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- Adrian Silverstrength (Human Paladin)
- Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard)
- Sephrenia (High Elf Cleric)
- Ragnaroc (Aasimar Warlock)
- Don Kannin (Half-Elf Ranger)
- Korra (Air Genasi Rogue)
The party gathers in Adrian’s room – and they discuss what to do with the severed head that was brought to them on a platter (see end of the last session). Eventually the party brings the platter (covered) down to the front desk where they talk to Innkeeper Bradbury of the Nightshade Inn.
- The party heads down to tell Bradbury that they got something they didn’t order; Bradbury tells them there’s no need to put it outside the room and room service will pick it up
- Adrian discreetly shows the head to Bradbury and explains that one of his employees brought it to him and said an old, scary woman delivered it
- Buppido adds that the guy who delivered it did a good job, and offers 1 gold as a tip
- Bradbury asks if he recognizes the head on the platter
- Adrian says that the severed head is a former traveling companion of his that he’s not seen for a very long time
- Bradbury calls over Tavani, who delivered the platter, who looks visibly shaken
- Bradbury asks Adrian if the other guests are in danger; and Adrian assures him that the guests are not in danger; this is a personal “message” from him
- Bradbury takes the platter and sighs, “This is going to be an interesting night,” as he looks over at Tavai and hands the platter to him to take to the local Church to bless it and dispose of it
- Buppido looks around, since it’s still night and nudges Adrian, “So want to go look for some action?”
- Adrian shakes his head and explains he’s going to bed
- Buppido heads into the town and finds Tashara’s Palace of the Sensual, and the Madame explains that Salia, who is good with pleasing men; and Buppido asks if she can do “house calls” and the Madame explains she can; but Bradbury doesn’t enjoy her ladies, because his establishment is a “family business” because of the high tourist value of Redstone
- Buppido walks her to the room and opens the door for Salia, who quietly disrobes and slides into the bed next to Adrian who suddenly leaps out of his bed and looks at the woman being scantly dressed. She smiles, “You friend sent you a gift.”
- Adrian explains that his “friend” (as he stares at Buppido with a scowling look), is confused; and shy – and that he wants her for himself
- Salia smiles, “Well, if this is what I think it is, I suppose I can handle both for an additional 10 gold.”
- Adrian shakes his head, grabbing his sheet and says, “Please. Go ahead and have the room.” Ms. Claws looks around excitedly.
- Adrian then says, “Your turn first,” he says as he makes his way down to the front desk and requests a new room.
- Adrian sees Bradbury quietly scolding/speaking to Tavani behind the desk
- Adrian tries to listen in, and he can hear Bradbury whispering, “Are you sure it was an ‘old woman’ who gave you the head? Because if it is – that means the veil is weak in the mountain! And if the veil is weak, that means the Circus is coming!”
- Adrian cleans his throat, and says, “I am sorry, I overheard you mention something about a Circus?”
- Bradbury starts and turns and faces Adrian. Bradbury stares at Adrian, already concerned since he’d brought a head down – and now was wearing briefs and a sheet.
- Bradbury explains, “Three years ago, fire streaked across the sky; an ill omen, as if felt evil and dark. Shortly after, an old woman appeared and promised the children a magnificent gift near the back of the caves; further back than anyone typically goes. The children, enthralled by the elderly woman ventured deep inside the cave; and it’s been days since their return. Several parents ventured forward, but claimed to be attacked by various dark, and evil monsters, the likes of which they’ve never seen before – including ‘angry, bloodthirsty gnomes.’
The old woman’s appearance is remarkably close to an old woman, about fifty years ago, when Redstone was first settled, who could not have children of her own. Depressed, she sought to end her life, venturing deep into the caves, in hopes of getting lost and meeting her demise. One day, she appeared again, and lured children to the back of the cave; the children were never seen again, but years later, what appeared to be aged versions of the children, heads severed, with bat-like wing appendages appeared and attacked the people of Redstone.
Just before a group of adventurers arrived, ten of our children had gone missing. The adventurers traveled inside Redstone – deep into the caverns and managed to enter some realm of shadows, from what they said – but rescued our ten missing children.
