Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 71

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  • Staring at the corpse of the Lamia (see previous session), the party notices a leather bound book that falls from her dead hands
  • Dusk quickly picks up the book and begins to flip through the pages; however nothing in the book is legible to Dusk
Book of the Coven
  • Dusk shakes his head, “Can’t make sense of any of it.”
  • Buppido approaches him and extends his hand, “Let me see it. I am clearly the wizard here.” Dusk shakes his head and hands it Buppido who – also can’t read it – but makes sounds as if he does, “Interesting… I see what they’re doing there…” And as Dusk asks Buppido to explain it, an elf approaches the party
  • The elf is tall, elegant, and walks with the grace of a cat. He starts by saying, “Job well done, my friends, dealing with the Lamia and the demons. My name is Disnarium.”
  • Adrian suddenly turns, recognizing the name
  • Buppido closes the book and slides it into his bag
  • Dusk comes to stand beside Disnarium and points at the Lamia. “Yeah,” he says, nodding knowingly as he put his hands on his waist, “she was made at me about a one night stand.”
  • Disnamrium raises an eye brow and says, “I am not one to judge whom you lay with, Tiefling.” He looks at everyone else standing around him and asks, “What do you know about a Beholder who has come into great power recently?”
  • Korra steps forward, “No,” is all she says firmly before Adrian grabs her and holds her back
  • Buppido adds, “Well Beholders, from my studies, typically are very powerful.”
  • Disnarium nods, “True, but there is one around here I have been tracking who recently got a hold of something – and their power is … significantly more than any Beholder before it.”
  • “When we saw it,” Buppido quickly confesses, “it was already powerful! It wasn’t our fault!” he lies
  • Don steps in, “We can neither confirm nor deny we know of such a beast.”
  • However, as Don speaks and looks into Disnarium’s eyes – he senses great goodness within this elf… and his shadow looks off… his pupils seem to shimmer and turn into slits… and in Don’s mind, the elf’s shadow flares…. and Don sees something else… and he is in awe… but doesn’t want to speak of it yet (DM Note – Don was sent a direct message for his character to notice something after a successful Perception Check)
  • “I ask,” Disnarium explains, “because I am looking to put an end to him.”
  • Don says, his tone changing, “We’re also looking for him as well.”
  • Disnarium smiles at Don, then looks to the others, “I was hoping you might say that. The Beholder now has a relic of great power.”
  • “What kind of relic?” Korra asks coyly.
  • “Is it a golden ship?” Dusk pipes in as he blows gently towards Disnarium
  • Don heaves a deep sigh, “I would like to apologize about the Artificer, he’s new to the group and very, very, very strange…”
  • Disnarium chuckles and answers Dusk, “No,” Disnarium replies, “He is in possession of The Skull-Gem… which is an ancient artifact… or it’s a replica of the original… the Skull-Gem has several stories… but there are a few things in common… both most common accepted stories are centered on Drakenfiel – the god of wisdom. If you’re not familiar with Drakenfiel,” Disnarium adds looking at the group, seeing only Adrian bore any religious symbols (Sephrenia was still about town healing people so she wasn’t present – she actually missed this session so keeping her about town healing people after the dragon attack and now the demon attack was the easiest way to explain why she wasn’t present). adds, “The legend behind Drakenfiel is that there is no question that he does not know the answer to. However, Drakenfiel has taken it upon himself to ensure that not every single question is answered; and he will more often than not simply give clues, rather than direct answers. It had been Drakenfiel’s wisdom that had uncovered the answer to who had unleashed the disease upon the Immortals that took so many lives. Legend also states that Drakenfiel even knows the when the Day of Terrarack will occur, suggesting that perhaps he is gifted with visions of the future as well, as a part of his wisdom and knowledge.” (DM Note – for information on see: Day of Terrarack).
