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- Anathema Haniel – Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Redemption)
- Grace Obadiah – Aasimar Cleric (Twilight)
- Kasumi Makaio Iolani – Goliath Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
- Skrizz – Tabaxi Rogue (Soul Knife)
- Skrizz moves towards the shackled parents and frees them; and Grace assures them that their daughter is safe
- The party looks around the cave and sees a pile of decaying flesh and bones all piled in one side; the bones range from humanoid to animals, such as sheep, goats, and cows, to large bird bones.
- Rummaging through the bones and decay, Skrizz and Anathema locate some treasure; Grace comforts the parents assuring them that their daughter, Reilna Evershine, survived and was able to reach the Ivory Coast and get help (which is the party)
- In the skeletal remains of things the Ettin has eaten in the past Skrizz finds: 70 gold
- Anathema manages to find: 60 gold
- The parents, speaking with Grace, ask about the “frog people”
- Grace, a devote follower of Florasena, ensures the Evershire parents that, “Don’t you worry, even the frog people are a part of Florasena’s creatures!” The parents seem a little uneasy, but nod to Grace.
- Chief Oofra approaches Skrizz who he feels very close to, due the mental connection Skrizz made with him (in Chief Oofra’s eyes, he thinks that Skrizz realizes he was a powerful ally which is why he selected him). Chief Oofra mutters, “Big furs outside again. You help?”
- Skrizz looks at Chief Oofra. “Big furs?”
- “Yeah,” Chief Oofra licks his own eyes as he lets a deep croak (burp) rumble from his chest – a sign of nervousness. His arms wave about, “Big fur.”
- “The bugbears,” Skrizz mutters. “They must have come back.”
- “Yeah, that’s what me said, the big furs,” Chief Oofra says, as if it were obvious.
- Grace looks to the Evershine parents and says, “See, these kind frog people have saved you! Florasena’s creatures are beautiful. Had you walked out you would have been killed by the bugbears that guard the cave!”
- The parents, rattled by this, having seen the bugbears come down for scraps of meat the Ettin had left for them, often growled and poked at the parents, wondering when they would get to eat fresh meat. “Do you all plan to do something about the bugbears?” the Evershine parents ask.
- “We’re working on that now,” Grace assures them with a gentle pat on their shoulder
- Grace and Anathema begin speaking about how they feel odd; and quickly realize what time it is – the Hollowing is at hand. (DM Note – Around Halloween time, I do a special event called “The Hollowing” where the veil between life and death is at it’s weakest; and this shimmering between the veil causes magic to go wild)
- Anathema, Kasumi and Skrizz begin digging through the carcass meat in hopes of finding some meaty portions to offer the bugbears as a distraction
- Skrizz yanks his hand back when he feels something begin to burrow beneath his flesh (Critical Fail, Natural 1)
- Quickly grabbing Skrizz’s arms and closing her eyes, and calling down on the holy forces channeled in her body, Anathema uses Lay On Hands and the rot grub that had buried themselves into Skrizz’s flesh retreat and fall to the floor dead; Skrizz is lucky because it doesn’t take long for rot grub to burrow their way to someone’s heart and kill them!
- Cautiously sifting through the remainder of the carcass meat, Anathema, Kasumi and Skrizz get some meat
- Skrizz who had used Psychic Whispers to communicate with the bugbears previously, confidently approaches them and says, “Hey guys, big boss said, have some meat and take the rest of the night off.”

- The first bugbear smiles, “Good. Maybe we find the horses we were thinking about before.” (See Session 02) (Persuasion Dirty 20!)
- The second bugbear looks at the first, “Stupid idea look for horse. We are lucky boss didn’t come out. And who are these guys? Boss hiring new people? Or are these escaped prisoners?” (Persuasion Natural 8 on the second bugbear)
- Anathema raises her hands, “Listen, we just need to get by. No one needs to get hurt here.”
- The second draws his club, “We’re going to hurt you.”
