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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric) – Missed This Session
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
- Dusk (Tiefling Artificer)
- The party speaks to Kraun to ask what he’s doing in Dusk’s place (ignoring Dusk who keeps insisting that he’s fairly confident Kraun owed him money; the party knowing how wealthy Kraun is knew that Dusk was incorrect)
- Kraun explains that he’d come to Dusk’s abode in hopes of finding Dusk himself, because he’d heard of the sphere containing the magic; as he’d hoped to shatter it, because if there was any hope of defeating the Beholder, who now had the gem skull, it would require powerful magic
- Adrian nodded, recalling when he’d asked one of Kraun’s men, a halfling by the name of Squeven, if he was aware of any form of “fast travel” and he had said, “Well, if you believe the rumors. There’s a Tiefling – most believe is out of his mind – he’s an eccentric kind of man – who has supposedly – not one hundred percent successful – but managed to use some kind of … things he’s found in the ruins around here… to create portals. But like I said, from what I hear – most think he’s absolutely crazy.” (See Session 59) Adrian, looking at Dusk, made the connection now.
- Kraun went on to explain that now that As’zar’vari’tium has the Skull Gem, thanks to the botched deal (which, despite his grievous wounds, still looked slighted towards the gathered heroes about him) (He’s technically not far off the mark – See Session 61 for details)
- Kraun had admitted, that he had planned to double cross As’zar’vari’tium, because the Beholder’s madness (prior to the Skull Gem) was already bad for business; his paranoia was resulting in the death of many of Kraun’s connections in the underground. Kraun also admitted that it’d been foolish to bring the real Skull Gem with him; but he knew that As’zar’vari’tium had gathered powerful wizards around him, who would immediately detect if Kraun had brought a fake one.
- Kraun goes on to explain that As’zar’vari’tium showed up as Kraun had approached Dusk’s abode – and attacked him (as well as the Stone Defenders). When Kraun sought shelter inside of Dusk’s establishment, As’zar’vari’tium and his group of assassins had attacked the abode (mostly As’zar’vari’tium himself with his eye beams; which is why the damage on Dusk’s abode varied quite a bit from the damage in Drastor)
- As’zar’vari’tium had opened some kind of portal to the Abyss and summoned the beast, known as a Howler (the party turns to Dusk who claims it was his third favorite dog) and had it breach the house. As’zar’vari’tium had questioned Kraun for the location of Dusk, knowing that if As’zar’vari’tium captured Dusk, he could murder Dusk and stop him from being able to break open the sphere. As’zar’vari’tium admitted that something was masking Elon’s presence (DM Note – It was due to being in the pyramid which was magically protected from scrying).
- Kraun said, before As’zar’vari’tium departed – the Skull Gem must have bestowed some kind of knowledge – because As’zar’vari’tium suddenly stopped and said, “Yes… yes… a war in the planes… I need the four rings… I will place them on my stalks…” And before departing told the Howler to have its fun; at which point the Howler severed Kraun’s arm and began feeding on it. It’d been biting and chewing on Kraun for several hours before the heroes arrived and put it down.
- Buppido casts Spare the Dying on Kraun
- Dusk picks up a broom and thrusts it towards Kraun and says, “I expect you to clean up this place.”
- “I would,” Kraun growls, “if I didn’t lose an arm to a demon dog horse thing, and,” he looks at his other arm, “have my other arm shackled.” He looks to Buppido and says, “Thanks for the spell, little one.”
- Korra leans forward and using her rogue-learned skills, quickly removes the lock and catches Kraun as he slumps forward
- Adrian quickly leans in and helps Korra ease him down to the ground
- Adrian does some Lay On Hands and Kraun is able to sit up and he explains that As’zar’vari’tium having the Skull Gem/Gem Skull is a bad thing
- The party explains how they’d been trapped in the pyramid; and Kraun realizes that the party must be the one who released the magic; because his researches mentioned that it was in the tomb of one of the great leaders from hundreds of years ago
- He explains that with the magic released, it will help bring power to put a stop him
- Kraun goes on to explain that he suspects that As’zar’vari’tium may be after the Four Rings of Elder Elementals; since he’d mentioned a War on the Planes before departing. Kraun shares that he believes that the skull may have whispered some form of secret that would allow As’zar’vari’tium to potentially gain immortality should he gain access to all four rings and master all four elder elementals; and that it would be to As’zar’vari’tium if the fighting on the planes continued, rather than being united against As’zar’vari’tium, while he sought the four rings; unable to sense them on Kne’Urth (again due to the party being in the pyramid which was protected from scrying), Kraun believes that As’zar’vari’tium is headed for the Planes to seek the rings.
