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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Morsus Firebeard (Hill Dwarf Cleric)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
Connected Adventures: Adventure 14, Adventure 15, Adventure 16, Adventure 17, Adventure 18, Adventure 19, Adventure 20, Adventure 21, Adventure 22, Adventure 23, Adventure 24, Adventure 25, Adventure 26, Adventure 27, Adventure 28 , Adventure 29, Adventure 30, Adventure 31, Adventure 32, Adventure 33, Adventure 34, Adventure 35, Adventure 36, Adventure 37 and Adventure 38.
The party last session killed the unique Drider who’d made the webbing gate – and burned it to get access. Moving in – across the lake in the Northwestern corner – they see a camp and two commanders – as well as some activity – and bursts of light, followed by screams – coming from inside the tent.

- The party figures it seems like the Drow have not spotted them, so they will launch a quick round of a surprise attack!
- Ragnaroc’s Eldritch Blast hits one of the commanders!
- Korra fires an arrow (Critical Fail!) striking Morsus’ bat familiar as it returns to him (forcing it to disappear!)
- Sephrenia and Don both launch arrows, which go wide, missing their designated target
- Morsus casts Fireball and the two Drow Commanders fail their save and take significant damage from the spell
- One of the Commaders fires his crossbow (disadvantage because of the distance) and Critical Fail striking one of the Driders as it descends from the ceiling
- The second Commander scolds his comrade and fires his crossbow, and while firing a much better shot, does not manage to hit the well armored Adrian
- Morsus summons Spiritual Weapon and sends it after one of the Driders, which it misses
- Morsus tries to follow up with a Toll The Dead but the Drider is able to resist it’s effects
- Don tells Jackson to run up to one of the Driders and give the Help action so he fires his first shot striking the Drider, doing significant damage and despite the second shot not having the Help action bonus, his second shot finds its mark as well
- Sephrenia fires Guiding Bolt at the Drider closest to them, however it misses; with Korra following up with a shot from her bow, which also misses
- The other Drider drops from the ceiling and casts Faerie Fire
- Adrian manages to avoid the effects of the spell, however, Morsus is not and begins glowing purple
- Ragnaroc after fire the surprise round enters a trance and whispers, “Belaros.” (This is due to the Natural 1 on Initiative – gets no turn on the first round – see House Rules for more).
- The Drider swings the first time and misses; and on the second attack Adrian uses a Protection Stance (which disadvantages the Natural 20, but it still rolled a 19, hitting Morsus, but he’s able to avoid the critical damage that would had been inflicted had it not been for the protection stance from Adrian)
- Don having sent his Badger (Jackson) to distract the Drider – put it within ranger of the Drow Commanders and their crossbow – one of them fires, hitting Jackson for some trivial damage, but also poisoning him
- Don immediately spots the one who fired the arrow, and narrows his own eyes at his new enemy
- The second Drow commander follows his companion’s lead and fires at Jackson, but misses
- Morsus sends his Spiritual Hammer after the Drider who has cast Faerie Fire and hits – but the Drider maintains its Concentration (Natural 20!)
- Morsus follows up with Spirit Guardians begin cast, which both Driders are able to save against, taking only half damage!