- Grace’s eyes flare to a green color, her hair suddenly looking as if caught in a vortex, as she rushes forward holding a symbol of Florasena – Rising Sun over the horizon; three rays of light (lines) around the sun – and invoking Radiant Consumption – radiating a bright light in 10-ft radius and dim light for 20 ft. An attack or spell deals 3 in extra radiant damage to one target, and at the end of your turns all creatures within 10 ft. (including you) take 2 in radiant damage.
- Anathema swings her short sword with one hand, then with her off hand, swings her hand axe; striking once, missing with the other
- Skrizz uses the opportunity by having his companions near by to do a sneak attack damage, that eviscerates one of the bugbears, cutting them wide open, but still alive; and Skrizz quickly disengages from the fight
- Kasumi manages to use her monk ability to strike the bloody Bugbear – then kicking him off the ledge, sending the dead bugbear rolling down the hill
- Grace attempts to summon forth her Spiritual Hammer – however, is suddenly wracked with sickness as she begins vomiting Magic Missile from her mouth and remembers the Hollowing has tampered with her magic
- However, this proves beneficial – as the three Magic Missile strike their intended target – the single, left Bugbear, and doing enough damage to end his life, sending his lifeless form tumbling down the hill near his companion’s lifeless corpse
- Glancing around – against the eclipsed twin moons – several figures can be seen flying or fluttering in the sky – they appear to be heads with bat-like wings – the party quickly gathers and retreats back into the cave for shelter, hoping the horrifying creatures known as vargouille fly by
- Chief Oofra hands Skrizz a horn, decorated in shells; the horn seems to vibrate in Skrizz’ hands. Chief Oofra nods, “You great help. Get rid of big two head who eat my people and big furs who kill my people for big two head. You take horn. It help maybe when you in big trouble. Wife – she follow Elenar – say, she no hear from her anymore – wife made it for me. Now I give to you.” (DM Note – Elenar was one of the eight deities murdered when the Spider Queen ascended – See The Adventurers Session 42).
- The party decides to camp near the bullywug lake for the night and let the Hollowing pass, along with the various dangers it often brings. The following morning, the party makes their way down the path from the cave, spotting the dead bugbears, still lying dead against the side of the mountain, some of their flesh torn away probably by natural predators who stumbled upon their scent. Reaching their wagon and horses, the party is able to successfully escort the family back to the Ivory Coast where they go to the Temple of Jaris to reunite them with their daughter.
- Ginny (Gineva Bavara) pays them each 30 gold as promised for the return of the parents
- Ginny explains to the party, that she was greeted by a Stone Giant Dreamwalker named Bruadar Clach who had confided in her – that he foresaw the released of an ancient, fallen angel back into the world (DM Note – the party involved in this is the same players in this game! They were warned of this by an angel in their game – See The Arrival Session 2, they got distracted by gold – perhaps a test of their faith – in The Arrival Session 4, and they learned of their little “side quest” had given the cultists the time they needed to kill the Dryad in question, in The Arrival Session 5) – and the fallen angel’s release will trigger the balance of good and evil to violently sway in favor of evil. This fallen angel’s presence will create a rippling effect – where the Chromatic Dragon Armies will begin to gather (DM Note – See The Discovery Session 28), gods will die (DM Note – See The Adventurers Session 42), and one creature of great evil will seek godhood (DM Note – See The Adventurers Session 71). All of this will upset the Echelon of the Giants, who will sense this evil and empower those who believe the Echelon should fall to strike out at the ancient order of giants, because they will see the gathering of dragons as a threat to the giants (DM Note – See The Adventurers Session 89 and The Explorers Session 2). Should war break out across the face of the world between giant and dragon – it will be like what happened on Shadow Island (DM Note – See Shadow Island – the party also heard about Shadow Island in The Explorers Session 1) – only on a much larger scale.
- She explains that “giant” activity does seem to have picked up. She talks about how Farmer Marius Vren has complained that his life stock have gone up and missing – and how his entire farm seems to be cursed to forever be drenched in mud, though it’s not rained in weeks.
