many of the people who are trying to leave, her singing, louder than the shouts from the survivors
- Meanwhile, Sindri comes over to Avacyn while Twilight keeps the patrons occupied
- “What happened just now?” Sindri asked
- “I went with what I know,” Avacyn shrugged
- “We need to find out how they just stopped the audience like that,” Sindri whispers
- “Oh,” Avacyn points out. “Sea weed.”
- “Sea weed?” Sindri asks
- “Yeah, there was sea weed in that Tiefling’s mug,” Avacyn explains
- Sindri looks down – and unfortunately, any evidence of the sea weed has been crushed on the floor from the massive bar fight
- Using Inspiration Sindri thinks about it – and realizes that he’s heard of – some mages have used something called Deep Weed – which makes people suggestive to ideas of anything the person is already interested in…
- Sindri snarls, “I bet it’s deep weed,” and walks off to head for Twilight. He begins whispering to her as she’s playing, stopping her singing, and explains how Deep Weed makes people highly suspectable to suggestions they already believe in. Sindri says, “Why didn’t they just sail from Kingshill Landing if it was so urgent? Why come all the way back to Lakefront?”
- Twilight nods, and changes the words of her song…
This is the tale of four castaways
The sole survivors of a terrible tale!
Who spent many o’ days
Clinging to fragments of wood, looking so pale!
They claim to have seen other survivors
Washed ashore on a sandbar
But can we really be sure?
Do we even know where they are?
Why did they come all the way back home again
Rather than sail back to them?
Something seems odd
Something seems weird
Their story somehow seems flawed
For that’s where they should have steered!
No, none of this even makes sense!
Why do they gather for the mass exodus?
- Several of the patrons – though intoxicated are hearing Twilight’s words – being close to her, her voice drowns out the survivors – and suddenly they find themselves asking the very same questions.
- Meanwhile, back with Arhian, Hartmut, and Rettniss…
- The party now heads for the home of Harrick Meadowcreek, who is the brother of Galvyn
- They know on the door and a burly man answers the door, “What do you want?” he mutters, holding his axe, as if expecting trouble
- Arhian steps forward, “Sorry for the interruption. We were here to ask about your brother, Galvyn. One of the people said we could find you here.”
- “Find me, sure,” he shouts, throwing his axe aside and his arms in the air. “I am easy to find. Just here. Doing my job. Keeping the roof over my head. If you’re looking for ‘Good ol’ Galvyn’ – you’re gonna wanna go to the Seahaven. Just follow all that damn hootin’ and hollerin’ – and you will find where he’s at. Mighty bit more difficult getting close to’im. People clamourin’ around him like he already saved these survivors he claims to have seen wash up on some damn island.”
- “Actually we’re here to talk to you,” Arhian explains. “People say his behavior is very out of place.”
- “Out of place? Out of place,” Harrick blurts out. “Him bein’ in the Seahaven to begin with is out of place! They didn’t call him ‘Good ol’ Galvyn’ because he’d drink himself silly and surround himself with a bunch of damn towns drunkards! No, he never used to drink! He never used to really even like people. He’d do his job and come straight back home, he would! But no! Lives through some kind of life changing experience and now that damn boy has lost his ever loving mind!”
- Rettniss looks at Harrick, “Have you heard anything about this land mass these survivors are on?”
- “Naw,” Harrick sneers, “I know nothing about that damn land mass. I’m just a dock worker – I ain’t no sailor like good ol’ Galvyn. I am so tired of people comin’ to my door, Oh, did you hear your brother is back? Did you hear your brother’s alive? La-dee-dah,” he spits, “Whatever or whoever that is, certainly doesn’t act like my brother.”
- The trio nod and thank Harrick for his… pleasant company.
- Rettniss notices how the cheering sounds from Seahaven briefly changed to what sounded like a barfight (she assumed Avacyn was to blame…) and then suddenly the sound of Twilight singing. She turns to the two monks, “Something’s going on back at the Seahaven. I heard fighting and now I hear Twilight singing. That hurdry-gurdy has a very distinct sound.”