  • Disnarium adds, “The two versions are – long ago, when the people of the world first began to worship the gods, Drakenfiel had a follower who was ever faithful to Drakenfiel – but was desperate because the town had seemed curse. Plants were dying, people and animals were growing sick, and this follower pleaded to Drakenfiel in prayer to be given the wisdom and knowledge on what to do to save the people. The story is that Drakenfiel granted the follower the knowledge and more – with the idea that the follower would grow – so he granted the follower a vision to a special gem, that had merely a fraction of Drakenfiel’s power in it. At first the follower was able to use the knowledge was gaining to help the town prosper – but as he continued to absorb this knowledge – it eventually expanded beyond what his mortal mind could comprehend – and in an attempt to stop the knowledge from flowing into his mind, in his madness he jammed the gem into his eye and perished. It is said, supposedly, this is what the Mad Elf, Ashen Var used to learn how to channel magic into sphere and trap the dragons and siphon their magic in an attempt to exterminate all orcs from the world. The relic was lost after that. The other story is more recent – that when the Spider Queen ascended (DM Note – this was the conclusion of a large, 28 session story line, concluding in Session 41!) – and she killed Drakenfiel – that Drakenfiel had tried to bestow his knowledge into someone who could stop her – and unfortunately, he targeted a faithful follower who immediately went mad with so much knowledge that he had shoved a gem into his eye to end the madness – and perished.” Disnarium pauses, “It could be that one, or both of those stories are correct.”
  • Don nods, “Looks like you did quite a bit of research. What can we do?”
  • Disnarium nods, “Well, I am trying to track this Skull-Gem backwards. If I can find out who the previous owner was – if they’re alive, I can ask them some questions about it, since none of us have laid hands on this relic.”
  • “Well, I am the best researcher,” Dusk injects confidently.
  • “Good, then perhaps you know already who previously owned the Skull-Gem?” Disnarium asks
  • Kraun, who is also with the party takes a step back. “Listen, I may have possessed it for a brief time, but it was kept in a magical box. They,” he gestures to the party in front of him, “stole it from the previous owner.”
  • Korra looks at Kraun, “We did not steal from anyone!”
  • Buppido adds, “We were no more owners of this thing than you were, Kraun!”
  • Adrian explains, “He hired us,” he points to Kraun, “to steal it from a thieves guild in the sewers of Lakefront. But before the thieves had it – which, by the way – this group of thieves were wererats.”
  • “We prefer the term ‘rogue’,” Kraun whispers.
  • Adrian shoots him a stern look and continues, “These thieves,” Adrian emphasizes, then looks at Korra apologetically as she folds her arms across her chest, “stole it from a cursed mage in the abandoned tower in Lakefront… an…” Adrian pauses, unsure how to explain Darius Blackmane, “cursed mage… who once used the skull before the wererats… and was driven so insane, he body and mind collapsed on itself and he became an allip. He warned us of its power and how it’d driven him insane…”
  • “And we never owned it,” Korra injected.
  • “Correct,” Adrian nodded. “Darius explained that the Skull-Gem has cursed him and he can’t die until it’s destroyed… but he wants it destroyed. So we knew we had to get it from the wererat … rogues,” Adrian corrects the term for Korra, but it’s Kraun who smiles smugly. “And that is where he came into the picture,” Adrian gestures to Kraun, who immediately stops smiling seeing attention back on him. “He hired us to get the skull. He said he would take care of it. Promised he wouldn’t use it. Granted, we could have asked for clarification… but he offered a lot of money for recovering this thing. And…” Adrian pauses, “I will admit, knowing Kraun had it – our plan, all along – was to track Kraun and recover and destroy it. However, once we got into Drastor he slipped away from us.”
  • “And this Darius is located in Lakefront you say? That’s a good distance away,” Disnarium sighs
  • “Lakefront,” Kraun says, stepping forward out of the shadows. “I may be able to help with that if it means tracking down that bastard of a beholder.”
  • “Like you helped last time,” Korra growls.