- She explains that Marius had been woken up a few times when he heard his livestock in distress and saw a large, roundish, humanoid figure between 15 to 18 feet tall, lumbering around in the dark of the night – matching the description of a Hill Giant. But every morning when Marius went to check – there were no footprints in the mud from the Hill Giant (or whatever it was) – and Hill Giants are certainly not smart enough to cover their tracks and typically do not possess magic that would allow them to hide their tracks
- The party takes in the grim news and tells Ginny that they will look into it
- The party then heads to their rooms at the Pegasus Wing – with Anathema Haniel and Grace Obadiah in one room while Kasumi Makaio Iolani and Skrizz take a second room
- At the Inn, Anathema Haniel collapses from exhaustion (Natural 1 on Perception) however Skrizz is alert (those cat ears! Natural 20!) – He points out to Kasumi he sees something in the night sky – Grace, in her room sees it too – a burst of light – a trailing blaze – then it seems to strike the ground – and a few moments later a loud boom…
- The party talks amongst each other and decides to take a long rest after a moment
- The following morning, Ginny (Gineva Bavara) finds the party and asks if they were fortunate enough to see the ‘Streak through the Sky.’
- Party explains they saw it – but were unsure what it was – Ginny (Gineva Bavara) confirms that she too isn’t sure what it was – but the impact was somewhere between the Ivory Coast and Marius Vren‘s farmland – and she asks the party if they wouldn’t mind checking out what it was on the way to Marius Vren‘s farm today
- After getting food at the tavern, and gathering their supplies – the party gathers in their wagon – and as Grace Obadiah reigns the horses – it’s a difficult ride as she often tries to discourage them from pausing and eating grass along the road – and after about forty minutes, the evidence of the ‘Streak Through the Sky’ collision is visible.
- The party peers up into the sky and still sees the Eclipsed Twin Moons, indicating The Hollowing was still in effect
- Even as they draw nearer, they’re unsure of what to make of the sight before them – a massive sailing ship – seems to have struck the land and burst into flame… but how would, what appears to be a waterborn ship be flying through the sky – and crash land onto the ground?

- As they tie up the wagon and approach the wreckage – Kasumi and Skrizz both notice that there is an odd wall of plants near the ship – that isn’t burned – unlike most of the other plants and trees – and they both exchange glances and explain that neither of them are familiar with the odd plant formation – and how it distinctly looks out of place
- Kasumi, who has done much with herbalism and teas, explains that she’s never seen these plants before; and Skrizz, who comes from Feylinar, a small island full of exotic plants of all kinds, and he too confirms, he’s never seen plants like these.
- Skrizz’s feline ears also pick up a faint sound coming from the front of the ship
- Skrizz listens more closely – and can tell it’s a faint voice speaking in common – but between the crackling of the forest, as embers float into the sky, it’s too difficult to hear exactly what’s being said.
- Skrizz decides to stealth ahead, while Grace takes cover behind the wagon
- As Skrizz approaches – he’s struck by a pellet that looks like a seed – that does some minor damage
- He tries to catch sight of what it was – but it seemed to come from the wall of plants – or from within it – as he gets closer – he hears an odd slurp sound – then something wraps around his ankle and yanks him into the plants – as he’s pulled in, his feline eyes catch sight of what it was – and he’s slightly horrified at this unusual living plant that he’s never seen before…
- Anathema rushes forward and quickly grabs Skrizz’ arm and yanks him free of the plant – and as she does so, she also pulls the unusual, medium sized plant out from the wall of unusual plants that spouted up – and she too is stunned by the odd looking flora that has attacked Skrizz
- Anathema notices that while she was up, pulling Skrizz out from the plant – she too heard a faint, odd, mechanical voice repeating, “Error… Error… Error…”
- Grace, from the cover of the wagon, casts Sleep on the creature – however, the spell is not powerful enough to put the creature to sleep (rolled 29 hit points worth, which the creature exceeds)
- Grace however, feels energy crackle around her from casting a spell during The Hollowing (81 – Roll a D20 each round! Any time you roll less than a 8, you take 1d8 psychic damage! This lasts for 2d4 rounds)
- Kasumi uses her ability of Fangs of the Fire Snake, calling within her the magma and fire of the mountain lava, and extending it through her body – she rushes up to attack the plant, however, sensing the flames, it quickly attempts to evade
- Fearful of striking out at Kasumi, it lashes out at Anathema and misses the first time, but hits on the second attack, dealing minor damage
- Skrizz lights a flask on fire, having seen how the plant reacted to Kasumi’s Fangs of the Fire Snake, and just as he does – inside the shattered ship he hears a mechanical voice say, “-click- …. Destruction Sequence Initiated….”
