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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Pet (?): Vindri (Sindri Voodoo Doll)
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard – Absent
- With the road before them to head to Drastor to see if they can find this Temple of the Cult of Five, the party heads for their wagon and are pleasantly surprised to see that they are a part of a traveling merchant caravan headed to several locations along the way to Drastor, with four other caravans coming along
- Among them are:
- Tonias Stonekeeper – Human Male Food Merchant
- He has several people in his caravan
- Kelli Starfield – Female Elf Jeweler
- Has a few Elves in her wagon
- Motivo – Male Tiefling Weaponsmith
- He has several people in his wagon
- Vi – Female Aasimar Armorsmith
- She has several people in her wagon
- The wagons travel along a well worn path that has seen quite a bit of activity as more and more people seem to be traveling to Drastor, where many of these relics are coming from; merchants are hopeful to set up shop in Drastor and acquire adventurers who require their services as customers
- The wagon reaches it’s first stop of the night without incident
- Twilight tells the others that she plans to sing and tell stories to the children on the caravan to keep them occupied and assure them they need not worry about the encroaching darkness of night (DM Note – Since Twilight missed this session, this was my way of saying she’s with the party but not partaking in the events)
- As the wagons circle around, the caravan sets up a campfire; Sindri casts Leomund’s Tiny Hut
- Taking caution of the surrounding area, Arhian and Rettniss patrol just around the caravan looking for any suspicious activity and footprints…
- Tonias Stonekeeper – Human Male Food Merchant
- While it’s Rettniss who picks up on the tracks, as she kneels down to examine them, she’s not familiar with the tracks – which could be because of her being from the Plane of Water, whatever made these tracks simply wasn’t something she was familiar with; however, Arhian is able to determine what they are… they’d been looking for hobgoblin tracks…
- … but these were orc tracks. And one of them was significantly larger. The tracks seem to purposely veering off the path to avoid being easily tracked. Arhian and Rettniss return to the party and explain what they’ve seen. There have been rumors that orcs and other creatures have frequently ambushed merchant caravans for their merchandise and the people taken as slaves or murdered. The party decides to split the patrols – with those with dark vision patrolling outside the caravan – and those without remaining inside the caravan near the campfire to protect everyone inside.
- Avacyn takes the first watch – and catches a very large figure watching her (Natural 20!)
- Avacyn approaches Hartmut and explains that she sees a large figure, staying out of the fire’s light, dark shadows cast over it, observing her…
- Considering the height and the horns, Avacyn explains that she believes it could be a minotaur that’s watching them. She goes on to explain that she’s experienced fighting a minotaur as child. The figure observes them for roughly thirty minutes, and turns its back and walks back into the woods. The rest of the night goes uneventful, with the typical howl of the wolf and the laughter of the coyotes and hyenas in the land ring through the night
- The following morning, Avacyn explains how she believes the party was being watched by a minotaur; it stayed in the darkness, hiding its features, before eventually returning into the woods again
- The following morning after hearing of this “minotaur” – Hartmut asks Avaycn where she saw it and makes his way out there to examine the tracks – he’s able to quickly find the tracks based off of Avacyn’s directions. However, he’s not able to determine jus what kind o tracks they are – but one thing he’s certain of – is that they’re not minotaur tracks, because they’re not hooved footprints, but rather humanoid footprints. So the mystery remains just what was it that had been watching Avacyn for almost an hour during her watch?
- Hartmut and returns and shares the information that this was not a minotaur that had been watching them; and Hartmut notices that whatever it is – it, and the other orcs – are traveling in the same direction as the caravan, moving slightly ahead of the caravan.
- As the caravan picks up their belongings – they then make their way towards the second stop and reach it without incident
- The caravan’s second stop – which is Stoneguard – a massive tower that lies mostly in ruins.
- Stoneguard was damaged from an explosion from the shattered by an explosion at the Tower of West Brook. The explosion from that tower was so intense and incredible, that fragments of the tower were sent into the skies and flew with enough force that fragments rained down all around the tower – some, supposedly flying far enough to strike even Stoneguard.