  • Kraun feigns that he’s offended by Korra’s cutting words, “Listen, I always try to help where I can. I am a businessman first and foremost, however. And I don’t appreciate having a deal ruined. One of my clerics,” he looks at the party, “they know of him – he worked with the Ravenclaw clan there – specifically, with Kin Ravenclaw – another fine businessman, I might add, though some of you might disagree with some of his business methods – though everyone calls him ‘the charming thief.’ Personally,” Kraun says, going on a tangent, “I find the term thief derogatory, as I already said. But that’s besides the point.” He clears his throat and continues, “There’s a teleportation disc that can take small groups to and from Lakefront to here in Drastor, below the city. It was the… quickest way to move merchandise without being spotted or questioned by authorities. A lot of good things come out of the sands out there,” he concludes.
  • “Hold on!” Buppido turns and faces Kraun. “You could have teleported us all from Lakefront to here? We could have skipped the desert? The sandsharks? All of that nonsense?”
  • Kraun smiled, “Sure. But – I had some business deals to make along the way. And a lot of the other, more… honest merchants… shouldn’t and wouldn’t … take their things down into a guild’s area without being members of the guild.”
  • Korra nodded, “The honest ones will blindfold you,” she says, “and the dishonest ones will blindfold you then put a dagger in your back.”
  • “So my cleric and wizard should be able to get us to Lakefront and back, as needed, for a small price,” Kraun adds.
  • “I feel like us getting you that arm is a good enough payment,” Korra snarls at Kraun.
  • “And we also saved your life from being devoured by the beholder’s dog,” Adrian adds.
  • “It was my dog,” the mad Dusk mutters underneath his breath.
  • “Fine,” Kraun mutters, looking at his arm. “We can meet tonight and use the teleportation disc to get to Lakefront. We just got to make sure we don’t run into Nineswords – or his guild, The Forgotten Sands around here. Oh, sorry – I know him as Nineswords, the rest of you probably know that bastard of a beholder by his true name, As’zar’vari’tium.”
  • Korra looks at Kraun, “He’s Nineswords?”
  • Kraun nods, “Well, yeah. That’s who I had that deal with that you and your party friends here came in and caused that disruption.”
  • “Why is he called Nineswords?” Adrian asks, “if he has no hands to hold swords?”
  • Kraun laughs. “It’s his eye stalk. He has ten eye stalks – during a battle with someone in the desert – one of them got bit off, probably by a sandshark is my guess. So he had one of his guild members build him a mechanical eye stalk – because if he didn’t have ten he didn’t look perfect. So he adopted ‘Nineswords’ as an alias to cause confusion – but it’s because the damn bastard considers each of his functioning stalks a weapon.”
  • Kraun concludes, “Let’s meet here when the blasted sun goes down.”
  • “You bet,” Dusk winks and blows a very confused Kraun, a kiss, who uses the prostetic arm that Dusk forged for him to “catch” the kiss – then throw it on the ground and stomp on it
  • “That’s the last time I am making you an arm,” Dusk mutters.
  • “Hopefully the last time I need one,” Kraun laughs.
  • Adrian asks to see Disnarium’s sword – and the elf hands it to him – and Adrian feels his Valor Shield – Tiger begin to vibrate and shows the elf the shield. Adrian explains that he had been looking for the sword. Disnarium explains, “Perhaps if you help me with this issue with the Beholder, I can reward you the blade.”
  • Don seems eager to speak to the party away from Disnarium and Kraun, but the party seems to pause and look over the Lamia’s body
  • Buppido drags the bag of holding over the Lamia’s dagger
  • Adrian seems excited about heading to Lakefront to see Isabella Crowfeather again
  • Dusk asks Adrian if he’s married; and Adrian explains that he’s engaged; and Dusk asks if they’re getting married on the way back; and Korra says if they are, she wants to go shopping; Dusk explains with all this gold that they now have, he can have a grand wedding!