- Thrown off by the voice, the flask misses and hits the wall of plants, and as Skrizz begins to disengage from the plant-creature, he sees a mechanical figure – almost gnomish in appearance, pinned beneath some of the wooden fragments of the ship – and it’s clear that the voice is coming from the odd, mechanical gnome
- At that moment, a small figure bursts from the wall of plants – in the form of a humanoid looking plant standing about 14 inches high – and in an odd, high pitched voice shouts, “There you are!” And it begins attacking the plant that had attacked Skrizz!
- Anathema grabs the odd, wooden humanoid, and begins to run away from the fight with him, but the wooden creature yells, “Wait! I am supposed to stop him! We crashed! Go back! Go back!”
- The other plant lashes out at Anathema as she leaves its threat area, and manages to land an attack of opportunity, doing some damage to Anathema
- Anathema explains that the ship is about to explode soon, and the wooden creature shouts, “Wait! What? What about Korton! We can’t leave Korton!”
- Anathema gets to Grace, who looks at the wooden creature and asks, “Who is Korton?”
- The wooden creature explains, “Pfft! Korton is the pilot.”
- “Is that the planet thing?” Grace asks
- “No! That’s a plant!” the wooden creature sighs, wondering about the intelligence level of this planet that Korton had crash landed on. “Korton is inside the ship.”
- “We heard it saying it’s going to self destruct, can you turn that off?” Grace asks
- The wooden creature looks back at the fragments of the ship and then back to Grace, then back to the ship, then back to Grace. He truly wonders if there is any intelligence in this world. “Look at the ship! It’s in pieces! If it’s the ship that’s about to self destruct, no, I can not stop it.” The wooden creature then says, “Wait – did you hear something about Sequences?”
- Anathema confirms she did – and the wooden creature says, “Oh no. Then that’s Korton.”
- Grace shakes her head, “You better go free your friend.”
- Anathema sets the wooden creature down who immediately runs for the inside of the ship, pointing to the other plant, “Hey! That thing is still out. Can someone do something that about that before it gets out and spreads?”
- Kasumi grabs the wooden creature as it passes him and lifts him up, “How long until the destruction sequence?”
- “Oh,” the wooden creature explains, “about 10 minutes from the initiation…”
- Kasumi sets the wooden creature down to allow him to proceed to find Korton in the wreckage
- Kasumi follows the wooden creature and begins trying to pry some of the ship’s wreckage off of the metallic gnome, Korton – and as she does so – it’s eyes flicker, “Destruction Sequence… 9 minutes…”
- Skrizz watches as the other plant scurries up and on top of the ship since no one is engaged with it; and sensing that Kasumi could channel fire, it knows it is best to flee than feed for now; however, Skrizz lights another flask and lands a hit – catching the fleeing plant on fire – it releases a spine-tingling screech of pain, as it scurries across the plants, catching other things on fire as it attempts to flee
- Anathema casts Command – in an attempt to stop his countdown – however, the AutoGnome saves – and at the same time, Anathema is healed (36 – You magically heal 10 points!)
- Anathema leaps into the ship and helps Kasumi – and manages to pry wood off Korton – and together they pull him out of the wreckage
- Korton’s eyes flicker, “-click- Destruction Sequence… 8 minutes…”
- Anathema turns to the wooden creature, “How do we turn him off?”
- The wooden creature shrugs, “Well, they all have a compartment in the back. I suppose you could try there.”