- Arhian, Rettniss, and Hartmut arrive at the Seahaven – and see Twilight singing around several people who seem to be questioning why the survivors didn’t sail directly from Kingshill Landing
- “Well,” Arhian whispers, “they seem to have done a good job.”
- The three come to Twilight and learn that most of the patrons have gone to their homes to sleep and get ready to set sail in the morning
- Rettniss pulls out Vindri, “We could burn the boat down.”
- Hartmut shakes his head. “There’s workers on the boat. We can’t just burn it down.”
- Avacyn mutters, “Maybe we talk to the ones who found them?”
- Kenna Moonchaser (F – Elf)
- Sigfrid Shieldcrest (F – Human) – Sister to Colborn
- Colborn Shieldcrest (M – Human) – Brother to Sigfrid
- Geir Horsemane (M – Human)
- Avacyn approaches Kenna to ask what happened. Kenna explains her ship was on their way back to Kingshill Landing when they were found. They returned to Kingshill – and the four survivors demanded that they be taken back to Lakefront to amass a group to help find the survivors on the sandbar.
- Avacyn asks if there’s anything unusual; and Kenna confirms that it’s odd that these survivors were on a landmass – but she suspects that the four survivors may have suffered some hallucinations having been out on the waters for almost a week. But she’s willing to take them and settle this one way or another.
- Avacyn asks about the Garagin Depths, and Kenna confirms that there are odd things that happen around the Garagin Depths – creatures of all kinds not seen anywhere else – and she’s sure that whatever “magic pouring out from the Broken Lands” seeping into the waters may have created some unusual monsters. Kenna also confirms that the Garagin Depths are also home to a dreaded humanoid known as Sahuagin.
- Kenna mentions that she doesn’t want all of these people on her ship; but she’s willing to take some people. Kenna explains that if the entire mob insists on going she will refuse them all.
- Sindri approaches, not really noticing they’re talking to the four who brought the survivors, “Oh, good. Everyone’s here. Listen. I haven’t pieced all the information together, but I am pretty sure everyone’s ale has been spiked with Deep Weed, which makes them highly susceptible to suggestions and -“
- “Yeah, we know,” Rettniss cuts him off.
- “What?” Sindri asks shocked.
- “We got that info from Twilight and Avacyn,” Rettniss explains
- Sindri’s air leaves his lungs in the form of a deep sigh
- Kenna and the other three pour out their drink
- Sindri introduces himself, “I am Sindri. I am with them. I am a wizard. I don’t think there’s any survivors.”
- “Neither do I,” Kenna explains. “I believe they may have been hallucinating at the best. But as fellow sailors, I am obligated to bring them some peace.”
- Twilight pauses her act and tells the patrons she will be right back. She makes her way to the party and is filled in that the Captain and her three crew with her are aware that there’s something strange going on with the survivors. Twilight figures she might be able to get more information or eyes on the survivors – but she’d need to get access to the members of the Thieves Guild – none of which are inside the tavern with her. She climbs on the bar, and plays a note on her hurdy gurdy, “Hey everyone! We need a bigger stage!”
- She begins playing and leading patrons outside, when she looks at the walls, and what appears to be innocent nicks and scratches are thieves cant, explaining that the Wharf’s End is a safe haven for rogues. She leads the drunken patrons to Wharf’s End, where inside she sees several patrons gesture towards her in thieves cant, and she with the bob and sway of her body is able to convey she’s looking for Lucky (or looking to get lucky, with how she’s moving her hips – but the message is clear – she’s looking for Lucky). One of the men nods to her and walks out as she continues to play; and about five minutes later, Frel “Lucky” Horseshoe comes in and takes a seat.
- At the stage, she explains she needs to tune up, and gestures to Lucky to come help her tune up and get situated. Lucky approaches, kneels down and pretends to help tune the hurdy gurdy. “What do you need?” he whispers
- “I need eyes on the survivors,” she explains. “They seem very eager to take the ship and I think they may even try to take one tonight. I think the patrons are under the influence of Deep Weed.”