Our rescued children – they were ten years old when they were taken. In one year, they each aged to be about eighteen years old. That year, a strange carnival came to town – and all ten children joined the carnival. That was three years ago. The carnival comes every year, when the veil between light and shadow is weakest in Redstone, and things tend to come out from the portals scattered throughout the inside of the mountain.
But the children,” Bradbury continues, “they stopped being our children the moment they were rescued. They all came back … different. The town has had meetings and all unanimously decided; our children died the day they were abducted. What’s here now, in that Circus Carnival… those aren’t our children. Their bodies, yes; but their souls… their souls are not there.
What’s unusual about this… Carnival, is that when it arrives, it stays for seven days,” Bradbury explains, growing frustrated. “People who go to the Carnival… adults and children alike… many… don’t come back… parents come back with no memory of their children… children come back with no memory of their parents… I know it’s the Carnival. I don’t have the courage to go myself and find out… But I know it has something to do with the Carnival.”
- Adrian offers to speak to his companions about looking into it, but in the meantime if he could get a separate room.
- Adrian forgets that he’d come down to request a new room and goes back up and offers Salia a tip to call it a night and head back to the brothel.
- Everyone settles back into their beds and goes to sleep; only for most of them to suddenly be awakened at night to the sound of hammering and pulley-systems outside. Peering outside, a large carnival seems to have suddenly popped up in mere hours. And at a very unusual time.
- This unusual arrival and the quickness and the timing of the carnival’s appearance all lines up with what Innkeeper Bradbury had warned Adrian about
- The following morning, the inn is bustling with excitement and children and adults run about the halls, talking about the carnival just outside of town and how excited they all are
- And in each and everyone’s room a flyer for the carnival is found:

- Adrian brings everyone back down to the front desk; and asks Innkeeper Bradbury explains everything again
- Buppido mentions that the traveling circus/carnival has great appeal
- Innkeeper Bradbury agrees; except the fact that parents are disappearing, leaving their children behind; and some children disappear, and their parents have no memory of their children that checked into the Nightshade Inn
- Innkeeper Bradbury adds that he had his staff on high alert to ensure none of the Carnival employees snuck their fliers beneath the doors; but somehow they managed to get them into every single room
- The party heads over to examine the carnival which is set just on the opposite side of a small stream, requiring the many people inside to cross a small wooden bridge. The sounds of laughter and joyful screams come from the other side, along with the sounds of various attractions, and the smell of incredible food. A large, red dragon head greets those who come, breathing fire every so often.
- Within the carnival grounds there are over one hundred people running from tent to tent to see what each one offers
- Everyone, except Adrian pays 5 gold to enter the carnival grounds. Adrian remains on the bridge but allows Ms. Claws to go along with the others
- Buppido quickly goes to the food first, and looks at all the grapes, breads, meats, and wonderful food like he’s never seen before, all around him; creating unbelievably mouth watering aromas.
- Buppido decides to ritual cast Detect Magic on the food around him and notices that things glow a faint, soft green – not just the food, however – the tents glow – and even the people who enter the carnival begin to glow with Enchantment
- Buppido quickly warns those who came inside the carnival, that everything is glowing of Enchantment magic
- Buppido approaches one of the meat vendors; and asks for a turkey leg with “light magic” and the vendor looks astonished, “Magic? There’s no magic here! All the magic happens at the back – they’re doing wonderful magic tricks back there! Why there’s a post you can stand on, and it will show your future! Something Madame Seer had a hand in! Come inside – they’re feasting on a giant spider that we recently killed! Also there’s even Hippogriffs you can ride that will fly you around! So much to see! So much to do!”
