Notable Ships, Places and NPC

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  • Adoy – A hermit Hadozee who lives in the forests of Kruezadune. Why he lives in the forest (if he was banished, shunned, or it was his choice) remains unknown; the adventurers who had encountered him, unfortunately startled him before learning too much more about the information he could have provided.
    • Status: Alive (Astral Plane, Kruezadune)
  • Airey Moonstone was a human who was in love with a human named Martell. However, she was abducted by a wizard who professed his love to her (despite her disinterest in him) and was abducted so that she could not be with Martell. The wizard, an elderly man named Boris Den had a tower just outside her town (in Westbrook). She and Boris both died when Boris’ imp, who had grown tired and jealous of being neglected by Boris, betrayed his master and caused the tower to explode, taking the life of both Boris Den and Airey Moonstone.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1182
  • Alareesa – She was a High Elf Mage who was murdered by a jealous lover. She extracted her revenge against her lover, but sought final rest, but could not until the murder weapon was recovered.
    • Status: Undead (Shadow Island)
  • Alyson Rainscribe – She was a human on Eaglerock Island, who lived in Kaltore and fled when Lord Brenmoon’s marched on Kaltore, killing all who were there, including her husband, Zedvar Rainscribe. Alyson would end up dying, for reasons unknown, waiting for her husband at a watch tower, where she was awakened by a group of adventurers, who would end up helping her find peace again.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock Island)
  • Alyssum Pratense – A male human rogue that was seen traveling with a caravan headed to the Broken Lands.
    • Currently alive
  • Ankarin – When Ilyx was destroyed, Ankarin was one of the first humans to settle the land and begin forming an empire. He formed a massive empire and stood against those who worshiped the “voice in the sand” named Kryton. While Ankarin did not believe in blood sacrifices, like those who followed Kryton (he thought it was foolish to kill his people and reduce their numbers) – he, however, had no problem having his trusted mages turn to using Necromancy to ensure his armies were vast in size. When his own demise was imminent due to his age, he turned to his mages who kept his armies strong to mummify him – it is believed, Ankarin was the first to do such a thing, creating a tradition that spread through the shattered lands of Ilyx. Centuries later, Ashen’var – in search of powerful magic, discovered Ankarin’s tomb – and used it to channel more magic into a sphere – creating a second sphere. The first he’d created, had banished Dragons where he siphoned their magic. This second sphere, he channeled all the divine energy that had sundered Ilyx centuries ago – using the sphere as a battery for infinite magical resources.
    • Status: Dead
  • Annie Longstocking – A red headed halfling who runs an orphanage in Felhorn, as many adults end up “taken by the mist.” Once children on Eaglerock reach the age of eighteen, they cease aging due to the curse on the island. DM Note – Yes, the name Annie and redhair is intentional as in Little Orphan Annie, and the surname is a reference to another young, redhead Pippy Longstocking.
    • Status: Alive
  • Aoil, the Emerald dragon – Aoil is a Emerald Dragon that was captured by the Githyanki in order to trick another dragon, Kvars, the Topaz Dragon, to fight with the Githyanki. Aoil had been abducted by the Githyanki, orchestrated by their cleric, Lara’tur in order to place the blame on the Earth Genasi and have Kvars fight with the Githyanki.
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Earth)
  • Appointed One, The – The Appointed One is voted in by the Hadozee on Kruezadune, and their true name is erased from being spoken (for to say their name and not their title is an insult insinuating you do not respect or honor their title).
    • Status: Alive (Kruezadune)
  • Arem – He is an Azer, and the son of Krom. He and his father established trades with the dwarves – in exchange for adamantine which was present in the mountain, the Azer provided controlled Fire Elementals to heat down the metal that was normally almost impossible to smelt without magical flame.
    • Currently alive
  • Argus BloodstoneArgus is a human black smith, with black hair, long black beard. His wife has passed, and he is the sole provider for his daughter, Elyra (who had gone missing, and was rescued). Elyra takes after her mother, with shining blue eyes, and golden hair.
  • Aric Lightsoul – Aric was a devote follower of Florasena and married to a Cleric of Florasena, named Lyrisa Lightsoul. They were originally from the continent of Tawaim, in pursuit of a necromancer named “Jaqueline” who’d aligned herself with a powerful force of orcs, namely their chieftan, Olith. Aric was ambushed and murdered and when Lyrisa went to get her revenge, she too was ambushed, then murdered by the necromancer, Jacqueline, whom they’d been tracking down. Both Aric and Lyrisa’s bodies were left as warning signs. They were both buried at the graveyard north of the Ivory Coast, however, their restless spirits were awakened when a necromancer rose some of the dead in that graveyard. Aric regained control of himself, but unaware he was undead and actually a wight. Lyrisa rose as a banshee. Several adventurers offered to help defeat Aric and bring him back to the graveyard to find peace again.
  • Status: Deceased.
  • Arkin, Captain – He is a Hadozee who runs the Spelljammer known as The Night Howler. He helped tow some adventurers to his home planet (a massive forested area on a floating asteroid in the Astral Plane known as Kruezadune. His best friend and first mate is another Hadozee aboard the ship named Seris.
    • Status: Alive (Astral Plane, Kruezadune)
  • Arrik Boulderclash – Dwarven War Commander who fought during the Drow War that involved the rise of a Drow Priestess to an adamantine Drider body, representing her goddess.
    • Currently Alive
  • Arvil Greystone – an old wizard, who used Necromany to trap the soul of his deceased wife. Hired adventurers to find his crystal ball. He explains he has a son named Varek who vanished over 10 years ago. Arvil turned himself in after the adventurers returned with his son. Arvil was tried and found guilty and hung for his acts of Necromancy.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1185
    • Varek Greystone, son of Arvil, had run away and led the goblins and kobolds and delved into Necromancy to try and raise his deceased mother. Varek was defeated by the adventurers and captured alive and brought before the Church where he was tried and hung for his acts of Necromancy. Varek’s body was mysteriously dug up during The Hollowing event, and noticeably his hand had been severed. The reason for the severed hand was never discovered.
      • Year of Death (Approx) – 1185
  • Asad Sulamain – A young human cook who worked at the Alashamar Alkalhara (which translates to The Eternal Sun) and employed by a group of adventurers to cook at their pyramid in Drastor.
    • Status: Alive (Drastor)
  • Asador Moontouched – A Tiefling whom Avacyn started a fight with in Lakefront in order to cause a distraction. Asador is a fighter and traveling to Drastor.
    • Status: Alive
  • Ashen’Var – There is very little known about Ashen’Var’s true past. He is believed to be the oldest elf that ever lived – the rumor speculating that he bore witness to the gods shaping the world and taking it from Terrorskew when they wiped a large majority of existing life to “reshape the world.” If that is to be believed, then he was around to the actual birth of the dragons into the world, as well as witness The War of the Heavens, in which all written history was wiped from the world, and the Age of Darkness was born. He was the sole person to know how and why the dragons vanished from the world suddenly. He made himself more widely known in the year 1110, where he was simply called “The Ashen Elf” (due to his grey skin appearance). He began gathering ancient relics, and raising ancient temples, all lost to the records of history – and he began siphoning the magic from them. He claims to be doing this to stop the rise of the orcs – and one orc in particular who was blessed by Grumthak, god of the Orcs! However, a group of adventurers came in contact with Ashen’Var and discovered he (or the gods, fearful of the dragons’ powers) had trapped the dragons in another realm and he was siphoning their magic to grow in power. He’d nearly achieved godhood, but the adventurers who now had a choice – in order to stop him, they would need to shatter a sphere – in which the dragons had been trapped – in doing so it would release the powerful force of the dragons back into the world – both good and evil – or to let Ashen’Var essentially wipe out the orcs – and anyone else “he considered a threat” – faced with no real choice, the sphere was shattered, freeing the dragons – and greatly weakening Ashen’Var – and with the help of a “Lost God” – they were able to put a stop to Ashen’Var. However, the world is still missing much of it’s great magic that once existed… perhaps somewhere in Kne’Urth… another sphere may yet be found…
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1124 
  • As’zar’vari’tium – A powerful and supposedly ancient Beholder who has spent its time collecting the many treasures of artifacts in the world. Learning of this new continent where new artifacts were surfacing, As’zar’vari’tium used his great wealth to purchase a boat, hire hill giants to move it and goblins to guard it – and had his treasure relocated to the new continent. However, news never reached As’zar’vari’tium of the ship’s successful voyage, indicating that his treasure may have been lost at sea. As’zar’vari’tium eventually made his way to Drastor to see if some of his shipwrecked items ever turned up on the black market that was extremely lucrative in Drastor, before deciding to take over the black market entirely. One of his eye stalks was wounded in the coup, and he became known as “Ninesword” (each of his eye stalks a lethal weapon) – though he’s used his influence to spread rumors about who “Ninesword” really is, to cause confusion. (After he gained the secret giving skull gem appearance).
    • Currently still alive (and furious)
  • Avalyn “Bonecracker” – Avalyn was the sister to Avacyn the Merciless, and she fought the heroes as they were pursuing Avacyn and Avalyn’s mother through the caves. She fought the heroes, commanding several orcs as well – but in the end was rendered unconscious. Avacyn took it upon herself to send her sister to the afterlife, by crushing her throat. DM Note – Avacyn, during a moment of roleplay had mentioned that they had brothers and sisters who were still loyal to “the cause” – so I thought it would be interesting to create a named Orc and have it be her sister for some dynamic conversation and roleplaying.
    • Status: Deceased
  • Azamu Ku’koto – A woman, along the Path of Enlightenment who enticed a group of heroes into her home. Despite her beautiful appearance and kindness, the heroes eventually discovered she was a Jorogumo Yokai – a monster, native to the Seven Kingdoms of Utsukkuen – who are human women who have spider like appendages that can grow out of their back, once they’ve tricked a victim. DM Note – Since the group for this adventure has two Monks I did some research into Japanese lore to look up some creepy stories. That’s where this came from.
    • Status: Deceased


  • Bahlraug Bloodlust was a Half-Ogre who served along side the brigands who marauded around Spire’s Edge. He worked for Kallen Dahl. Bahlraug is seeking the gauntlet formerly owned by Kallen Dahl. However, as luck would have it, much like Kallen Dahl, he would perish at the hands of a group of adventurers after he kidnapped Barus Gravestone and his daughter, Avalyn Gravestone.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1186
  • Barakus – Owl Bear that had been captured by the Dominus Tenebris carnaval.
  • Baransu – An elf monk who was born in Seven Kingdoms of Utsukkuen who was known as “The Balance” because of his ability to weigh all things before making a choice; and often would do something questionable just as quickly as he would do the most pure of things. He had a wife, daughter and son. During the Hollowing, his wife and son were abducted by Illithid who came to the surface during the darkness to enslave elves and humans (and use some as food). Baransu created a cestus – one of light and one of darkness – and went after the Illithid. His wife, was unfortunately slain, but Baransu was able to save his son. He became obsessed with the idea, his mind broken by whatever he’d endured or seen during the rescue, that the Illithid would be coming back to seek revenge – so he forged another set – and planned to give the dark set to his son, for his son had witness the darkness below; and the light set to his daughter. However, he would pass before he could. His daughter, unable to bare the idea took her brother and fled – leaving him at the footsteps of a monastary before disappearing herself. (Note: This is directly tied to Hartmut’s background).
    • Status: Deceased 
  • Barek Demonstone is a 36 year old human mage, blond hair and green eyes; he lived outside the edge of Skotland on Tawaim. He was generally mistrusted by the people of Skotland.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1182
  • Barkspear, ChiefA gnoll chief who took over the deserted city of Stormthunder on Shadow Island, driving away the goblins who’d claimed it after it’d become a ghost town.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Island)
  • Barton Stormlight, a human bartender of The Broken Stone located on Tawaim. He’s on the heavy side, badling, black hair, and green eyes. His daughter is named Leesa, who is a waitress at The Broken Stone.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1112 
    • Leesa Stormlight is a young (19 year old) waitress who worked for her father as a waitress at The Broken Stone.
      • Year of Death (Approx) – 1142
  • Barus Gravestone, human mayor of Spire’s Edge (city that had been attacked by a blue dragon and kobolds and left devastated).
    •  Currently alive in Ivory Vale
    • Avalyn Gravestone, daughter of Barus Gravestone, Avalyn is a Cleric who follows the goddess Tavara (Goddess of Weather/Rain/Thunder). She was abducted by Bahlraug Bloodlust, a half-ogre who had hoped to torture her to make Barus confess about the Gauntlet.
      • Currently alive in Ivory Vale
  • Battletoad, King – King Battletoad is the leader of the loose band of Bullywugs that live in the Shadow Vale. His “kingdom” consists of the Death River and the Death Swamp as his area that he rules over. However, despite the distance (but perhaps due to the secret passage that connects the Death Swamp all the way to where Kuo-Toa resides, if you travel beneath the stone – using the massive body of water beneath) – King Battletoad has waged a war with the Kuo-Toa, and would do anything to stop them and their “rise to power.” King Battletoad often led his Bullywugs on assaults on the dwarves, prior to the basilisks taking over the Crystal Caverns, as the dwarves formerly mined the unique crystals found there, due to the nature of those crystals being grounded down to powder and smelted into the metal, gave it a unique sheen to it. His reasoning for attacking the dwarves is unknown, but can probably be assumed that humanoids were in “his kingdom.”
    • Currently alive in the Shadow Vale (Ivory Vale)
  • Bearhog – Bearhog comes from a race known as B’rohgs; similar to massive giants, he stands 30′ tall. He helped several heroes against a beast feeding on animal meat he also fed upon on Kruezadune.
    • Status: Alive (Kruezadune)
  • Belgar Daggeredge – Mayor of the Ivory Coast. Human, blond hair, green eyes, walks with a limp (on his right leg)
    • Current status: Alive, Ivory Coast
  • Bishmani – An honorable Samurai that once fought for Seven Kingdoms of Utsukkuen – and was thought to be one of the greatest Samurai’s ever. He was, however, ambushed and murdered by a band of hobgoblins who then captured his soul before it could ascend – and twisted it with magic – and threw it back into his body. He now leads a large band of hobgoblins.
    • Status: Undead
  • Bizkan – an old goblin, considered the “Shaman” of his people, living on an uncharted small (10 mile by 10 mile) island somewhere between Tawaim and “Vareen” (the newly discovered continent).
    • Currently alive, “Mysterious Island”
  • Blackwell – Blackwell is a human who runs the stables out of Spire’s Edge. He often trains horses for the guards. It’s unknown if Blackwell is his first or last name, as he’s given no other name to anyone other than “Blackwell.”
    • Alive (Spire’s Edge)
  • Bootoor – Goblin who serves King Terralol. They lived in the sewers of Stormthunder on Shadow Island.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Island)
  • Borius Darkstorm & Elliana Darkstorm – They were an Incubi and Sucubi couple who took on a human guise and created a hedonist cult. Their ruse was discovered by a Paladin by the name of Orius Silverstrength. However, the cult existed for so many years, where couples had shared lovers and celebrated the goddess, Prenah – that there is undoubtedly many whom had mated and bore children with the Incubi and Sucubi couple. Both were banished by Orius.
    • Current status: Banished
  • Bral Forgestone – Human who is an expert weapon maker when it comes to hunting weapons. He lives in Korvask/Fourstone.
    • Status: Alive (Eagle Rock)
  • Bram Kessler – Bram Kessler is a human monk who learned that his monasteries’ mortal enemy, the Hobgoblins, had partnered up with the metallic dragons of the world, to be a part of their army. He’d gone to investigate what more he could learn – and discovered that the metallic dragons are amassing for something much larger. However, he was captured during this mission. A party was sent out to try and find and rescue Bram – and managed to do so, fleeing from a white dragon!
    • Status: Alive
  • Bran Bladesong – Bran is a weapon merchant who was traveling from the Ivory Coast to Ridgecrest with a group – and believed the party was being trailed by a dragon. His overactive imagination was partially due to his creative side. His life long dream had been to become an artist, but he took up being a weapon vendor because that was the family business. During this time in believing the caravan was being trailed by a dragon, he drew a map in the dirt and realized again how much he loved doing art.
    • Status: Alive
  • Brandon Crowfeather & Erica Crowfeather – Wereravens who joined in the battle against the Vargouille attack at Greenhaven. They give instructions to the party if they hope to cure Waesyn from the Vargouille bite, they will need to seek out Shelly Cadwell at Lover’s End; and go on to explain that Lover’s End is a massive tree where many, consumed with depression, go to hang themselves. In the meantime, Erica Crowfeather had kept the Daylight spell going on Waesyn to prevent the infection from spreading. DM Note – Brandon Crowfeather is based on Brandon Lee from The Crow (among many other movies, but I really loved The Crow movie). Erica is based on “Eric Draven” – femized Eric from The Crow. Eric Draven was the person who became The Crow. Shelly Cadwell – the first name Shelly comes from Eric’s love interest in The Crow, her name was Shelly. The last name Cadwell comes from Brandon Lee’s mother’s maiden name.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Brawnstone Dawnslight – An Arch Priest on the continent, who is a Priest of Florasena located in Bistream who has been using some of the Church’s funds to purchase some of these artifacts coming from the new continent, Vareen. Several events he’s sensed seem to center around the continent – including the death of eight gods – as well as more magic being released into the world. The church became aware of a Tabaxi named Skrizz who had planned to sneak into the Church and acquire some of these relics – but a trap was sprung and Skrizz was captured. Brawnstone explained to Skrizz that if he agrees to escort one of his clerics to Vareen – and keep her safe – and upon her safe return – he will wipe the slate clean all across the continent of any of Skrizz’s criminal record – it proves to be an offer Skrizz can’t pass up and he’s assigned to help Grace Obadiah, an Aasimar Twilight Cleric.
    • Status: Alive (Tawaim)
  • Brenmoon, Lord – Lord Brenmoon was the second most powerful Lord of Eaglerock and despised how well liked Lord Starfall had been. He craved his power and respect, and more importantly, to command the Rocs, for which Eaglerock was known. Lord Brenmoon conspired against Lord Starfall, and employed the evil wizard Razathorn to help with his plan. First was to make Starfall lose the faith of his people; which was done by tricking him into killing the love of his life. Then, he began turning to madness – and soon, Brenmoon – or one of his agents (this has yet to be revealed) – got in the manor and turned him to stone – but not before ripping out his heart first. Through Razathorn’s research, Brenmoon learned a way to attain eternal life from a Satyr they captured and tortured name Ossis. The down side was a weakness to day light, similar to actual vampires; this was something known as Feypire (or Feympire). Brenmoon gathered all the resources and gave them to Razathorn to cloak the island in a never ending mist; the unknown side effect was that it prevents people from aging once they’ve reached maturity (this has to do with the Fey’s natural long life span). Once this was achieved, Brenmoon cast Razathorn out, seeing no further use for him – causing a division. Lord Brenmoon then sent his soldiers to gather all the metal workers and made smithing weapons and armor illegal, for fear that someone may attempt to rise up against him. Lord Brenmoon’s symbol/crest.
    • Status: Alive (as a Feypire/Feympire, Eaglerock)
  • Brez Hallenfire – Prince of the Fire Giants of The Shadow Vale. Brez threw in his allegiance with the Drow High Priestess, believing that his father’s attempt at maintaining the Ordning was an old, out dated method, that has proven of late to be an utter failure. So he saw the power the Drow High Priestess possessed and threw in with her – she granted him use of Water Elementals to prevent the Azer from returning to their portal. A party of adventurers, opposing the Drow High Priestess aligned with the Azer and managed to kill Brez. There may be consequences of course, for killing the Fire Giant Prince.
    • Slain by the party of adventurers in 1,187
  • Brick Sellsword – A human fighter employed by Kraun, working out of Lakefront. Brick suffered some form of brain injury at a very young age, while fighting and can not remember his own past. The resulting brain surgery has left him very slow – but what he lacks in mental capacity he makes up in pure brawn. Kraun found him and hired him – and when he asked his name he couldn’t remember so Kraun named him “Brick” because he was as dense (muscle wise) as a brick, and “Sellsword” because that was the profession he was, under Kraun’s services.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Bruadar Clach – A Stone Giant Dream Walker who approached a dwarf by the name of Ginny (Gineva Bavara) – a follower of Jaris – and explained that he foresaw the released of an ancient, fallen angel back into the world – and the fallen angel’s release will trigger the balance of good and evil to violently sway in favor of evil. This fallen angel’s presence will create a rippling effect – where the Chromatic Dragon Armies will begin to gather, gods will die, and one creature of great evil will seek godhood. All of this will upset the Esholon of the Giants, who will sense this evil and enpower those who believe the Esholon should fall to strike out at the ancient order of giants, because they will see the gathering of dragons as a threat to the giants. Should war break out across the face of the world between giant and dragon – it will be like what happened on Shadow Island – only on a much larger scale.
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Coast was last known location)
  • Burlap – Burlap is a Berbalang, who had been captured by the Dominus Tenebris Carnival when he was searching for a powerful magic item and spying on an opposing demon of his own master. When the heroes finally defeated the Carnival, Burlap – like many others – was set free. He eventually came to Eaglerock, sensing powerful magic. He encountered several heroes in the haunted Starfall Estate, who believed he was a winged goblin (despite his protests).
    • Status: Alive
  • Bloodhooves, Chief – Chief of the Centaurs of the Jade Forest. After the events that released Verastin – while thankful that other adventurers had come along and helped put an end to the Green Hag who invaded the Jade Forest after the Dryad’s demise; he no longer wants “outsiders of any kind” in his woods, as he seeks to try and save it from the damage inflicted by outsiders and their dark magics.
    • Currently alive in Ivory Vale (Jade Forest)
  • Boondah, Chief  – A Kobold Chief on the island of Eaglerock, who had managed to capture a Faerie Dragon and became addicted to the rapture breath of the Faerie Dragon. He was killed in a coup, led by three kobolds and a small group of adventurers, who escaped with the Faerie Dragon.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock)
  • Bloom FlowertopOne of the pixies that agreed to help some adventurers put an end to a Mind Flayer operation where they’d been using Ogres and an Ettin to control and gather food (and slaves) for the Mind Flayers.
    • Currently alive in Ivory Vale
  • Boondah, Chief – Chief Boondah was a kobold leader in the Swamp of Despair on Eaglerock who was known to be ruthless. However, when a faerie dragon had been captured by the kobolds, Chief Boondah claimed ownership of it and developed an addiction to the faerie dragon’s euphoric breath. In an effort to overthrow their now useless chief, a kobold by the name of Kril encountered a party of adventurers in the swamp while he and his two companions were out seeking the black dragon who was rumored to live in the swamp and question what they should do about Chief Boondah. The party proved to be just what Kril needed – they helped kill and get rid of Chief Boondah as well as drive away the Chief’s cook, Chellah, who was a notorious poison maker.
    • Status: Deceased (Eaglerock)
  • Boom-Boom Steamstone, King – his exact age is unknown; but he’s over 100 years old and rules in Rockhome, in Tawaim. He is an easy going king, very passive. He believes the more holidays there are to celebrate steam related inventions, the better. As a result, it does not take much for King Steamstone to “create” another holiday. Rarely, however, are any of the holidays carried over annually, because gnomes do not keep track of time (and thus have no concept of a calendar).
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1162
  • Boris Den – A human wizard who had abducted the love of his life (though she did not love him in turn) – a young human female named Airey Moonstone and turned to Necromancy to remain young. He had a tower he had done all his work in, just outside of Westbrook which exploded (thanks to his own familiar betraying him) killing him as well as Airey Moonstone.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1182
  • Bradbury – human owner of The Nightshade located in Redstone.
    • Currently alive Ivory Vale (Redstone)
  • Bran Homeforge – Brother of Dran Homeforge, they were with Gor Hammerstine when they were captured by Drow, but rescued and joined the party to find a cure to the poison.
    • Currently alive Shadow Realm (Ivory Vale)
  • Bristor & Dollen – Bristor and Dollen were human warriors who served Kraun, as caravan guards. They’d been told to summon a group of adventurers that Kraun was interested in offering a job – namely the Paladin, Adrian – whom Kraun had offered a job previously, and had the paladin decline – which infuriated Kraun. Bristor escorted Adrian and Buppido – and when Ragnaroc tried to follow – Dollen went back to ask him to go back to the party – and that his companions were safe – they were going to be asked to do a job. However, Ragnaroc would not back down – and it escalated – and though Dollen was hitting Ragnaroc, he was clearly doing subduing damage, as he did not want to jeapordize his boss’ deal – and just wanted to stop Ragnaroc from following. Ragnaroc, however, responded with lethal damage, and killed Dollen and hid his body in the bushes. When Dollen never arrived, Bristor knew that Ragnaroc had been responsible and tormented him for some time. Ragnaroc (and Sephrenia) would be abducted after their drinks were spiked – and it’s unknown if Bristor was behind it. No clear evidence pointed towards him being the one. Ragnaroc eventually confessed to the murder and showed Bristor the location of his brother’s corpse.
    • Status: Bristor (Alive, Broken Lands), Dollen (Deceased)