- Adrian takes two swings at the Drider and misses both times
- Don barks the command to have Jackson help Adrian on Adrian’s next attack, while Don moves closer to be able to target the Commander who had struck Jackson; he tries Sharpshooter, but fails to hit – the second shot, fired normally, hits however
- Sephrenia rushes up next to Jackson and casts Lesser Restoration to remove the poison effect on Jackson then does Healing Word to give Morsus a little bit of health
- Korra moves up so that she can hit the Drow Commanders – and fires a shot and manages to hit one of them
- The second Drider throws down a Faerie Fire once again now doubling down on Morsus glowing, but also catches Sephrenia in the spell
- Ragnaroc snaps out of the trance and fires two Eldritch blasts at the Drider closest to Morsus; the first misses, but the second manages to hit
- Adrian lines up a protection stance for the Drider’s attack against Morsus, while Morsus prepares to react with a Warding Flare reaction; this team work prevents the Drider from striking the bloodied (and glowing) Morsus
- The two Drow commanders fire at Jackson; the first misses, while the second hits; and Jackson passes his Constitution Savings Throw avoiding the poison (undoubtedly due to Sephrenia’s Lesser Restoration still coursing through his veins)
- The Drider who remained in the Spiritual Guardians take some trivial damage but maintain concentration – so Morsus sends his Spiritual Hammer after one and hits for maximum damage and manages to break concentration – so that now only one Faerie Fire spell illuminates him
- He then uses Toll the Dead to shake the Concentration of the other one who had cast Faerie Fire so that no one is now illuminated
- Adrian swings twice, hitting once against the Drider
- Don fires two shots at the top Drow Commander who first shot at Jackson, and manages to hit him once – inflicting the first wound this Commander has taken this combat
- Sephrenia draws her bow and tries to fire at the Drow Commander who had first hit Jackson, however as she pulls her bow string back and releases the arrow, Jackson who had been helping Adrian gets in the way of the shot and is his for some trivial damage – but enough to now bloody him
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch blasts against the Drider near Morsus, ignoring the one that has moved directly in front of him – hitting with one of his shots, missing with the other
- The Drider near Morsus tries to attack, but Morsus and Adrian use the same combo (Warding Flare and Protection Stance) to ensure both strikes against Morsus miss
- Each of the Drow Commanders fire their crossbow at Jackson, one misses, while the other hits for trivial damage – the bloodied badger, and Jackson goes down
- The Spirit Guardians around Morsus manage to several damage one of the Driders, making it bloody, while the other only takes half damage; but he follows up with a Toll of the Dead on the Drider on him, killing it
- Adrian rushes over to the other Drider, delivering two blows against the vile creature
- Don knows he can summon Jackson again, but it will take time – so he focuses his fire on the fight at hand – using Sharp Shooter on the remaining Drider he barely misses
- Sephrenia attempts Shocking Grasp but misses the Drider
- Korra attacks the bottom Drow Commander from Stealth and manages to hit and officially bloodies him, but then drops her bow and switches to her dagger, to focus on the bloodied Drider
- Ragnarock fires two bolts of Eldritch Blast at the remaining Drider, killing it
- With the Driders down Morsus moves to the edge of the water and commands his Spiritual Hammer to make its way there, while casting Toll of the Dead on the top Drow Commander who shakes off the effects
- By moving up Morsus’ Spiritual Guardians are able to reach the bottom Drow Commander who saves and takes only half damage
- Adrian swaps his weapon to a crossbow, using his action to place his sword in his hilt and draw the crossbow
- Don fires one shot using Sharp Shooter, but misses; he fires his second shot normal, and hits
- Sephrenia casts Acid Splash at the two Drow Commanders since they’re within range and close to one another, but both Commanders are able to avoid it
- Korra picks up the bow she’d dropped earlier (when she was going to focus on the Driders with her daggers) and fires at the Drow Commander closest to her, hitting him
- Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts – killing the Drow Commander, sending brain fragments flying, as Ragnaroc shouts, “That was for Jackson!”
- The Drow Commander on top retreats to the tent and yells something inside the tent
- The party points to the large black and yellow Drider and shout to push it into the water; Morsus shouts he will help Adrian – and Adrian pushes (at Advantage) but due to the size, don’t move it too far
- Don fires two shots in the meantime, Sharp Shooter first, which hits, followed by a normal shot which also hits
- Sephrenia casts Ray of Frost which hits the remaining Drow Commander
- Three Drow Necromancers (the party had seen similar in the cave before) emerge from the tent to help the Drow Commander, who also takes a moment to Quaff a Potion
- One of the Cultists tries to use Ray of Frost on Morsus and misses
- Morsus in the meantime moves his Spiritual Hammer up and hits one of the Cultists, while casting Toll of the Dead on the Commander – dealing exactly the same damage he’d healed from the potion
- Now with the corpse of the yellow and black drider levitating, Adrian is able to push it to the side where the stream has the least amount of distance, creating a bridge as long as Korra maintains her concentration
- Don fires two shots at the Drow Commander – first one is Sharp Shooter that misses, but the second shot fired normally hits
- Sephrenia uses Acid Splash again since the Commander and Cultists are all standing close; the Commander saves, but the three cultists take damage – and then she summons her Spiritual Hammer and hits a cultist for maximum damage, bloodying it!