- Stoneguard, prior to this explosion was a tower that was meant to keep watch over West Brook, which originally had been in a lush area; however, after the explosion the grass was charred, and the soil itself seemed to spoil and turn into swamp; the trees all around Westbrook dying with the land.
- The story goes that after this explosion, the people of West Brook also died slow, agonizing deaths; as if some vile curse had befallen them; and from their slow deaths, they arose, life renewed in the form of the undead
- However, the story goes that roughly, a year ago, several adventurers helped put an end to the curse of Westbrook. (DM Note: It’s pretty much true, it took place in The Arrival – Session 09). Still people believe that Westbrook remains haunted to this day – if not by zombies, then by restless spirits. And thus, by proxy, the very tower which had been made as a beacon for Westbrook, had also become haunted for “failing in their duty.”
- While the rumor states that supposedly the guards of Stoneguard fled when the Tower of Westbrook exploded; it’s never been confirmed. But many believe in the ghost stories that they fled their duty and now haunt the tower, forever to relive their shame of abandoning their post.
- Quite frequently, caravans headed to Lakefront and beyond, often camp near or next to Stoneguard; not only does it allow people to climb to the top of the tower (should they dare!) and keep an eye around the area easily (thus providing a great means of protecting the caravan from any approaching attacks), the “rumors and stories” of it’s hauntings will keep the superstitious away
- The caravan is about 20′ away from Stoneguard
- Sindri expresses an interest in investigating the tower; and Harmut mentions he will go with Sindri; Avacyn then expresses she’s interested in checking out the tower as well
- Arhian decides she wants to look around to see if there’s any footprints – and she quickly spots the footprints again – traveling along the same path – keeping just ahead of where the caravan is headed
- Arhian and Rettniss decide to remain outside at the caravan due to the potential danger of the makers of these tracks making their way back or ambushing the caravan; Twilight continues to play songs and tell stories to keep the children (and adults) amused – Gem is on the side singing along – and from time to time, adding… colorful language to some of the stories Twilight is telling
- Sindri, Avacyn and Hartmut reach Stoneguard’s entrance and see the wooden door is barely clinging to the hinges; it looks as if people who may go inside, simply squeeze between the narrow door that’s been left ajar and shattered
- Seeing the door in the horrible condition that it is; Avacyn decides to simply shoulder-ram through the door way, doing so successfully, sending fragments of wood spilling into Stoneguard’s small foyer area; the sound of wood skidding across the cobblestone floor echoing upward
- Inside, after charging inward, Avacyn finds herself breaking through large webs that have taken over the lower section of Stoneguard. Indeed, it does seem like no one has come inside for a very long time; or the spiders, in their frustration, are persistent enough to keep rebuilding their webs
- On the first floor, it’s very clear that no one has come in or taken care of the area; and from the bottom floor, there’s wet stairs, that look to be in bad shape
- As the three begin to ascend the stairs, the stairs show their age, and give way to their combined weight (failed Dex checks across the board! Was just looking for a DC of 10!)
- They fall for a mere 4 points of damage each, but do eventually make it to the second floor
- On the second floor, in the round room, they find a desk with papers scattered all over it; there are shelves that appear to have notes scribbled in them. Hartmut looks up at the third floor and is able to use his Shadow Step up to the third floor
- Sindri, seeing the desks and notes is curious who or what may have left these notes, and what they might say about the tower
- As he flips through the books – most of the entries date hundreds of years back – but the more recent entries are about twenty five years ago
- The last entry describes an explosion at Westbrook with a note scribbled frantically that says, “Need to flee”
- Sindri looking for hints as to what might have caused the explosion, began skimming to the previous logs – but most of those seem standard “Band of orcs moving west – signal warning”, “Small pack of gnolls came near the tower – terminated threat”, etc. Nothing seems to give light as to what had caused the explosion in the Westbrook Tower across the way
- As Sindri rifles through some of the other volumes, he takes note that some of these books are covered in a “slug-like” slime substance
- Moving over to the desk, Sindri see these logs are also from twenty-five years ago – but seem to be more recent – as if they were the final logs – and there’d been no time to put them in the book. These logs talk about the explosion of Westbrook’s Tower – but also go into detail about how the commander of the guard here had wanted to get out of Stoneguard, because he felt the explosion at Westbrook’s Tower was some form of ill omen – but goes on to detail how the two guards assigned to the tower watch refused to flee under the commander’s orders. The commander’s logs go on to express his frustration, which as the hours increased, not only seems to increase – but the commander’s writing seems to match the intensity with his writing as it becomes increasingly more difficult to read due to the frantic nature in which it is written
- As Sindri is standing there, something slithers from beneath the ruins of the desk and attempts to attack him…
- One of the tentacles strikes Sindri in the foot for some minor damage
- Avacyn who is climbing up the stairs hears that Sindri down below yelp out in pain
- The creature rolls higher than Sindri and unleashes three attacks…

- Oddly enough, neither Hartmut nor Avacyn hear Sindri’s cry out for help; but outside, both Arhian and Rettniss hear it (perhaps because they were hyper-focused on the potential idea that the caravan might be attacked!)