- The party assumes that the Coven of Hags is somehow behind this; because of the wide spread magic throughout the entire carnival seems like it would take considerable power to pull off
- Adrian informs the party he will stay on the bridge and allow Ms. Claws to patrol with the party (most of the patrons believe Ms. Claws to be one of the “incredible beasts” of the carnival)
- Buppido, unlike Adrian, is full steam into the carnival and moves to the north where he spots a game that requires throwing a ball to knock down some boxes; which may reveal a prize beneath
- However, the only thing Buppido successfully hits hard enough is Ragnaroc who comes to see what he’s doing (Critical Fail on Dexterity Roll, hitting Ragnaroc – no damage – with the ball)
- He gives it one more try, and apparently wins a “healing potion“
- He sees a large, purple octopus that seems to be a mechanical attraction that seems to distribute alcohol to those gathered around it
- Naturally, this draws Buppido’s attention as he heads there (leaving a confused Ragnaroc staring at a ball on the floor)
- It’s there, he meets a burly, yet attractive young woman, who introduces herself as May and challenges Buppido to a drinking contest
- Naturally, he agrees, caught up in the love affair of the excitement of the carnival
- The first round is a Mug of Golden Goat (one should not ask why it’s called that); he’s not able to keep it down, while she consumes it with no problem
- Ragnaroc arrives to watch him throw up, and he shakes his head
- She offers a second round, to which he agrees (wiping the vomit from his beard), and each of them consume Umber Hulk Ale (one should not ask what the extract is), and once again Buppido vomits, but she does not
- Buppido whispers to Ragnaroc, “These games must be rigged….”
- Ragnaroc looks across the table and notices, the woman appears to be about eighteen years old… could it be one of the “saved children”…?
- They both go into the third round, drinking Mandrake Mocha, which neither of them can hold down
- They go into the fourth round drinking Ochre Jelly Ale, which literally tastes like it’s eating their insides, neither of which can seem to hold it down. She pats him on the back and says he’s a good sport, and wipes the vomit from her mouth with the back of her sleeve
- Don in the meantime heads towards a stand, and hears the announcer saying, “Come! Step right up! Stand here – and look there – see your future!”
- Don decided to see what it was about and stood on the cylinder and on the other side, he saw himself adorned in blue armor – and upon looking more closely – it bore draconic themes and symbols
- Don commands to Jackson to go up there; and Jackson suddenly appears with some blue dragon armor; that also looks like it has dragon wings on the back
- Korra and Sephrenia walk around and spot an Owlbear that’s chained up

- They recall how one of Nor’Orn’s components had required the beak of an owlbear, and that they’d encountered owlbears who’d been enslaved by Drow; but they also recall the Owlbear cub who’d followed Don around in the Shadowvale and how thankful the momma owlbear had been with Don for keeping her cubling safe; and how this one appeared someone sad
- Korra and Sephrenia are approached by a young, human female (Henny) who welcomes them to the carnival and says, “Hello, my name is Henny! And this is Barakus!”
- Seprehnia asks why Barakus is chained
- Henny explains that she can be… misbehaved.
- Sephrenia mentions that owlbears are not meant to be chained
- Henny explains that Barakus was rescued from a band of wizards who were experimenting on her since she was a cub (which is why she has her occasional outbursts, no doubt!) and that she’s never learned to hunt, so she would never survive in the wild. So they keep her and feed her, and unfortunately are forced to chain her from time to time
- Korra does Insight on Henny and feels he’s mostly telling the truth, as far as she can tell
- Korra and Sephrenia wave down Don Kannin, and ask him to cast Speak with Animals
- Their focus being on Barakus, none of them notice that Hemmy is smiling, as if he could understand what Don was doing
- Don asks Barakus if the handler is telling the truth; and the Owlbear seems to nod slowly in agreement
- Don then asks if it’s safe for children (or adults) to be safe at the carnival; Don notices that the Owlbear seems unnaturally nervous (Nature – Natural 20!) and doesn’t seem to answer the question that’d been asked; Don speaks to her again and says that they plan to do something and that they will make sure to take care of her
- Don, Korra and Sephrenia can see a towering Cyclops that stands taller than many of the smaller tents at the strength test; laughing at the patrons telling them to hit harder
- They move towards the northern side of the carnival and meet up with Ragnaroc and Buppido and Don tells them about the wagon that shows the future
- Buppido stands on it and sees himself piecing together what seems to be a shattered stone; then holding it to the heavens where it leaves his hands and takes it place back among the stars
- Sephrenia stands on it, and sees herself back home, her family brooch on her cape, as she’s welcomed back as a hero
- Korra stands on it, and sees that she’s riding Slyver and she’s just finished help bringing peace to the Elemental Planes, and welcomed home, by a very proud father who embraces her and whispers how he’s missed her
- Ragnaroc stands on it; and there is nothing. The carnival employee explains that something must be wrong; but when the employee stands on it, it continues to work; but when Ragnaroc steps, it shows nothing again
- They ask the carnival worker who seems genuinely stunned and explains that he will have Madame Seer take a look at it; although others who follow (normal patrons, it continues to work)
- Buppido makes his way to the back cages – where in the cages he sees some creatures he recognizes, some he does not, but each is marked: Ankheg, Behir, Chimera, Red Dragon (looks to be just a little older than a Wrymling size), Grick, Hook Horror, Manticore, Rust Monster, Troll, Berbalang, Girallon, Nilbog, and an Auhochs.
