
Long ago, after the War of the Heavens, it is said that some of the chosen “children” of the gods were sent to Kne’Urth to examine the world and watch over, to ensure evil does not gain its footing.

These children were in the form of giants who roamed the world, keeping ever watchful eyes on the world. But to truly understand the people of the world and see what good and evil existed, the giants soon realized that they would need to get closer to the people. However, their giant sizes would frighten them; so these giants took to a smaller form, closer to the size of humans. They began mingling with the humans, and as a result, created an interesting offspring known as the Firbolgs. The genetic make up of the Firbolgs sometimes would take generations to present itself. However, when it did, these Firbolgs knew they were different because their bodies coursed with the natural magical energies of the world from their giant ancestors.

Many Firbolgs are often reclusive, making them a very rare sighting; as they mature, they often leave their homes to seek their place in this large world; still filled with the sense and wonder of their ancient family.