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- Aros – Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue
- Rubber Ducky of Inspiration
- Galiena Erenaeth – Half Elf, Celestial Warlock / Druid
- Dearbhán – NPC, Fairy Dragon (Galiena’s pet)
- Kavium – NPC, Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Conquest)
- Darko Wintersage – NPC, Undead Wizard (Flame Skull)
- Baldur – Human, Pack Chain Warlock (Spear) / Paladin – Missed this session – Was partaking in a World of Darkness – Vampire the Masquerade game
- Khor’taur – Dragon Spirit inside the Dracospear
- Hellina Kaitlyn Deramu – Human NPC, Wererat
DM Note: There was a wide spread issue on this day, where people were not able to access their characters on D&D Beyond – they would get a 403 error. It was odd, because I could access characters fine – and when I sent the direct link to Galiena, who was facing the issue, she’d get a 403 error even then. When we tried to import it into Avrae – it also gave a 403 error. Eventually we just ended up using the Mobile App for her and I opened the Log File on the Campaign to see her rolls.
- The party rests with John Tallbane and the survivors from the town of Chalice, in their cave, near the town – he approaches the party and explains he doesn’t have much, but for now, he can pay Aros, Galiena and Kavium 200 gold for their help
- Galiena asks about where she could go for a bath; and John Tallbane explains until he has people test the well water after the curse washed over Chalice, he doesn’t feel safe recommending doing it in Chalice; he explains they will be scouting around Chalice first before fulling moving back. He does point out that Chalice is near the shoreline and the ocean might be the best place to wash off the zombie parts they’d used to disguise themselves while inside Chalice. (See Session 41)
- The party heads for the ocean to wash off their armor and themselves
- As Galiena gets in the water – something slams against her leg – and as she looks down, she can see the tide of the water is red – and there’s a large animal that’s been grievously wounded
- While Galiena is trying to see what this beast is – she’s heard of stories of these mammals known as ‘Sea Lions’ – named because they have bodies like a seal, but their head has a mane of fur that runs down their back, like lions. As this keeps her busy, Aros and Kavium quickly see what undoubtedly wounded the creature as three figures emerge out of the water and growl, “Step away from our food,” in rough Common.

- Aros looks to Galiena (Kavium was not present when the party first encountered the Sahaugin and how they almost killed Galiena – all the way back in Session 04, but for Kavium’s first date with Galiena, they fought Sahuagin in Session 15!) to see if she wants to save the creature – and when he sees the fire in her eyes – he knows, they’re in for another fight
- As the battle begins – things, despite the Sahuagin’s ability to have advantage when someone isn’t at full health – keeps the fight pretty even – however, it’s the Sahuagin who begin getting in critical hits first…
- Galiena uses Call Lightning (DM Note – I had her roll a Nature Check with a DC 15, to see if it was storming – because of the nature of the island – and she rolled it!) – so the spell does additional damage, drawing from the storm, and manages to down two of the Sahuagin – and leaves the third one bloodied
- They manage to down the final Sahuagin easily after it was grievously wounded and Galiena applies a Cure Wounds on the Sea Lion – who then looks at her – its expression as if studying her face – before turning and going into the water and returning with a large fish as a form of thanks; but Galiena realizes, the Sea Lion was memorizing her face, undoubtedly to one day return the favor if she’s ever in need. The beast swims back out into the sea, with its wounds sealed.
- Galiena, Kavium and Aros take the fish and begin heading back to Caith Mathan’s cave to report that they were able to help his friend, John Tallbane.
- Aros runs back and collects the Sahuagin’s tridents, recalling how Baldur had sold them at Felhorn to the fisherman there (See Session 04)
- The party makes it back to Caith Mathan; who listens to what happened in Chalice, and he’s puzzled as everyone else is about this undead Beholder. Caith shares that his herbs have been helping the Eladrin, Celan, recover. She comes out from the back of the cave, still limping, but leaning on an old, gnarled staff. Galiena uses her magic to make the staff visually beautiful with her magic (and gains Inspiration for the idea!)
- Celan goes on to mention how, there’d been a hag who had come here, beckoned by Lord Brenmoon, from what she understands. And asks the party, since they seem to be well traveled and have fought a number of things, if they’ve heard of the hag, Krysinda.
- The party explains that they have – she’d been mentioned at a town that had a vampire treant guarding it (See Sessions 18 and 19) and mentions how the “murder gnomes” mentioned her name (See Session 30) as well as how some goblins had been cursed to turn into wolf like creatures as her “gift” (See Session 32). Celan explains that Krysinda corrupting a treant and tricking goblins sounds like her style; and that the murder gnomes sounds like fey creatures known as Redcaps, who must kill in order to survive – and probably came with Krysinda when she came here.
- Celan also goes on to mention a Satyr, she knew by the name of Ossis. She explains that he’d traveled to a hidden plane to try and save a young mimic, whom he’d been trying to train to become something more – as it was not like any mimic he’d ever seen. It possessed the properties similar to a bag of holding. (See Discovery Session 18) Celan explains that he found people he entrusted the magical mimic too (See Discovery Session 21). He returned to the Feywild – briefly before hearing about some magical apples, here on Eagle Rock – and he came here some time ago. I can’t say when, as time moves differently in the Fey Wild, than it does here on the Prime Material Plane.
- The party explains how they followed the diary of a dead woman; that led them to Ossis who was living in a cave, high in the mountains away from everyone. (See Session 10). Celan asks why he would live so far away from nature and surrounded by cold stone? Galiena shares how Ossis had been captured by Lord Brenmoon – and forced to show how to obtain immortality by becoming what Ossis called a – Feympire. Similar to a vampire, but made by Fey magic. Celan looks grim. Galiena assures Celan that Ossis still had good in him, despite the fact he’d been corrupt – which is why he lived away from everyone, high up in the mountains; because he was afraid of corrupting everything. He did however, Galeina adds, provide a cure for a friend of theirs. (See Session 13). Galiena shares that Razathorn, the evil wizard around Eagle Rock, had also expressed an interest in Ossis. (See Session 16)
- Celan expresses hope that despite his corruption, Ossis remains – or at least fights – to overcome it and be good – and that there may be a cure to help him. She explains she’s not a proper alchemist or herbalist, as she’s hunter; but she’s well versed in survival tactics and what can be used. And asks if there’s Shambling Mounds on Eagle Rock.
- After learning what they are, the party mentions that there might be some in the Swamp of Despair
- Celan says they need to find one – defeat it – and return with its rooted heart – and she may be able to make something that could help cure Ossis
- The party, remember Ossis, and his heart, agree to the mission
- The party cooks up the fish that was given to them by the Sea Lion, and using the Cider in their containers to cook it and flavor it
- The party rests in the cave for the night then makes their way towards the swamp early in the morning
- Familiar with the swamp, the party makes it to the swamp – and as they venture through the swamp, some get levels of exhaustion
- Once inside the swamp, the party decides to visit the kobold they’d previous met – and make it to Chief Krill’s “village”
- The party first met Kril, Dur, and Foom back in Session 6, in which they helped over throw a useless drugged out Chief, and put Kril in the position of power as Chief Kril. The party then helped the Kobolds set up a trade with Greenhaven – exchanging the Whistling Leaf, which was dangerous to get to in the swamp where the Kobolds lived, in exchange for leathers and fruit and other items from Greenhaven in Session 23 and Session 25. They met with Chief Kril in Session 24, to seek guidance against the catoblepas.