- Dusk goes up to one of the walls and presses his hand against it, saying “Activate.” However, from the intense damage taken from As’zar’vari’tium and his assassins, the gears whir and chur – and fail to activate properly, causing a portion of the abode to collapse, some of the debris hitting Dusk for trivial damage.
- Frustrated at the larger mess he’d now made, Dusk begins sweeping again – but as he surveys his abode, and how most of it is in ruins, he realizes just to clean the experimental room alone – is going to take about four hours, and most of his experiments lie in shambles, his books and notes burned.
- As Dusk keeps sweeping, Buppido takes note of some of the copper wiring, and begins yanking out wires of copper
- Dusk eventually sees Buppido with the copper wiring and tells him to stop because his abode is rigged to blow
- Don shakes his head and says, “If that was the case, shouldn’t it have blown when the beholder came by and,” he looks around, “wrecked your place?”
- Adrian looks at Ms. Claws and calls out to the party, “I am going to head back into town and check on a few things. Anyone else need to go back?”
- Korra nods, “I would like to go back. I want to see if I can get anymore of those greater healing potions at Vanara’s Potion Shop that I got before.”
- Buppido satisfied with the amount of copper wiring he’d acquired, steps outside and summons his phantom steed – a mechanical chicken and mounts it
- Don also goes outside, reaches into his pocket and twirls the blue scale that had been left for him – and senses a deep connection – and suddenly a magical, medium sized drake appears, reflecting the blue scales – but Don knows, the scale allows him to change the drake’s color to whatever dragon he would like it to represent
- Korra looks at the blue drake and says, “That’s going to raise some eyebrows riding into town.”
- Korra notices that Adrian seems nervous about the presence of the blue drake. Adrian had shared, previously, how an ancient green dragon named Emereth had destroyed an elven village that he’d been at – leaving him, for some reason, as the sole survivor. Though Korra had barely been traveling with this party, she recalled how they’d encountered Kala’Shin – a green dragon whose name, according to Sephrenia had meant “born of great evil” in the Elvish tongue; and how it had threatened them that it “had their scent.” Adrian had held himself together, however, when they had encountered Searscale, the Red Dragon. (See Sessions 48, 49, and 50)
- Don explains that he didn’t understand the purpose of the scale when it had been left for him on the bed, but as soon as he picked it up – he felt himself connected to it. Not just the blue dragon, for which the scale represented – but all dragons. He assumed that Lourna Mauthtar left it there for him as a “calling card” to let him know she was keeping an eye on him; she probably never expected that with the magic released, how it would channel and connect him to the dragons of the world.
- Korra asks if the drake’s wings will be enough to allow it to fly; Don Kanin assures her, that for now, the drake is too young to fly and bear a rider; but it can fly on its own; but soon, it will be strong enough to fly and carry a rider as well
- Sephrenia rides with Buppido; so the party leaves Dusk to sweeping. Just outside town, Don dismounts and tells his drake to take flight; as the town may react poorly, as Korra had mentioned, to the sight of even anything that looks like a blue dragon.
- The drake nods, knowingly – and in an instant, pushes off from the ground and disappears into the blue sky. Don looks skyward, then back to his companions and says, “I don’t know about you but I can get used to this.”
- When they get to the town, Sephrenia mentions that she’s going to see how she can help the people of the town further – offering her healing to those that were wounded in the attack. (DM Note – Since Sephrenia had missed this session, this was an easy way to excuse her out of tonight’s session)
- Once inside the town, Korra heads for Vanara’s Potion Shop – and discovers it was damaged in the attack. (DM Note – I left it up to chance. I had Korra roll a D20 – 1 through 10 it was destroyed in the attack, 11 through 20 it survived the attack…)
- When Korra arrives, she can see the roof has collapsed, but through some of the gaps in the collapse, she can see some of the potions survived the attack. Vanara herself is nowhere to be seen, naturally – having fled when her shop began to collapse during the attack.
- Korra makes her way inside, using the shadows to go unnoticed, and begins to look through the potions – she finds four potions of greater healing, two potions of longevity, and one potion of giant size. The other potions, unfortunately shattered when the roof had collapsed.
