Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 82

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  • NPCs:
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC)
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC)
  • Spelljammer Crew:
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
  • Retroactive: Buppido takes Hookar, the Spelljammer’s cook back to Varuskk (the bartender and cook from the tavern on Kruezadune) so that Hookar learns how to tenderize, spice and cook the Highland Shaggy Cow meat with Don Kanin has bartered to have on the ship
  • Current: The Spelljammer arrives at Gnomewhere safely and docks
  • The party is greeted by what appears to be a mechanical gnome that introduces himself as Kizbuzz, the current “appointed leader” of Gnomewhere
Kizbuzz, fluent in over 6 million forms of communication
  • Kizbuzz welcomes the party and explains he will assign a “Guide” to the party. He explains that he has arranged for rooms for each person.
  • The party goes to the room and discovers the beds are made of steel, as are the chairs, and there are no cushions as the AutoGnomes and other mechanical beings of Gnomewhere do not really ever rest and don’t have too large of an understanding of what flesh requires in regards to comfort
  • A tiny, 3 foot mechanical droid approaches the party and introduces itself as the guide; the glass screen display shows different areas of Gnomewhere
The party’s guide for Gnomewhere
  • Adrian explains to the others that he is going to talk to Disnarium a little longer about the Tiger Shield (Adrian missed this session, so it was an easy way to explain why he would not be present for the events of the session)
  • The glass on the Guide’s chest highlights some of the more popular areas of Gnomewhere that others tend to visit – showing a visual display, like a commercial – highlighting: The Garden, The Telescope, The Library, and The Center.
    • The Garden: Using Adamantine, which can be used to trigger moisture, the AutoGnomes have created a segment of Gnomewhere dedicated to garden and live stock; it sits inside a reversed microscope, pulling solar energies from a number of distant suns to give the plants the required energy they need to grow. The water here is recycled through Gnomewhere to help keep churning gears and pipes cooled.
    • The Telescope: This is a massive telescope that can move anywhere throughout the sphere, with other potions twisting and turning – allowing the AutoGnomes to observe anywhere in the Astral Plane with perfect clarity.
    • The Library: This is where the original gnomes who came here on their Spelljammer began noting the numerous unique metals and minerals in the nearby asteroids and planets directly around where they’d stopped their spelljammer – and began going and gathering minerals and began adding onto the ship. The Library talks about “The Creators” (the original gnomes), all of their work, findings, inventions, which after the Creators passed on, the AutoGnomes continued to do (explore, create, and document). Tomes and tomes and tomes of endless knowledge could be found there. The AutoGnomes had even developed a system that connected them all – so that when people arrived and their names were given, a signal was being broadcast to “The Recorders” (AutoGnomes whose sole purpose was to constantly record events) would document it in the tomes of books.
    • The Center: The Center is where the original Spelljammer is – and everything builds out from. The Center is the core of Gnomewhere and where all the energy is generated to keep Gnomewhere operational.
Deemed “The Center”
  • Kizbuzz remains behind to speak with Disnarium, Kraun and Adrian while the Guide begins leading the party to their rooms
  • The Guide explains, “When the Creators began to perish they created the AutoGnomes to continue their work and programmed with similar thoughts. The magic of the Astral Plane ‘awakened’ the AutoGnomes to become far more living; and soon they too began to build constructs around Gnomewhere to help with the efforts of maintaining the many gears that twist and turn.
  • When the party arrives to their rooms, they discover that the beds are literal steel beds, the chairs are all made of steel; as the AutoGnomes do not truly understand the comfort required for flesh
  • The Guide explains that they do not have pillows or cushions because the material for such resources are not readily available, and not something used by the mechanical life forms that exist on Gnomewhere
  • Korra asks if there’s anywhere to bathe or shower, and the Guide explains that the mechanical beings on Gnomewhere do not need to bathe as they do not perspire
  • The Guide explains that in the Garden District, there is an entire area that has adamantine laced walls and ceiling that mimic the environment of mountain dwarves that waters plants and vegetation for fleshlings who visit Gnomewhere. And that if Korra would like, she is free to stand there under the rain to bathe.