  • Adrian explains that it takes time to plan a wedding; and Dusk says that they have all the time in the world
  • Adrian counters with that they’re actually on a time crunch to chase after the beholder
  • The party meets back at the same spot later, with Don not having revealed what he saw earlier; and they follow Kraun through some dark alleyways and they get to a place where Kraun presses on a stone, revealing a secret passage
  • Heading down through the secret passage, they see it is lined up with rogues hiding in the shadows, and Kraun grants them all safe passage by giving an assortment of signals which Korra recognizes as Thieves Cant – but using it to “speak” silently the code words need to get by without getting filled with arrows
  • They reach the teleportation chamber and as Kraun said, the halfling cleric is there – Squeven, who recognizing the party shakes his head and mutters, “We are losing money with these people, Kraun.” Disnarium gestures to the symbol on Squeven’s chest, indicating the symbol of Brezden, the evil god of Greed – A dwarven figure standing in front of moonlight.
  • Adrian whispers, “I know, but he’s been… honest, so far, I guess you could say… he just complains about how much we’re costing Kraun’s organization.”
  • “Are you coming with us Kraun?” Adrian asks
  • Kraun shakes his head, “No. I need to get things in order here. The damn beholder killed a bunch of good employees and destroyed a lot of things looking for me. I have some affairs to attend to.”
  • “We would like a letter then,” Korra says, “with an explanations and discount back from Lakefront to here. Signed, sealed, and signet ring approved.” Kraun smiles at Korra, pleasantly – recognizing her as a fellow rogue – she knew that he had every intention of teleporting them there – but the return trip would have been at full price. He feigns surprise and says, “Yes! Of course, I almost forgot!” And proceeds to document, sign and seal the message, handing it over to Adrian.
  • As every steps on the teleportation disc, Buppido looks over at Squeven and says, “Wait a minute. Why are you always here? Teleportation is a wizard-like spell, not a cleric.”
  • Squeven presses the button to begin the teleportation and says, “In case the teleportation process goes terribly wrong.” But before anyone can do anything – one by one, they each disappear – and reappear, feeling as if they’d been running for hours – at, what they assumed was the Lakefront teleportation disc in the sewers.
  • A human wizard, who looks bored suddenly sits up, seeing the party. He seems hesitant, a spell on his lips, hands glowing – until the party explains what’s happening an verify by showing the note from Kraun. The human wizard introduces himself as Skarin Orcbane. Though he appears alone in the teleportation room, Korra signals to the party – indicating several “murder holes” – where rogues, armed with arrows and poison await for something to go wrong
  • “No cleric on this side,” Buppido mutters beneath his breath
  • Skarin assigns Thyis Bloodspell – a tiefling rogue and Brick Sellsword, a human fighter (who undoubtedly is not using their real name) to escort the party and blindfold them through the guild’s territory (DM Note – Squeven, Thyis, and Brick are three (player) characters from another game I ran; where the player Korra was in it – she played Galiena, who she revisted in a new game in the “Servants of the Wizard” game) taking them to the wharf exit below the pier (See Session 45 and Session 46) that they’d first entered originally. Thyis explains he will fish off the pier and to come to him when they’re ready to go back in.
  • Dusk looks around, “I’ve never been here. Where’s the wine shop at?”
  • “Why do you need wine?” Adrian asks
  • “For the wedding,” Dusk says, “isn’t that why we’re here?”
  • “No,” Adrian replies. “I will get married when I am ready.”
  • “You proposed, you should be ready,” Dusk replies. “How many people are coming to this wedding so I can make sure I buy enough wine?”
  • “I am not having a wedding,” Adrian counters.
  • Buppido hearing Adrian’s hesitation snaps his fingers. “I’ve figured it out. Being a follower of Prenah… you have one of these wives in every town? So when you travel, no matter what town you are in, you have a home, a bed, and a warm body to cuddle up to at night.”
  • “No,” Adrian shakes his head. “That’s not it at all.”
  • Buppido winks at Adrian
  • As they head for the fallen tower, Dusk asks each person he passes, “Are you here for the wedding too?” Often getting confused looks from passer bys.
  • Don adds to it saying, “You know if you don’t marry her, she may eventually… give a big discount potion to someone else, if you catch my drift?”
  • “Or,” Adrian scowls at Don, “raise a dragon army and lay siege to an entire city, just to find an old lover…”
  • Don nods, “Fair point.”