- Korra slips a note in the till as well as 100 gold for the potions. (DM Note – This was done through direct message in case there was anything she’d wanted to do that the party didn’t need to hear about)
- Meanwhile, Buppido lays down the copper wire he had in front of the first vendor he sees, who looks at Buppido strangely, but offers 3 gold for the stringy copper. Buppido accepts the three gold then looks around and asks, “Where would I find some magical armor?”
- The vendor, whose shop was destroyed, but he’s gathered what he can to sell on the streets, points deeper into the city and says, “Up on the hill, where the great – well, where the great tower used to be – that’s where you will usually find vendors who might have more high priced items to sell. Assuming there’s any there after the attack on the city.”
- Adrian asks the same vendor about the matching set to his Shield of Valor – Tiger Shield, and the vendor is aware that – according to rumor – one of the vendors up near the (former) great library tower, supposedly knew or had the Tiger Sword of Valor – but it was never confirmed – he mentions the armor smith is Korias Skymoon, the one who supposedly has the Tiger Sword of Valor – or at the very least knows of it – is Gorakin Greymoon.
- Adrian asks Buppido if they can travel together, since they’re headed in the same general direction
- As they make their way towards the upper hill trading center, Buppido turns to Adrian and says, “We should keep an eye on the vendor who nearly lured us into a death trap.” (See Session 59 and 60) Adrian agrees
- When they get to the area, Adrian picks up Buppido to try and help him spot the vendor, and Buppido hisses, “Stop it! You’re making me too obvious! You know I shine bright like a diamond!” Adrian sets Buppido down and Buppido admits, “OK, well I did see him. He’s just over there.”
- Buppido looks at Adrian, “We should gather the others and get our revenge.”
- Adrian shakes his head, “While the town is still reeling from the dragon attack, if we hope to keep that pyramid as a base, we’d best obey their laws. Remember how they cut off people’s hands, cut out people’s tongues, hang people – if we take any action, we could find ourselves at the wrong side of their laws.”
- Don makes his way to one of the merchants to inquire about leather, and he mentions that Jenna Hawkwind, is best known for her leather working. When Don clarifies he needs a saddle made, the vendor points him to Steadmaster, Lorius Hawkwind, Jenna’s husband. He notes, however, that the steadmaster is found just outside of the city limits, where the primary stables are. Don tells Adrian and Buppido that’s where he’s headed.
- Adrian and Buppido use the crowd to prevent being seen by the vendor who had betrayed them and eventually make their way to the human, Korias. Korias sees the two approach his battered booth, and with feigned excitement says, “Oh, wonderful. Adventurers. Where we you when the dragon attacked?”
- Buppido shows off his armor, and the tarnished gems and metal. “I was clearly busy fighting – that’s why I need new armor. Preferably one that can withstand acid.”
- “Acid?” Korias looks puzzled. “Was there a black dragon as well? I’ve heard they have acidic breath.”
- “Yes,” Buppido says, without missing a beat. “And I fought them off.”
- Korias explains that there’s a jeweler named Baromon Amberrain who might be able to touch up the jewels
- Buppido explains that while that’s a nice idea, he knows that magical armor is more durable to attacks
- Korias explains that when the blue dragon’s “dragon people” descended from the blue dragon’s back – that they did raid a number of things, as if they were gathering as much valuable treasure as possible. In all honesty, the destruction, the vendor admits, seemed to be more of a distraction – to keep the city guards busy – while those “dragon people” proceeded to rob the town – they only seemed focused on attacking people who attacked them first or tried to stop them from robbing the city
- Buppido inquires about enchanted armor (+1 Half Plate) – and Korias has it – and while, the normal price is 1,600 for the armor from him – he offers it for 800 gold instead, because of the desperate need of requiring money to pay for repairs in his shop, home, and providing for his family
- Buppido sees another piece, and asks about it – and Buppido decides to take that one instead, for 2,000 gold. While the armor is far more damaged, and beat up, it is more enchanted (+2 Half Plate)
- Buppido and Adrian head for Gorakin – and Adrian inquires about the Tiger Sword of Valor – but Gorakin explains that a fine, young elf – tall, elegant, very well dressed, with brass-like colored eyes – had just purchased the sword from him just days before the dragon attack – he wears brass colored elven chainmail; hard to miss, I believe his name is “Disnarius” or something like that.