- Lucky laughs, “Now that makes sense. We use Deep Weed,” Lucky chuckles, “when we make… business deals. People who want to buy what we have and are desperate enough for it… a little Deep Weed put in their drink, and they’re always willing to pay a little more when we ask. However, it does not seem likely that every patron at Seahaven is under its influence. Deep Weed is very, very, very hard to come by and very, very, very expensive to purchase because of how rare it is. Typically found on the bodies of Sahaugin out in the Garagin Depths – the only place, as far as I know, where Deep Weed grows when down in its depths. If they got enough to spice the entire Seahaven patron… they somehow got a hold of more than I’ve seen in one sitting. Usually we get enough every shipment that comes in to spike about six to ten people.”
- The rest of the party back at Seahaven – Sindri turns to Kenna and explains, “We will let you know,” and quickly gives chase towards where Twilight had gone
- As Sindri and the others reaches Wharf’s End, the patrons smile as each of them come inside
- As they find a seat at a table, Lucky and four others come in and wave at Twilight. Twilight explains she will be right back…
- The crowd is clearly displeased by this… However, Sindri runs up on the stage and explains, “How about a story from me? Using magic?” Sindri begins casting using Minor Illusion, thinking quickly of the first tale he can think of… He begins talking about being on a ship where he met Twilight, called Destiny’s Chance, using Minor Illusion to enhance the story, and goes on to explain how they’d shipwrecked, and washed ashore a mysterious island that wasn’t on any map… and suddenly he realizes his error as the crowd turns, and begins recalling how the survivors mentioned the other survivors they saw on the unmarked sandbar and begin leaving to get some sleep to set sail in the morning… (DM Note – I’d asked Sindri what story he is going to tell the patrons to get some roleplaying going; and it was actually suggestions from the party – primarily the player who controls Arhian – I could not have planned that any better! I was laughing at the coincidence of their similar stories!)
- He watches as several of the patrons from Seahaven recall that they needed to get ready to save the survivors
- Lucky, in the meantime explains, that many of the patrons are at the wharf demanding to board the Morning Glory – which is Kenna’s ship. Twilight offers to introduce Lucky to her friends; and Lucky nods and gestures towards them, “It’d seem some of your party members have kindly donated to the Thieves Guild.” (DM Note – I had Twilight roll Perception and she notices that each party member has lost 21 gold by bumping into Rogues as they make their way to their table)
- Twilight explains that there’s been a mob gathering at Kenna’s ship on the wharf
- Hartmut explains, “If that’s true, we need to check it out. Kenna explained that she wouldn’t set sail until the morning. But if there’s a mob, that means things are going to get dangerous if they get uncontrol.”
- The party leaves Wharf’s End; and sees a small mob outside near where Morning Glory is docked, and Kenna and her crew are aboard the ship; and it’s as Lucky said, the survivors seem to be trying to calm the patrons; explaining they need to leave as soon as possible, but Kenna will not sail until daylight and that they must not do anything brash; but several people in the crowd explain they can over throw Kenna and take over her ship and that they’re experienced sailors; they just need her ship; but the survivors insist that they must not take any action. It’s clear that they’re relying on Kenna’s expertise in sailing to find the survivors
- The party realizes that the mob is about to get violent and they offer to go – along with the survivors with Kenna’s permission. Kenna seeing the crowd – agrees – and throws 500 gold to Sindri for their protection aboard the ship.
- The party boards the ship, even with some of the patrons are furious and throwing things at the ship as it begins to set sail at night
- About an hour into the voyage (making it roughly 1am), the man on the crow’s nest shouts, “I see something in the moonlight’s ripple on the sea… but I am not sure I see what I see… it looks like… a school of sharks!”
- Bells begin to ring around the ship as everyone begins drawing weapons; everyone knows what a “school of sharks” means – it means Sahaugin!
- A battle breaks out on the ship, with both the people on the ship, the party, and the Sahuagin; and as the battle rages, the party has to stop what they’re doing from time to time to save some of the crew members (earning Inspiration each time they do) – and just as the battle begins to be in favor of the crew; another grappling hook is heard on the back of the ship and a large Sahaugin climbs on the back of the ship and roars; and many of the Sahaugin cheer!
- At that moment, one of Rettniss’ firebolts critically miss, catching the sails on fire, and Vindri, believing the plan was to burn down the boat also catches some of the sails on fire…
To Be Continued.