- There are also people riding Hippogriffs around
- Buppido goes to the Behir and speaks in Draconic asking, “Hey, how is it going?”
- To which it simply replies, “Free me.”
- Buppido asks, “Could you be more specific?”
- It replies, “Food.”
- Buppido then asks, “The Carnival people or everyone?”
- It replies, “Food.”
- Buppido then asks, “Will you get along with the dragon?”
- It replies, “No. Food.”
- Buppido asks, “If I let you out, would you eat me?”
- It seems to pause; so Buppido gives an Insight, and it seems to be telling the truth that it won’t purposely eat him
- Buppido asks, “Will you not eat my friends?”
- It replies, “Food.”
- Buppido heads over to the Red Dragon, speaking in Draconic, “How’s it going?”
- The Red Dragon named, Searscale, growls, “What do you want?”
- “Do they treat you well here?” Buppido asks.
- Searscale replies, “They feed me. That’s all I care about. I only want out to fly.”
- Buppido asks, “If I let you – would you kill everyone?”
- Searscale replies, “I’d burn this Carnival down to the ground.”
- Buppido asks, “If I got you out – would you spare the people?”
- Searscale growls, “Must. Have. Revenge.“
- Buppido asks, “What if I kill the one in charge? Would you leave then?”
- Searscale laughs, “You? You? You think you can kill Datura Stramonium?”
- Buppido asks, “Is that a hag?”
- Searscale laughs, “A hag? A hag? No, Datura is a wizard.”
- Buppido says, “I am a wizard. I can fight him. Any tips?”
- Searscale laughs, “Free me. I can kill him.”
- Buppido shakes his head, “Not sure I’d like the reproduction of that.”
- He summons the party to the back and explains, “The dragon is cool if we let him out – and we let him eat the Behir – because the Behir is a jerk.”
- And unexpectedly, the Behir replies in Draconic, “I heard that.” (I rolled an 18 on the Behir’s perception as it has a +6 on Perception checks and DM Note – The Behir doesn’t speak Common, but I figure it’s been trained in the Carnival to understand Common – just because it made for a fun, brief interaction)
- Buppido shakes his fist at the Behir, “You should have played your cards better!”
- Buppido then turns back to the party and explains that it’s not a hag that’s running this Carnival; but a human (?) wizard.
- Sephrenia pulls out the flyer that had been placed under the door and looks at the Carnival’s name again and asks if anyone knows what that means.
- Don is easily able to recognize the ancient language, having studied it long ago, during his travels. “It stands for The Dark Lord.“
- The party begins to wonder if The Dark Lord is Datura, the Carnival owner
- The party continues to investigate, and Buppido sees one vendor handing small toys to all the children
- Don shares that the Owlbear, seemed to indicate as much as it could, that the Carnival is not safe for Children (or Adults)
- Don decides he wants to ride one of the Hippogriffs
- As he flies around, above the carnival, then around Redstone mountain; the entire flight taking about 30 minutes. Don decides to use Speak with Animals and asks the Hippogriff if it’s being treated well and if the people who come to the carnival are being forced to stay
- The Hippogriff cheerfully says, “Fly!” (Unfortunately the Hippogriff has an Intelligence of 2, which means it’s not able to truly able to communicate much at all, except simple thoughts)
- Sephrenia decides she’s going to exit – and now forced the make a Charisma Savings Throw, and is able to leave no problem
- Buppido however, finds one of the vendors in the Carnival is selling Scrolls and begins looking through them – he finds a Scroll of Feather Fall (for 50 gold), and a Scroll of Detect Thoughts which runs 300 gold. Buppido pays for both.