- Anathema looks at the back and sees the compartment. Grace places her hand on Anathema’s shoulder and whispers, “Florasena will guide your hands. But I am going to stand over here in the meantime.” (Casting Guidance on Anathema)
- Anathema opens the compartment and can see that several wires appear to have come dislodged from a circuit board (successful Investigation check)
- Korton’s eyes flicker, “-click- Destruction Sequence… 7 minutes…”
- Anathema’s nervous hands roughly connect the wires back and just then, Korton’s eyes dull and he mutters, “Shutting… Down…”
- Grace attempts to cast Create/Destroy Water – however, the Hollowing takes effect – and a shimmering portal appears in front of her – and suddenly Stirges pour out (62 – Stirges! Stirges appear and magically drawn to attack (only) you for 2d4 rounds! Each time one is destroyed another magically takes it’s place!)
- Anathema places the inert Korton in the wagon and the wooden
- Meanwhile, Grace again tries to cast Create/Destroy Water – which she knows, hopefully will also get rid of the pesky Stirges flying at her – however, as the Spell’s arcane words leave her lips – her stomach suddenly turns and churns (50 – Can’t hold it in! You’re unable to control your bowel movements, releasing everything inside of you as soon as you eat. This lasts 2d10 rounds.)
- The spell goes off – and manages to douse the fire on the ship
- The party turns their attention to their wooden friend. Anathema asks, “What are all these plants?”
- The wooden creature explains, “Korton has them all documented on a sheet. Where he got them. And some of the nature he’d already observed.”
- “Yes, but why?” Anathema asks
- “Oh, he was going to take them back to Gnomewhere.”
- “Nowhere?”
- “Gnomewhere.”
- “Nowhere?”
- “Gnome-Where.”
- “Gnomewhere?”
- “Yes. That’s what I said.”
- “Where is Gnomewhere,” Anathema asks
- “Out there,” the wooden creature gestures towards the sky. “A place called the Astral Plane.”
- “Well you need to get out there and make sure you capture those plants!” Grace demands
- “I was one of the captured plants,” the wooden creature replies. “I just got to know Korton, because I was able to speak.”
- The party announces a unified, “Ooooo.”
- Grace looks at Anathema, “Maybe if we reactivate Korton, he will have reset?”
- Anathema nods, opens the back and plugs in one of the wires. Korton’s eyes light up, “-click- Destruction Sequence… 6 minutes…”
- Anathema quickly removes the one that activates Korton and shakes her head. “No. Definitely not. If we have any hope of fixing him we need to find someone who understands how these wires work.”
- Grace looks at the wooden creature and asks, “What’s your name?”
- “My name?” it asks. “Wow, no one ever asks! My name is Oakwood.“
- While speaking to Grace and Anathema – the two also Insight him – and he seems since
- The party then resumes their voyage to Marius Vren farm – and notice that the land is indeed mud – the landscape is drenched. Several of the livestock are covered in mud and seem skittish as the wagon approaches
- Marius Vren comes out to meet the party. “Please tell me you’re from the Ivory Coast and help investigate what’s going on! My land is covered in mud – and just about every night, I hear my animals cry out – and when I peer through the window – I see something that looks to be the size of a hill giant – but it’s always gone when I get my weapon and come out!”
- They speak with Marius Vren – and decide they will wait until night when he comes out – so the party pulls their wagon into the barn and wait
- Grace tries to Create/Destroy Water inside the barn – however, the Hollowing takes effect (4 – You feel like you’ve really toughed up – literally! – as your skin turns to stone and you become an Earth Elemental for 2 rounds dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage to ANY kind of attack. The spell however fails this round.)