  • Buppido asks the guide what are some of the cool spots on Gnomewhere
  • The Guide explains that only The Garden District has a cooler regions due to some of the requirements of the vegetation that exist there (Not understanding the slang term of the word “cool” it assumed Buppido had meant temperature wise)
  • Buppido then asks the Guide what is its favorite spot; and the Guide replies, “I love showing guests all over Gnomewhere. There is so much greatness to see that the Creators started and the AutoGnomes now continue. Where would you like to go?”
  • Korra notes that she doesn’t believe the Guides are programmed with any form of personality and that perhaps only the AutoGnomes are “sentient mechanical beings.”
  • Buppido sighs, “What is the most requested place to see by other visitors?”
  • The Guide responds, matter-of-factly, “The Garden District.”
  • As the party is being escorted toward The Garden District, they see several mechanical animals scattering about – such as cats, birds, dogs, even rats – as well as other mechanical beings – one known as The Peace Keeper is seen throughout Gnomewhere
The Peace Keepers
  • The Peace Keeper asks the party what their business in Gnomewhere is; and Buppido explains that they’re here to check out all of the sights (DM Note – I was looking for “We’re here to awaken our Spelljammer.”) The Peace Keeper scans them – a blue light coming from its eyes and going over them – before saying, “Answer: Accepted.”
  • As the party makes their way following the Guide; they notice the Guide is forced to pause at times as stairs and areas of Gnomewhere move, like never ending gears in constant motion
Moving sections example. Or think Harry Potter and the moving stairs.
  • Along the way the Guide points out that they are passing The Library – and Buppido points out he would like to check that out after The Garden District
  • The Guide acknowledges his request and continues leading the party through Gnomewhere
  • The party finally arrives at The Garden District
  • From inside they can see it’s almost like being inside a reversed lens telescope; where the lens rather than being intended to look outward; it rather bends and captures the light from various suns to harvest the light into The Garden District. Along the walls of the inner telescope portion are fragments of adamantine that have been harvested from nearby planets, which then are used to mimic the “rain” when the pressure is correct
  • The plant life inside of The Garden Distract bares a similar appearance to the plants Korra and Don Kanin saw in the Shadowfell area
Plants of the Garden District
  • The telescope lens high above creates a false look of having a sky (though it’s just things in the Astral Plane looking very, very close – so the sun and moon that can sometimes be seen are actually many hundreds of of miles away; but may look as if they’re simply a part of the solar system)
  • Korra asks if the water can be made warm; and the Guide explains that due to the delicate balance of the plants and trees, most of which grow beneath the ground, they’re accustomed to cold water, so cold water is what’s used
  • At that moment, another Guide escorts Sephrenia to the others, and checks in with the party’s Guide before departing; sending communication to the Recorders in the Library of the status of where everyone else (DM Note – This is when Sephrenia logged into the game)
  • Buppido offers to fire bolt the water while Korra showers so that she gets a mixture of cold, warm and potentially hot water. Korra asks if they couldn’t just collect the water. They look around The Garden District and spot a number of large metallic troughs that are used to capture water.
  • The Guide explains that the throughs capture the excess water; some of it is cycled into the soil, but a large part of it cycles into Gnomewhere to help keep the gears cool throughout the giant sphere
  • The party asks the Guide if they can take one; and the Guide agrees
  • After the Guide disconnects the gadgets that would flip the trough on its side to dispense the captured water he steps back; Korra is able to use her natural ability of Levitate as an Air Genasi and they’re able to get it back to her room – however, they discover the width of the trough is wider than the door – so by shoving it onto it’s side – and with a lot of effort (grease and spells) they’re finally able to get it inside the room
  • Dusk after examining and speaking to a few of the AutoGnomes joins the party just as they get the tub into Korra’s room (DM Note – This is when Dusk was able to log on and join the game)
  • Dusk asks, “What are you guys doing?”
