Aram Raethran

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The terror of Emereth, the largest green dragon, and perhaps the most feared among the dragons for her ruthlessness – as well as her brazen disregard to following her goddess’ commands… Emereth flew through Greywood, home to the High Elves. Her wretched poisonous breath brought a slow death to thousands who were ill prepared for her sudden attack.

Despite the efforts of the Greywood Guard, Emereth continued to tear through Greywood, destroying all who were in her path. The elves of Greywood were forced to flee their homes, the few that survived, as Emereth turned their once beautiful home into a nesting location for the next generation of evil. Emereth took great pride in destroying all that was beautiful and spoiling it with the corruption of hatred and evil.

The Greywood Guard returned, time and time again, to try and remove Emereth and her young dragon-kin, but were driven back time and time again, most dying in their efforts to reclaim their home. One of her young, named Kala’Shin (meaning in the ancient elven tongue ‘born of great evil‘) took to the skies and flew westward for reasons unknown.

Aram Raethran was a young man, when all of this happened, no older than a teenager when he fled. Within him a hatred brewed for Emereth and her kin as love was replaced by a need for vengeance. Hearing that Kala’Shin had flown west, Aram Raethran decided to track her down – she would be the first that Aram Raethran would kill. One by one, he would track down Emereth’s other dragon-kin, and then when they were all gone he would come after Emereth herself.

Aram Raethran learned that Kala’Shin was headed west, and had been spotting flying over the sea. When Aram Raethran began tracking her, he met several other travelers, all heading west – to a new continent, where rumors of great and powerful relics were being uncovered. It became clear to Aram Raethran why Kala’Shin had probably also flown that way – and perhaps, if the rumors of these wonderful relics were true – Aram Raethran could find something to help put an end to Emereth once and for all. Aram Raethran booked passage aboard The Alpha Dawn.