Adventure Notes – The Adventurers 64

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  • The party returns to the room in the center of the city that has the runes on the front door
The Mysterious Runes
  • Once they get there, Adrian explains that the statue proved to be quite perilous, but the party seems to have discovered the secret to beating them – but he offers to stay in the room with Sephrenia and Dusk to ensure that Dusk is not injured since he alone knows how to unlock the power of the gauntlet that will allow him to shatter the magical sphere (DM Note – Both Sephrenia and Adrian missed this session so it was an easy way to say that they’re going to remain here to keep Dusk safe)
  • Ragnaroc asks if they’re going to “awaken” each of the guardians at the same time, realizing they still have three left – the Pink, the Orange, the Red
  • As the party is discussing things, Don had left the room to go examine the other statues
  • Korra exits the room – and shouts for Don – who hears her – and he shouts back that he’s back at the Red Statue, just north of the blue statue
  • Korra walks with Buppido and notices he’s quite bloody and gives him two Greater Healing Potions which he uses to mend some of the wounds he’d gotten from the previous encounter
  • Korra explains that she got the healing potions from someone named Ramgor who was a very nice gentleman
  • The party meets at the Red Statue and they set up the plan – and they discuss who should be the one to awaken the guardian
  • The party decides that Korra will awaken the guardian – using her cloak of displacement – and ready to do her cunning action to escape, while Buppido stands near the chest to consume the potion that arises
The Red Guardian (No Relation To The Character With The Same Name Over At Marvel Comics, I Promise)
  • Korra whispers “Awaken the guardian” – which animates the statue, and just as expected, where Buppido is – a chest opens revealing a red potion which he quaffs
    • This allows Buppido to heal 5 HP per round
  • Don Kanin calls upon nature to root through the cobbled stone, creating a spike growth, blocking the statue’s ability to easily move through it without inflicting damage on itself
  • Korra casts Fire Bolt and it strikes the statue, but does not damage
  • Ragnaroc then casts Eldritch Blast twice – and only manages to hit once
  • Buppido casts Fire Bolt also and hits – and he notices that the statue seems to be resistant to fire damage
  • Buppido shouts, “Don! Don! I think this potion is a dud! My magic isn’t hurting it!”
    • Note the one Don had quaffed in the previous battle allowed for extra damage with any form of magical attack. Blue potions benefit mana, and red potions benefit health – this was my little nod to standard “RPG” games.
  • Don fires two shots – one right after the other – and both strike the statue, and do no damage (effectively missed, but explained as not penetrating the stone body)
  • Raganroc fires two more Eldritch Blasts – and both hit this time, dealing some significant damage
  • The statue moves into the spike growth and begins taking damage
  • Buppido lands a Faerie Fire on the slow moving statue
  • Don fires a sharpshooter shot twice – and hits both
  • The statue suddenly ceases to move and the red eye dims
  • Ragnaroc approaches the Red Guardian – only to discover the statue was smart enough to simply hold its action to see if anyone would approach – and proceeds to slam its giant stone fists into Ragnaroc for massive damage
  • This knocks Ragnaroc into a bloodied state, and he yells for help
  • Ragnaroc uses his turn to Disengage and limps away, severely bloodied
  • Don casts another round of Spike Growth, but to discourage his party from approaching the statue – and force the statue to take damage
  • Korra races to Ragnaroc and gives him three greater healing potions, and this allows him to recover 40 hit points on his turn
  • Buppido casts Fire Bolt and hits the statue
  • Raganroc fires two Eldritch blasts – one hits, one misses
  • Korra fires a Fire Bolt and hits, and like Buppido realizes that this statue seems resistant to Fire
  • Buppido fires another Fire Bolt, and this time lands a critical hit
  • Don Kanin fires a snipe shot and finally downs the statue – and concerned about getting the gems – Don runs through his own Spike Growth – and the red eye gem is collected
  • Don then quaffs two potions of healing to regain some health after running through his spike growth
  • Buppido explains that the red potion didn’t do anything for his magic, but he seemed to regenerate his wounds
  • The party decides to repeat the same plan – with Korra awakening the guardian – as she comes to stand in front of the orange gem eyed statue
It’s orange, not red… I swear.