- Suddenly, Grace feels it all around here – there is a giant near – she can feel its ancient essence all around her. The effect of turning into an Earth Elemental is short lived, however, lasting only a brief time – but she tells the others, that the presence of a hill giant is clearly all around them…
- They wait inside the barn… and as the night comes… and darkness falls…
- Suddenly the livestock sound panicked…
- The party swings upon the door – and suddenly it’s very clear why Grace had felt the hill giant all around them… because… he is the mud…
The random effects of this year’s Hollowing event are below –
Dice Roll | All Spells Go Off When Cast, Unless Otherwise Noted Below. Effects last only 1 round unless noted otherwise. |
#1 | You suffer from heart burn… that is, right up until you turn into a Fire Elemental for 2 rounds, dealing an extra 2d8 Fire Damage on ANY kind of attack. The spell however, fails this round. |
#2 | You feel very emotional – like you’re going to cry! Right up until you turn into Water Elemental for 2 rounds, dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage to ANY kind of attack. The spell however, fails this round. |
#3 | You feel like you are about to scream – right up until you turn into an Air Elemental for 2 rounds, dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage on ANY kind of attack. The spell however, fails this round. |
#4 | You feel like you’ve really toughed up – literally! – as your skin turns to stone and you become an Earth Elemental for 2 rounds dealing an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage to ANY kind of attack. The spell however fails this round. |
#5 | Whoops! That spell misfired – but um – turned a Random Player Invisible for 2 rounds! The invisibility doesn’t break if an attack is made. Too bad they can’t see themselves so attacks are at disadvantage! |
#6 | Whatever spell you were TRYING to cast – comes out in the form of water – and does the same amount of damage – except the damage is bludgeoning damage! If it was already bludgeoning damage! It’s now double damage! 1 Round. |
#7 | Your true feeling revealed? The spell misfires and casts SILENCE on a Random Player for 2 rounds! |
#8 | Your spell goes off successfully! Phew. But right after it does, you’re over come with fear and bolt in a random direction using your movement (1=North, 2=South, 3=West, 4=East) for 1 round |
#9 | Your spell fails to go off – but it’s had a different effect! Any spell that targets you automatically fails and hits the caster instead! No savings throw, they automatically fail! This lasts 1 round. |
#10 | Your spell fails to go off – but it’s had a different effect! Any melee/ranged non spell attack against you is automatically redirected at the attack and hits them if their attack would have hit you! This lasts 1 round. |
#11 | You’ve always wanted to be stealthy like the Rogue! Well, now’s your’s chance! Your spell fails to go off and casts Silence on YOU for 1d4 rounds! |
#12 | Spell Goes Off – No Side Effect |
#13 | A Faerie Dragon appears and breathes upon the enemy! (See Faerie Dragon) It disappears after breathing. |
#14 | Your spell fails to go off – but, you become an Air Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 on a d6 – you can use a Whirlwind attack (Strength DC13) and inflict 3d8 bludgeoning damage on a target that fails! Half as much on a successful save. |
#15 | Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Water Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 on a d6 can send a water surge attack (Strength DC15) and inflict 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a target that fails! Half as much on a successful save. |
#16 | Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Fire Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 (d6) you can send a fire surge (Dexterity DC 14) and inflict 4d8 fire damage on a target that fails, half as much on a successful save. |
#17 | Your spell fails to go off – but you become a Earth Elemental for a round – and on a roll of 3-6 (d6) you can ground pound (Dexterity DC15) and knock a target prone on a failed save. No effect if they save successfully. |
#18 | Spell Goes Off – And your spell does an additional 1d6 Force damage. |
#19 | Spell Goes Off – And your spell does an additional 2d6 Radiant damage. |
#20 | Spell Goes Off – And your spell does an additional 3d6 Fire damage. |
#21 | Spell Goes Off – No Side Effect |
#22 | Spell Goes Off – And What’s This? Your Gender is swapped for 2d4 Rounds! |
