Breara Morningshaper

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Breara Morningshaper was from a very simple and small town called Thornedge. It was there, she grew up as a farmer, enjoying the simple life she had been blessed with. Her mother and father both loved her deeply. However, Thornedge had one small problem – a human named Dane Auricstone who called himself the “town’s guardian” and as such, expected payment from the residents to pay for his efforts of keeping the small town safe from goblins, orcs, and other such ilk that supposedly made relentless efforts to try and take over the town.

It’d been one morning when Dane came knocking on the door of Breara’s parents demanding payment. However, he’d just been by only a few weeks ago, though he argued otherwise. Breara’s parents explained that they did not have the money to pay him – and when Dane explained that he was not responsible if the orcs got to his property and burned down the barn. Ironically, that night, Breara was awakened to the cries of her horses – and when she looked out the window, saw the barn ablaze. She quickly rushed out and got the horses out just as the barn collapsed onto itself. As the barn collapsed, it lit up the night, and sulking in the shadows was none other than Dane Auricstone. He’d been the one who had started the fire – not orcs or goblins! Breara pounced on him, hitting him repeatedly – and she did not notice – but the entire night around her lit up as her parents came rushing out – and stared in awe as their daughter seemed to glow with radiant energy. Her father, finally recovering from the shocked, pulled his daughter off of Dane. Dane stumbled to his feet and demanded that Breara be arrested for attacking him – and when she explained she’d seen Dane after the barn was burning, Dane countered that he’d been drawn there by the flames, and was investigating to see if there were orcs or goblins in the area.

Breara knew she could not prove that he’d been the one that burned the barn to counter his statement that he was investigating the fire and hiding to see if goblins and orcs were about. Breara agreed to stand trial for the assault. During the trial, Breara lost control of her emotions, and grew furious – and once again, the room beamed with radiant light. The charges were quickly dismissed as people realized that Breara was more than human – the angelic bloodline had manifested itself in her. Her parents pleaded that she go to The Silver Towers, a larger city where she could learn more about her newfound birthright. Breara had never been away from her family for longer than a few days. She agreed and traveled to The Silver Towers, where she learned to communicate with her deity – and during the following weeks began having troubling dreams – a dream of a fallen angel, who had been pierced by an arrow and encased in what appeared to be a wooden coffin – suddenly bursting from his coffin, awakened… riding a black horse, as dark as death itself. When she awoke from her most recent dream, her hands were covered in splinters, as if she had touched the shattered coffin. She prayed to her deity, and discovered that what she sensed was the release of a fallen angel by the name of Verastin – and that he was off to the west in a new land.

Breara returned to her family and shared the news; explaining she did not know when she would be back. She traveled west, discovering others were also heading for this new continent, but most seemed interested in the riches and ancient relics that were supposedly being discovered. At Moontide Port, she booked passage aboard the Alpha Dawn.