  • Caith Mathan – He is a human who lives on Eaglerock. He used to be a Ranger until he was infected with Lycanthropy – and eventually became a Werebear. He knows Ramgor who is also on Eaglerock and had asked him for help – and Ramgor employed some adventurers he knew were willing to risk their lives to do the right thing.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Caleb Kabir – Large human who is well respected in Drastor for his amazing smithing abilities. Though a native to Drastor, Caleb ventured out into the world to learn more about blacksmithing, and is said to have gained the respect of dwarves, from whom he had learned from. In Drastor he is the primary smith the city turns to for forging weapons and armor for the guards. Caleb was also hired by Adrian and Don Kanin to help at their base (Session 72).
    • Status: Alive (Drastor)
  • Caravan – Headed to the Broken Lands
Wagon 1RaceGenderNameClass/Profession 
1HumanMVren StormlightTraderBrown hair, brown eyes; romantically interested in Shalla; Black Smith
2HumanFShalla SerpentbaneTraderBrown hair, green eyes; serpent tattoo on arm; draws beautifully (Mansion)
3Half-ElfFPolaris WolfbloodRangerWorks for the Raven’s Eye; chews on apples a lot; fearful of an ancient wizard
4Dwarf (Mountain)MThelmus IronstoneFighterRed hair, blue eyes, tends to slur his words; expert armor maker (was at the mansion)
5Dwarf (Mountain)FThorkuna HammersideFighterBrown hair, green eyes; hammer necklace she figets with a lot (was at the Mansion)
6HumanMCirsium CarviWizardYoung wizard, blond hair, green eyes; enjoys doing shows for children, grew up with a hard life
Wagon 2     
1Half-ElfMTorin StonepassageTraderBlond hair, blue eyes; hair in three braids; paces a lot, very jumpy, talks to himself (was at the Mansion)
2High ElfMMars FallenstarTraderGreen hair, green eyes, smiles constantly; stares off in the distance, untrusting (was at the Mansion)
3Dwarf (Hill)MArgar FireaxePaladinRed hair, green eyes, trimmed beard, expert weapon maker (was at the mansion)
4Dwarf (Hill)FMorrena ForgemakerPaladinRed hair, green eyes, iron braclets, whispery voice
5High ElfMKearic SkywiseFighterPart of the Natural Defense Order; expert with darts, paces back and forth
6HumanMAlyssum PratenseRogueBrown hair, brown eyes; on the run from the law, sticks to the shadows, doesn’t talk much
Wagon 3     
1HumanFAmbrosia MaculosaTraderRed hair, green eyes, freckles; trades in food
2GnomeFRose FlamestrikeWizardBlond hair, blue eyes, red and black mage robes (was at the Mansion)
3Dragonborn (Silver)MXarmarsh SilvercrownBardSilver skin, yellow eyes, blind in right eye; expert at darts; former lover of Baldaara (Mansion) – Part of the Natural Order
4Dragonborn (Bronze)FBaldaara FaircircleDruidBronze skin, yellow eyes, fashionable; skilled actress, former love of Xarmarsh (Mansion)
5Half-OrcFCotula BloodpineBarbarian Black hair, green eyes, soft green skin
6TieflingFAmaranthus LucopsoidesSorcererPurple flesh, horns, tail, red eyes, dark purple hair; delights in her odd appearance
Wagon 4     
1TieflingFAbey AditsanTraderRed skin, grey hair, ice blue eyes; trades in furs and leathers
2HumanMAnoki TochoMonkBrown hair, brown eyes, keeps to himself, meditates a lot
3Genasi (Water)MFlynn FydorWizardBlue eyes, blue hair; keeps to himself, doesn’t really trust anyone
4Goliath (Walking)MZaafir MountainsideClericBelieves that the gods are in peril (especially after the recent murder in the heavens)
5GoblinMGavark Boo’tarkRogueGoblin who is madly in love with a halfling bard; he’s on a quest to find her and be reunited
6Dwarf (Mountain)MMaaran CleavestoneFighterBlack hair, blue eyes, drinks a lot, talks even more
Wagon 5     
1AasimarMVauru SunbornTraderBlond hair, blue eyes, colorless pupils, sings beautifully. Part of the Mystic Alliance.
2AasimarFMaanika RubystoneTraderRed hair, green eyes, trades in precious gems
3HalflingMMorobunce HillshireTraderBrown hair, brown eyes; sings (horrible) – Was at the Mansion
4HalflingFDaisy HillshireSorcererBlack hair, brown eyes; Extremely social; suspicious of everyone (was at the Mansion)
5TabaxiFGaagii TalonhawkRogueLeopard type fur; green eyes, playful, flirty
6TabaxiFGaarwine TalonhawkBardLeopard type fur; green eyes, sings a lot
Wagon 6     
1HumanFSalana BrightbladeRangerBrown hair, green eyes, long, single pony tail; speaks a number of languages, former lover of Brekkar (Mansion)
2TritonFPaavak TidemoonFighterBlue skin, blue eyes, uses a trident, fearless
3Lizard PeopleMTaahir SkygloomBarbarianRed tones on scales; yellow eyes; quick to anger
4Lizard PeopleMTaarush SkygloomPaladinGreen tones on scales, yellow eyes, always seeking to be peaceful
5TieflingMKortar StormwaveRogueBlue skin, blue eyes, very Jack Sparrow like in regards to attitude
6HumanMBrekkar FarrunnerRogueBlond hair, blue eyes, scar over right eye; sings and hums frequently, former lover of Salana (Mansion)
Wagon 7     
1HumanMVarus OathbladeFighterUp front warrior, who enjoys combat; red hair, green eyes
2KenkuMHollowRogueBlack feather, black eyes, beak painted with tribal designs; very shifty
3TieflingMTalarys HopebringerPaladinGrey flesh, black hair, red eyes; Stoic, doesn’t talk much (was at the Mansion)
4DwarfFLady Silverbeard of the Golden HallsBardRed hair, red beard, war/tribal paint on her face; loud, boistrous, breaks out into song a lot
5AasimarMBarek LightbringerClericDirty blond, hazel eyes; always wants to do clerical things and do them right
6Half-ElfMBaren SoulcleaverBarbarainBrown hair, brown eyes, wears a wolf head as a helmet
Wagon 8(For Caravan Event)    
1Gnome (Rock)FEldeth HammerlightBardFriend of Don Kanin / Old Flame of Bupido
2HumanFKaliea MoonguardRangerRival of Sephrenia (Sephrenia had met her before – and stolen a golden pin of hers)
3Half-OrcMGrum ThakbloodFighterInterested in Ragnaroc’s Gold (from Gambling) / Lost against Ragnaroc
4TieflingMKraun TorodonRoguePropisioned Adrian to do a criminal job; he declined – he got upset with Adrian (Bristor – Guard Alive, Dullin – Guard Dead)
5HumanMBren DarkensunPaladinMember of the Belaros Cult (Ragnaroc recognized him)
  • Caravan traveling to Drastor with the Discovery party:
    • Tonias Stonekeeper – Human Male Food Merchant
      • He has several people in his caravan
    • Kelli Starfield – Female Elf Jeweler
      • Has a few Elves in her wagon
    • Motivo – Male Tiefling Weaponsmith
      • He has several people in his wagon
    • Vi – Female Aasimar Armorsmith
      • She has several people in her wagon
  • Caraus Stonesteam – A rock gnome who spent a great amount of time around dwarves, often making trades. He became experienced in herbalism which he used to create healing potions – which the dwarves, often needed – whether from burns at the forge, or the battles against the goblins and orcs. Caraus eventually left the mountain and made his way to Ridgecrest. He became well known as an herbalist there, often treating wounds. This got him a pass to Mid-Ridge, which was eventually upgraded to High Ridge, where he runs a healing shop called Stonesteam’s Dreams.
    • Status: Alive
  • Cass Lightmage, Captain – A female captain of the Griffon’s Crest ship. She got rid of her cargo in order to carry more passengers (as that proved to be where the money is – but also meant stopping along several islands along the way to gather supplies and trade or hunt for food and medical supplies).
    • Status: Alive (Sailing)
  • Celan Gradon – She is a female Eladrin elf who came to Eaglerock, pursuing a Rot Troll and a Venom Troll from the Feywild, who were among two of many trolls “blessed by the dark gods Sarenthar (god of trolls) and Skortavrian (god of poison) – who are solely alive to spread disease and destruction in their path. When she had come here she was trapped by a wizard. The wizard demanded to learn who and what she was and how he could syphon the magic from her. That wizard was Marius Silverstone. She lied to Marius and revealed how he could have her magic if he lets her go. He agreed, but she knew he was lying. She channeled a burst of her magic into him which over loaded him and made him go mad – and he ran off, stark raving mad. She’d expected the barrier to drop, but it did not – so she continued to burst with magic thinking that Marius might still be alive (this unintentionally turned him undead restoring his ‘life’ as a ghast). She would eventually be freed by a group of heroes along with Caith Mathan. She like others discovered she could not portal out of Eagle Rock. She asked her rescuers to track down the two trolls she’d originally come after, while she recovered from her wounds. She would also tell the adventurers how she is aware of a hag named Krysinda who is somewhere on Eagle Rock, as well as a Satyr friend of hers named Ossis, who never returned (and now she knows why – due to the spell that prevents leaving the island). She wondered where Ossis was – and was told of his fate – and told the heroes how he might be saved. She was tended to and cared for by Caith, from her wounds, who provided her with food and herbs, and the two have developed a romantic relationship with one another.
    • DM Note: Celan Gradon – her name is an anagram for the word “Dragonlance” because of the newest Dragonlance book that was released for D&D 5e at the time. Celan is the word “lance” shuffled around and “Gradon” is the word “dragon” shuffled. I swapped first and last because Gradon Celan sounded too masculine to me. 
  • Chellah – A Kobold cook who served Chief Boondah. Chellah was removed from the tribe after Kril took over as chief, as he did not trust Chellah, who was notoriously known for being an excellent poison maker – and those who had previously opposed Chief Bonndah often died “mysterious deaths” – that many speculated to be the work of Chellah’s poisons.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, Swamp of Despair)
  • Coal The Black – A Black Dragon that has found itself trapped on Eaglerock – unable to leave, due to the curse over the island. Said to live in the Swamp of Despair. (DM Note – the Swamp of Despair is a nod to EverQuest’s Swamp of No Hope. I was an avid EverQuest player back in the day).
    • Status: Alive (as far as anyone knows)
  • Cobalt the Blue – Cobalt the Blue is a blue dragon seen flying around Drastor, typically with an armored rider. The Blue Dragon, Cobalt, which was responsible for attacking the majority of the major city in the Broken Lands, known as Drastor (See The Adventurers – Session 69)
    • Status: Alive
  • Coral – Daughter of Seatide, who located a few heroes to help defeat the “Sea Witch” – a Sea Hag named Jarnius.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Seas Kingdom, off the Shadow Island Coast)
  • Crenshaw Cutlight – A human tanner in Lakefront, well known for his tanning skills as well as his hunting. He helped Korra turn the Displacer Beast Hides she’d had into Cloaks of Displacement.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Crescent the Moonstone Dragon – Crescent is a young Moonstone Dragon that has found himself trapped on Eaglerock, due to the curse which prevents flying above certain heights – or even away from Eaglerock. This is all a part of the curse to ensure no one flees, and that the “mist can be fed.” He employed a small group of adventurers to travel to one of Razathorn’s Mage Towers on Eaglerock and destroy the Cauldron of Shadows which was being used to corrupt dragon eggs. The wereravens faithfully serve as Crescents eyes and guardians against Lord Brenmoon’s forces.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Cur’nors, Chief – Chief Cur’nors is the leader of the Lizardfolk in the Shadow Vale. He has led his people in a great war against the trolls who have come and invaded their swamp lands and contaminated their waters. Chief Cur’nors was the first chief to erect a giant dinosaur/dragon totem that stands sixty feet tall and proclaimed it their goddess. Several years later, a young green dragon found her way inside the Shadow Vale and seeing that the Lizardfolk worshiped this totem, proclaimed to be their goddess, for the sheer joy of tampering with them – her name is Kala’Shin (meaning in the ancient elven tongue ‘born of great evil‘). Cur’nors, with the help of some adventurers, was finally able to defeat the trolls after they had recovered the beaded necklace that the Lizardfolk had made for their totem.
    • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)