- Gorakin also goes on to add that apparently this “Disnarius” (or whatever) was looking for the Tiger Shield of Valor. Gorakin offers to send “Disnarius” towards Adrian if they’re staying someone in the ruined city. Adrian explains that they’re staying at the Alashamar Alkalhara.
- Meanwhile, over with Dusk, Kraun nurses his severed arm and asks Dusk if he’s allied himself with the people he showed up with
- Dusk confirms that he has; and that of them all, the only one whom he seems to have any regard of respect for is the tiny gnome wizard – because he, at least, seems intelligent. The others, he claims, don’t under his (Dusk’s) genius level
- Kraun asks if Dusk plans on going after the Beholder, if the others do
- Dusk assures him he definitely wants to chase down the Beholder to exact revenge for all the damage he’s done to his abode and all the hard work that’s been lost as a result of the foul Beholder’s cowardly attack
- Kraun warns Dusk that if the Beholder gets a hold of all four rings, and if his suspicions are correct; the Beholder, As’zar’vari’tium, will become immortal – and from there, attempt to ascend to some form of deity status – Beholders are already vastly intelligent, but suffer greatly from xenophobia and paranoia – and because of this, they are always observant – even when they sleep. They believe themselves so superior that insults from anything but another known Beholder even warrants the Beholder’s attention. Everything else – is considered to be food, or potential minions, and if they’re less fortunate, slaves.
- Meanwhile, Don reaches the stables outside of town, and sees several large horses. Don approaches Lorius Hawkwind and engages in conversation, where Lorius explains that the Ilyx horse, which he has in his stables, were once the most sought after horses, according to legend, native to Ilyx before the curse swept through the land and turned lush forest to endless dunes of sand. The Ilyx horse adapted, losing most of its mane and getting a tougher, leather like skin that absorbed the heat that the land was so well known for; and charging their muscles. The Ilyx horse is an immensely strong, barrel-chested horse; typically in colors of light brown that make them almost invisible against the dunes; a natural defensive mechanism through evolution, Lorius suspects, against the many predators that linger in the endless sands of the Gold Coast.
- They begin discussing saddles, and Don expresses an interest in a custom saddle he’s looking for, for a creature he has as a steed. Lorius is curious about the steed, but Don explains he doesn’t have it with him now; and Lorius nods. The two continue to talk, and Don eventually gives the estimates of the saddle requirements and Lorius explains he can begin working on it soon. With the estimates, Lorius explains that it could cost around 100 gold.
- Don agrees to the price; and Don explains that the saddle needs to be able to be carried by him, explaining that his steed will not always be wearing the saddle, and that Don will need to carry it from time to time. This confuses Lorius, but be begins making adjustments, and agrees that it will cost 100 gold, despite the additional modifications.
- Don agrees, and begins heading back into town where he spots Korra as she is walking through town – and she asks, “Have you found anyone who could convert the shark gullets we got into potential bags of holding? Before the gullets go bad and begin to deteriorate.”
- Don lets he know that he has not, but the others should still be at a vendor near where the previous vendor had tried to lure them into the ambush trap in the alleyway passage. He explains there was someone there named Jenna Hawkwind who was a leatherworker up there.
- As Don and Korra make their way up, they spot Adrian and Buppido speaking to someone who has some weapons laid out on a table – and both notice that Buppido is wearing different armor that looks far more beat up than his previous armor and doesn’t have any gems (which he seemed so proud of before) embedded into it
- Don approaches Buppido and punches his armor, and says, “Looks like you got a downgrade,” but it manages to hurt Don’s fist
- Buppido smiles, “She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts. We’re going to go to the dazzle shop soon.”
- “Dazzle shop,” Korra asks
- “Gem store,” Adrian clarifies
- Adrian points out to Don and Korra, “The guy who lured us into the alleyway, and into the secret passage and ambushed us – he’s right down there.”
- Buppido nods, “We need to do something about him.”
- “Except,” Adrian injects, “Casting spells on citizens against their will, is very much against the rules.”
- Adrian turns to Gorakin and asks, if there’s any way to deliver messages to other towns
- Gorakin nods, “Just go to – well, ironically, the only inn that wasn’t attack – Alashamar Alkalhar – and give the innkeeper the message. They will gather the messages for the day and take it to the stablemaster, Lorius Hawkwind, who usually employees his stable hands to ride the Ilyx horses to help get the messages to the next town over; and they, then take it from there, to the next, and so and so on. Not the quickest way of communication, if this is some form of emergency.”