- The party members (except Sephrenia and Adrian who are already out on the bridge) reconvene in the center of the Carnival and decide they will head out for the night; Ragnaroc succeeds his Charisma Savings Throw (Natural 20!), Don succeeds his Charisma Savings Throw, Korra however as she reaches the exit – spins on her heels and says, “There’s much more to see here!” And heads back into the Carnival with a cheerful skip to her step (failing her Charisma Savings Throw)
- Adrian commands Ms.Claws to try and bite and grab her clothes and try to drag Korra out of the Carnival; Ms. Claws manages to snag Korra (3 damage), but Korra can’t figure out why – and finds the actions of Ms. Claws rather aggressive
- Ms. Claws lays down to try and signal Korra to get on her back; and Korra fails her Charisma Savings Throw again – she rips her arm and sleeve free of Ms. Claws and storms off
- Buppido gets there and shouts at the Raptor’s odd behavior; Buppido assures Korra that the Carnival is great
- Adrian casts Protection from Good/Evil and steps into the Carnival and yells at Korra, “We need to go! Something is going on! We need to talk outside!”
- Korra retorts, “Then they can come in here! Check out the atmosphere!”
- Adrian tries to grab Korra (Critical Fail Strength Check!) as Korra sweeps his feet and knocks him down; and this draws the attention of people who turn and shout, “They’re doing a show! Look! Look!” And people begin cheering and circling.
- Buppido plays to the audience, “Gather around! Gather around! Watch the Paladin and Air Genasi wrestle!” He then uses Minor Illusion to make himself look like a Carnival employee
- Adrian wraps around her, and wrangles Korra in her arms; and he jumps on Ms. Claws with Korra in his arms
- One of the Carnival workers (a young man, about 18 years old), and approaches Adrian and says, “What’s the problem here?”
- Adrian says, “She needs to go.”
- The Carnival worker (Clem) asks Korra, “My lady, you are rather unique in your appearance. I’ve never seen one like you before. Are you having fun my lady?”
- Korra emphatically nods that she is.
- Clem turns to Adrian, “Well, it would seem as if she is having fun and would like to stay, my friend.”
- Sephrenia is close enough, from outside to cast Dispel Magic on Korra to see if she can break the enchantment; and successfully does so – and Korra snaps to, wondering why she’s slung over Adrian’s shoulder
- Korra looks at Clem and says, “Hi, yeah – um, we can go.”
- Buppido shouts, “Can I get on your other shoulder?”
- And with that Adrian and Korra attempt to exit – Korra once again, wants to remain in the Carnival (failing her Charisma Save again, while Adrian succeeds), but Adrian is able to carry her past the gates, which breaks her desire
- Buppido looks at Clem, “Is that a common problem? People need to be dragged out?”
- Clem shakes his head, “No. Most people simply stay until we close – then we tell them they have to leave.”
- Buppido nods then asks, “Oh, and who is Datura?”
- Clem answers, “Datura? Oh, he runs this Carnival. Well, owns it, I should say. He hardly comes out – he leaves it to the guards to keep things in order.”
- Buppido says, “I’d love to talk to him.”
- Clem smiles, “As would many. So many people wonder about the animals we have, some of the tricks we do. But Datura is a man of mystery. If he wants to talk to you, he will find you.”
- Buppido thanks Clem and heads for the exit; but then turns around and realizes he’s not seen it all (failed Charisma Saving Throw)
- Adrian runs out and grabs Buppido, and Buppido gets his wish as he’s thrown onto Adrian’s shoulder and pulled out of the Carnival
- Ragnaroc sighs and says, “You should have just left him. He’s nothing but trouble. Is no one remembering the slime temple incident?” (Ragnaroc points this out due to the slime – and the long fall down the pit that nearly cost him his life)
- The party considers a few ideas; fire to the tents; but then the concern is people being unable to leave; igniting the fireworks, but that goes back to people not being able to leave, and the deaths by stampede; releasing some of the monsters (not the Behir, but maybe Searscale, the Red Dragon; but the dragon would burn the Carnival down, including all the innocent people)
- The party realizes, the Carnival is here for a week – and the Caravan is here for two more days, so they have some time to plan out their next action.
TO BE CONTINUED, as Something Wicked This Way Comes…