  • Daggerpoint the Spite, and Locke the PseudodragonDaggerpoint is a Sprite who rides on the back of a Pseudodragon named Locke. Locke has the personality of a lazy cat, prefering not to fly, but rather lounge in the sun on the floor or on a treebranch, where as Daggerpoint sees himself as someone who is critical to the world’s fate and very self important. The duo met a group of heroes who’d been hired by Jarick to investigate the growing, sickly green mist in the Jade Forest.
    • Status: Both Alive (with Daggerpoint still arguing with Locke, no doubt)
  • Dalara Daylight – She is a human female who runs a clothing shop, aimed at the more sophisticated look, to the more sensual look (namely lingerie), called Dalara’s Delights. One of the heroes named Galiena, approached her, and asked to work for her, to pay for some new clothing. The party purchased a number of outfits from her.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Dalasmon – Dalasmon was an ancient Treant in Kaltore who became corrupted by the power of a hag named Krysinda. The treant demanded the people of Kaltore to sacrifice one of their own – each full moon to sedate it’s vampiric hunger. The people of Kaltore believed this was a good thing, that they would become part of the root (and often changed “We return to the roots”) – because the more Dalasmon fed, the more roots grew wildly throughout Kaltore, which the treant used to defend itself from approaching attackers.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock Island, Kaltore)
  • DanelaDryad who had been assigned to protect the Great Tree in the Jade Forest, knowing it was the prison for Verastin. However some cultists do manage to capture her and enact an ancient ritual that releases the fallen angel after her throat is slit and her blood and heart are used to complete the ancient ritual. Tragically her danger and demise attracted the ancient protector of the woods, a Unicorn named Starhorn who was then tragically killed by Verastin using the unicorn’s own horn to pierce its heart and turn it into a Nightmare. It was later revealed that she and Orius Silverstrength had fallen in love, and she bore a daughter through their mating.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1185
  • Darius Blackmane – A human wizard who gained so much knowledge that his mind and body were torn asunder, turning him into an Allip. He was able to maintain control of some of his sanity when a skull cursed gem was stolen by thieves. He had a tower in Lakefront that collapsed and killed him (turning him into an Allip, rather than granting him the death he craved) when the undead dragon, Ebony attacked. A group of adventurers later encountered Darius in his Allip form. They agreed to find the cursed skull gem and take it to the Broken Lands and have it destroyed. However, it’d been the item Kraun (a tiefling) had hired them to steal – which they did and returned to Kraun, since he was headed to the Broken Lands also – the heroes planned to steal it from him once they got into the Broken Lands so they could see it destroyed.
    • Status: Undead/Allip form/Awaiting the destruction of the Gem Skull to be free
  • Darko Wintersage (prior to his curse) / Darko Wintersage (cursed) – Darko Wintersage first came in as an apprentice for a powerful mage named Mordak. (Mordak would go on, later to adopt an alias on Eagle Rock as Razathorn). During his time serving Mordak, he was in charge of Mordak’s manor in the Ivory Coast, when it was suddenly attacked by a small band of undead, led by a mage wearing blue robes who took a very powerful spellbook. He would employee a group of adventures to help track down the tome. Later, under Mordak’s command, he would be sent to Shadow Island to look into a relic a Coven of Hags had discovered – a meteorite that was supposedly a portion of one of the Celestial Stars. It was there he would team up with a duo in search for that meteorite. Some point later, Darko would end up on Eagle Rock (presumably sent there by his master, Mordak). While there, Darko Wintersage served with Razathorn. It’s unclear if Darko ever realized that Mordak and Razathorn were the same person. However, when Razathorn was exiled from Lord Brenmoon’s services, Darko reflected on what he believed to be the winning side, and sided with Lord Brenmoon. When Darko was found, he’d revealed to the party that found him, that he’d been murdered. He explained he’d been a part of Lord Brenmoon’s forces who attacked the village of Kaltore, because it was the primary source of metals (including mines where materials to make steel were being mined). Lord Brenmoon had outlawed armor and weapons on the island, and any caught wearing or using them, were immediately put in prison (where they were often never heard from again). During that attack on Kaltore, someone snuck up behind Darko and shoved a rod (an Immovable Rod) through his head – which not only killed him, but pinned him to the ground. He suspects the magic of the rod gave him his current status of being a flying, magical skull with flames. The party realized that with Darko having worked with both Razathorn, the Wizard, and Lord Brenmoon, the evil overlord of the land, that he could have valuable information. Darko agreed to share some as soon as the party found him a body he could possess so he could cast spells again.
    • Status: Undead (Eaglerock Island)
  • Daz Twostone – Dwarf who runs Twostone’s Steel located in Havar.
    • Status: Alive (Havar)
  • Dean Firearm – One of the farmers in Greenhaven on Eagle Rock, who runs Dean’s Delicious Apples farm. He had hired some adventurers to seek out and rescue his friend, Domar, who had gone into the swamp in search for Whistling Leaf.
    • Status: Alive
  • Delilah Hopetree – A young, beautiful woman in Greenhaven who was almost taken as one of Lord Brenmoon’s “concubines” to live in the Keep with him. However, Baldur interfered and was able to spare her from that fate.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, Greenhaven)
  • Den Mother, The – The Den Mother was a leader of a pack of ruthless gnolls who had been tormenting the people of Spire’s Edge and neighboring towns. The Den Mother had come across an ancient tome of spells that allowed her to preform dark magic unseen for thousands of years. She was defeated and killed by adventurers who were hired by Thoris Blackoak to put her down.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1185
  • Dennin – The supposed “Cook” at the Lord Starfall Estate on Eaglerock, when in truth he was a cannibal who had been infected with Lycanthropy. His fed a group of heroes, and when he believed that they had eaten his poisoned food – he revealed what he truly was. However, he was defeated and killed.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock)
  • Dezarin- Elderly, human wizard in the Ivory Coast. He was asked by the leader of the Raven Claw guild to wipe the memory of several adventurers who had been led down their by one of their new recruits (who had also, coincidentally, been a member of the guild).
    • Currently alive in Ivory Vale
  • Domar Runningrock – One of the citizens of Greenhaven on Eagle Rock. He used to head into the swamps to fetch whistling leaf. He is a good friend of Dean Firearm, who runs Dean’s Delicious Apples.
    • Status: Alive
  • Dominus Tenebris Carnival –
    • Bella Donna (Carnival Employee)
    • Caladium (Carnival Employee)
    • Challa Lily “Lily” (Carnival Employee)
    • Clematis “Clem” (Carnival Employee)
    • Datura Stramonium (Carnival Owner)
    • Dogbane “Dog” (Carnival Employee)
    • Gloriosa Lily “Glory” (Carnival Employee)
    • Hemlock “Hem” (Carnival Employee)
    • Hen Bane “Henny” (Carnival Employee)
    • Maikoa “May” (Carnival Employee)
    • Toloache “Tolo” (Carnival Employee)
    • Malik (Enslaved Cyclops)
  • Dorel Blackblight – A human rogue, who had been infected with wererat Lycanthropy and gave in to the darker urge – and stole a cursed skull gem – which whispered endless, powerful secrets – however, extremely cursed, driving those in possession of it, absolutely mad – but also infecting them with an uncontrollable greed that prevented them from allowing the skull gem from their site. Dorel murdered some of Kin Ravenclaw’s guild members to steal it, and was in turn, hired by Kin to kill Dorel and his small band of rogues, which a group of adventurers had successfully done.
    • Status: Deceased
  • Dorn Greenleaf – Male wood elf who owns a flower shop in Lakefront. He sold flowers to Adrian who was preparing for his date with Isabella Crowfeather.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Doro Winelove Doro is an older, but attractive, potion maker in the Ivory Vale, running her own shop, “Doro’s Potions – The Best Potion Shop.” Her husband had left to the Broken Lands, over twenty years ago, and never returned – she presumes he’s dead. She took a liking to one of the heroes named Hartmut.
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Dran Homeforge – Brother of Bran Homeforge, they were with Gor Hammerstine when they were captured by Drow, but rescued and joined the party to find a cure to the poison.
    • Currently alive in Shadow Vale (Ivory Vale)


  • Earth Genasi Rebels on Plane of Earth: A small group of Earth Genasi rebels fighting outside of their castle to strike at the Githyanki from behind formed. A party encountered them while on the Plane of Earth and they joined forces.
    • Moonstone (Cleric) – The Quiet Leader, very close to Terra
    • Ria – Druid/Shaman
    • Jasper – Bard/Lore Keeper
    • Delta – Ranger/Scout
    • Mica – Wizard (Oxbow’s sister)
    • Oxbow – Warlock (Mica’s sister)
    • Terra (Fighter) – Brash warrior, rushes right into battle without thought or consideration.
  • Ebony The Black – Ebony was a black dragon that had been hunted and killed by a pair of dragon hunters. Ebony’s head was placed as a trophy at The Stone’s Throw Inn and Tavern in Spire’s Edge. However, after being attacked by a blue dragon and kobolds, the current owner of the inn (Thoris Blackoak) sold the head to donate the money towards rebuilding Spire’s Edge. Onyx tracked down the new owners of the head trophy and murdered them and recovered Ebony’s head; and then used the Staff to resuccrect Ebony who then tracked the pair of dragon hunters down to the town of Lakefront where he proceeded to murder everyone. Ebony did manage to get a hold of the dragon hunters and ripped their heads off their bodies and placed them on spikes outside of Lakefront. Ebony was however, defeated by a group of adventurers.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1176
    • Resurrected – 1185
    • Year of Death (again) – 1186
  • Edinna Pleasantleaf – A female gnome mage, originally from Rockhome, who supposedly received a direct message from Ellaros, God of Root and Nature, to take some gnomes and go to The Forest of Ruin located east of Rockhome on Tawaim and settle there. She’d done so, taking quite a few followers and established a small village that the others elected to name after her, calling it Pleasantleaf. She remained there until the village had become self sufficient, before once again, departing – though this time taking no one with her and telling no one why she’d left – leaving her reason for her disappearance rather mysterious.
    • Status unknown if alive or dead (Rumored to have been headed for Ivory Coast)
  • Ellana Treeglade – A human woman who was madly in love with Lord Starfall, however, due to trickery from an evil wizard named Razathorn – she was killed by Lord Starfall and now haunts the manor’s foyer.
    • Status: Undead (Eaglerock)
  • Elrik Bloodblade – Elrik is a half-elf, brown hair, hazel eyes, thin beard. Scar over his left eye (apparently from a lion attack, for which the inn is named after; the lion’s head hangs over the bar). He runs the guild called The Lion’s Maw, which is also a bar for the “questionable” types.
    • Status: Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Emarus VioletskyDalara Daylight’s attractive assistant.
    • Status: Currently Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Emereth – Believed to be the oldest dragon in existence – Emereth is vicious and cruel for the sake of being vicious and cruel. She slaughters not out of necessity or need, but for the thrill of chaos and murder. She’s responsible for the destruction of hundreds of towns, villages and cities, and has decimated and wiped out entire civilizations, leaving only decaying corpses behind. She has at least one known daughter named Kala’shin. There may be other offspring.
    • Currently alive
  • Emarus VioletskyOne of Dalara’s employee’s that works at Dalara’s Delights, and used to model some of the clothing, including a famous fashion icon named Accio. Emarus modeled a dress for Galiena.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Ergus Arkthorn – A human who left Tawaim, because he’d never had any luck – at anything and sincerely felt as if he was cursed. He came to the new land and arrived at the Ivory Coast, headed out when the caravan he was on was attacked by Hobgoblins. He quickly fled into the bushes rather than defend himself or help the others and spent the next six weeks hopelessly lost before finding his way back to the Ivory Coast. Believing his ill fortune he brought towards others had continued, he took up the job he had previously on the main continent of Tawaim, and became the Graveyard Keeper for the Ivory Coast, joining the existing Graveyard Keeper Muarin Sorllin. As luck would have it, Ergus’ ill fortune in the lives he touched continued, as Maurin was killed by giant spiders drawn by the supernatural events in the nearby graveyard. Strangely, the hand of Varek Greystone was found to be responsible – still wreaking death two years after he had been hung and his hand had mysteriously been severed.
    • Ergus Arkthorn, Currently alive
    • Maurin Sorllin, killed 1187
  • Erihk Starfall, Lord – Lord Starfall was the Lord of Eaglerock and happily in a relationship with Ellana Treeglade. However, he was tricked by Razathorn – and from the looks of things, appears to have had a one night stand with a tavern waitress in Felhorn by the name of Layna Ollarina. This information was told to Ellana who questioned – and could not forgive Lord Starfall. In his descending madness, also influenced by Razathorn, who promised Lord Starfall a sure way to win her back – turned to dark arts. Razathorn convinced Lord Starfall to kill Ellana, out of love – and that he would raise her – with her mind “reset” having forgotten the “incident.” Lord Starfall did so, driven mad already – but Razathorn did not keep his promise (he never intended to). Ellana rose as a spirit and haunts the manor’s foyer. Lord Starfall was found, his body a statue – and noticably – his heart seems to have been ripped out.
    • Status: Deceased (Turned To Stone)
    • The Roc Riders “The Chosen Eight” –
      • Zakk Darklight (Deceased)
      • Earl Crownstar (Deceased)
      • Dorik Damstorm (Deceased)
      • Tharn Cloudrider (Deceased)
      • Brien Delvar (Deceased)
      • Jon Brightstone (Deceased)
        • The above all had their graves pulled out and into guest rooms, while Lord Starfall was still alive, because he believed a great evil was coming for him and the Chosen Eight (well, six of them) would rise and defend them; as the vow to become a Chosen Eight is “… through life and death, we will rise and defend the Lord of the Rocs.”
      • Unknown Seventh Rider
      • Unknown Eight Rider
    • Status: Alive (Barawaui) 
    • Estel, Councilor – He is an Astral Elf located in the Astral Plane, specifically the home of the Astral Elves, Barawaui. He assured a party who had captured a Githyanki spelljammer, that they might be able to use the clerics to house the spirit of a slain solar dragon to take the place of the original spirit of the spelljammer that fled when the ship had been captured.
      • Status: Alive (Barawaui)


  • Falsour, Lady – Lady Falsour is a potion maker in Felhorn, on Eaglerock. She claims to run the best potion shop (though Doro, in the Ivory Coast might debate that).
  • Ferin Unthall – She is a Captain of the Drow army on the Plane of Earth. She had come to the Plane of Earth, leading a squadron to deceive the Earth Genasi and acquire the Elder Ring, which they succeeded in doing. They awaited the command of their Priestess which never came (she had been slain). With the arrival of the Githyanki, everything fell into chaos and the Drow fled into the mountains on the Plane of Earth, where they have established themselves. However, Ferin had been caught by Githyanki and tortured for information, but Ferin is not one to break – and believes in honor above all else (she is essentially a Knight in the Drow order). She was rescued by a party, and the High Elf Sephrenia spoke with her about their common enemy – and Ferin agreed – the Githyanki must pay and an alliance was forged.
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Earth)
  • Fein Maheas – A High Elf who proclaimed she was more beautiful than Nifika herself (who is often viewed as the most beautiful of all the deities) – from here, the story varies – some say Nifika herself cursed her, some say, Seerana, the goddess of Fate cursed her, some say Nifika had Seerana curse her – whatever version of the story it is – Fein’s vanity had reached the ears of the gods, through an angel – and a curse was bestowed upon Fein, that anyone – man, woman, child, animal, any living being or creature – who met her gaze would be forever turned to stone, so that no one could ever admire her beauty and live – and those that did, would meet their fate by turning to stone, forever trapped. The name of her curse was Medusa – meaning of serpent and stone in Ancient Elven. But the gods were cruel in their curse, for they gave Fein eternal life as well, so that her curse could never come to an end; she would be eternally beautifully, but never could be looked at. As if that were not enough, Fein was also cursed that she could never bring injury to herself or her offspring. Vengeful, Fein turned her back on her goddess and called upon Nifika’s greatest enemy – the serpent demon lord, Nebakrau. Nebakrau embraced her new form and welcomed her into his domain transforming her into the first Marilith demon. The legend states, there are humans who follow Nebakrau called Yuan-Ti, who aspire to become Marilith demons; some become something known as Nightmare Callers, other ascended to Marilith status; others are returned to the world as Medusas, due to failing their task that Nebakrau has given them…
    • Status: Deceased (Or So It Is Believed)
  • Frel “Lucky” Horseshoe – Frel “Lucky” Horseshoe got his name due to his incredible luck. He simply seems to always have things go his way; even when disaster strikes, Frel seems to always be safe. When the undead dragon, Ebony attacked Lakefront, a building collapsed around Frel who had been trying to help people – however, when the wall collapsed, where Frel had been standing where the open window on the fallen wall was, so other than some minor scratches, he escaped with very few wounds. One of the adventurers – a rogue named Korra turned to Frel to gather information about her missing companions, which he’d managed to quickly find.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Frostscale – The female white dragon that led the attack against Spire’s Edge. The reason for the attack remained unknown as it seemed that the idea was to steal valuables from Spire’s Edge rather than the rampant murder and mayhem. Frostscale led an army of Kobolds in the siege of Spire’s Edge. After making several attacks, Frostscale departed and allowed the Kobolds to run into the city to begin looting. A group of adventurers came upon the tattered town just after the attack and fought the Kobolds.
    • Currently alive in the Ivory Vale (believed to be in Frostmane to the north)


  • Gaagii Talonhawk & Gaarwine Talonhawk – Tabaxi twins, with Gaagii being a bard, while her sister, Gaarwine is a rogue (who often picks the pockets of those enamoured by her sister’s performance, which often includes a sexually suggestive dance). They were seen traveling with a group of adventurers, headed to the Broken Lands.
    • Currently alive (Broken Lands)
  • Galiena’s Potential Dates – fromThe Dating Connection (Session)
    • Waesyn Oakenpath – Human Warrior (Alive)
      • Note – based on Arnold Swartenager – Galiena recognized he was from the small island of Thalaustrea
      • Waesyn refused to accept he lost and went out to find them and prove he was the better choice – this resulted in being bitten by a Vargouille. But with the help of the Wereravens, the party was able to find a cure.
    • Genren Quinnen – Slender, Human (Bard)
    • Varyn Summerwish – Human (barbarian)
    • Rolyn Moonfall – Human (Wizard)
    • Tilmad Sabor – Young Half-Elf (Fighter)
    • Balgun Sternrest – Elf (Ranger) – Won the third slot for a date with Galiena.
    • Kharam Drenstone – Elf (Fighter)
    • Inalin Boltbelt – Gnome (Illusionist / Tinkerer)
    • Ibapen Cobblesong – Gnome (Bard)
    • Samorn Bubblespot – Gnome (Fighter)
    • Wenzu Swiftstride – Halfling (Cleric)
    • Gorik Teabottle – Halfling (Paladin)
    • Norvon Dancemoon – Halfling (Warlock)
    • Ramgor Demun – Human (Fighter) – from the Broken Lands. Won first place on Galiena’s dating game.
      • Kamanche – Ramgor’s personal steed. Believed to be imbued with magic. DM Note – when I lived in Puerto Rico, my sisters had a horse named Camanche, for which this horse is “named after.”
      • Walter – Ramgor’s second best horse. Walter and Baldur developed a kinship. Like Kamanche, it is believed the colored tattos actually imbue him with magic.
    • Akursa – (Female) Tiefling (Warlock)
    • Kavium Tiefling (Paladin of Prenah). Won second place in Galiena’s dating game.
  • Ganny – Ganny was a human friend of Ergus Arkthorn, who Ergus had mentioned passed away, whose corpse Ergus witnessed, being devoured by a carrion crawler. Ergus asked Ginny, at Ivory Coast, to get some “foolish adventurers” up to the graveyard to get this business with the undead taken care of.
    • Status: Deceased (Ivory Coast)
  • Garr’ynch – He was a kind Hadozee who was tricked by the silvery words and dealings of a Cambion and became cursed; his heart trapped in a crystal as the Cambion took his form and ruined his name. He was rescued by a group of adventurers.
    • Status: Alive (Astral Plane, Kruezadune)
  • Garrus Hammerstone is a dwarf who dedicated his time by remaining in Lakefront, after it’d been destroyed by Ebony the Black. Garrus had collected donations, including from several adventurers, which would go into rebuilding Lakefront so that these people could have a home to go back to.
    • Currently alive (Spire’s Edge)
  • Gavark Boo’tark, a goblin that had been charmed by Calliope but ended up becoming infatuated with her. (Note – I also referenced him as Gavarak Boo’tark). He was seen traveling with a caravan headed for the Broken Lands, in hope of finding the love of his life.
    • Currently alive (undoubtedly still trailing Calliope)
  • General Va’rum – One of the Drow generals, serving under Ferin Unthall, who was last known to have the Elder Ring of the Plane of Air. He and Ferin were separated during a Githyanki ambush on their base beneath the mountains on the Plane of Earth.
    • Status: Presumed Alive (Plane of Earth)
  • Gergie WoodfireHuman who runs the White Fang Inn and Tavern in Felhorn, on Eaglerock.
    • Status: Alive
  • Gillan Blackfoot – Mayor of Ridgecrest, who is a male High Elf.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale, Ridgecrest)
  • Gineva Bavara – A female dwarven cleric (of Jaris) located in the Ivory Coast. She’d approached new comers and asked them to help find the family of a girl who survived an ordeal – of the family’s wagon being attacked.
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Goarus Doomsilk – Goarus Doomsilk is a vicious Drow alchemist who has little regard of any form of life – as understanding how magic works – and how beasts contain magical properties (such as the “shimmering” done by Displacer Beasts) will result in Goarus’ desire to dissect and understand how it works. He’s gone as far as to even dissect his own kind. He was the one who had Nor’Orn Greenskin, the goblin as a slave; and it’s from Goarus (at the hands of extensive verbal and physical abuse, including being subjected to various experiments) that Nor’Orn learned by sneakily watching Goarus and reading his notes and becoming just as good as Goarus (though Nor’Orn’s sanity did not remain intact – so his intelligence is often lost in the clouds of his insanity).
    • Currently alive (Shadow Vale, Ivory Coast)
  • Gogert Wayfair – He is the owner of the Drunken Dragon located in Greenhaven on the island of Eagle Rock.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Goosar – Goosar is a Plasmoid herblist on Kruezadune and runs the shop “Goosar’s Goo” which is a potion shop. He met several adventurers who had come to his shop.
    • Status: Alive (Astral Plane, Kruezadune)
  • Goris Trailbreaker – An old, retired, human warrior that once served as a Caravan guard (that went to Ridgecrest to Drastor, in the Broken Lands) – who has had experience dealing with the local hobgoblins. A group of heroes were told to seek him out, as he might have information, after a human female named Neila Stormblade claimed her husband and children had been abducted. He explains he suffered a wound to his leg that forced him to retire; but he tells the heroes about the more frequent attacks that Hobgoblins have been making (capturing locals) – and provides a map of their most common ambush locations.
    • Status: Alive (just outside the Ivory Coast)
  • Gor Hammerstine – One of the King’s Men, serving loyally under  King Thariak Froststorm – The current ruler of Thoridun, the Dwarven Kingdom located beneath Blue Ridge Mountain. Gor had been captured by a Drow Captain and his recruits, but rescued. Gor and the two brothers, Bran and Dran Homeforge agreed to venture with the party.
  • Greymountain, Lord – Lord Greymountain is the current ruling king in Everstone Keep on the Plane of Earth.
  • Grath Honorbound – The first known Hobgoblin that led the goblins in the revolution against the orcs in Utsukkuen, supposedly crafted by Maglubier, the god of the goblinoids.
    • Supposedly died in 796, but was never confirmed.
  • Grendel Brightforge – Dwarven childhood friend of Pren Flintrock. Was revealed that he was actually a Doppelganger when a group of adventurers exposed him for what he really was. The Doppelganger was killed. The time of Grendel’s death (if he was indeed killed) when the Doppelganger took his place is unknown.
    • Deceased.
  • Grosh Forgeheart – Grosh Forgeheart is a dwarf who runs an armor (and weapons) shop in Redstone called Dwarven Steal. He’s perhaps one of the few dwarves known to have a sense of humor and enjoy a good pun on words. He sold equipment to a group of adventurers that were scaling Redstone Mountains to search for a red dragon reportedly seen in the area.
    • Status: Alive
  • Grotte Stonespring – A young human boy who seemed to be infected with a unique form of lycanthropy – in which a stirge who fed on some form of lycanthropy infected person then fed on Grotte, passing the curse and the disease into him – creating a stirge-like lycanthropy. So far, he’s the only one known to have such an affliction, but with the population of the stirge on Eaglerock – there’s a good chance this disease may spread to others who are bit by infected stirges. He was rescued and saved from the curse, thanks to the potion made by an Eladrin.
  • Grum Thakblood – Half-Orc who claims to know Ragnaroc, although it’s unclear if he was lying at the time – simply hoping to start a fight.
    • Currently Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Status: Alive (Eagle Rock)