- Arhian uses Step of the Wind to quickly race up the stairs, and with her momentum clears the damaged stairs; Rettniss who is running behind her, with no ability to move as quickly, however, doesn’t clear the stairs and takes a small fall, but able to ascend to the second floor with some trivial damage
- The creature lashes at Sindri one more time; but misses; and Sindri manages to disengage and scrambles over to Arhian and Rettniss; then shouts upward, “Hey! Get down here!”
- Hartmut hears him this time, but Avacyn does not – but Hartmut tells Avacyn that Sindri seems to be in trouble
- Arhian hits it three times – with the land strike landing a critical hit Natural 20! which Arhian uses to crush it beneath her feet
- As Avacyn, Hartmut and Rettniss all come to stand around the now slain creature they look around and Rettniss eyes Sindri. “This? This is why you called for help?”
- Sindri shrugged, “Listen. I am not good in close quarters. This thing surprised me and stung my toe! Look!” And sure enough, Sindri’s leather shoe has a small hole, with a small trace amount of blood. He nods, “I may have overreacted. Thanks for coming up here.”
- Rettniss suddenly hears Vindri’s voice, “I would have burned him..”
- Rettniss shakes her head.
- Arhian wipes her foot off the stone, then wipes her hands on Hartmut’s robes and mutters, “How did you not hear him?”
- Hartmut shrugs, “Twilight’s music is echoing in here.”
- Hartmut, Sindri, and Avacyn continue up the tower
- Arhian and Rettniss head out of the tower and back to the caravan
- At the top of the tower, there are some rotted crossbows mounted to the wall – and this is clearly the lookout tower
- Paranoid of being attacked, Sindri’s eyes scan the top – and he immediately spots two skeletons slumped against one of the walls at the top (Natural 20!)
- Three ghostly visages suddenly emerge and a sense of cold washing over Hartmut, Avacyn and Sindri
- Their spirits don’t seem to be aggressive – they seem to be watching, looking at the three who have come to the top of the tower
- Two of the spirits, point to the other, and say, “He must be slain. He is to be damned for what he had done.”
- The accused spirit says, “You two should be damned! I gave a command and you two refused!”
- Sindri figures out – this must be the commander who wrote down the “we must flee” comment – and the other two must be the two who were at the top who refused his command
- “OK,” Sindri says. “What happened?”
- The Commander Spirit speaks up first, “The Tower of Westbrook exploded… We watched for several hours after it happened… and we could see the land around it visibly changing… spreading. I gave the command that we were to abandon the tower before it reaches us. These two refused.”
- One of the ghostly guards retorts, “Our duty was to wait and watch for danger. We could not abandon our post.”
- Sindri looks between them, “OK. So what happened after that?”
- The spirit guards point to their skeletons, “He murdered us.”
- The Commander retorts, “I had to! The very land around Westbrook was dying – and creeping ever outward. What good would we have been to anyone if we were killed by whatever curse befell Westbrook? Who could we warn or tell if we too had died?”
- Sindri looks at the Commander’s spirit. “Why didn’t you just leave them in the tower? Why did you have to murder them?”
- “I could not leave without my subordinates,” the Commander’s spirit explains. “If I reported back to Ridgecrest without them – I would be seen for abandoning my post and be ruined forever. My name and honor would be ruined.”