- Adrian thanks Gorakin and turns to his companions and explains he’s ready
- Back with Dusk, Kraun tries to help cleaning Dusk’s abode by kicking dirt into the sweeping pan and finally has it clean enough to finally forge a prosthetic arm from the magical gauntlet (Session 61) that he’d used to channel the hammer and orb’s power. With Kraun offering advise, having employed some of the best smiths in the land, Dusk is able to half the time it’d normally take to make it. Using spare parts, gears, and exposed copper wires that Buppido had not taken, Dusk takes the time to also make Kraun a prosthetic arm as well.
- The party decides to walk in front of the merchant who had tried to lead them to the ambush – Khade Evergrain. Started, Khade acts as if nothing happened, saying, “Friends! Friends! So much has happened in this town! My eyes rejoice to see you alive! You can imagine how surprised I am…”
- Buppido says, “Yes, when we met your… friends… they were quite rude to us.”
- Khade shakes his head, “My apologies, my friends! Sometimes, they overreact! It was dark, their eyes aren’t so good, you know?”
- “Maybe if you’d taken the time to introduce us to them,” Buppido countered.
- “Oh, you know, I had business down there – wanted to make sure they had everything you were coming to check on. My apologies, in my haste, if this caused any trouble to you, my friends,” Khade replies.
- Khade looks at the scant wares he still had, after the dragon attack, “Friends! Let us do this! Perhaps I can offer you a discount on some of the things I have? I don’t have much, due to the dragon attack – robbed me blind, they did! But, for you – my friends, I would part with what few items, though my wife and six children may go without food – just to clear any misconceptions there may be in our blooming relationship!”
- Khade offers – Ring of Jumping, Ring of Swimming (which he admits is not useful here), Ring of Water Walking (also useless here, he notes)
- Korra whispers, that if she’s able to find a way to the Planes – one of the places she will need to go is the Plane of Water to try and set things right
- Buppido asks if he can see the Ring of Jumping; and Khade assures him as a measure of good faith, he will let him see it. Buppido puts on the ring and tries to jump but nothing really happens. Buppido gives the ring back and says it’s a fake – and Khade assures him, that one must spend time with the ring – like someone they love (he corrects himself, almost saying like spending time with a woman, when he sees Korra staring at him, her arms folded across her chest, eyes narrowing as he speaks)
- Adrian asks how the Ring of Swimming works, and Khade explains, “Well, first you get into a body of water. Then kick your legs and move your arms, and occasionally turn your head to make sure you’re getting air.”
- Adrian sighs, “What I mean is, if I am wearing heavy armor would it help.”
- “Help,” Khade smirks. “Well, you could swim the speed of a dolphin as you sink like an anchor. I am afraid you’d just swim as quick as a dolphin to the bottom of the body of water, if you’re in heavy armor. It’s primarily used for swimming as if you were a fish of some kind, I’d say.”
- Adrian asks about the water walking ring; and Korra chimes in that since they’re in the middle of the desert, it should be dirt cheap (and Khade remarks that he enjoyed her play on words) and Don adds that their “previous engagement” did not go well – and Khade assures them all that that had all been a great misunderstanding
- He explains that the ring normally would sell for 600 gold, because it is uncommon; but he was willing to cut a deal – more than 50% off – and knock the price down to 200 gold. Adrian agrees to the deal and purchases the Ring of Water Walking.
- Buppido asks about a Ring of Shooting Stars and Khade looks through his bags and pulls out a ring, that has a star on it and holds it out, “I do believe this is what you’re asking for.”