  • Harakin – Harakin had been the sole survivor from a Githyanki raid on his spelljammer. He’d been gathering supplies for their war against the Githyanki when several Githyanki ships broad sided him, hiding behind several floating stones in the Astral Plane. The Githyanki murdered his crew and captured Harakin and tortured and starved him. He was rescued by a party and returned back to Barawaui.
    • Status: Alive (Barawaui)
  • Haroon Sean ‘The Seam’ Vohra – Haroon who goes by Sean, his middle name, or sometimes referred to The Seamster, works and lives in Drastor. His business was destroyed in the dragon attack that happened in Drastor (Session 69), however he was gainfully employed by Korra to help repair the sails on their Spelljammer (Session 72).
    • Status: Alive (Drastor)
  • Haylin Stormlight – a male Aasimar aboard the Destiny’s Courtship who holds the position of Medical Pursue, responsible for the well being of its crew and passengers.
    • Currently still alive
  • Heima Kipa – Lore Master of the Mage’s Tower/Great Library in High Ridge located in Ridgecrest. Heima Kipa is an elf, born in the Seven Kingdoms of Utsukkuen. As the Lore Master he had many mages who report directly to him. Of note are the following –
    • Borivian Stormcaller – An male Aasimar who is a Chronicler located in Ridgecrest.
    • Delliana Thorne – A female human who is a Scroll Master located in Ridgecrest.
    • Airifar Oakdreamer – A male elf who is a Scroll Master located in Ridgecrest.
  • Hellina Kaitlyn DeramuHellina (who goes by Kaitlyn) was the supposed “maid” of the haunted Lord Starfall Estate, when in truth – she’d washed ashore from a ship wreck and made her way to the manor seeking help. Dennin, who was there, and a wererat, was attracted to her, so rather than kill her – he attacked her and infected her with Lycanthropy, turning her into a wererat. He said he could help her control her urges, if she promised to stay at the manor. When Dennin, Shorkil and Hellina revealed themselves to a small group for what they truly were – murderous wererats – only Hellina was spared, and eventually developed a relationship with the hero, Baldur.
    • Status: Alive (Controlled by Baldur)
  • Hollow – A Kenku Rogue, who is an experienced archer. He was seen with a caravan, headed for the Broken Lands. He seeks the power to restore his flight and his true voice and hopes a relic in the Broken Lands can help make that happen.
    • Status: Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Horak Splinterwood – A gruff human who runs the Pegasus Wing Inn and Tavern in the Ivory Coast.
    • Status: Alive


  • Igoss Glintsteel – A human merchant who was traveling in Eaglerock when he and his companions, and fellow merchants, found themselves attacked by “murderous gnomes” that managed to kill several people. He employed the party to look into the murder gnomes, as he’s never seen anything like them before – he explains they wore boots of iron and had blood, soaked caps. (They were actually Redcaps)
    • Alive (Eaglerock, Greenhaven)
  • Isabella Crowfeather – Owner of the store called The Crowfeather. She is a human female who developed a relationship with an adventurer named Adrian, who went on to propose to her – which she accepted. Though Adrian had to press on to the Broken Lands, she remained in Lakefront where her family store was. Adrian swore he would return to her when he was done with what his destiny ahead led him to.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront – now in Drastor)
  • Izmairvon – A Hadoze ranger who informed a party that had a damaged Spelljammer that they should go to Gnomewhere to seek repairs. The AutoGnomes located there contain vast knowledge about Spelljammers – and that their entire home is built around a Spelljammer that is in the center of this massive, mechanical sphere that now has its own bio-dome.
  • Status: Alive (Astral Plane, Kruezadune)


  • Jaheeves – Human servant who worked for Lord Nadalyn Vernar and Lady Gale Vernar; he led the party to the basement in the manor to put an end to the demon that had struck a deal with Lord Vernar.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1123
  • Jarick Steelfisher – Human fisherman who lives on the outside edges of Felhorn on Eaglerock. He purchased several Sahaugin spears from Baldur; and would call on them again to fight the Sahaugin Priestess.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Jaris Blackoak – The current owner of the Blackoak estate, and brother to Thoris Blackoak.
    • Currently alive (Shadow Vale, Ivory Vale)
  • Jauhk the Goblin – Jauhk was a goblin who had gone into a haunted manor known as the Starfall Estate, in search of riches (dared by the others from his small band of traveling goblins). Kra’krar, who was the leader of this small band of goblins employed a small group of heroes to enter the haunted estate and see if they could find Jauhk. He was eventually found on the upper floor and safely escorted out, where they all celebrated together.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • John Tallbane – John is a human who became the “mayor” of the small town of Chalice on Eagle Rock. John was one of the people infected with Lycanthropy, becoming a werewolf. When trouble first came to Chalice, he sought help and accidentally stumbled upon a group of adventures. As fate would have it, a little while longer, John Tallbane’s friend – also infected with Lycanthropy – a werebear named Caith Mathan, who had come to know the same group of adventures, would ask them to help John Tallbane. All but Baldur, who would go on to track a group of Lord Brenmoon’s men, would make their way to Chalice and help restore order.
    • Status: Alive (Eagle Rock, Chalice)
  • Jorick Landstrider – An elf who employed the services of a group of heroes to examine an ever growing green mist in the Jade Forest, north of the Ivory Coast. He explained that the mist made those who came into contact with it deathly ill if exposed to it for long peroids of time; and that as the mist grew, it was turning the very forest into a murky, dreadful swamp. He explains he saw three hags, if his eyes are to be believed – so he believes a Coven of Hags is behind it.
    • Status: Alive (Jade Forest / Ivory Coast)


  • Kala’Shin – is a young, female, green dragon who found her way into the Shadow Vale and found a group of Lizardfolk, led by Chief Cur’nors to manipulate. A party of adventurers were able to recover the beaded necklace from Kala’Shin who agreed to let them take it if they got rid of the trolls. However, her agreement – also led to the adventurer, Don Kanin, nearly perishing as Piercers struck him and sent him nearly falling to his death. The party knew better than to attack, and simply recovered the beads and departed. She noted, as they left – that she had their scent…
    • Currently alive (Shadow Vale)
  • Kalaris – Kalaris is a Ki-Rin who has taken notice to the Hobgoblins and Orcs – both of whom seek to raise their own ancient ancestor – to reclaim great power. Kalaris was told by Slyver (a Couatl) of a group of heroes who might be pursuaded to help put a stop to them. Kalaris appeared before the heroes and asked them to judge the goblins, which had just helped the heroes – and the heroes chose to spare them – this showed Kalaris that the heroes understood compassion. Kalaris appeared before the heroes again, at the top of the Path of Enlightenment.
    • Status: Alive (Able to travel through the Planes)
  • Kalistia – A Blink Dog who had been tortured by Hags and a Death Hound, and rescued by a group of heroes. The female Blink Dog took a liking to Hartmut, after they learned that it’s original partner had perished.
    • Status: Alive (Controlled by Hartmut)
  • Kallen Dahl was the leader of the Darkblade Brigands who operated primarily between the Ivory Coast and Spire’s Edge. Kallen Dahl was discovered and defeated by a group of adventurers, and the party’s cleric put the gauntlet on and soon discovered that the sword was bound to it – and that it could not be removed.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1185
  • Karastone Shadestepper – a young Centaur scout that had accidentally been killed by a group of adventurers tricked by a Green Hag’s illusions.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1186
  • Kariss Ironstone, Captain – Captain Kariss Ironstone is a young human who rose, through sheer luck, more so than skill through the ranks. He hates traveling at night, and made a good career offering to help manage caravans going to and from Ivory Coast and Ridgecrest. He’s been offered money to lead caravans to Drastor, but has so far declined. He hired a group of heroes to help guard a caravan headed to Ridgecrest, recently.
    • Status: Alive
  • Karvus – He was supposedly an Empyrean on these mortal planes who was so fearless he drew the attention of Arikreel, the God of Strength. The stories and legends, if you are to say they’re such – claim that he and Arikreel not only fought endless hordes of demons and demon lords – but Karvus, despite not being a deity never faltered – never cowered, never showed any sign of fear. However, he was, in the end, still mortal because he had been cut off from Aftgrand… and as such, as fearless as one is, being mortal means it only takes one lucky strike to sever the mortal coil. However, the Sisters of Fate, who watched Karvus – when his thread was cut – his thread was gathered by the sisters and placed into the Wheel again. His essence is still on the mortal plane, waiting to be awakened again. They called him Karvus, the one hundred handed warrior, because he cut through so many enemies so quickly. An adventuring party was given a quest to try and awaken him to prepare him for the battle ahead against the Beholder who was trying to ascend to godhood. Stonesight, a Stone Giant Dream Walker, explained: “First, you must find his eyes, so that he can see the world and see the enemy. These are two, large, red rubies now in the possession of a Githyanki Cleric of the Serpent God. They are nearby… Find them to begin the Awakening. You must also find his breath again – to fill his lungs and give him life – that can be found in the Plane of Air. But Karvus – he was a great warrior – he will need the fire that burned in his heart – which can be found on the Plane of Fire. Take these three things to the Plane of Water, where you will need to find Karvus’ final resting place and awaken him. Then he will rise again and aid you against the battle that is coming before you.”
    • Status: Neither Alive or Dead, Scattered Among the Planes.
  • Kazin Jur’nes’tunalisfar (His surname is in the Darkling tongue much easier to pronounce but sounds like “Jur’nes’tunalisfar” but in the Darkling tongue is as easy as pronouncing “James”). Kazin was a Darkling that employed several adventurers to stop Drow from killing his people and using their Death Bursts in a dark ritual, that transfered their captured “life force” in these Moon Stones into a large spidery adamantinue statue that the Drow worshiped.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Vale)
  • Kearic Skywise – Male, High Elf Druid with white hair and blue eyes who aligns with The Natural Defense. He is an expert dart thrower. When others are talking he can be seen pacing quite frequently and a firm believer of tradition and responsibility.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Kelse Cloudthreader – She is a tall, young, beautiful woman who runs Kelse’s Clothing Shop in the Ivory Coast. Twilight and Rettniss had gone to her shop to get Rettniss prepared with nicer clothing for her date with Keyleek.
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Coast)
  • Ketchur – Githyanki who had been captured by Drow on the Plane of Earth. A party killed the Drow, questioned the Githyanki, then poisoned him.
    • Status: Dead (Plane of Earth)
  • Keyleek Twostaff – A human merchant in the Ivory Coast, who runs Keyleek’s Weapons. He developed a relationship with one of the heroes named Rettniss. The two would even go on a romantic date by the lake. DM Note – His name, “Keyleek” is a reference to Kilik from Soul Calibur; as I enjoy doing little references to things I’ve enjoyed in my life, and Soul Calibur was a great series of games.
    • Status: Alive
  • Kin Ravenclaw – Leader of the Ravenclaw Thieves Guild in Lakefront, whose main entrance is under the pier. He works with a group of adventurers to kill an opposing guild that had murdered several members of his peaceful “trading” guild – the opposing guild led by lycanthrope (wererat) named Dorel Blackblight.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Kizbuzz – Kizbuzz – or just “Kiz” – is an autognome located on Gnomewhere. Kizbuzz is the current appointed leader of Gnomewhere. He explained to a party that arrived that long, long, long ago a group of gnomes discovered how to travel into the Astral Plane. As time went by – they realized they were growing older – and were so few who initially traveled (it was on a Spelljammer) that they began to scrap parts from various locations and began creating “AutoGnomes” who would go on doing their work, programmed with their memories, thoughts, and desires. The AutoGnomes then too continued to build and build and build, creating more and more AutoGnomes. The Makers, as they’re called, eventually all died, leaving the AutoGnomes to run Gnomewhere.
    • Status: Functional (Alive, Gnomewhere)
  • Koroland – Human farmer, brown hair, brown eyes. Owns a portion of the farm lands outside of the town of The Ivory Vale.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Khadwick, Bousmun, Tuhchalla – Triplets, these three powerful warriors are loyal to Krom and Arem and have served with them in many battles.
    • Currently alive, Shadow Vale
  • Khor’taur – The essence of an Amethyst dragon trapped inside the Dracospear.
    • Status: Spirit lives in a spear. (Eaglerock)
  • Kobold Party on Plane of Earth
    • Ralf – The one the others vote to always sacrifice first/send in first
    • Zor – “Knows everything”
    • Bin – Confused about the “Owlbear” the most
    • Fourn – Leader
    • Terka – “Priestess”
    • Corz – Yaz’s brother
    • Yaz – Corz’s brother
    • Xiar – Dreamer
  • Korius – A giant sea turtle that is allied with the Tritons in their never ending war against the Sahaugin. Korius was briefly enslaved, but freed by a small band of heroes, when a Sahaugin Priestess acquired a powerful magic item that allowed her to control Korius.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Kortar Stormwave – A Blue Skinned Tiefling Rogue, who spent the majority of his life out in the ocean aboard a number of different vessels – usually pirate vessels, enjoying the looting and pirating; until he heard about the gold and treasures being found in the Broken Lands. He took to the shore and is hoping to strike it rich, and perhaps buy his own merchant ship.
    • Current: Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Korton – An Autognome who had piloted a “Survey Spelljammer” going to different areas to gather species of animals and plants to take them back to Gnomewhere for observation. However, Korton’s Spelljammer was struck by a creature known as a Murder Comet, sending his Spelljammer spiraling out of control, which eventually crashed on Kne’Urth. A party was asked to go investigate the crash. Unable to free himself from being pinned due to internal damage to his circuitry – Korton eventually initiated a Self-Destruct Sequence to explode his Spelljammer in hopes of preventing flora, fauna and wildlife he’d collected from escaping an potentially upsetting the world’s wildelife. However, his Self-Destruct sequence was stopped and he’s currently rendered inert. A wood woad named Oakwood was a companion to Korton on his travels.
    • Status: Alive/Inert (Ivory Coast)
  • Kra’krar – Leader of a small band of goblins, who employed a small group of heroes to find one of his own, that had entered the haunted Starfall Estate.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Krall’lar, The Draconian Mage – Krall’lar was one of the Draconians  that Razathorn employed to guard the Cauldron of Shadows. Krall’lar was defeated by a small group of adventures, and when Baldur took his spear – he discovered, the essence of a dragon was trapped inside of it.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock)
  • Kraun Torodon – Kraun is a male Tiefling “business man” with unimaginable riches. He was traveling with to the Broken Lands on the same caravan as another party – and during one of the downtime events had observed Adrian, a Paladin, fighting in the pit for money – and had offered him a well paying job – that Adrian turned down.
    • He has two sons – Zin (older son) and Varr (younger son)
    • Varr was given Lycanblade and last known to be headed to Eagle Rock to look into why the trading with Eagle Rock had come to a hault
    • Status: Kraun (Alive, Astral Plane) – Zin (Alive, Drastor) – Varr (Unknown, Eagle Rock)
  • Kreela’kath – Kreela’kath is a Frost Giant who had hoped to disrupt the Echelon (Order of the Giants). She, along with the rest of her clan, did not believe in the peace the Giants strived for amongst mortals and amongst one another. She, along with her clan, believed that the fighting ensured that only the strong would survive. Kreela’kath captured a Stone Giant named Stonesight, who was known to be gifted with visions of the future, in hopes of discovering who would be next to sit on the High Throne, and murder them, to ensure that the Echelon is disrupted. Kreela’kath was stopped by a group who had also come seeking Stonesight’s visions.
    • Status: Deceased (Plane of Earth)
  • Kr’ilar’ak – He is a mind flayer who appeared to be the sole survivor of a Spelljammer that had been struck by a murder comet. In his madness, floating aboard the now derelict ship, the Illithid began to experiment. He also realized his massive derelict ship (actually a deceased Nautiloid) was providing to be a good trap to lure others who had sought to see what riches might have remained. The Illithid would capture them, and either feast on them or experiment on them. He created a number of different creatures, one of them smaller Intellect Devourers who attach to the face and begin devouring brains through the ear and nose affectionately called “face huggers” as well as a larger Intellect Devourer that was the size of a lion; who, like himself was exposed to the ever flowing magic of the Astral Plane and distorted as the derelict ship drifted through various layers of radiation.
    • Status: Alive (Astral Plane, Stranded on Derelict Ship)
  • Krauss Stormmane – A human wizard in the service of Kraun, and travels with the Tiefling Businessman as his primary person used to identify magical items, first seen in Session 47.
    • Status: Alive (Traveling with Kraun, last seen in Drastor, employed at the Pyramid)
  • Kreekaw Stoutsize – Kreekaw is a short half-orc, no taller than a halfling, who suffered Dwarfism. He runs The Mud Show which is a former warehouse in Lower Ridge (in Ridgecrest) that has mud wrestling, pit fighting, a bar, and the rooms are storage rooms with used beds – and some with hammocks (though the ones with hammocks cost more).
    • Staus: Alive (Low Ridge/Ridgecrest)
  • Krella Wavebreaker – A female minotaur and captain of the Destiny’s Courtship which sails back and forth from Tawaim and “Vareen” (the name of the newly discovered continent as it’s been called).
    • Currently still alive
  • Kril, Dur, Foom – Three Kobolds who ended up employing a group of heroes to help overthrow their lazy (non sharing Faerie Dragon puff intoxication) named Chief Boondah. Note – the image – the order is: Left to Right: Dur, Foom, (Chief) Kril
    • Status: Alive
  • Krill’ith Grix’thall – A Drow Priestess who rose to great power. She was in power during a time where her soldiers had captured several adventurers returning from the Broken Lands and headed to the Ivory Coast to sail back home with their riches. Among one of the things they’d found in the Broken Lands was an ancient tome that spoke of an Elder Goddess, long forgotten by time, that’d been worshiped by “The Forsaken Ones” – this was revealed to be some of the very first “Dark Elves” who were cast out for their use of darker magics to meet their needs. These “Dark Elves” would eventually be chased underground – where they grew more powerful, surviving in an environment that made every attempt to kill them – from other creatures, to the very plants. Krill’ith studied the tome and learned how to communicate with L’orak’ana, the Spider Queen and learned great, ancient, forgotten (and forbidden) magic from her. Krill’ith began capturing Dwarves to mine the Adamantine in the Shadow Vale – and needed a fire so great to melt down to mass quantity – so she used the knowledge gained from L’orak’ana to open a portal to the Plane of Fire, where she sent in one of her agents to capture the Fire Elemental Elder, The Phoenix – and forced it to serve her. In order to keep the fires going, she sent an agent into the Plane of Air to capture the Elemental Elder, Zephenryrus. Next she would need something made of durable stone to hold such heated metals, so her agents were sent to the Plane of Earth, where the Elder Elemental, Zaratan was enslaved. And the final, the water to feed the fires, her Agents entered the Plane of Water and captured Leviathan. Each of the Elementals was enslaved to complete the massive Adamantine Drider statue, which Krill’ith used an ancient ritual to place her spirit into – becoming the embodiment of her goddess. She was, in the end, defeated as she marched her armies towards the Dwarven Kingdom. Despite her defeat, her goddess, L’orak’ana was able to enter Aftgard and and for each of her legs – she killed eight deities before being banished to Garengrand. The deities she killed were: Airana, Akanda, Drakenfiel, Elenar, Krauzden, Lauhzar, Tavara and Teakak. After the defeat of Krill’ith – her four selected Captains who wore the Ring of the Elementals (one for each element) fled.
    • Current Status: Deceased
  • Krom – Krom is the leader of the Azer, in the Shadow Vale who trade with the Mountain Dwaves of Blue Mountain. When Emereth attacked the Old Kingdom (the Mountain Dwarves original home) – the Dwarves were forced to flee, and never returned, believing their Old Kingdom to be cursed and haunted. The Azer had also departed after Emereth’s attacks – but frequently returned to see if the Dwarves had reclaimed their home – and eventually returned to track down a Drow Alchemist (Doomsilk) who had ventured into their realm and captured an Elder Fire Elemental and brought it to the Shadow Realm. They were ambushed by the Drow who was waiting and cut them off from the portal. Krom is the father of Arem.
    • Currently alive
  • Krhish’tyn Rhey – Red Dragonborn/Draconian who served the Dragon Queen. He was a general in her army and in the Gold Coast looking for something – however, when he was captured he would not confess to what it is he and his soldiers had sought in the endless dunes. He was said to have escaped during a dragon attack against the city of Drastor. He was hunted down and killed by a group of heroes.
    • Status: Deceased
  • Krosore – A human fisherman on Shadow Island who combined Arwynn’s father’s “fabled” fishing pole that supposed caught a whale, into a druidic staff. He is a notable fisherman and also an expert carpenter.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Island)
  • Krysinda – Krysinda is a hag that was banished to Eagle Rock, as a magical prison, by a group of adventures. (Fun DM Note: Her banishment to Eagle Rock actually happened a few years after she first appeared on Eagle Rock. I found a way to retroactively explain how she was there by using that adventure!) On Eagle Rock, she propositions herself as an old woman who knows “the ancient ways of magic” when in truth she is a hag. She is first mentioned by a spirit in Kaltore who goes on to talk about how she had blessed the town of Kaltore with a protector – an ancient tree spirit named Dalasmon (which in truth is an ancient treant she corrupted to become vampiric). She would be mentioned again by a group of goblins who explained that Krysinda offered some of the other goblins “unlimited power” – but in truth cursed them into wolf like animals who were slowly losing their minds and becoming more and more primal.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock Island)
  • Kvars, the Topaz Dragon – Kvars is a topaz dragon, tricked into fighting with the Githyanki. A Githyanki cleric named Lara’tur, orchestrated the abduction of Aoil, an Emerald Dragon, and claimed that the Earth Genasi were responsible – and that their intent was to slay all the dragons on the Plane of Earth.
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Earth)