- “And so,” one of the guards retort, “you thought to murder us – and use the encroaching death curse as a means to cover your murder and save yourself.”
- Sindri looks from the guards, then to the Commander. “OK, so we know how they died. How did you die? If you murdered them… you were going to leave after?”
- The Commander growls, “I was lured by the woman of the lake… the one who came after the death curse swept over Westbrook… drawn by the tragedy.”
- “The hag,” Sindri noted.
- “Yes, the hag,” the Commander explained. “She lured me to the lake, claiming someone needed my help and that she was too weak to save them – and she pulled me into the lake where she drowned me. I returned here, as my mark of shame.”
- Down below, as Rettniss and Arhian and exiting the Stoneguard, Rettniss catches a soft glow from the corner of her eye. Looking up, she’s able to see three – what seems to be translucent – figures standing at the top of the tower – and as she pauses, she can hear unfamiliar voices coming from the top.
- Rettniss points this out to Arhian and explains, “I am guessing Sindri has done something again.”
- Rettniss explains that she and Vindri will remain with the caravan while Arhian rushes up; Arhian rushes up the stairs and takes some falling – but not much damage – and just as Arhian reaches the top, she hears the Commander say, “I was lured by the woman of the lake… the one who came after the death curse swept over Westbrook… drawn by the tragedy.”
- Sindri explains the situation – as he knows it – to Arhian as the group huddles up. Arhian expresses that this seems very creepy. Arhian asks if Avacyn can help put them to rest – but she explains she doesn’t have the spell Ceremony memorized in order to do a burial right. Avacyn explains since their spirits appear restless – that perhaps Ceremony may not even work if they bury the bones. Arhian asks if anyone knows the dangers of leaving wandering spirits – and Avacyn explains that the longer they remain restless – they become more and more detached and become more violent as whatever humanity they have begins to erode.
- Arhian expresses concern for other caravans that come by, that eventually these spirits may attack them
- Sindri whispers, “So if we do take down the Commander – the other two will know peace?”
- Avacyn nods, “Yes, because the one who murdered them would be destroyed – and the truth of their death and the Commander’s betrayal will be known.”
- The party – while hesitant to get involved – realize that leaving the untethered spirits to become a bigger threat to people traveling by Stoneguard was too large of a risk – and Sindri turns and unleashes a Scorching Ray at the Commander
- As the Initiative begins – things almost go immediately poorly for the Commander – as Hartmut rolls a Natural 20 in his initiative – as well as a Natural 20 on one of his hits.
- While it is a fight to the finish, it was clear the Commander – with no one to help him – despite his effort to rally the two guards to his side – is defeated. Though it seems this would be the end of this ordeal – that is not the case as a grim-reaper like creature known as a Gallows Speaker appears to reveal some truths about the two guards whom the party also defended…
- The party makes a group Arcana check to see if they know what it is that now stands before them…
- Hartmut had read some writings of these, during his time at the Monastery – and Rettniss confirms these beings even exist on the Plane of Water – and they’re known as Gallows Speaker – and they often appear before mortals dealing with restless spirits to reveal truths and accept the judgement of the living whom they find worthy of passing such judgements
- In a hollow voice that chills those gathered around, the Gallows Speaker reveals, “One guard was known to take bribes and look away. This included for illegal smuggling and allowing some criminal activity to continue. However, he did so, in order to feed his family. The second guard lied about who he truly was. He was a thief who left the continent of Tawaim, to come here and begin anew, where his reputation would not be known. He created a new identity for himself. How would you judge these two restless spirits? They can be judged differently. I sense goodness in you for what is right and just – and trust your judgement which I shall bestow to these two. Are they to be forgiven or are they to be damned?”
- Arhian asks for clarification on the thief, and the Gallows Speaker explains that the thief stole for his own gain. The Gallows Speaker also explains that neither of the guards ever hurt anyone else, except in self defense. So no physical harm came from either of them directly.
- Hartmut explains that the one taking bribes can be redeemed, while the thief is damned; and looks to the party to see if they agree
- Hartmut: Bribe – Saved, Thief – Damned
- Rettniss explains she doesn’t feel comfortable passing judgement; and Sindri says, “For once we agree on something.”