  • The party makes their way to the tower and it isn’t long as they move through the rubble before they hear the clear voice of the mad spectator that they’d named “Bob”
The Mad Spectator first encountered Session 44
  • Dusk, who was the only person (other than Disnarium) to not have encountered the Spectator looks to the others
  • The party greets “Bob” who welcomes them with “My friend! My friend! So you did not meet you end! But look at two of you; neither of which I never knew!”
  • Dusk asks who it is, they explain his name is Bob; and Dusk explains that now he understands the confusion, because he had named his “dog” Bob. (See Session 69)
  • Bob allows them to pass and Disnarium mentions how he’s impressed and surprised by the allies that the party has made along the way
  • The party gets to the pattern floor – and each of them try to recall – and thankfully, Don recalls the steps with perfection (Natural 20!)
The tile game from Session 44
  • They make their way through – and eventually come to find Darius, still shimmering in his twisted, shadow form
  • Disnarium approaches Darius’ cursed form and sounds remorseful when he says he is sorry for Darius’ fate. Disnarium asks about the Skull-Gem.
  • Darius explains that the Skull-Gem whispered so many secrets that his mortal body could not handle, and this is why he’s cursed (which the party knew, as he’d previously explained this, but Disnarium was not aware). Darius mentions that there was a realm of dead gods that the Skull-Gem had whispered about – and though there, immortality could be attained.
  • Disnarium explains that could be the connection to Drakenfiel – since he’d recently been slain by the Spider Queen
  • Darius explains that there is also an elder demon named Nebakrau who is an elder Serpent Demon; who wishes to constrict the world and destroy it… it has followers, banished elves, by the name of the “Githyanki” – which are the “cursed elves” – a name given to them by the elves on this plane
  • The serpent demon wishes to murder the children of the gods; which are mortals – because this would weaken the power the gods possess, allowing the serpent demon to inject his poison into the veins of the gods
  • Darius explains that the Skull-Gem mentioned how there was a war on the planes… between fire… water… earth and air… similar to the war that once raged, and spilled over into the mortal plane, wiping out the forested area of Ilyx and giving birth to the Gold Coast land…
  • Darius explains that the Skull-Gem will whisper answers to any questions you might ask and bestow those answers to you… but the questions that can be asked can shatter a mortal mind, as you can see… from my understanding, the previous owners had been Drow, who were the ones who raised the Spider Queen by using the knowledge bestowed by the Skull-Gem.
  • Disnarium notes that if that’s the case, then this has to be the ancient skull; because that would rule out that it was a recent priest who was bestowed the knowledge by Drakenfiel
  • Disnarium ponders what Darius has mentioned. “I believe I know what this realm of the dead gods is… but to get there… we would need a special vessel to achieve that. If the beholder has been whispered the same secrets and now seeks immortality… the madness of a being with such celestial power could usurp all of reality.” Disnarium explains, “A beholder without the power and knowledge of the Skull-Gem is already dangerous… When a beholder sleeps, its body goes briefly dormant but its mind never stops working. The creature is fully aware, even though to an outside observer it might appear oblivious of its surroundings. Sometimes a beholder’s dreams are dominated by images of itself or of other beholders (which might or might not actually exist). On extremely rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the act creates a warp in reality—from which a new, fully formed beholder springs forth unbidden, seemingly having appeared out of thin air in a nearby space. This “offspring” might be a duplicate of the beholder that dreamed it into existence, or it could take the form of a different variety of beholders known as beholder-kin: such as a death kiss or a gazer. It might also be a truly unique creature, such as could be spawned only from the twisted imagination of a beholder, with a set of magical abilities unlike that of its parent.”
  • He looks pale and adds, “Add the power of the Skull-Gem… not only is it bestowing knowledge… but it’s unlocking the creatures magical potential.”
  • Disnarium continues, “A beholder has plans on top of plans, even for the least likely circumstances. It believes it is superior to all other entities. Unintelligent foes are regarded as food or pets. An intelligent creature is seen as food or a potential minion. A beholder’s true rivals are other beholders, for only another beholder has the intellect, power, and magic to threaten another of its kind. Most of a beholder’s mental activity is devoted to unearthing plots against itself (real or imaginary), planning attacks against known rivals, and preparing its defenses against all possible threats. It considers itself the center of the world, in a narcissistic way; of course the clan of duergar moving into its territory is because a rival is trying to oust it, of course the gang of adventurers in its lair were sent to kill it by a cowardly rival, and so on, because it is the perfect example of beholderness and all other creatures are jealous.”
