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The party is:
- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Sephrenia Origin (High Elf Cleric)
- Don Kannin (Half Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Former Members:
- Dick Poop (High Elf Wizard) – No Longer With Party – Eventually discovered the character fell victim to the Coven of Hags
- Rex Jams (Bronze Dragonborn Bard) – No Longer With Party – Eventually discovered the character fell victim to the Coven of Hags
- Apostrophe (Goliath Cleric) – Character Died, Reborn, No Longer With Party
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric) – Off on a Holy Mission
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock) – Character sacrificed himself against a greater mummy
- Dusk – Aboard a Spelljammer
- Buppido – Aboard a Spelljammer