  • Korra shrugs, “I wanted to take a bath – but the AutoGnomes don’t build baths. So we went and got one from the garden area.”
  • After using spells to Create Water and a variety of spells to warm the water; both Korra and Buppido leap into the tub at the same time; trying to see who gets in first…
  • Both leap into the trough at the same time
  • Remaining clothed they bathe as Buppido casts Unseen Servant to also massage his shoulders
  • After several hours, the AutoGnome who had greeted the party originally, Kizbuzz appears and says, “Hello – I have a query for all of you.”
  • Korra looks at the AutoGnome than after seeing he hasn’t spoke, says, “Yes?”
  • Kizbuzz says, “Your elf friend over there,” and the AutoGnome gestures to Disnarium before it continues, “mentioned that you recently helped others. As I said, we do try to maintain peace here on Gnomewhere – but a being that has been drawn to the gold we use in The Center – has been destructive in its attempts to steal the gold – and it appears almost daily in The Center. The Center is the Core of Gnomewhere where all the energy is generated. Without it we would cease to exist and we would lack the significant energy resources to jump start your Spelljammer’s spirit.”
  • Buppido asks for more details and Kizbuzz explains, “It’s a creature known as the Abhorrent Overlord.”
  • Buppido sighs and says, “That sounds horrible. I can see why you didn’t start with that.”
  • Sephrenia asks if this Overlord is some kind of dragon
  • Kizbuzz goes on to explain that the Overlord stands roughly 20′ tall, looks like a humanoid with wings made out of the stars and Astral Sea/Plane
  • Korra looks to Don and explains this may be a job for him, since he has the range and he has Halia
  • Kizbuzz turns to the Guide and says, “Show them.” Within the Guide’s screen it shows a figure…
  • “Well, that doesn’t look great,” Korra admitted
  • “If we kill this thing,” Buppido asks Kizbuzz, “can we keep the gold that it has on it?”
  • Kizbuzz agrees, though he explains that if he has any gears and such on him, that the AutoGnomes would need those back for repairs
  • Buppido explains to the group that they should probably take the job – as the cost of the pyramid to be completed is going to cost 16,750 gold to be 100% complete – and due to a lack of funds, the Pyramid is currently on hold since they don’t have enough to send to Adrian’s woman to help pay off the workers (See Session 74 for a break down of the costs)
    • 1050 income – Ladies of Prenah bring in (30 days) – Half typically goes to their “Church” in Drastor (sometimes more to help cover repairs from the recent attacks)
    • Costs:
      • 1,500 – Woodworker Employee Cost
        • 450 (90 days) Wood cost
      • 9,000 – Blacksmiths (60 days)
        • 300 – metal supply cost
      • Cooks – 2,250 cost (30 days)
        • 150 – food cost
      • Seamsters – 2,250 (30 days)
        • 900 – Supplies (180 days)
    • So without the ladies of Prenah’s income (that’s 50%, because the other half goes to the location in Drastor)
    • Which means – in 180 days the cost will be: 16,750 gold for your pyramid to be 100% complete.
  • Buppido assures Kizbuzz that they will take the job; but even though he, himself is at full power, his companions need to rest and want to do a few things around Gnomewhere before engaging with this Overlord
  • After the tub, Buppido climbs out and says he’s headed for the Library. Korra and Sephrenia offer to go as well, but Don Kanin and Dusk decide to remain in their rooms. (DM Note – the player who controls Dusk loves guns – and this was my way of going to allow it since he’d seen Adoy, the Hadozee Hermit back in Session 79 with a gun; I was going to put tomes that explain how to make one; and there’s a junk yard from things that have been damaged or discarded here on Gnomewhere)…
  • As Buppido, Korra and Sephrenia reach the library, they see that there are metallic automations moving all about; sorting books, writing books, reorganizing books, reprinting damaged books; stairs move constantly by mechanical means, providing quick access for the various automations to move about quickly and efficiently
  • The main librarian, a human sized automation appears on a device with wheels
The Librarian – The Book Keeper – of Gnomewhere, Lesbuzz.