  • Lady Gale Vernar – A 76 year old female, with sharp blue eyes, and soft brown hair;  Lady Gale perished when the party defeated the demon that was used to keep her from aging (a process started by her husband). When she was alive (before her husband struck a deal with the demon), Lady Gale was very beautiful, even in her older age. She was extremely friendly, very fair, and very much loved. At one point, she seemingly stopped aging (this is when her husband used a demon to preserve her age. See Lord Vernar below for more).
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1123
  • Lady Gemstar – Lady Gemstar is the love interest of the Dwarven Hero, Pren Flintrock. A party of adventurers helped give Pren the courage to ask for her hand in marriage. Pren and Lady Gemstar were summoned by the party later to come help at their pyramid in Drastor.
    • Status: Alive (Drastor)
  • Lady Silverbeard of the Golden Halls – Female Dwarf Bard, who plays “heavy metal” music (as she likes to call it – the heavy metal a reference to the gold and various ores from her home land that remind her of the music she plays). DM Note – this was a character I originally rolled up for another game, that sadly never took off – but I loved the character too much, so I brought her into my game. She was seen traveling with a caravan headed for the Broken Lands.
    • Currently alive (Broken Lands) 
  • Lara’tur – A Githyanki Cleric of the “Snake God” Nebakrau. She was in possession of two of the gems required to resurrect an ancient hero and attempting to keep it away from the Earth Genasi. She also orchestrated the abduction of Aoil, the Topaz dragon – placing the blame on the Earth Genasi, in order to trick Kvars, the Topaz Dragon into serving the Githyanki cause. A party tracked her down and killed her, recovering the two required gems.
    • Status: Dead (Plane of Earth)
  • Lyrisa Lightsoul – Lyrisa was a devote follower of Florasena and married to a Paladin of Florasena, named Aric Lightsoul. They were originally from the continent of Tawaim, in pursuit of a necromancer named “Jaqueline” who’d aligned herself with a powerful force of orcs, namely their chieftan, Olith. Aric was ambushed and murdered and when Lyrisa went to get her revenge, she too was ambushed, then murdered by the necromancer, Jacqueline, whom they’d been tracking down. Both Aric and Lyrisa’s bodies were left as warning signs. They were both buried at the graveyard north of the Ivory Coast, however, their restless spirits were awakened when a necromancer rose some of the dead in that graveyard. Aric regained control of himself, but unaware he was undead and actually a wight. Lyrisa rose as a banshee. Several adventurers offered to help defeat Aric and bring him back to the graveyard to find peace again.
    • Status: Deceased.
  • Lariun Lataff – A human who lives in Greenhaven, on Eagle Rock. He’d grown suspicious of a group of adventurers and their behavior about fighting off gnolls. While he is not a soldier of Lord Brenmoon, he is fearful of Lord Brenmoon’s wrath. He had become close to one of the guards of Lord Brenmoon named Marikus Shieldbarer. He developed this friendship more as a way to be in the know of what Lord Brenmoon’s plans are and to ensure the safety of himself.
    • Status: Alive
  • Lauren Gucci-Wexner – Lauren Gucci was well known for the soaps and perfumes she had made that were always selling incredibly well at various Inns, who would purchase them for their patron rooms. During her travels, being a strong, self providing woman, she met Kasey Wexner who was quite impressed with her business sense. Kasey was a well known businessman and had established several businesses throughout the continent. He offered to work with her and the two formed a partnership that expanded her market to finally be able to open a store. The two developed a romantic relationship after many years as business partners, and Lauren would eventually marry Kasey. However, Lauren as a strong woman, who built her initial reputation as Lauren Gucci would not simply take on Wexner’s last name, so she hyphenated her own name. The two would go on to expand from simply selling to inns, taverns, and small stores, to opening a chain of stores called “LGW” (which stood for Lauren Gucci-Wexner). The two were on their way to Eaglerock, one of the few locations where they’d not established themselves, when – like many others, since the “dark cloud” over the island appeared – their ship mysteriously shipwrecked and the two were among many survivors. They washed along the southern shore of Eaglerock and came to find themselves at Felhorn where they learned that many people were mysteriously shipwrecking on Eaglerock; and the odd catch was, those who went out as search and rescue would often then find themselves shipwrecking as well. The island seemed to constantly be pulling people in and trapping them. Lauren and Kasey decided to open up a shop in Felhorn until a proper rescue could be made.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Layna Ollarina – A blond, beautiful, human woman who works at the White Fang Inn and Tavern in Felhorn, located on Eaglerock. She was used and manipulated by Razathorn to cause a rift between Lord Starfall and his bethrothed, Ellana Treeglade.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Lesbuzz – Lesbuzz – or just “Les” is the “Great Librarian Keeper” of Gnomewhere.
    • Status: Function (Alive, Gnomewhere)
  • Liberated Slaves from the Duergar on Eaglerock: A party of heroes rescuing a young boy sprang out and attacked Duergar slavers in order to free the six slaves the Duergar had with them.
    • Renoll – Human liberated from the Duergar. He knows Balgun and wants desperately to get a force together and go back and not only kill the Duergar, but more importantly liberate the slaves who were on the same ship as him – as well as the other slaves.
    • Talanor – Human liberated from the Duergar.
    • Everith – Human liberated from the Duergar.
    • Grenthor – Human liberated from the Duergar.
    • Crestmoore – Human liberated from the Duergar.
    • Sarauan – Human liberated from the Duergar. Sarauan suffered at the hands of the Duergar mind benders who tortured him exclusively for weeks on end, finally snapping his sanity. Sarauan says very little now and often awakens from his dreams in a trance-like state, similar to sleep walking, but his eyes are wide open – and he never recalls standing up and moving about – but he has vivid dreams of a woman that he can not see – but always hears calling out to him. When he’s in this trance, for some reason, he always faces to the East. This behavior was seen by Aros.
  • Lilli Sandmeadow – Lilli is a powerful cleric who actually claims to serve no deity, but has incredible healing abilities. Many turn to her as a messiah that will bring in the dawn of a new age and restore the beauty that once belonged to these lands, before the Great Punishment changed the very landscape. She is a young human, black hair and green eyes, with beautiful bronze colored skin. She as then captured by an Ettin, for a Lamia but rescued by a party of adventurers. The party went on to meet Lilli’s foster parents, Grell Sandmeadow and Nella Sandmeadow who explain a Paladin named Orius Silverstrength had dropped her off as an infant. One of the party members, Adrian Silverstrength choked – as he knew Orius – and had adopted his last name. The party learned that Orius had fallen in love with a Dryad named Danela, and when the Dryad gave birth to Lilli, she gave the infant to Orius to take. This is why Lilli had such strong magical abilities, coming from her mother’s bloodline. Lilli explains a few years ago, she’d sensed her mother’s death when she felt the tie to her mother suddenly and violently get severed. The party with her would eventually travel back in time, after Orius who had planned to stop the cultists from killing Danela – knowing that his actions would have dire consequences. He is stopped and brought back to the normal time. He accepts fate, and embraces Lilli as his daughter, seeing Danela in her – and he embraces Adrian, who had been like a son to him – and realized, he may have lost Danela – but he had a family.
    • Current Status: Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Lingor Twinsong – A bard who had shipwrecked (like many others – the “curse” of the island draws ships to the jagged edges, like a permenant siren’s song – to “feed the mist”) – he was with others who had survived the shipwreck. However, while at Lake Kelnor on Eaglerock – he awoke to find their camp destroyed, and his other comrades were all gone. Lingor believes they were – as others say – “taken by the mist.”
    • Status: Alive
  • Lingus – Farmer, whose son (Erowyn) disappeared. Lingus is an older man, with white hair, white beard, blue eyes. Erowyn vanished taken by “the demon” and his body was recovered.
  • Lithar Harus – A human who became infected as a wereraven and now serves in the Crowfeather rebellion against Lord Brenmoon.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Lord Nadalyn Vernar – Lord Vernar loved his wife dearly. However, as she began to age, and despite her existing beauty; Lord Vernar’s own vanity got the best of him. Though he was aging also, he wanted to always be married to a beautiful woman. Using his resources and money, he purchased a Book of Devils & Demons and learned how to not only summon, but control a demon. He struck a deal with a demon to preserve his wife’s beauty. The demon agreed at the cost of a woman’s soul, each time to preserve her beauty. As the years dragged on, the women needed to be younger, and younger, more pure, the demon said. It eventually reached a point that Lord Vernar was abducting female children and infants to sacrifice to the demon to preserve his wife’s beauty. Lady Gale knew nothing of this until recently and wanted it stopped; but discovered that if they stopped, she would die, because her body would suddenly surge forward in age. Lord Vernar was taken prisoner when the demon was defeated by the party.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1123
  • Lourna Mauthtar – A brash human female, who is both warrior and rogue – who would do whatever it takes to obtain the power and respect she believe she deserved. She had a brief romance with an adventurer, Don Kannin, before inexplicably leaving him with very little indication of why or where she’d gone. But Don Kannin was able to track her movements – finding that she’d associated with several types of brigands. Don joined a group of adventurers who seemed to be moving in the same direction as he was. Don recently learned that she may be in possession of a large, Blue Dragon.
    • Status: Alive (Broken Lands)


  • Marcella – Elderly woman, who is a “gypsy” (Sorceress) with vast amounts of information about the surrounding land, and demonology. She’s also quite capable at forging magic items, if she’s given the components that she needs (in terms of clothing; such as magical cloaks, boots, gloves, etc). Her son, Martimeer, had disappeared when he had left to gather herbs for his mother. Martimeer was found dead in the gnoll’s caves.
    • Currently alive
  • Marcus Mapplewood – was thought to be an extremely rich, over the top human, who lived a lavish life in Ridgecrest – but was later revealed to be an Incubus and defeated by a group of adventurers who had attended one of his parties.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1186 
    • For the sake of sanity and ease, putting all the party attendees here – those that are noted as perished here would be 1186
      • Name Race M/F Appearance Traits
        Human M Blond hair, blue eyes, scar over right eye Sings and hums frequently: has a romantic beef with Salana
        Human F Brown hair, green eyes, long single pony tail Speaks a number of languages: Former lover of Brekkar
        Human F Brown hair, green eyes, serpent tattoo on arm Draws beautifully: Business partner with Thyr
        Aasimar M Blond hair, blue eyes, colorless pupils Sings beautifully: Envious of Ella
        Aasimar F Blond hair, green eyes, nicely dressed Drinks anyone under the table: Armor merchant
        Dragonborn M Silver Skin, Yellow Eyes, Blind in right eye Expert dart thrower: Former romance of Baldaara
        Dragonborn F Bronze skin, yellow eyes, fashionable Skilled actor: Former lover of Xarmarsh
        Dwarf M Red hair, green eyes, trimmed beard Expert weapon maker
        Dwarf M Red hair, blue eyes, tends to slur words Expert armor maker: Has beef with Trella who has cheated him
        Dwarf F Red hair, green eyes, iron bracelets Whispery voice: Beef with Zar (thinks she’s mocking her)
        Dwarf F Brown eyes, green eyes, hammer necklace Figets with necklakce repeatedly
        High Elf F Blond hair, green eyes, nicely dressed Voice sounds like music: Suspicious of Torin’s actions
        High Elf M Purple hair, green eyes, nicely dressed Paints beautifully: Business partner of Shalla, envious of Ella
        High Elf M Green hair, green eyes, smiles constantly Stares off in the distance: Generally untrusting of everyone
        Gnome M White hair, blue eyes, raggy clothes Nose twitches frequently: Has a romantic interest in Daisy
        Half Elf M Blond hair, blue eyes, hair in three braids Paces frequently: Very jumpy at everything; talks to himself
        Morobunce Hillshire Halfling M Brown hair, brown eyes, curious Sings (but horribly): Envious of Vauru and Ella
        Halfling F Black hair, brown eyes, curious Extremely social: Suspicious of everyone (which is why she’s social)
        Tiefling M Black hair, green eyes (cat pupils) Stoic: Suspects that Torin is up to something
        Tortle M Green skin, yellow eyes Talks very slowly
        Triton F Blond hair, blue skin, blue eyes Speaks softly
        Ebonhawk Slingblade Human M Brown Hair, Brown eyes, arrogant Speaks of his heroic deads, repeatedly; dislikes Talrys
        Gnome F Blond hair, blue eyes, shamrock necklace “Everything is beautiful”, overly opptimistic
        Gnome F Black hair, black eyes, dressed in leathers Suspicious of Ebonhawk
        Gnome F Blond Hair, blue eyes, Red & Black mage robes Believes Bloom stole an heirloom of hers
        Dwarf M Brown hair, brown eyes, braided beard Nice clothes; wears the symbol of his god on his neck
        Half Elf M Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes, thin beard Wears all green, speaks of his deeds when prompted
        Thurg Human M Brown Hair, brown eyes, North Man Wears rags, ill spoken, known to be a bit of a hero
        Elf F Blond hair, one blue, one green eye Speaks eloquently: dislikes humans in general
        Human F Red hair, green eyes, orange robes Noticable, cunning smile: not trusting of Ebonhawk
    • Note: The following were murdered during the party: Trella Nightbreaker, Zar Wavenreaker, Gorfel Boomstick, Morrenna Forgemaker, Ebonhawk Slingblade, Forge Ironbeard, Reena Foxhair, Erith Banetricker, Galen Silverglade
    • Note also: Felinea was a Tabaxi that was trying to be sold by Marcus, who dealt in illegal trades, including trafficking. Felinea joining the adventurers in the fight against Marcus and was set free after the fight.
    • Also note that Calliope had seduced Thyr Moonglade who unbeknownst to Calliope was married to Ella Moonglade. Ella Moonglade would go on to learn of this affair and leave her husband, returning to her old village West Brook (which had been overrun by undead) and perished at the hands of a Sea Hag who tragically pulled her into the nearby lake and drowned her.
    • The entire madness can be found here.
  • Mariessa Sternbow – An attractive blond female that works for Dalara at Dalara’s Delights in Felhorn on Eaglerock. She modeled for Galiena.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Marikus Shieldbarer – A human soldier in the service of Lord Brenmoon. He was posted outside of Greenhaven on Eagle Rock when one of their prisoners (Galiena, actually Baldur disguised as Galiena) escaped custody. He had created Wanted Posters of Galiena (See Servants of the Wizard Session 32 and Session 33) and was posted just outside Greenhaven (along with other guards posted on the outskirts of Greenhaven) in search of Galiena.
    • Status: Alive (Eagle Rock)
  • Marius Silverstone – A human mage who served Lord Brenmoon as one of the Artificers, who was known for animating ornate objects to do things around Lord Brenmoon’s Keep (for example, animating armor to stand guard). Marrius was present at the slaughter at Kaltore. Marrius captured an Eladrin who was trapped on the island keeping her inside of a barrier then creating an animated armor to guard her. Marrius hoped to use her to increase his own power. Marius was one of Lord Brenmoon’s most trusted mages, because he often used Marius’ ability and specialty to animate items to be able to spy on those Lord Brenmoon thought might be seeking to conspire against him. An unknown twist of fate would end up killing Marius who remained near the Eladrin he’d captured; his body reanimating itself through his own dark magics, as a Ghast, which was slain by several adventurers.
    • Status: Dead (formerly alive, then undead – Eaglerock)
  • Marius Vren – A human farmer that lives outside of the Ivory Coast who reported an issue with his livestock disappearing and suspects some form of withcraft – because at the same time, his farmlands remained drenched in mud, though it’d not rained for weeks. Marius claimed to have seen a large, lumbering, shadowy figure that stood anywhere between 15 to18 feet tall – when he was awakened by the sound of his livestock in distress. A group of adventurers were sent to look into the issue.
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Coast)
  • Martell Starborn – A human warrior who lived in Westbrook and was madly in love with Airey Moonstone. However, a mad mage by the name of Boris Den kidnapped her and professed his love to her, though she rebuked his advances. Boris Den then kidnapped Martell and left him to starve in his tower, while telling Airey Moonstone that Martell had left her. Before perishing of a slow, painful death, Martell made a pact with a demon named Belaros who was furious that Boris turned away from dark magic to pursue Airey Moonstone (though Boris was still committing horrible acts, such as starving Martell to death). Martell arose as a Wight to get his revenge but was denied the opportunity, when he discovered the explosion had killed both Boris Den and Airey Moonstone. Martell then began using his dark bond to raise the dead; and any he killed, he would also raise to serve him, and before long, all of Westbrook was overrun by the undead. A group of adventurers defeated Martell where he was put to rest once and for all, his soul, forever burning in Hades.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1182
  • MenzarMenzar is an Astral Elf who runs a Potion shop in the Astral Plane, specifically on the home of the Astral Elves, Barawaui. He was thankful for a party who helped fight against enormous beasts known as Braxat.
    • Status: Alive (Barawaui)
  • Metalwing – A pixie in the Feywild, who encountered a group of heroes and asked them to help her Satyr friend, Ossis recover “the gift.”
    • Status: Alive (Feywild)
  • Mordak / Razathorn – Mordak is an evil wizard who promises knowledge to aspiring wizards, but in truth – enslaves them – marking them with a special tattoo that allows him to summon them back to his tower to do his bidding when he calls on them. Mordak’s Mage Tower is located on the main continent of Tawaim – and the one rule he has is that none of his “students” can go to the Broken Lands (for fear that they might find a form of magic that would allow them to break free of his magical bond). It was eventually discovered by a group of heroes that Mordak took up the name Razathorn on a cursed island called Eaglerock. DM Note – the whole thing with Mordak / Razathorn is that it’s what we call “The Off Week” game, and was just meant to be a series of one offs that took off so well due to the heavy Roleplaying. Because it was an off week game – I allowed my other players to come and go as they please – and that’s what the runes are – to easily explain when a player is not there. The players learned the summoning ritual as long as there were two of them to do the spell – which is how players could easily pop back into the game with the same or new character(s).
    • Status: Alive
  • Morgan Asland / Illyanna – Morgan Asland is a succubus who once was banished by a Knight named Orius Silverstrength. She had managed to return to the Prime Material Plane a few years later – changed by what she’d seen in Orius’ conviction. She cast aside her demonic tendencies and took on the illusion of a female blond Tiefling named Illyanna. (DM Note – X-Men fans might know why I used that name!) She revealed her true form as a succubi to a group of adventurers urging them that they must stop Orius – as he’d learned how to travel back in time and he was going to save a Dryad whom he loved – but the rippling effect would have world altering consequences. The party successfully stops Orius – and upon returning, Morgan thanked them – then quickly fled – fearful that Orius would extract revenge for having his planned stopped. In truth, she only adapted a new illusion and observed as Orius embraced his daughter, Lilli and his adopted son, Adrian. She then saw that everyone was capable of change.
    • Status: Alive (Suspected still to be in Drastor)
  • Myconoid Village in Shadow Vale NPCs:
    • Arum – Paladin, also the primary leader of the Myconoids in Shadow Vale
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
    • Dormm – Cleric, High Priest of Tavara
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
    • Garr – Barbarian savage of the Myconoids
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
    • Gromm – Ranger, best tracker among the Myconoids in Shadow Vale
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
    • Krunt – Sporeling of Arum
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
    • Srist – A Myconoid Rogue who specializes in poisons forged from the plants in the Shadow Vale
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
    • Zrenn – Wizard of the Myconoids
      • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)