  • Don quaffs the red chest potion – and begins healing 5 points every round
  • Surprisingly – each of the statues have their own abilities – and this time the statue uses its magical ability – and uses Misty Step to appear right next to Ragnaroc as a bonus action then slams Ragnaroc twice for 30 damage – but he returns the favor with a Hellish Rebuke – but notices this statue – not only managed to misty step – but seems to be magically resistant and advantage
  • Ragnaroc casts Eldritch Blast at Disadvantage since its in melee with him, but still manages to hit – knocking it back 10 feet away from him
  • He fires a second Eldritch Blast – however, the shock of the statue being so close – causes him to misfire – it hits the statue in the eye, and it reflects back at the party – striking Ragnaroc for 5 damage – and the spell also manages to push Ragnaroc back 10 feet, and slams him into Buppido – but Buppido ducks, so Ragnaroc stumbles over him – and lands on the ground
  • Buppido (who critical failed on his initiative – see house rules) spends his turn trying not to be stepped on by Ragnaroc (I love with the dice help tell a story!)
  • Korra fires a fire bolt and does nearly max damage – and notices, this time – fire is able to effect this statue
  • The statue Misty Steps again – hits Ragnaroc for 15 damage with the other fist coming for Buppido – but it misses him
  • Ragnaroc quickly disengages and flees around the corner
  • Buppido polymorphs himself into a Giant Ape and begins attacking the statue and manages to pummel the statue twice
  • Korra casts Fire Bolt – and again, strikes for almost maximum damage
  • Don fires his energy bow – doing sharp shooter and hits with the first shot doing massive damage, but the second shot fails to land a hit
  • The statue focuses on Buppido in his giant ape form and hits twice – rocking Buppido so hard it breaks his concentration
  • Buppido then casts Shield of Faith and then uses the Dodge action
  • Korra casts Fire Bolt and hits yet again – but does a little less damage
  • Don fires two shots – and misses – and recovers one, where he nearly misfires (rolled a Critical Fail, but uses Inspiration to re-roll)
  • The statue slams against Buppido – casts Shield which stops two of the hits that would have connected and slammed him for 30
  • Ragnaroc casts two Eldritch Blasts – and the one that hits – force pushes it against the wall – causing it to exploded next to Don and Korra
  • An Orange Gem falls out of the head, and Korra quickly scoops it up
  • In the meantime Ragnaroc, satisfied that he destroyed that statue, he quaffs a Potion of Greater Healing
  • Don heads for the Pink Statue – and Don tells Buppido this should be the mana potion – and Korra will awaken it
Oh my, this one has Pink Eye!
  • Buppido quaffs a greater healing potion
  • Korra awakens the guardian
  • Don casts Spike Growth again to try and keep this one from easily getting to the party
  • Ragnaroc fires two Eldritch Blasts as combat starts, with both of them landing hits, and doing fair damage
  • Korra casts Fire Bolt, but the bolt misses the statue as she uses cunning action and fires over her shoulder
  • Don fires two shots with his bow, but both fail to hit the statue as it begins to lumber
  • When Buppido quaffs the potion he is magically energized – so all forms of magical attack have Advantage – and all of his Savings Throws are at Advantage
  • Korra is forced to make a Wisdom Savings Throw as the statue faces her – and she is suddenly overcome with sadness (similar to the spell Dissident Whispers) and takes some psychic damage – and now has disadvantage – as she is overcome with the sensation of being separated from a love she can not be with
  • Buppido shouts, “She hasn’t even hit you yet!”
  • Korra calls out, “You don’t understand! You’ve never felt this kind of love!”
  • Buppido shakes his head and mutters, “Genasi are weird.”
  • Ragnaroc fires at the statue twice – one hits, but the second – yet again, critical fails – striking the gem – and the spell fires back – once again striking Ragnaroc is hit by the return blast
  • Realizing that she can’t strike – she decides to use Magic Missile, so that it can strike the statue
  • The statue turns its gaze towards Ragnaroc who had struck it with Eldritch Blast, and Ragnaroc shares the same grief that Korra feels – placing him at Disadvantage – which removes the effect from Korra
  • Buppido shouts, “What is wrong with you people! Why do you keep crying?”
  • Korra fires a Fire Bolt – and manages to take it down and she gathers the pink gem
  • The party returns to the room with the runes
  • The party discovers the unease from the spirits haunting this entire chamber makes it impossible to rest for the evening