- Korra tries to fire her hand crossbow but slips in the mud and misfires, striking Adrian in the back of the arm for some minor damage (Critical Fail)
- The first Cultist casts Magic Missile at Adrian hitting him for minor damage
- The second Cultist does the same, also targeting Adrian
- The Drow Commander fires his crossbow at Adrian and misses; but the third cultist comes out of the tent and unleashes another round of Magic Missile at Adrian
- Morsus attacks with his Spiritual Hammer but misses and the Drow Commander is able to avoid the effects of Morsus’ Toll the Dead as well
- Adrian’s floating Drider makes it to the other side – however, his Dex Check fails to get off the spider without falling in the water – Adrian asked if he could use Athletics instead – I asked for a good description of how he’s using Athletics – and he rolled a Natural 20 – so no only does he spring board off the dead drider’s corpse – but he lands right in front of the Drow Cultists!
- He swings his sword twice at the nearest Cultist, hitting the bloody cultist twice, and killing him
- Don uses Sharp Shooter on the first attack and misses, his second shot fired normally hits the Drow Commander
- Sephrenia launches Ray of Frost and does trivial damage against the Drow Commander, but it’s enough to kill him! (Jackson is Avenged!)
- Korra crosses the dear drider and is now within range of the cultists with her hand crossbow and fires and hits one for significant damage
- One of the cultists seeing Adrian on their side of the stream uses another round of Magic Missile to hit Adrian
- The second cultist does the same striking Adrian with Magic Missile for trivial damage
- Ragnaroc fires Eldritch blast missing once, hitting the second time
- Morsus is able to Toll the Dead the one Korra shot, killing him
- Adrian kills the last remaining cultist, severing his head from his shoulders (as retribution for hitting him with Magic Missile so many times)
- Adrian examines the large tent where the bursts of light had come from and finds four Darkling prisoners still in cages and shackled by irons; there is also a huge contraption with several orbs – some without light, others with a white haze of living light that seems to have faces screaming, trapped inside the orbs
- Adrian asks if they’re all right and they explain that the Drow had been siphoning their light bursts; and Adrian explains that he and his friends are here to help liberate them and destroy the machine that the Drow are using
- Adrian calls Korra to check for traps and she determines it’s not trapped so she cuts them free
- One of the Darklings explains that the Drow have been taking these Life Orbs and transferring them to a large Adamintine Statue of a Drider
- He points to the 20 orbs that have the Light-Life Force and explains he needs those destroyed to ensure that the Drow don’t recover them to enslave his deceased bretheren into the Adamantine Statue; the party agrees to begin smashing them – and they hear bursts of screaming pain as the life forces are freed of the orbs; their final death cries released to the air
- The party also destroys the Life-Light Burst Contraption and then the Darkling, Gareth, opens a portal and returns everyone to the original Darkling cave where the party is greeted by the leader of the Darklings who’d recruited them and thanks them for all they’ve done
- He explains he can not easily teleport the party to the Dwarves – he knows of a path that would allow them to (for the most part) avoid Drow patrols – but it takes about seven days – and his scouts report a lot of increased Drow activity – he does explain he can teleport the party to the Dwarves by using a “short cut” through the Feywild – but he can’t promise that when they emerge – that the Fey within may not have gotten a hold of them – to them it will seem as if minutes have passed – but they will actually be traveling through the Feywild for almost a week
- The party decides to long rest before they voyage ahead of them