  • Nallia – Nallia is a Naiad that lives in an underwater cavern located on the Plane of Water. She befriended a group of adventurers who had come to the island in search of food. She told them about a “Serpent Priest” who had come to the island long ago, due to a shipwreck, and began worshipping a “Dark, Serpent God” and taking on sacrifices – capturing and sacrificing (or converting, usually under great duress of their lives) to become followers of the Dark, Serpent God. The adventurers were able to help put an end to the greater mummy priest and restore peace to the island. With their help completed, she also felt that she could trust them with a secret – that she and her people – were the guardians of Karvus‘ final resting place. This very party of adventurers was given a quest to awaken Karvus in hopes of helping defeat the “Dark, Serpent God” and a crazed Beholder, with the knowledge of the God of Wisdom. So there was a good chance, if the party succeeded in their quest, they would be seeing Nallia again.
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Water)
  • Nassif Lumzin “Lum” Zahra – Human male who lives in Drastor who has made his life as a woodworker. He was mostly commonly employed by those who managed the ships that docked a few miles away from Drastor. He has seven sons, whom he also employs. He was hired by Korra to help repair the Spelljammer in their base (Session 72)
    • Status: Alive (Drastor)
  • Niela Stormblade – Human woman, married to Duriden Stormblade; two sons, Leran (age 8) and Bran (12). She asked help from a party of heroes to help save her husband. They’d been ambushed by Hobgoblins on their way back from Blue Mountain. She explained that her husband was a swordsman, and made fine weapon; he often traded with the dwarves for fine steel. However, this time the passage to Blue Mountain had mysteriously been collapsed. On the way back home in the Ivory Coast, their wagon had been ambushed by a number of hobgoblins.
    • Status: Alive
      • Duriden Stormblade – status: Alive 
      • Leran Stormblade – status: Alive
      • Bran Stormblade – status: Alive
  • Nikalos – Nikalos is thought to be an “urban legend” – there is a story of a large, pale skinned male, with a white, long, flowing beard – who rides upon a flying sleigh – supposedly done so by a Gem of Light & Levitation that allows his front reindeer pulling the sleigh to actually fly. He also has a Bag of Gift Holding, which is said to operate similar to the traditional Bag of Holding – but is full of gifts. Only the pure of heart, they say, can reach into the bag and yield it’s gifts. Nikalos, as he’s been called is said – on the final night of the calendar year – magically enters the home of those with children and leaves gifts for them. What remains a mystery is how he’s able to do this all on the same night – whether the children live in tree tops, crowded cities, or beneath the surface – he somehow gives gifts to all the children. Adventurers have claimed to have seen and helped him from time to time. Those that have helped him have usually been inspired or gifted by Nikalos for their efforts. If he is truly ever in trouble or if this is some kind of “test” remains unknown and feeds the urban legend of the one known as Nikalos.
    • Status: Alive/Urban Legend
  • Ninesword – The “leader” of the guild known as The Forgotten Sands that operates out of the Broken Lands. The guild is said to be extremely efficent and often kills targets to gain what they want leaving little evidence behind, making most of the deaths appear natural. No information about who or what Ninesword is is known; and some even speculate that “Ninesword” is an alias for several leaders under one name. The Forgotten Sands are bitter enemies with the Ravenclaw guild in Lakefront. SeeAs’zar’vari’tium for more.
    • Status: Presumed Alive
  • Nor’Orn Greenskin – Nor’Orn Greenskin is a goblin who had ventured into the Dwarven Kingdom in hopes of stealing riches; however, ended up being caught and tortured (for amusement) by the Drow. However, during his tenure of being an abused slave to the Drow, Nor’Orn was also hyper aware and vigilant and would watch, learn, and listen as the Drow alchemists created potions. He began collecting ingredients while enslaved (in some cases improvising ingredients if he couldn’t get enough or the exact) and used a corrosive potion to melt his chain bonds, then an explosive potion (much more explosive then even had intended!) on his abusers. Nor’Orn fled, and has since, avoided being recaptured. At some point, he also found a Cloaker nest during his freedom and raised one, who is now absolutely loyal to him, which Nor’Orn has named “Glider.” Nor’Orn rides on the back of Glider, traveling around the Shadow Realm gathering ingredients. When Dwarves stumbled upon him, he was already half mad – but they realized he despised evil beings because of what he endured at the hands of the Drow and now seeks to put an end to them. This created an alliance between the Dwarves and Nor’Orn. Nor’Orn would trade them fetching him spell components in exchange for creating potions for them that would heal their people. He also traded food and some weapons with the Dwarves in exchange for the potions he was known to make. When the Drow began using their lethal poison (some of which Nor’Orn had originally been present for during his time of being a slave), the Dwarves knew that Nor’Orn might know of a way to counter it. A dwarf by the name of Zar Hammerstone had sent runners to Nor’Orn to gather a list. They returned to Zar with a list, and Zar sent them down to try and recover the components to give to Nor’Orn. None of them every returned. Rex Flamehammer, however, would met a party of adventurers and send them down to find Nor’Orn and see if they could find a cure to the poison.
    • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)


  • Oakwood – Oakwood is a Wood Woad who was captured by the AutoGnome Korton for observation to be taken back to Gnomewhere. During Korton’s travels, Oakwood, one of the few plants able to speak – established a friendship with Korton and was set free to wander around the ship and help Korton. When the “Survey Spelljammer” of Korton was struck by a monster known as a Murder Comet, the Spelljammer spun out of control before crashlanding on Kne’Urth. A party was asked to investigate the crash, and that’s when they met Oakwood as he tried to help one of them fight off a plant that had been gathered for study known as a “Aartuk Starhorror.” The party was able to save the Autognome from self destructing – and Oakwood joined the party as they kept the inert Korton on their wagon.
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Coast)
  • Onyx the Black – Onyx is a black dragon whose brother, Ebony, had been killed by two hunters. Onyx tricked some adventurers to handing him an ancient staff of great evil that he would destroy for them; but instead flew off with the staff (which was used to raise undead armies) and channeled its power to raise his deceased brother Ebony. After resurrecting Ebony, Onyx’s whereabouts are currently unknown.
    • Currently still alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Oofra – A bullywug leader who lives just outside the Ivory Coast in an underground lake in the mountains. He allied himself with some adventurers to get rid of the Ettin who fed on them. Oofra’s brother, Boza, was also present (and often called “the dumb one” of the lot). But only Oofra is allowed to call him dumb. Anyone else who dares say it will “suffer the mighty wrath of Oofra the Obelisk!” (No one tries to correct him in what Obelisk really means or is…)
    • Status: Alive (Ivory Coast Mountains)
  • Orith Woodmaker – A human merchant (wagon/horse vendor) in Low Ridge in Ridgecrest. Sold a wagon and two draft horses to one of the adventuring parties.
    • Currently Alive
  • Orius Silverstrength – Human Paladin who broke up a cult that worshiped Prenah, but in truth the two primary cult leaders were a Incubi and Sucubi (Borius Darkstorm and his wife, Elliana Darkstorm), who enjoyed mating with mortals and planting demonic bloodlines in children.
    • Status: Believed to still be alive; not confirmed
  • Ossis (Pre Corruption)Ossis (Post Corruption)– A Satyr that was captured by Razathorn and Lord Brenmoon and tortured until the secret of “life eternal” was given to them (sometimes called Feypire or Feympire). As payment, once Lord Brenmoon’s transition into a Feypire was complete, he bit Ossis and turned him into one as well, before releasing him. Ossis took refuge in a cave, located behind Glacier Falls on Eaglerock. He was found, given mercy, by a group, after he provided a cure to the Varguille infection. Ossis was later given a cure by the same group, who discovered a way to potentially cure him, thanks to the help of an Eladrin named Celan, and his true form has been restored.
    • Status: Alive (Feypire/Feympire in Eaglerock)


  • Pabu – A red panda cub that was rescued from the Jade Forest, where the green mist had killed many animals or made them sickly. Pabu was rescued and adopted by one of the heroes and now stays with them.
    • Status: Alive (Controlled by Arhian)
  • Prama Seersight – She is a young woman by age, but her hair is streaked grey, supposedly from the things she has seen. At a young age, she lost her sight inexplicably, but in exchange was given magical insight. She can see someone’s past, present and future – though the visions come to her in jaunted images and are not always very clear. She met a succubus (MorganAsland), and knew what it was – but still provided her the insight she requested. She is currently traveling to Ridgecrest, with the intention of eventually making her way to Drastor.
    • Status: Alive
  • Petri – Human Bard that frequently plays in the Lion’s Maw. Rumor has it, that he has his hands in everything. He is a source of great information.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Coast)
  • Prellena Glintclaw – is a female Tabaxi aboard the Destiny’s Courtship holding the position of Chief Engineer, ensuring that the ship maintains its pristine condition.
    • Currently still alive
  • Polaris Wolfblood – works for The Raven’s Eye. A female half-elf with brown hair and hazel eyes, she’s known to chew on apples quite frequently. She’s respectable and honorable and loyal to her benefactor (who remains nameless). She’s made an enemy of an ancient wizard (whose name she does not speak of, for fear it might summon him to her side).
    • Currently still alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Pren Flintrock – Pren was one of the runners that Zar Hammerstone had sent down to gather the ingredients for Nor’Orn to make a counter to the poison, which is lethal on weapons – but has also been injected into their water supply, now making the Dwarves sick (though the Drow, who made an alliance with the King have claimed that the Illithid are responsible and that they’ve made an alliance with the Blackoak family). The civil war in Thoridun how has those loyal to the King against the Blackoak clan and any loyal to them. Pren and Zar both align with Blackoak. Pren was (apparently) the sole survivor of a Drow ambush that killed the other runners. Pren was then captured by “Snake People” who had intended to sacrifice him, but he was rescued when several adventurers stumbled upon the pending sacrifice. Pren “helped” the adventurers successfully defeat the Drow Priestess, and later united him with his love, Lady Gemstar, and summoned them both to come to their pyramid in Drastor.
    • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale/Drastor)



  • Rain AmberskiesDaughter to King Sunreach Amberskies, Rain fell in love with a “bad boy” named Wade Mistmorn. Wade was not of Royalty and just a “street urchin” according to Rain’s father, so he disallowed Rain from seeing Wade. Rain eventually ran away with Wade aboard a ship; the two had hope to start their life somewhere new; but Rain’s father had been furious and sent ships after the young couple. Despite orders to not physically attack the vessel, the King’s men had done just that, sinking the ship believing Wade and Rain to be dead after the ship sank, finding no sign of either. The returned, reporting that pirates had sunk the ship. Wade and Rain had washed ashore, where a young Horizonback Tortoise, had been wounded badly and pulled itself ashore to the same island that Wade and Rain had washed upon. The two tended to the animal, which over the years, grew massively in size, and soon would not leave their side. Wade had heard of other creatures enslaving Horizonback Tortoise to use as mobile bases; but Wade had no intention of enslaving it – but the Horizonback Tortoise was their only way off the island. As the years progressed Wade eventually acquired a crew riding upon the back of this Horizonback Tortoise that they named Shipsnapper. Rain and Korra were childhood friends when their parents gathered for political meetings.
    • Alive: Plane of Water
  • Rak’Grum Bloodseed – Rak’Grum the Orc King, some say (according to legend and lore) was touched by Grumthak and bestowed a knowledge and sense of tranquility not commonly found among orcs. Some even believe he is somehow a direct descendant of Grumthak himself; that the god’s blood coursed through his veins. Hundreds of years ago, when the Orcs viciously battled the Elves for land, it was Rak’grum who created a large alliance of goblins, kobolds, orcs, ogres, bugbears and even trolls (he had tried to have the Hobgoblins come under his command, but they refused to follow him originally). Rak’grum formed a large faction known as The Broken Hand, implying that his god (Grumthak) had been cheated land by Nifika (Goddess of the Elves); and in their view, it was she who cut out Grumthak’s eye intentionally. Under Rak’grum’s leadership, The Broken Hand successfully killed thousands of Elves, Dwarves, and Humans in their raids. He used the Kobolds as scouts (for their small size), goblins for the grunt work, Orcs were his honored warriors, Ogres were the front line tanks, and bugbears were the vicious grunts that tried to maintain control of the animalistic trolls. Legend states a “Shadow Elf” murdered Rak’grum while he slept; and most believe this to be the Ashen Elf, better known as Ashen’Var. This did not break up the Broken Hand, however – it briefly created a power vaccum as orcs fought to take Rak’grum’s place – but soon enough, another Orc was chosen; and the battles continued. It was not until several hundred years later, when the Ashen Elf would appear again with powerful magic that he was able to sunder the Broken Hand. Rak’grum had been buried in the Bloodseed Mountains – a mountain range claimed by the orcs of his bloodline – but rumors have circulated that his crypt has been dug up and his coffin is now missing.
    • Status: Deceased.
  • Rapture, Lord – Lord Rapture (whose real first name has been lost in the various retellings of his origin) was a bard who struck a deal with a demon while at the crossroads (both physically and in life) to become famous. And the demon agreed to help Lord Rapture become famous… however, Lord Rapture was foolish in his deal making. Lord Rapture was playing at a venue, when fire erupted around him – as the people fled – they discovered that the windows and doors all seemed to be magically locked. One hundred people perished in the fire; and Lord Rapture was the sole survivor of it, coming out of it completely unharmed. He became infamous and people wanted to kill him, but he quickly fled. According to the stories that surround this entire incident – the other bards tell it that Lord Rapture was at a crossroads, made a deal with a demon that he wanted to become one of the most famous bards in all the lands. The demon agreed and gifted him a special instrument. And so, after the fire, all the world did know Lord Rapture’s name – just as he’d hoped – but not in the manner he’d anticipated. (And this is why you don’t make deals with demons and devils, kids!) He was destroyed by a party of adventuresNote – Lord Rapture is a reference to Lord Raptor from Darkstalkers.
    • Status: Dead (both in living and undead form).
  • Reeko – Reeko is a Triton who lives in the waters surrounding Eaglerock. The Tritons are at constant war with the Sahuagin – and the Tritons have allied themselves with the humans and fishermen of Eaglerock. DM Note – Reeko is a reference to Rikuo from Darkstalkers. As noted, I have references to Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Primal Rage, to name a few of the various things in life I enjoyed.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Rezo Garus – Rezo was a human who had a small potion shop in Greenhaven. While healing potions were not his specialty (he usually directed people to Trestor’s shop), he made a wide variety of other kinds of potions that often mimicked spell effects. He was an alchemist before becoming shipwrecked on Eaglerock. He was unfortunately arrested due to the belief that he attacked a guard (when in actuality a rogue who did, had placed the guard’s horn in Rezo’s supply wagon). Rezo was thankful rescued by the same rogue and his companions, along with the Crowfeather clan – and taken by the Crowfeather clan for his own safety. (DM Note – When my players asked for the character’s name, I didn’t have one ready – and there was a Coke Zero in front of me – so I jumbled “Zero Sugar” into “Rezo Garus”).
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, recruited to the Crowfeather rebellion)
  • Rita Naom – a female Triton aboard the Destiny’s Courtship who holds the position of First Officer, reporting directly to the captain of the ship, Krella Wavebreaker. DM Note – this is a reference to one of my favorite female Marvel characters ever – it’s an anagram of Namorita.
    • Currently still alive
  • Riezor – Human farmer in Greenhaven, located on Eaglerock, known for his fresh apples (which, when consumed grant Inspiration – however, they lose this ability within 2 hours of being picked – so only freshly picked apples create this effect). He became rapid friends with another resident of Eaglerock named Ramgor, who took Galiena to Greenhaven on a date. While there, it was attacked by demons who leaped into Scarecrows; followed by Vargouilles; and it’s clear this is a fairly common problem. (Lord Brenmoon does not want people consuming the apples that inspire, and get the idea of rebelling against his rule)
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Relgar Thornwhip – Relgar is a human wizard, who has been enslaved by Razathorn and operates out of Razathorn’s home, at the edge of Felhorn. Relgar, while in Razathorn’s presence, will swear loyalty to him – and do whatever evil task is asked of him; but in truth, he is working against Razathorn and hopes to bring him down. He’s begun working with a group of heroes, providing them information about the current happenings on Eaglerock. Relgar has asked the party to go to the haunted Starfall Estate and look for a secret passage – there should be a Quasit and a book on Demonology somewhere in the Estate – and with that info, he may be able to find a way to start undoing what Razathorn and Lord Brenmoon have done.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Rex Flamehammer – Resident of Thoridun, who had nearly perished fighting a Drow ambush near the Gates of Thoridun. The Drow had been attempting to seal the Gates so that no outside help could come to aid the Dwarves. Rex met a party of adventurers and explained the current unrest. He explained that the Drow use a very lethal poison in their attacks (and on themselves, should they get captured) that rapidly decomposes a body, which has made proving the Drow plot very difficult to prove.
    • Currently still alive (Shadow Vale)
  • Ruughar Stonesmasher – Ruughar is a Duergar slaver who encountered a party who had come down into the caves he calls home. Originally he had intended to enslave them, but when they mentioned they were after “the bat-boy” – he knew he could use them to go get rid of the “bat-boy” who commanded the stirges and a bane to the Duergar – then, after they were coming back, would enslave them all at that time.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, Darkenpass Mountains)