#23 | Your Spell Goes Off – However, the magical energy turns into a colony of stirges and suck 10d10 damage from the target of your spell. It’s a very, very, very gruesome scene. |
#24 | Your Spell goes off – but your head turns into a Pumpkin for 4 rounds! Intelligence checks and saves at at Disadvantage! |
#25 | Your spell fails to go off – however, you turn a Random party member into a living scarecrow (they can not speak during this time!) for 4 rounds! Fire does double damage to them! |
#26 | Your spell fails to go off – however, you turn a Random Party member into a Black Cat (they can not speak during this time!) for 3 rounds. Their attacks now deal 2d4 damage. However on a successful hit, the target has Disadvantage on all attacks and saves due to the Bad Luck they’ve now gotten! |
#27 | Your spell fails to go off – however, you turn a random party member into a Ghost (they can still talk but it sounds creepy!) for 2 rounds! They have a chilling touch with any melee hit that does an additional 2d10 Necrotic Damage. |
#28 | Your Mind is protected! You’re immune to all pshyic damage for 1d4 rounds! |
#29 | Your gender is swapped for 1d4 rounds! |
#30 | The gender of a party member (randomly selected) is swapped for 2d8 hours. |
#31 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – the spell slot however is used. |
#32 | Any melee attack by you heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#33 | Any melee attack by someone in your party heals for 1d10 damage. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#34 | Your spell – if it does any form of damage – is a critical hit – doing maximum damage in addition to the rolled damage. |
#35 | Your body hair grows 2d20 inches! |
#36 | You magically heal to full! |
#37 | You magically heal 10 points! |
#38 | You magically heal one of your companions (randomly selected) for 10 points! |
#39 | You turn into a Spirit! Melee attacks don’t work against you unless magical! Spells, however, still work against you. Your touch does 2d8 Necrotic damage. This lasts 2 rounds. |
#40 | Bodily gas! You can’t control your gas! Stinking Cloud centers on you, but you are immune to its damage – anyone within 20′ of you takes 3d6 psychic damage. This lasts 3 rounds. |
#41 | You polymorph into a sheep for 1 round. |
#42 | Species shift! Your body changes! 1 = Elf, 2 = Human, 3 = Gnome, 4 = Goblin, 5 = Dwarf, 6 = Halfling, 7 = Aasimar, 8 = Tiefling. This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#43 | You magically recover all spell slots! |
#44 | You turn into a Vampire! You can bite (Unarmed Strike) someone for 3d6 Necrotic damage. The damage you deal HEALS you! Holy Water does x2 damage against you! This lasts for 2 rounds. |
#45 | Fireball centered on you – everyone within 60′ of you must make a DC 13 Dexterity Check or take 3d10 fire damage. Successful save with half the damage. |
#46 | You froth at the mouth for no good reason. This lasts 4d10 rounds. |
#47 | Fey Dance! Fairies appear around you, or one of your companions (randomly selected) and dance. You are forced to stop doing what you’re doing and dance for 1d4 rounds. |
#48 | You legs turn into frog legs! You can leap 30′ as an action. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#49 | Backed up! You’re constipated for 2d10 rounds. You suffer the Poisoned effect during this time. |
#50 | Can’t hold it in! You’re unable to control your bowel movements, releasing everything inside of you as soon as you eat. This lasts 2d10 rounds. |
#51 | You turn into a Mummy! You can unleash your wraps causing the Restrained condition – Dexterity DC 13. The Restrained lasts as long as you are a Mummy which is 2 rounds, unless you change out of Mummy form before then. |
#52 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#53 | You draw magic from one of your companions! They lose a spell slot, but your spell did not cost one for you! (How nice of them to give up a spell slot for you!) If there are no other casters to borrow spell slots from, the spell does not go off. |
#54 | A Succubus/Incubus appears – seeking to please you. It will constantly plead to please you for 1d4 rounds, before departing. |
#55 | You hate clothing. You strip down. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. |
#56 | All your companions are teleported to be standing right next to you. |
#57 | Fleas! You’ve got fleas! You’re bit and scratch yourself for 2d4 points of damage! The fleas leave after 1 round. |