  • Disnarium adds grimly, “I believe the beholder has already entered another plane… I was tracking the power of the skull… and traced it to Drastor… when suddenly it was no longer there… and I couldn’t sense it anywhere.”
  • Dusk looks at Buppido then to Disnarium. “We have a golden ship.”
  • “He thinks we have a golden ship,” Adrian corrects. “We’ve not found this ‘golden ship.'”
  • “Where is it this beholder went?” Korra asks
  • “From my studies, and what I know of the realms beyond, it’s an area known as The Astral Plane,” Disnarium explains. “Through the Astral Plane, access to the other planes – such as fire, water, earth and air are much easier to transverse.”
  • Don nods, “I am aware of the Astral Plane as well.” (Natural 20 on History Check) “When I was doing some research about Tyhamat,” Don explains, “trying to learn more about where a … person of interest had gone… and joined… several tomes reference the Astral Plane as a realm that acts as a gateway… filled with worlds, much like this one – and fantastical creatures and things to behold. They say that if you know the passage, you can even reach the realm of the gods. And vessels known as Spelljammers are used to travel the Astral Planes.”
  •  “Where would we find someone with a Spelljammer?” Korra asks
  • “The Githyanki were one of the original travelers of the Astral Plane using Spelljammers… the serpent demon Nebakrau supposedly bestowed this knowledge to those who gave themselves to the serpent demon,” Disnarium explains. “If we knew where to find some Githyanki here, we could perhaps find a Spelljammer.
  • Adrian excitedly explains, “We were in a temple – a pyramid in the Gold Coast – where we fought an ancient mummy – but inside there, we fought two of these ‘cursed elves’ – and they were guarding a statue of a being with arms of a serpent – who came to life when the cursed elves were defeated.” (See Session 68)
  • “And there was a giant undead serpent in the room as well,” Korra adds (See Session 67)
  • “And I found a button with a golden ship,” Dusk adds to the conversation, “which opened a secret door and ignited runes. We followed it into a secret passage – and there was a loud roar – and it came from behind a wall that had giant, magical chains on it.”
  • “That sounds like it might be a Spelljammer behind the door,” Disnarium’s eyes light up. “We should return back to the wharf and have the tiefling escort us back to the teleportation device.”
  • “I,” Adrian clears his throat, “would like to do a small detour to town. My fiance’ lives in this town, and I’ve not seen her for awhile.”
  • Disnarium’s glow to his eyes fades as he seems about to talk about the urgency of the mission but refrains and finally says, “I understand needing to see loved ones. Especially since we do not know when… or if… we might come back from where we go next.”
  • Dusk looks at Adrian, “Before you go visit her, would you like me to cast Enlarge on you?”
  • Adrian’s eyes go wide, “No. No thank you.”