  • Salia Firmhilt – Human female “escort” who works at Tashara’s Palace of the Sensual, located in Redstone. She’d been employed by Buppido to help “calm Adrian down.”
    • Status: Alive (and gainfully employed)
  • Sandwave – One of the trusted scouts of Chief Seatide of the Shadow Sea Kingdom off the coast of Shadow Island. He was the one who led two adventurers to the den of the Sea WitchNote: His name was intentionally meant to sound like my all time favorite Transformer, Soundwave, however, throughout the entire session, I unfortunately kept referencing him as Sandwitch because of the “Sea Witch” story line… Sometimes your fun ideas don’t always work out when you do them.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Sea Kingdom off the shores of Shadow Island)
  • Santor Redcliff – Santor is a human wereraven on Eaglerock Island, who serves Brandon Crowfeather. He was sent to check on the heroes who were scaling up a mountain to slay a large, matriarch peryton known as Bloodwing.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock Island)
  • Saric Guardstone, King – Human King of Guardstone. Saric’s brother Ty sought, not only the throne of Guardstone, but his brother’s wife, Bella as well. Ty aligned himself with an organization of orcs known as the Broken Hand in order to assist him in overthrowing his brother (and hopefully killing him and his son), thus making him the sole heir to Guardstone. In exchange, he promised the Broken Hand some of the richest beneath the castle’s vault. During the coupe, Ty was cursed by King Saric’s clerics to take form of the very beast his heart portrayed; thus turning him into what legends referred to as a Minotaur. In his furious rage, Ty lost control of his emotions and killed Bella during the coupe. Saric was forced to escape with his most trusted knights; but he was separated from his son and daughter during the chaos of the assault. He presumed both to be dead when he had not heard from either in the two years that followed. Castle Guardstone fell to ruin with the Broken Hand orcs warring with other races he also sought the treasures rumored to be in Castle Guardstone’s vault. The party found and rescued Saric’s son from an evil mage; and returned the boy to the dethroned king, who now resided in the small town not far from the fallen castle. Saric hired the adventurers to travel into the castle and seek out his wife’s jewelery; the only thing he has left of hers. In doing so, the adventurers encountered Ty, still stuck in his cursed form and put him to rest; and discovered that he had kept Saric’s daughter chained in the dungeon those past two years. She was happily returned to her father.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1131
    • Bourne Guardstone (Son, Age 12, blue eyes, blond hair)
      • Year of Death (Approx) – 1142
    • Galena Guardstone (Daughter, Age 16, blue eyes, blond hair)
      • Year of Death (Approx) – 1146
    • Bella Guardstone (Wife, deceased; green eyes, blond hair)
      • Year of Death (Approx) – 1123
    • Ty Guardstone (brother, deceased)
      • Year of Death (Approx) – 1124
  • Searscale the Red – Searscale is a medium red dragon that had been enslaved by the people who ran the Dominus Tenebris carnaval. However, as the members of the Carnival were slain – so too was the hold on Searscale – who then broke free and began attacking Carnival employes.
    • Status: Alive
  • Seatide – Chief of the Shadow Sea Kingdom. He employed two heroes to track down, find and defeat the “Sea Witch” named Jarnius. He has a daughter named Coral.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Seas Kingdom, off the Shadow Island Coast)
  • Severin Goldenharp – He was a human bard who was known for using the hurdy gurdy. He met Twilight on his travels and the two of them traveled for quite some time together, with him teaching her how to use the hurdy gurdy. When Severin heard about this new continient, he wanted to see what it had to offer – but Twilight was not so certain. She remained behind and he gave her his hurdy gurdy and set sail. Ironically, a few short years later, Twilight would go on to join a ship’s crew.
    • Status: Alive (last seen in Redstone)
  • Sentorious – Sentorious is the leader of the Everhoof Centaurs located in the Everhoof Plains of Eaglerock. In an effort to be rid of Lord Brenmoon, who often sent his men to hunt down and kill centaurs on the island as pleasure hunts, he has allied himself with the Crowfeather rebellion. He employed a party to assist him with a troublesome chimera that had taken up residence in the mountain near their home, who also took pleasure in hunting centuars for their flesh.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, Everhoof Plains)
  • Servana Deelyon – She is a female human who works at the White Fang Inn and Tavern in Felhorn on Eaglerock. DM Note – Her name is a reference to Cervantes de León from Soul Calibur, as I have a number of arcade game characters “loosely” referenced throughout my games.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock)
  • Shadowlock Everspring, elderly blond human, former owner of The Stone’s Throw Inn and Tavern. Still alive, visits the inn from time to time to see how Thoris is handling running the place. Grandfather of Tanalla Everspring, and great grandfather of Stephanie Everspring.
    • Currently still alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Shalice, Brek’tor, Kurston – These were three goblin warriors (who served Unk’toon) who were on the “unknown” island that had gone with a group of heroes in an attempt to put an end to the Kuo-Toa’s Blue Holder. Only Shalice was killed during the combat.
    • Status: Presumed Alive
  • Shelly CadwellShelly Cadwell was a young, human female, with striking features, and beautiful golden hair. She was thought to be a Seer of some kind, possessing visions of the future and significant knowledge in the arcane arts as well as religious. Unfortunately, her husband and son were taken by the mist; and despite her best efforts to find them, she never did and eventually gave into the deep, dark, depression and decided to take her life at Lover’s End – a massive tree known to draw people who feel they must take their own life. A group seeking to find a cure for the Vargouille bite their friend had gotten was eventually able to summon Shelly’s spirit forward. Their plea is met with acceptance as she tells them that there’s a tome in her home that will have the information they seek.
    • Status: Deceased (Her Spirit can be summoned at Lover’s End, if the person is charasmatic enough to call her forth)
  • Shenar Moonsail – A human fisherman who lives in Avador on Shadow Island. He was present when the Trogdolytes attacked the village (as well as other sea creatures) in what seemed to be a very random attack – until a pattern was recognized. Women were being pulled into the ocean – women of all ages – and only women.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Island)
  • Shera Lovelight – Shera Lovelight is a human who was once a cleric, but when she was shipwrecked on Eaglerock and saw the drastic loss of life (she was one of the very few survivors, in which she lost her daughter) – she turned her back on the gods and grew furious. It wasn’t until she encountered the Moonstone Dragon, Crescent, who’d been wounded in her escape from Razathorn, that Shera called on that light that had been lost so long and healed Crescent. While the ability to heal is still within her, she started a new life in Greenhaven as a tanner of leathers.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock Island)
  • Shipsnapper Shipsnapper is completely loyal to Wade Mistmorn and Rain Amberskies, who had nursed him back to health when he was grievously wounded in some form of attack. Shipsnapper has a telepathic bond with both Wade and Rain and can understand very basic commands from them (“Dive”, “Attack”, “To Sun”, etc).
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Water)
  • Shorkil – The “Gardener” of the haunted Lord Starfall Estate on Eaglerock. When in truth, he’d been turned into a wererat by Dennin, the supposed cook of the Estate. Shorkil had been one of the few survivors of a shipwreck and came to the manor in hopes of finding help. Dennin fed him, then infected him with Lycanthropy – and used him to keep the occassional zombie that would rise near the manor, at bay. When a Tiefling named Varr Torodon came to the manor, after a shipwreck – they ambushed him and in the ensuing fight, Varr dropped a magical dagger known as “Lycan Blade” or “Lycan Biter” (to Lycanthropes). Shorkil took possess of the blade when he found it, as he was the “groundskeeper” and spent more time outside the manor. When he, Dennin and Hellina revealed their true selves, they were killed by a small group of heroes, and one of them took the magical dagger, called Lycanblade.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock)
  • Shorkin Eversky – A Human who runs The Moon’s Shadow Inn and Tavern in Mid-Ridge (Ridgecrest). The Inn is well known – but suffered fire damage when the first floor mysteriously caught fire.
    • Status: Alive (Ridgecrest)
  • Shujin Gorudo – A Gold Dragon that took the guise of a Human Monk Sensei at the top of the Path of Enlightenment. He explained that due to his draconic nature he can’t get directly involved (unless evil dragons get involved) – but that he can “guide” and train people. A number of Hobgoblins had breached the temple at the top of the Path of Enlightenment and made off with two magical gauntlets. The heroes gave chase. Note – Shujin Gorudo is his “human” name – his Draconian name has not yet been mentioned.
    • Status: Alive
  • Silas Frostweaver – Silas was a human mage, in search for relics supposedly to be found in the many ruins located in The Forest of Ruin. On his travels through the forest, he’d met – for the first time – a forest gnome – which, to his knowledge was unheard of. The forest gnome, named Sindri Waggletop, shared his story and sought to learn as much as he could from Silas about the magic he’d witness the human doing. After departing, Silas continued his search for various relics in the many ruins located in the Forest of Ruin, hoping to recover them and bring them back to the Tower of Magi.
    • Currently still alive (location unknown)
  • Sillarfar, The Mad One – The Shaman of the Lizardfolk in the Shadow Realm, he is often regarded as “The Mad One” by his own people because he is constantly “speaking to the air” – but what they don’t see is that as their Shaman, he is communing with the spirits of their people and gaining knowledge through what the spirits tell him. He uses old kobold bones to throw on a treestump at the base of their massive village to determine the fates of the people.
    • Currently still alive (Shadowvale)
  • Silverrun – (Bronze) Dragonborn Monk from House Zennez. Typically hangs out in The Lion’s Maw, but vanished while investigating the problem with the goblins and wolves that had been such a long, ongoing issue in the town of The Ivory Vale.
    • Current status, Unknown
  • Skarin Orcbane – A human wizard, employed by Kraun, to manage the teleportation disc in one of the many cities/towns, primarily working out of Lakefront.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Skrek – Skrek is a Nothic who lives in a cavern system located on the Plane of Water. He met a group of adventurers who had just defeated a growing population of Harpies, and the treant that had been forever enthralled by their music, which had been in front of the cave’s entrance.
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Water)
  • Slyver – A Couatl who has made his presence known to mortals several times. He once warned a group of adventurers about the dangers of a Kuo-Toa tribe, and appeared again when those heroes had defeated the Kuo-Toa’s “Blueholder” creation and called its master, a Ki-Rin named Kalaris. Slyver also got involved in the War of the Elemental Planes, warning Korra that the Drow were behind the mounting distrust. He was also in a vision Korra had at an unusual carnival. Slyver would also ask a group of adventurers to have mercy on a cursed fey Satyr. Though his primary interest is a group of adventurers who are currently in a race to stop both the Hobgoblins and the Orcs from raising ancient ancestors of great power.
  • Snowclaw – Snowclaw is a White Dragon that lives an area, high in the snowy mountains called Frostpeak. Snowclaw, which last reported was slumbering near the mountain city of Frost Peak (see Session 26)
    • Status: Alive
  • Solas Asdorcha – When a wizard was killed by a band of orcs, and the wizard’s spell book had gone unnoticed in the bushes (as the wizard fell to his death), it would be a Pixie by the name of Solas who would find the Wizard’s spellbook – and interested in the runes and writing took it as her own. She eventually learned to wield magic, very powerful magic, which made her raise in the ranks of the Feywild; but the magic she learned was dark and sinister, and took what was once pure and innocent and twisted her into shadow and darkness. It is said, she even came into contact with a vampire (some of the stories claim she demanded to be turned, then killed the vampire – though this is all unconfirmed). Solas grew into such power that she became an Archfey, and often called upon by Warlocks. (DM Note – This was actually an Archfey I made for my Warlock in another game; that game didn’t last long but I was too in love with both the photo and the idea of a Pixie reaching Archfey status, so I brought her into Kne’Urth).
    • Status: Alive (Feywild)
  • Squeven – A Halfling Cleric who follows Brezden, the evil god of Greed. He also happens to be gainfully employed by the Tiefling, Kraun. He was told by Kraun to help identify a ring that Adrian had been given by the head of the carnival at Redstone.
    • Status: Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Starhorn – an ancient Unicorn that was assigned to protect the Great Tree. When cultists killed Danela, the Dryad of the Jade Forest to complete an ancient ritual that released Verastin from his prison; the fallen angel then pulled Starhorn’s own horn from his head and plunged it into the Unicorn’s heart and completed an ancient ritual that turned it into a Nightmare that now served him. They were last seen riding into the sky in a westward direction.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1186
  • Sten Sunforge – Human male who runs The Sunforge, a weapon shop located in High Ridge.
    • Status: Alive
  • Stonesight – Stonesight whose giant name is actually “Mauntanya“, is a Stone Giant Dream Walker located on the Plane of Earth. He’d been ambushed by a three headed, cursed frost giant named Kreela’kath, who had wanted to know who would be next in the order of the Eschelon (so that they could assassinate them and cause turmoil, so the giants could be free of their order and begin to wage war on the amassing dragons). Stonesight was rescued by a party of adventurers, who helped defeat Kreela’kath. He listened to them and explained how they should seek the way to free and give Karvus, an ancient being, life again for the coming war he has forseen.
    • Status: Alive (Plane of Earth)
  • Sumar Owlwise – A human – one of the few Dragon Riders who had been called upon by the evil dragon goddess, Thyamat, in an attempt to destroy elves. He was however captured and turned over to the Mage’s Tower, because he was a wizard – unlike the other Dragon Riders of old, who appeared to be Knights. Sumar was turned over to the Mages – and questioned, but Sumar refused to speak. He was confident the green dragon, to which he was bound, named Bauzaine, would come to his rescue – but that never happened. Sumar was subjected to a number of “cleansings” by the Mages, but refused to give up his dark ways. Sumar was put to death for his crimes. During the Hollowing, he arose once again but was once again put down.
    • Status: Dead
  • Suratin Dayspringer, a medic (operating out of the mining town of Stonehowl) who came into possession of an ancient staff from the Broken Lands. The Staff, filled with ancient magic had promised to “heal” people; but what it truly did was take over Suratin’s mind and he began “healing” people by raising the dead. First he was raising dead miners to work in the dangerous mines so no one else would be harmed; but the town began to revolt at the use of necromancy. A group of adventurers defeated Suratin and took the Staff, which then attempted to possess them. The party encountered the black dragon, Onyx, outside who said he would take the staff from them. One of the adventurers took Suratin’s head; which later animated itself in Lakefront, when it sensed great magical power once again. The party was forced to fight him again and this time destroyed the skull.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1186
  • Surge Mudrunner – Human herbalist who lives in Korvask/Fourstone who gathers Whistle Leaf for the town.
    • Status: Alive (Eagle Rock)
  • Sunreach Amberskies, King – King Sunreach Amberskies is one of the many Kings on the Plane of Water (each King represents 100 miles of area on the Plane of Water) – and his daughter, Rain, fell in love with someone of no royalty named Wade Mistmorn. He refused to allow them to see each other – and just as it frequently happens – Rain ran away with Wade. Her father was beyond furious and believed (or so he told everyone) that Wade had abducted her – and demanded his fleet to go after her – but to not attack the ship. Simply follow and capture her when the time was right. However, for reasons unknown, the King’s men attacked the ship Wade and Rain had been on, sinking it, and claiming pirates had done it, so Sunreach believes his daughter to have been killed by pirates. He’s now issued an order to hunt and kill all pirates – which now, ironically, includes Wade’s new crew, that rides upon the back of a horizonback turtle.
    • Alive: Plane of Water
  • Survivors of the Winged Griffon attack: The Winged Griffon was a ship attacked by a mysterious creature. Four survivors of the attack drifted for a week clinging to the fragments of the ship before being rescued.
  • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, Everhoof Plains)
  • Currently alive (able to move through all of the Planes at will)