  • The party asks Lesbuzz if he has any information on the Abhorrent Overlords, and the Book Keeper directs them to a mechanical automation that should be able to assist with their inquiry
  • Having the party roll a History check as they read through the books…
  • Sephrenia finds several pages that reveal quite a bit of information that has been gathered about the Abhorrent Overloads
    • They are bi-pedal creatures who stand 20 feet tall
    • Gray skin that they cover in gold and jewels
    • Their desire to see others in pain and suffering can only sometimes be eclipsed by their sheer desire for greed; especially gold
    • They seek out gold and will slaughter all who would dare stand in their way
    • There’s also a note that these creatures are fiends of some kind and not native to the Astral Plane
  • Sephrenia points that out to the others
  • They mention how it might be good if Adrian joins them for the fight
  • Sephrenia continues reading…
    • She reads that if the want to they can cast spells, but often like to get close and personal to see the pain they inflict, perhaps so confident – or so driven by their greed – that they may even engage in melee combat when it’s not in their favor
    • One of the spells noted in the tome she is reading is a spell called Confusion, which worries Sephrenia as she’s not been the same since the incident with the Mind Flayer pets (See Session 77 where she lost 2 points of her Intelligence)
    • She also learns that the creature can sense gold within 1000 feet of self and sense where the great concentration/amount of gold is in that area
    • She notes that there are footnotes in some of the writing that these creatures appear to be highly magic resistant
    • She notes that when the creatures attack, their claws seem to be laced with dark magic that hurt the “organics” – which she assumes to mean it hurts people of flesh
    • One final note that says ‘Beware’ scribbled on the side notes that the creature summons some form of spectral crows and harpies that swirl about it – and cause damage to anyone who ventures too close
  • Dusk finally decides to exit his room and is surprised to see another Guide, which immediately stands and powers on – the tiny display showing a loading screen as it asks, “Where can I take you? Would you like to join your companions? Through the network I am able to see exactly where they are and detect their every movement. I would be happy to Guide you to them.”
  • Dusk shakes his head. “No, just show me around.”
  • The Guide proceeds to take Dusk through several areas that other flesh-organics tend to ask to see such as The Garden District and the Great Telescope, which allows Dusk to see Kruezadune with perfect clarity despite the distance
  • The Guide eventually leads Dusk to their junk yard, which is full of metallic scraps, but among them, Dusk is able to see AutoGnomes, other Guides, and even remains of the Peace Keepers among the junk yard; the Guide explains that most of them were victims of a creature called “The Abhorrent Overlord.”
  • Dusk begins taking the pieces of various other destroyed Guides, and other metal fragments to try and rebuild his own guide – and eventually accomplishes it – the Guide’s screen flickers green, rather than says, “Zeebuzz at your service.”
Zeebuzz, servant to Dusk?
  • Seeing that his Guide isn’t quite like the other one in terms of data transference, Dusk grabs the other Guide and tries to tear it open to see how it works – and see what he might have done wrong – however, in its defense – the Guide’s screen begins to rapidly flash creating an intense strobe effect that instantly subdues Dusk
  • A Peace Keeper is summoned and helps carry Dusk back to his room; when Dusk recovers he sees that Zeebuzz has powered down against the wall inside his room and when he peeks outside he sees the other guide and the Peace Keeper standing next to his door, just outside
  • He kneels over and powers on Zeebuzz to ask how he can deal with the Peace Keeper, but Zeebuzz explains that the Peace Keepers are there to maintain the peace and should not be disturbed; but admits that all of the mechanical automations are powered by contact with the ground; Dusk asks if lifting the Peace Keeper will all he will need to do and Zeebuzz almost laughs a mechanical laugh and explains, “No silly. All of us have batteries similar to how organics have hearts. The floor is lined with wires that provide energy to us the way the sun powers organics; but just because nightfall comes and the sun is not visible, organics do not die.”