- He explains the ring normally goes for 5,000 gold; but he’s willing to mark it down ever so slightly to 4,000 gold (as it’s quite powerful and quite sought after, don’t you know!) Unfortunately Buppido doesn’t want to pay 4,000 gold for the ring and declines the offer
- The party splits ways with Khade, seemingly somewhat forgiving of his previous actions
- The party makes their way back to Korias Skymoon to ask about getting the sand shark gullets changed into bags of holding; Korias calls over Jenna Hawkwind, the leather worker
- Jenna offers to make the two gullets into Bags of Holding, for a total of 400 gold (200 gold each)
- Adrian offers to pay half of that
- Jenna explains it will take about eight hours to make the bags
- While they wait for the Bags of Holding, Buppido asks the party to go with him to Baromon Amberrain‘s jewelry shop – and Buppido asks what can be done. Baromon Amberrain explains that the dragon people stole most of his jewels. Buppido offers up the old armor that still has some jewels – and Baromon Amberrain manages to look at it – and says he can probably save eight of the gems on the old armor to use on the new armor. Baromon Amberrain and Buppido go over the layout of the gems on his armor. Baromon Amberrain explains he can complete the “decorating” in five hours. He offers his services for 300 gold. He also offers to speak to Korias, to get some of the dents and scratches out. When Buppido comes back – most of the armor has been refurbished nicely – there is a gem where each nipple is; two on each shoulder (one on front, one on back); one on the front and back of the helmet; which left an extra gem – which Baromon placed where the bellybutton would be
- The party goes back to Jenna and picks up their Bags of Holding
- Dusk completes his process – making it so that the prosthetic arm becomes a part of his Arcane Armor – which is equivalent to Splint Mail armor, due to the gauntlet not supplying a lot of metal, and Dusk needing to use copper wiring and gears
- Kraun thanks Dusk for the arm; and as he leaves he says, “I won’t forget this. And if you’re going after that damn beholder, I wish you luck.”
- Dusk exits the abode and steps far enough away from the malfunctioning Stone Defenders; he says “Activate!” And they come to a stance (DM Note – He failed the Persuasion roll, so they would attack him again if he approached them)
- Dusk catches up to the others; and asks Buppido about the jeweler so they make their way back to Baromon for jewels; but when Dusk clarifies that he wants Rings, Buppido takes him up the hill towards Khade – there, Dusk mentions he needs 3 normal rings; but Khade says he only has magic rings – and offers a Ring of Jumping. Dusks asks for a Ring of Protection, but Khade explains he already sold it to the small gnome and his friends previously. Dusk asks for a Ring of Invisibility, but claims some halfling recently purchased it because it needed to be thrown into some mountain or some such. (DM Note – Please tell me you get the reference…) Dusk finally just asks for 3 golden rings, and Khade offers them for 10 gold each.
- Korra, Don and Adrian head back to the Inn
- Adrian explains that he needs to address a letter back to Isabella
- Just as the trio reach the inn, screams begin filling the town and people begin looking at the sky
- Korra looks at Don, with a “this better not be a blue dragon” look
- Suddenly a load buzz begins to fill the air – and a loud droning sound
- A dark cloud, similar to a massive plague of locust
- However, as they look – it’s not thousands of small locust, but rather several medium sized demonic looking creatures
- The creature seem determined to be hunting down someone specific; and though the party doesn’t know why or who sent these creatures – they’re certain that the creatures are looking for them. Making their way up to their room, they open the window and force these demonic creatures through the window – and Adrian, now with Demonbane is ready for their assault
- When Buppido sees the Chasme (the insect looking one), he shouts, “I hate Stirges! I had no idea they got this big!” (It’s great, because he has kept this historically accurate with his character when he once fireballed a cave because of stirges – back in Session 51)
- Dusk and Buppido, who are outside, running to find shelter – Dusk comments, “This town seems to have unfortunate luck. We really should move on.” Buppido, with his smaller legs, huffs and puffs, but gives a loud sigh of agreement
- As they’re passing the inn – Buppido points out that the others are probably at the inn, and meet the others up in their room. In the main lobby, people are crying about how the spirit of the heroes that once defended this glorious city have left the city open to these vicious attacks
- After the party fights a number of Vrocks and Chasme; the true enemy shows herself – and it’s a Lamia – and not only that, the same one the heroes had driven away – the one that had a hand in Lilli Sandweaver’s abduction – the “half sister” of Adrian
- Seeking revenge against the adventures, she turned to darker magic to summon the demons to seek the heroes out so that she could feast on them – however, the heroes proved to be too much for the vrocks and chasme that were often even fighting amongst each other
- The party knowing she’s responsible focus fire on her – and when Dusk runs down to punch her – she manages to claw him and charm him and use him as a weapon – each time he tried to break free, she ripped into him with her massive claws
- She was however defeated when Don called on his dragon mount, Halia to come down and attack – and she flies down at such a speed that she’s able to grab the Lamia by the neck and snap it
- As the Lamia’s body crashes to the ground, a book bound in leather, with odd writing in it, falls from her hand.