    • As Adrian departs for the Potion shop, Korra takes this time, to slip away into the darkness and head back to the thieves guild, where Thyis grants her permission to enter. She makes her way to Kin Ravenclaw (whom she’d met, along with the others, back in Session 45) – she asks him about Ring of Air Elementals and he explains last he’d heard the Drow had stolen them from Kings and Queens from the various planes to power something… then those plans went awry… and the four who were assigned the Rings fled, for fear of being captured by the dwarves… The ring of Water was known to have been used in Lakefront, which leads Kin to believe all four were in Lakefront… and then there was reports of drow, surprisingly, moving through the Gold Coast. Rumor has it, that they’d learned some ancient ritual to raise their dead god from the Gold Coast, so they were returning there to try and find a way to do something…”
    • Korra then asks about the beholder and Kin says he’s heard rumors that the beholder has launched attacks at several towns, sending fanatical assassins who serve him. One such report that drew a lot of attention was an attack in Ridgecrest, which is not only normally protected from outside magical attacks – but because whomever these assassins had targeted – they burned down a very expensive inn in Mid-Ridge.” (This happened during The Discovery – Session 22 game)
    • DM Note – None of this information was disclosed to the party from Korra
  • Don Kanin walks with Disnarium, and the Disnarium asks Don about the adventures he’s had with these people whom he has been with
  • Buppido asks Darius if he can use the “scrying pool” again – and Darius explains the pool has been recharged since their departure and that he can
  • Buppido thinks of the meteorite he’s to collect, having explored the Gold Coast quite a bit, to see if he can get a better visual of its location
  • The image shimmers and moves slowly through Lakefront, over a mountain pass which Buppido recognizes, then goes through the forested lands of the Ferndale, before reaching the Gold Coast – and it moves just past Drastor where there is a gaping hole in the sand, with a large tree, purple in color whose leaves look like falling stars, when they fall from the tree – and the trees roots seem to be wrapped around a glowing meteorite – the sand within the gaping hole has turned to glass – and all around the meteorite there are skeletons
  • Then the shimmering image ends
  • Buppido nods, “Now I know where I need to go next!”
  • Meanwhile, Adrian arrives at the potion shop and he and Isabella embrace. She explains how she’s missed him and how she hadn’t heard from him
  • Adrian reaches into his pocket and says, “Speaking of that… did someone come by and give you a ring like this?”
  • She says, “Yes! A stranger said that you would be able to talk to me! I’ve worn it since then and I never heard from you,” she looks at the ring.
  • Adrian slides the ring on, and immediately Adrian feels a sensation – with but a thought, he can think of her clearly, and he thinks about how much he cares for her
  • And he hears her thoughts back in his mind
  • As they embrace and share time together, Adrian does eventually ask her how things have been; and she explains not too long ago, assassins, who had gouged out one of their eyes, attacked the city, seemingly appearing out of thin air, demanding “give us the ones that know” – but no one knew what they were talking about. Thankfully, my brother and the guards Kraun employed to help keep Lakefront safe, while it was being rebuilt were able to drive the assassins back. Some even said they claimed to know that they worked for a guild called The Forgotten Sands run by a dreaded person named Nineswords.”
  • Adrian asks if Isabella would be willing to relocate, where he and the others, have established a base – where she could feel more safe
  • She asks if she would still be able to make and sell potions there
  • Adrian explains that she would be able to
  • She explains that her brother, Brandon, can take over the shop while she’s relocated – and if need be, he could ship supplies to her
  • Adrian and Isabella head back to the wizard’s tower together – where Isabella is taken aback by the Mad Spectator
  • Disnarium sees Isabella when they arrive and nods, “She is rather beautiful for a lady of Prena.”
  • “She’s not a lady of Prena,” Adrian pales. (DM Note – Ladies of Prena is the proper term for those who practice the profession of prostitution in the name of Prena. There are those that practice prostitution who do not follow Prena, and they are simply called ladies of entertainment and pleasure. The difference is those that faithfully follow Prena are immune to disease and thus make the clients feel much safer in that regard. Houses of Prena are essential dwellings where the ladies of Prena do business; and these Houses of Prena are the “Churches” of Prena – Prena does not have a standard type of Church that the other deities have)
  • Korra approaches the scrying pool and runs her finger though the water; Buppido tries to see what she sees – but for him it’s only rippling water – as the scrying is only shown to the one who has moved their finger into it. Korra’s expression looks to one of concern.
  • She then runs her finger through the pool again, and after a moment curses, and storms off to stand in the shadow.
    • DM Note – She checked on the state of her home plane; then searching for the Ring of Air
  • Buppido asks if she’s all right
  • Korra explains, “I need to get home as fast as I can. The Plane of Air is at war. And things are bad.” She turns to Dusk, “You said we can leap to different planes?”