- Avacyn weighs in
- Avacyn: Bribe – Saved, Thief – Damned
- Arhian explains that she agrees – the one who took bribes did it to support his family. But she adds that she doesn’t believe the Thief should be damned as it’s been made clear that he never physically hurt anyone.
- Arhian: Bribe – Saved, Thief – Saved
- Sindri finally decides to weigh in
- Sindri: Bribe – Saved, Thief – Saved
- Now the judgement is tied
- Sindri asks the Gallows Speaker, “When the thief came to this continent – did he continue to steal?”
- The Gallows Speaker confirms, “He did not. He left his life of crime behind him and joined the guards to earn an honest living, quickly rising in the ranks and feeling appreciated.”
- Hartmut, hearing this decides to change his vote
- Hartmut: Bribe – Saved, Thief – Saved
- The Gallows Speaker – pulls the spirits of the two guards spirits upward – and touches their head – and the spirits ascend
- The Gallows Speaker then pulls up the Commander’s spirit – and shoves into a flaming hole that opens up, damning the Commander
- The Gallows Speaker then waves his hand over the gathered party at the top and says, “Thank you for your honesty and judgement of these tethered souls.” DM Note: Everyone gets inspiration from this interaction
- The following morning, the party decides not to share what happened up in the tower; and decides to pack up and continue moving. Throughout the day, there’s a number of stops here and there to rest and allow the animals to graze. As night descends, the party spots what appears to be the remnants of a small campfire – but it’s off the main trail
- Avacyn finds the tracks of the things that have been ahead of them this whole time; but the embers of the fire are still bright and the tracks look fresh – because of her natural 20 – she’s able to avoid a surprise attack as three fiendish orcs step forward – orcs, who somehow look almost part demon
- However, these three orcs – despite their unusual appearance do not explain the larger tracks they’d seen and the larger “minotaur-like” figure they saw in the shadows – but it’s only a moment later when that figure emerges from he shadows as well
- Avacyn recognizes all four orcs – they’re members of her father’s tribe – The Broken Hand – but they all look different – changed – tainted by something
- The large one growls, “Your mother sends her regards.”
- Avacyn, so shocked to see her former tribe members in front of her – somehow changed, is shocked (DM Note – Avacyn rolled a Natural 1 on Initiative… I love when the dice help tell a story!)
- Hartmut rushes up and does Stunning Strikes against the large creature – the Tanarukk – who resists the stun – and then uses its own Unbridled Fury to strike back at Hartmut cleaving into him with its massive weapon
- Rettniss drops Faerie Fire on the orcs – and only one of them manages to escape
- The battle rages on – and these changed orcs are hitting hard and hitting almost consistently for heavy damage
- Sindri then turns to Rettniss and polymorphs her into a Giant Ape
- While this takes away Rettniss’ ability to heal – as a giant ape – Rettniss becomes incredibly accurate with throwing boulders and smashing the demonic orcs for heavy damage
- The Fiendish orcs manage to take down Arihian – knocking her down to 0 hit points exactly
- With Arhian down – the Fiendish Orcs now focus on Avacyn and start cutting her up badly with their vicious attacks
- Avacyn nearly critically fails (Natural 1) – thankfully, Faerie Fire allows Avacyn hits the one she’s attacking – but the Fiendish Orc uses it’s Unbridled Fury and Critically – rolling a Natural 20 on Avacyn
- Hartmut uses Step of the Wind – and drops a potion down Arhian’s mouth and gives her four health
- Hartmut also goes down during the fight
- Rettniss is able to throw one rock against the big orc – and then follows with a second throw – and traps the large orc – crushing it between the two stones, smashing every bone in its body, and Hartmut is brought back to stable condition
- The party finally manages to pull off a victory – but everyone (except Sindri and Rettniss) is badly hurt from the experience
- Avacyn picks up the blade from the Tanarukk
- The caravan is on high alert for the rest of the night, but nothing else happens
- The caravan continues the following morning, and just ahead they can see their next stop…
- Lakefront.