  • When Buppido, Korra and Sephrenia return – they’re surprised to see a Peace Keeper outside Dusk’s door – and realize, they’d over heard one of the Guides tell the Librarian that there was a hack attempt – and it would make sense that it was Dusk
  • The Peace Keeper explains he has been designated to keep an eye on Dusk until combat where he will depart
  • The party gathers Dusk and Don Kanin and shares what they’d found and proceed to take a rest after
  • The following morning the party heads to The Center and await the Abhorrent Overlord, which after over an hour and a half (83 minutes to be exact, had Sephrenia roll) it appears
The Center with the gold pipes, gears and wires
  • Due to the long exposure of hearing the gears in the center whirring and churning and the sound of mist being shot out of various exhausts, Buppido, Sephrenia and Korra get a major headache (technically equal to one level of exhaustion)
  • The Abhorrent Overlord starts the fight with Crown of Madness over Dusk, but thankfully Sephrenia is able to upcast Dispel Magic and free Dusk of the spell’s ill effects
  • Buppido tries his traditional Raulothim’s Psychic Lance spell; however, being magically resistant the Overlord is able to avoid its dire effects and only take half the damage
  • Free of the Crown of Madness, Dusk tries to hit the Overlord with Lightning but misses, but the Overlord still takes half of the damage
  • The Overlord, seeing the party intends to stop him – looks down and sees Korra and flies down and rakes his claws through her twice – doing massive rendering damage as well as the dark necrotic damage which leaves Korra very bloody after just one round
  • Sephrenia shouts to Buppido, “Do something to save Korra – I can’t do it – I have another plan!” And Sephrenia casts Dispel Evil and Good and begins to glow
  • Buppido, in the chaos shouts, “But you’re the healer!” He shakes his head and casts Polymorph on Korra turning her into a giant ape
  • Don takes aim and whispers the command, “My wrath, my fury” to target the Overlord as his sworn enemy for the day; and just as Korra changes her form into a Giant Ape; Don nearly fires – but holds back (DM Flavor – He missed, but he used his Lady Valen Tyne necklace to use an Inspiration charge) – he retakes aim and fires using his drake, Halia to help target the Overlord, striking the beast with his powerful bow
  • He fires his second shot which also tears into the Overlord
  • The Overlord seeing Korra changed into a Giant Ape, renders her flesh once again; but not enough to reduce her Giant Ape form
  • The Overlord then unleashes it’s Storm of Crows catching Korra in her Giant Ape form (still not enough to break her form), Buppido, and Sephrenia – Don and Dusk manage to avoid it (DM Side Note Observation – Didn’t notice this until I was doing the notes; the three who went to the Library were all the ones who failed Survival to get the “One Level of Exhausted” flavored as a migraine from the gear sounds; the same three would also go on to fail this savings throw! Is it connected? Odd coincidence!)
  • Korra manages to hit the Overlord twice, doing significant damage and making the Overlord bleed considerably
  • Sephrenia ends the fight – by grabbing the Overlord’s leg and whispering, “By the faith of my goddess, I banish thee from here.” The creature tries to resist – however, it critical fails.
  • DM Note – I could have rolled at Advantage being magic resistant – however, it was just past our normal stopping time; so I decided, “Going to let fate decide; no Advantage; if he makes it – the fight goes on! If he fails he’s banished! And the fact he critical failed; made it a fantastic visual of how that fight ended rather than grinding his hit points away!
  • The party returns, victorious – and the Guides confirm by their recordings – the party discovers that the “Spirit” in the Spelljammer they have is Gynosphinx by the name of Al’kah’lar.
The spirit of Al’kah’lar awakened
  • The party realizes the load roar they’d heard in the pyramid (way back in Session 71 was the roar of Al’kah’lar “dying/powering down”)
  • The party boards the Spelljammer and thanks Kizbuzz and the others and depart for the Planes…

Everyone level up to Level 11 – Awakening the Spelljammer Milestone Achieved!