#58 | Your body turns to liquid for 2 rounds. During this time you can move half speed, but can not talk, attack, etc. |
#59 | Misty Step! For 4 rounds, you can Misty Step 20′ as a bonus action. |
#60 | For 3d4 rounds, any melee attack you make deals an extra 2d4 damage! |
#61 | For 1d4 rounds, a random person in your party has fists of fire (randomly select) dealing an extra 2d4 fire damage! |
#62 | Stirges! Stirges appear and magically drawn to attack (only) you for 2d4 rounds! Each time one is destroyed another magically takes it’s place! |
#63 | You are teleported d100 feet away from your current location (d4 = 1 North, 2 South, 3 West, 4 East) |
#64 | You become lucky for 2d4 rounds! You can reroll any 1’s (hits, damage, saves, etc) |
#65 | Nothing happens. Spell goes off normally. No side effect. |
#66 | You make someone lucky (randomly selected from part) for 1d4 rounds (they can reroll any 1’s – hits, damage, saves) |
#67 | Everyone’s hair around you grows magically 1d4 feet in length! |
#68 | The fates smile! Any hit against you – melee or magical – is forced to be rerolled for 2d4 rounds! |
#69 | You suddenly begin to levitate 2d4 feet in the air! You movement reduced to half speed. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#70 | Your spell goes off (if it’s a damage spell, it does x2 rolled damage) – but also siphons your life force – doing 3d6 damage, but never reducing you less than 1 Hit Point. |
#71 | The body hair of everyone who is friendly to you grows 3d10 inches! |
#72 | Turn of luck! Any critical fail (Natural 1) becomes a Natural 20! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#73 | Friendly Mental Enslavement! One of the party members of the party is forced to listen to your every command (except self harm) for 1d4 rounds! Randomly selected! |
#74 | A pair of shoes materialize around your feet – binding you there for 2d4 Rounds! |
#75 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) gain a +1 ability for 2d4 rounds. |
#76 | All forms of metal around you (weapons and armor) disappear for 2d4 rounds! |
#77 | You grow an extra arm! You gain one additional melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 2d4 rounds! |
#78 | One of your party members (random selected) grows an extra arm! They gain an extra melee/ranged attack! This lasts for 1d4 rounds! |
#79 | You cast the spell – but the spell never happens – and somehow two spell slots were used! |
#80 | With a quickness! Your mind flows! You can cast two spells as single action! This lasts 1d4 rounds. (It uses a spell slot for each spell) |
#81 | Roll a D20 each round! Any time you roll less than a 8, you take 1d8 psychic damage! This lasts for 2d4 rounds. |
#82 | Your skin grows copper scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#83 | Your skin grows silver scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#84 | Your skin grows brass scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#85 | Your skin grows platinum scales! This lasts for 4d10 rounds! |
#86 | Your skin grows bronze scales! This lasts 4d10 rounds! |
#87 | You realize if you spend an action vomtting you can cast Magic Missile as projectile vomit at Level 1. This lasts 1d4 rounds. |
#88 | Nothing Happens |
#89 | You magically grow 1d4 feet! This last for 4d10 rounds! All melee damage does an additional d4. |
#90 | One of your companions, randomly selected, grows 1d4 feet, for 1d10 rounds! All melee damage does an additiona d4 damage. |
#91 | You shrink down 1d4 feet! All melee damage is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#92 | You shrink down one of your companions 1d4 feet! All melee damage from them is reduced by d4. This lasts 2d4 rounds. |
#93 | Your words breathe fire! You can cast cone of fire once, in a 15′ cone, doing 2d4 fire damage! |
#94 | You smell like a blooming flower patch for 4d10 rounds. |
#95 | You smell like rotten sewage for 4d10 rounds. All social checks are at disadvantage. |
#96 | You grow 1d4 eyes on your face. You can not be surprised. This lasts 4d10 rounds. Any social checks are at disadvantage. |
#97 | You spell goes off normal – but flowers fall from some portal above you, raining down in a 60′ radius centered on you. |
#98 | Betrayal! You decide to target any harmful spell towards a companion (randomly selected) and any useful spell towards an enemy (randomly selected) for 1 round. |
#99 | You grow a beard! If you already have one, it grows an additional 2d4 feet! |
#100 | Roll Twice – Both Effects Happen! |