  • “Well, the golden ship,” Dusk smiles
  • “We need to get back to the temple then,” Korra says urgently
  • The party leaves the tower, thanks Darius, and returns to the pier where they see Thyis Bloodspell fishing. Adrian approaches and asks, “Caught any whales lately?” for the pass code. Thyis Bloodspell stands and smiles, “Not today.” He leads them below the pier where he proceeds to blindfold them all. Isabella whispers, “What is going on?” Adrian promises her everything will be fine. Once inside the sewer, they hear the deep voice of Brick Sellsword just inside and his heavy footsteps in the water. The party is led back to the teleporter where the human mage Skarin Orcbane stands up and removes their blinds and smiles. “Taking the town’s potion vendor I see?” Isabella assures the odd wizard that her brother is quite capable. Skarin Orcbane casts the spell – and the party is transported back to the teleporter in Drastor’s sewers – only to arrive to a scene of chaos!
  • Humanoid scorpions are attacking Kraun and his men!
  • Isabella screams, “I thought you said this would be safer!”
  • Combat begins!
I do love The Scorpion King
  • Both sides, somehow seem ready and unprepared for this – Korra, who is eager to get back to the pyramid and see if they can unlock this “golden ship” behind the chain wall doesn’t want to let anything stand in her way (Natural 20)
Seems well balanced
  • Korra, scoring the highest in the initiative – with her first adrenalized attack – lands yet another Natural 20 showing that she will not put up with any delays!
Damage Central
  • As the battle rages on, Buppido shouts to Isabella, who has no weapons or armor and hiding behind Adrian, shouts, “Hey! If you’re going to be with us! You’re going to need to pull your weight around here! This kind of stuff – random people attacking our friends! That happens all the time! Why, Don’s ex-girlfriend just burned down the main city above us! Just because she felt scorned or something! I am not sure of the details. I’m sure Don’s explained, but I wasn’t paying attention!” he then polymorphs Isabella into a giant ape!
  • She begins beating her chest and slamming her fists into these scorpion humanoids (known officially as Tlincalli)
  • Dusk casts Thunderwave – which hits most of them – but in the small teleportation room – also manages to hit Adrian, Don, and Korra – sparing Buppido, only because he shouted a warning to Buppido (Natural 20 on save)
  • In the excitement of combat, Isabella also accidentally strikes Adrian (not used to her new form)
Hitting on Adrian….
  • The battle rages on, but after a long battle, the five humanoid scorpions are finally put down
  • Adrian asks what happened
  • Kraun explains that the Tlincalli are humanoid creatures that live in the Gold Coast; the story goes that there was a traveling band of gypsies who got lost in the desert after a sandstorm and fed off the blood of a nest of giant scorpions they’d just killed – and the following morning were deathly ill – and the following week, their bodies changed; and now they’ve bred throughout the land here in the Gold Coast… that said, they normally stick to the Gold Coast wastelands… but this time, they seemed driven – claiming to “seek the ones who know”
  • Isabella gasps and Adrian looks pale; as this had been what the assassins had been shouting that had attacked Lakefront… Adrian had taken her away from Lakefront to a new land where the danger was exactly the same
  • Kraun growls, “I know that bastard beholder is behind this. Now he’s attacked me in my own home. I am going to gouge all of his eyes out and shove them down his grotesque maw. Where ever you go, I am going.” Kraun says, not even allowing the party to dissuade him from joining them
  • The party makes their way to the pyramid
  • Disnarium asks where the Githyanki are
1 = Safe Room 2 = Chapel 3 = Hallway (Cube’s home!) 4 = Spelljammer location
  • Using the Ankh the party enters the room, goes down the long hall and into the chapel area where Disnarium banishes the gelatinous cube
  • With quick strides he walks down the hall down to the chained wall
  • He looks at the chained wall – then places his hands on the wall and begins chanting some form of ancient magic that sounds Draconic in nature – and the chains heat up – and then simply fall away
  • He pushes the massive doors open and inside is what appears to be a normal ship that would be in the water; the figure head appears to be a humanoid – a woman’s head with a lion’s mane
  • “We have a Spelljammer,” Disnarium smiles.
  • “My ship!” both Dusk and Buppido shout at the same time

To Be Continued.