  • Taarush Skygloom – Lizard Folk Barbarian headed to the Broken Lands, who lost a Pit Fight against the forest Gnome, Buppido.
    • Status: Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Taleena – Human, wife of Varick, mother of two children. She is beautiful, red hair, green eyes, womanly figure.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Tanalla Everspring – She is the mother of Stephanie Everspring who went missing. A group of heroes helped find and rescue Stephanie from the clutches of Lord Rapture, an undead bard. She is seeking information on her husband who came to this continent looking for fame and fortune over three years ago – and has not heard from him since.
    • Status: Alive
  • Taramar Kinfield – A human rogue who operates in Low Ridge, in Ridgecrest. As a part of the Black Swan guild (comprised mostly of Wererats). For a price, he was able to help some adventurers illegally acquire Mid Ridge passes.
    • Status: Alive (Low Ridge/Ridgecrest)
  • Tarn Bladesinger – Tarn is a human weapon vendor in Spire’s Edge. He’d spent his whole life awakening from feverish dreams in which demons would one day come for the souls of the innocent. This created an obsession for Tarn to one day forge the perfect weapon to fight these demons. Years upon years, he tried and failed to create such a weapon. However, when the demons finally came to Spire’s Edge, he finally created the perfect blade – and he called it Demon Bane. He helped a group of heroes fight off the demon invasion – but he was old now, and he saw how one of the heroes, a human Paladin named Adrian Silverstrength had handled himself – and after the invasion he gifted Demon Bane to him.
    • Status: Alive (Spire’s Edge)
  • Tauraun Sunshaper – One of the Librarians of Dustown in the Broken Lands. Dustown was one of the few towns that had not been infected with an unusual disease supposedly caused by the “fire streaking through the sky.”
    • Status: Alive (Broken Lands)
  • TavaniCellstone – She works for Bradbury at The Nightshade Inn at Redstone.
    • Status: Alive (Redstone)
  • Tavaris Longnights – Runs a shop called Tavaris’ Wonder of Wonderous Things located in the Astral Plane – specifically on Barawaui.
    • Status: Alive (Barawaui)
  • Taylor Songswift – A young, blond, perky woman, who is a tailor who runs a store called Swift. She frequently sings at The Moon’s Shadow.
    • Status: Alive
  • Teelara Steelmaster – She is a human female who runs the Teelara’s Blades and Protection shop in Ridgecrest. The Discovery party met her when they were preparing to travel to Drastor.
    • Status: Alive
  • Terralol, King – King Terralol is the king of the goblins who were at war with the gnolls who had come and taken over the abandoned town of Stormthunder which the goblins had called home after it’d become abandoned. The goblins were forced to flee and live in the sewers.
    • Status: Alive (Shadow Island)
  • Thelmus Ironstone is a male dwarf fighter with fiery red hair and soft, blue eyes. He tends to slur his words (possibly because he always remains ever so slightly intoxicated). Despite this he is an expert armor maker who has a beef with Trella Nightbreaker. Thelmus travels with Argar Fireaxe and Morrena Forgemaker, all of whom including Thelmus, are members of The Hammer of Jarisfargen.
    • Currently still alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Thariak Froststorm, King – The current ruler of Thoridun, the Dwarven Kingdom located beneath Blue Ridge Mountain. News has broke out that he’s aligned himself with the Drow in order to fight a common enemy – a more powerful enemy – the Illithid. This alliance has ripped the Thoridun community apart; and has now bred some sense of paranoia as Thariak thinks the Blackoak family seeks to over throw him (evidence seems to point to this as well).
    • Currently alive (Shadow Vale, Blue Ridge Mountain)
  • Thomeka Greystone – female mountain dwarf warrior with fiery red hair and passive green eyes who believes all Kings are equal. Protection of the Kingdoms is a shared duty that everyone should be trying to uphold and that any knowledge should be shared. All of which makes her a top servant of The Crown’s Alliance.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Toor Stonecutter – A dwarf who runs the Stonecutter Tavern on the island of Havar.
    • Status: Alive (Havar)
  • Thoris Blackoak, Dwarf who runs one of the few standing buildings in Spire’s Edge, an inn called The Stone’s Throw Inn and Tavern. Comes from one of the richest Dwarven Clans in Blue Ridge Mountain which is located just southwest of Spire’s Edge, beneath the mountain. His family is the primary keepers of the main water supply going into Thoridun (the actual name of the Dwarven Kingdom) and also a unique black oak tree (from which their surname was developed) which is “as sturdy as steel” and makes for unique, powerful arrows.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale, Spire’s Edge)
  • Thorwalian and Riva Startrail – Human brothers, 21 and 23 respectively. Muscular humans, brown hair, brown eyes; hair is long. Thorwalian wears his in braids, while Riva pulls his hair back into a single tied knot. Two human warrior brothers who served King Saric when he still ruled in Castle Guardstone. They are one of the few survivors of the siege that Ty Guardstone orchestrated to overthrow Saric. Both warriors were called upon by Saric to help Omen examine the base of the Night Blades in the sewer systems.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1131
  • Thyis Bloodspell – A Tiefling Rogue in Lakefront who works for Kin Ravenclaw and has an alliance with Kraun.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Tora Rhinestone – (High) Elf Priestess of Life in Spire’s Edge.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale, Spire’s Egde)
  • Torin Stonepassage – Torin was originally invited to Marcus Mapplestone’s party, because of how well known he was for making armor. He then set his sights on reaching the Broken Lands/The Gold Coast, and along the travels, during one of the stops entered the pit fight where he fought Adrian, another adventurer. From there, he headed to Eaglerock, where he now remains, trapped like the others on the island. He came into service of Crescent, the Moonstone Dragon, making army for a slowly mounting resistance against Razathorn and Lord Brenmoon.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock Island)
  • Tor’Kon Kin’stic – Cyclops who fought an Ettin in order to try and save the human cleric priestess, Lilli Sandmeadow. Though initially being accused as the one who abducted Lilli, Tor’Kon convinces the party to think about the wounded villagers – who all had puncture wounds – while Tor’Kon only carried a large club that had no spikes. He acomapnies the party in their pursuit of the Ettin.
    • Currently Alive (Broken Lands)
  • Trema Lockheart – She is a human who runs a potion shop in Redstone. She sold some potions to a party of adventurers about to scale Redstone mountain to investigate the presence of a red dragon.
    • Status: Alive.
  • Trenaral Nightbreaker – female Aasimar warrior with blond hair and green eyes, sister of Trella Nightbreaker who was murdered at Marcus Mapplewood‘s house party. She tends to pace back and forth and hates when people speak just to speak. She believes people should be silent unless they have valuable information to share. She loyally serves The Order of Righteousness.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Trestor Everleaf – human male herbalist in Greenhaven (on Eagle Rock) – who can make potions (but keeps a low supply, in case Lord Brenmoon’s men do a sweep; as healing potions are also generally forbidden, as they could benefit any form of rebellion). Only low doses to help with general wounds farmers may suffer.
    • Status: Alive
  • Trihorn Bloodhoof – Captain of The Wave Hammer which was tragically sunk by a Kraken. Trihorn survived and was found several days later on a small island. Other members of his crew survived, but most were never found again. Trihorn has never forgiven himself, though it was never truly his fault.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1123
  • Tur Jerek, a human that had been cursed with Lycanthropy and turned into a Werewolf, where he revealed himself and sought revenge against the Ivory Vale during the Hollowing, whom he thought had turned their backs on him.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1186
  • Twilight Skybane – A female Tiefling bard, aboard the Destiny’s Courtship. Twilight Skybane is a young, female Tiefling, who has spent most of her life seeking out the inner beauty of things – mostly because her demonic appearance, from being a Tiefling has frightened the people of smaller, superstitious towns, villages and hamlets. She frequently used her disguise kit to disguise herself when entering these smaller towns. Hearing news of a new continent that many people were sailing to, Twilight booked passage aboard the “Destiny’s Courtship” – however, over the course of the three week sailing trip from Tawaim to Vareen (the unofficial name of the new continent, meaning “the new land” in the Ancient Elven tongue), Twilight found that the unusual crew of the Destiny’s Courtship did not judge her – as a matter of fact, the ship itself was made up of an unusual crew which included an male Aasimar by the name of Haylin Stormlight, a female Tabaxi named Prellena Glintclaw, a male Kenku who ironically maintained the crow’s nest (due to his ability to have a booming voice) named (again, ironically) Whisper, and a female Triton named Rita Naom, and rounding up the unusual crew was the captain, a female Minotaur named Krella Wavebreaker. The crew enjoyed and welcomed Twilight’s music – and rather than disembarking when reaching Vareen – Krella asked her to officially become a part of the crew, which Twilight accepted. Twilight became the crew’s main source of musical and story entertainment. On the first night Twilight played the song The Stars Returned which tells of an epic tale of heroes who defeated a great and powerful elf driven mad by rage, Gem which is Krella’s blue macaw flew to Twilight’s shoulder and tried to imitate her singing. Gem has since then, never left Twilight’s side – often try to mimic her vocal talents. Twilight has even managed to integrate Gem’s antics into her story telling. DM Note – Twilight was originally meant to be an NPC for a game; but I had someone control her – and they ended up being a part of that game going forward.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • TwinoakTwinoak is a Treant who lives in the Jade Forest, as one of its new guardians. A group of heroes met him when Jorick introduced him to them.
    • Status: Alive (Jade Forest)
  • Tykin Meradune – A young assistant to Ramgor Demun, who Korra first met in Session 59. Ramgor would eventually end up on Eaglerock Island, Tykin’s fate is unknown.
    • Status: Unknown


  • Umpha – Umpha was a flump who lived on the Astral Plane domain of Barawaui, home to many Astral Elves, whom a group of adventurers had encountered. Umpha helped them fight serpent beings by providing them telepathic vision and avoiding the lethal gaze of the Medusa that was present.
    • Status: Alive (Barawaui)
  • Unk’toon – a strong goblin, living on a small (10 mile x 10 mile) island somewhere between Tawaim and “Vareen” (the newly discovered land). He leads his goblins in a battle against the “fish people” who also live on the island, and trusts the sage words of Bizkan.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale) 
  • Undertoe and Riptide – A pair of Hippocampus, assigned to help two adventurers, who had agreed to help put an end to a Sea Hag named Jarnius – who was part of a Coven called Coven of the Fallen Star.
  • Status: Alive (Underwater, near Shadow Island, in the Shadow Sea Kingdom)
  • Utillia Doomsilk – The wife of Goarus Doomsilk, Utillia was once hailed one of the most beautiful Drow in the Shadowvale. When the Drow had ambushed a group of adventurers, looking for more slaves (and people to murder and torture) – they discovered that the adventurers had just returned from the Broken Lands and had several unusual magic items and a tome of ancient knowledge. The High Priestess had Goarus begin translating the tome, and he discovered, long ago, in times long forgotten the Dark Elves worshiped a spider goddess named L’orak’ana – otherwise known as Lolth, who was said to be half Dark Elf and Half Spider – who had ascended into godhood through magic. The tome spoke of a way of binding her soul to a powerful Priestess to return to the world; the tome also spoke of how to make female beings that were half spider half Drow. The High Priestess demanded that Goarus learn how this could be accomplished – and after several failed experiments and magic (often creating horrific beings) – Goarus believed he had finally learned how it could be done. The Priestess demanded that his wife, Utillia be the first Drider to be born of this magic. Despite Goarus’ protests, his wife accepted – and became the first Drider. The Priestess demanded all females, when they reach the age of maturity either worship her since she would soon ascend as the embodiment of Lolth, and/or become Driders. Males were used for all the hard labor and had low standing in the Drow organization, which further upset Goarus. However, in order to protect his wife, he gave her a magic bow that had been found with the adventurers. Utillia was killed when a group of adventures, allied with Nor’Orn, killed her as she rushed to her husband’s aid.
    • Status: Deceased.


  • Vare Meadowshine – Elven Wizard, age 140, with silver hair and purple eyes who lives in Tawaim. Vare Meadowshine is a “young” Elven Wizard, who left his home in order to find his place in the world. He never felt at home among the other elves; believing his destiny lied elsewhere in the world.
    • Status: Unknown, Location: Unknown
  • Vauru Sunborn is a male Aasimar wizard with blond hair and blue eyes, but has colorless pupils. He sings beautifully, and believes in the notion of live and let live. He’s always interested in what people are doing and what experiences he might learn from them. He is a loyal member of The Mystic Alliance.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Varak Froststorm, King – King Varak Froststorm ruled Thoriden below Blue Mountain for over one hundred years, and was well liked and well respected by everyone. He was thought to be extremely fair and kind to both the rich and the poor, doing what he could to elevate lesser known families in the Dwarven Kingdom. His rule came to an end when the evil green dragon, Emereth appeared and attacked the dwarven underground kingdom, claiming the fallen courtyard as her resting place for nearly seventy years. King Varak was a born warrior and did not cower behind his throne – he ran out, alongside his soldiers and perished in the battle against Emereth, leaving behind a single heir to rule at the throne – Thariak Froststorm.
    • Deceased (death approximately 1,137)
  • Varick Ironcut – Human farmer; former soldier of the Ordorn Kingdom, who fought in the great war 50 years ago. When goblins abducted his children, he promised to serve them, as long as the goblins released his two sons, and left his farm land alone. The party was able to defeat the goblins and free Varick of his dark pact. Though the party who found him had intended to arrest him, when they took him to his wife (Taleena) and kids, they left him go. Because of this, Varick now provides the those who need assistance with information he uncovers.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • Verastin – Often referred to as a “demon” Verastin was actually once an Angel, who during the war, had become so obsessed with cleansing the world of evil, that his view on what constituted “evil” became blurred, so even the slightest of slights, was deemed an act of evil, and thus, to be killed. Verastin was cast from the heavens and pinned by an arrow (some legend describes it as a spear) by the goddess, Lynzee, which imprisoned him on the mortal plane. The arrow grew to a great, giant tree, that became defended by Dryads and many fey; however, cultists managed to capture the Dryad protecting the tree and enacted an ancient ceremony that allowed Verastin to break free. When he broke free, the Dryad’s life being endanger lured the sacred unicorn of the woods, which Verastin then killed with the Unicorn’s own horn and used dark magic to turn it into a Nightmare beast (black horse with fiery hooves, mouth, eyes, tail) and rode into the western skies.
    • Year of Original Death (Approx) – Unknown
    • Resurrected – 1186
  • Vask Evenstone Vask Evenstone is the son of the founder of the small hamlet on Eagle Rock known as Korvask, or sometimes called Fourstone. His father was named Kor Evenstone and his best friend, Vask Fourstars, and this the town’s original name of KorVask. Vask himself was named after Kor’s best friend. The friendship between Kor and Vask, was said to be very deep. Vask has a son named Gren and Vask’s wife is named Lena. They run Korvask/Fourstone as the primary “leader” though there’s no official title.
    • Vask: Alive (Eagle Rock)
    • Gren: Alive (Eagle Rock)
    • Lena: Alive (Eagle Rock)
    • Kor Everstone: Deceased (Eagle Rock, Died during a hunt)
    • Vask Fourstars: Deceased (Eagle Rock, Died during same hunting accident, trying to save Kor)
      • Vask has a wife name Olia, but they never had a child. This is why Kor named his own son after Vask.
      • Olia: Unknown (Eagle Rock). After learning of her husband’s death, she wandered into the woods and disappeared, never to be seen again, despite numerous hunting parties out looking for her.
  • Vren Ka’rall, Mayor – Human mayor The Sinking City in Tawaim. Despite the (rumor of) numerous thieves guild, Mayor Vren Ka’rall has done little to curb the bloody war that seems to sweep through the city every night. The Sloping Port was named such, because when the construction began on the port (after several ancient temples rose from the marshes and generated interest in those seeking treasure) sunk into the land, due to the marsh. A city was built a little ways away from the port, but eventually the city itself seemed to sink towards the port; and thus the two have (un)officially been combined as one. Some speculate that Mayor Vren Ka’rall has something to gain from the war among the thieves; or somehow involved in a darker purpose; though nothing has ever been confirmed.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1123


  • Wade Mistmorn – A water genasi turned “pirate” who commands a giant horizonback turtle called “Shipsnapper.” Wade fell in love with Rain Amberskies, the daughter of the King of one of the regions on the Plane of Water but Wade was not of Royalty and just a “street urchin” according to Rain’s father, so he disallowed Rain from seeing Wade. Rain eventually ran away with Wade aboard a ship; the two had hope to start their life somewhere new; but Rain’s father had been furious and sent ships after the young couple. Despite orders to not physically attack the vessel, the King’s men had done just that, sinking the ship believing Wade and Rain to be dead after the ship sank, finding no sign of either. The returned, reporting that pirates had sunk the ship. Wade and Rain had washed ashore, where a young Horizonback Tortoise, had been wounded badly and pulled itself ashore to the same island that Wade and Rain had washed upon. The two tended to the animal, which over the years, grew massively in size, and soon would not leave their side. Wade had heard of other creatures enslaving Horizonback Tortoise to use as mobile bases; but Wade had no intention of enslaving it – but the Horizonback Tortoise was their only way off the island. As the years progressed Wade eventually acquired a crew riding upon the back of this Horizonback Tortoise that they named Shipsnapper.
    • Alive: Plane of Water
  • Whisper – A male Kenku aboard the Destiny’s Courtship who maintains (ironically) the Crow’s Nest.
    • Currently still alive
  • Whitefeather – Whitefeather is a Aarakocra who lives on top of a mountain in the Astral Plane of Kruezadune.
    • Status: Alive (Kruezadune)
  • Whitewing – The leader of the Harpies, from a small island just off the shore of Eagerock. Whitewing was killed when a party tracked her and her nest down as the ones who had stolen a tome they were looking for.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock)
  • Will Halloway is a human Paladin with blond hair and hazel eyes, who is also a skilled actor and a master of disguise. He’s both friendly and suspicious and prone to predictions of doom. Does not like carnivals as he believes they’re all heathens. He is aligned with The Order of the Light.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)
  • William Barrington – A human farmer in Greenhaven. He’d warned Baldur not to do anything foolish when Lord Brenmoon’s guards arrived.
    • Status: Alive (Eaglerock, Greenhaven)
  • Wrytten – A Kenku rogue, who serves as the written forging expert, for creating false documents (such as passes to Mid Ridge). He is one of the few members of the guild who has not been infected by the wererat Lycanthropy.
    • Status: Alive (Low Ridge/Ridgecrest)


  • Xarmarsh Silvercrown – Male Dragonborn of the Silver Dragon bloodline, with silver skin and yellow eyes; though blind in his right eye which has a scar across it. He believes (quite firmly) in the greater good, and knowledge is a weapon everyone should use to fight against the evils of the world. He is a part of The Natural Order, but there is a rumor that he has a lover that he keeps secret, for reasons unknown.
    • Currently alive (Ivory Vale)


  • Yavun Faithbringer – Human captain of the guard in Drastor and a Paladin of Gha’als Shaum – The Sun God. Yavun employed a group of heroes to track down an evil dragonborn named Krhish’tyn Rhey who had escaped Drastor’s prison after a dragon attack on the city.
    • Status: Alive (Drastor)


  • Zenafal – Zenafal is the fabled angel, said to have been grievously wounded during the War of the Heavens, her angelic body plummeting from above, and dying as her spine was pierced on the Redstone Mountains. The story is that it is her blood that seeped into the mountains and created the incredible, often times, massive red gems that exist in the caves. It’s believed it’s her heartbeat that echoes in the caves, which is more noticeable and often disorienting, the further into the cave you go. She is known to bestow gifts upon those who seek to destroy evil in her presence within the caves, such as she’d done with a group who had ventured there to destroy a gathering Cult of Belaros. See Legend of Redstone Mountain for more.
    • Status: Deceased (Spirit Haunts) Redstone Caves
  • Zeraph – Regarded as one of the most resilient, intelligent and toughest of the Lizardfolk in the Shadowvale, Zeraph has proven himself time and time again in combat. What makes him so deadly is that he does not rely on his brute strength alone; he’s also extremely cunning.
    • Currently still alive (Shadowvale)
  • Zar Hammerstone – Zar Hammerstone had been Thoris Blackoak’s best friend growing up. The two of them were inseparable, often going out and finding trouble in the Shadow Realm. The Blackoak estate, now being run by Thoris’ brother, Jaris Blackoak, is now under the protection of the Hammerstone Clan. Zar and his family are perhaps the most well respected armor smiths in Thoridun. During the civil unrest, several members of the Hammerstone and Blackoak family have been arrested for “conspiring against the king.”
    • Year of Death (Approx) – Unknown, was “replaced” by a Doppleganger
      • Doppleganger killed – 1186
  • Zaren Hillspring, is a human merchant in Tawaim, with grey hair, blue eyes, and a stubbly beard. Zaren is a reasonably fair merchant. He sells most of his items at the normal cost, though when it comes to purchasing items from adventurers; he’s less inclined to always pay full price. However, this old, gruff merchant can sometimes be talked into purchasing something for the normal price; if the one selling the item has an interesting story behind it (which he will then use to sell the same item to another customer). He enjoys what he does, and despite the sometimes stand offish attitude, actually enjoys speaking with adventurers and listening to their stories.
    • Year of Death (Approx) – 1132
  • Zaren Stormclaw – Related to Zaren Hillspring by several generations, Zaren Stormclaw, like his cousin, several times removed, had been – a human merchant who specialized in armory. He helped resize some armor for Buppido.
    • Status: Alive (Lakefront)
  • Zedvar Rainscribe – He was a jeweler in Kaltore who was murdered when Lord Brenmoon’s forces attacked and killed all that they could. His spirit returned, along with many others, who could not find rest. A party of adventurers helped bring him peace by reuniting him with his wife’s spirit, Alyson Rainscribe.
    • Status: Dead (Eaglerock Island)


  • The Alsayaada (Al’kah’lar in her native tongue) Spelljammer:
    • Buppido Diinkarazan (Rock Gnome Cleric/Wizard) – NPC flying the party’s Spelljammer
    • Dusk (Tiefling Artificer) – NPC upgrading the ship
    • Krelzor – Hadozee – Captain
      • Arch – Pseudodragon – Krelzor’s companion
    • Moozana – Plasmoid – Helm’s Man
    • Ter’nal’iz – Thri-Kreen – Cleric/Medic
    • Hookar – Plasmoid – Cook
    • Bliz – Hadozee – Navigator
    • Alsayaada – Gynosphinx spirit of the Spelljammer
    • Aboard the other “captured Githyanki” Spelljammer – spirit fled the ship
    • Disnarium – High Elf (Rune Knight, NPC) – on board the Spelljammer working on the captured Spelljammer
    • Kraun Torodon – Tiefling (Businessman Rogue, NPC) – on board the Spelljammer working on the captured Spelljammer
  • Morning Glory – This is the ship that found the four survivors of the Winged Griffon ship attack and brought them back to Lakefront, per the request of the survivors. The main four of the crew are:
  • The Destiny’s Courtship is a ship run by Krella Wavebreaker, with her crew of Rita Naom, Whisper, Prella Glintclaw, Haylin Stormlight and Twilight Skybane. It runs back and forth from Tawaim and “Vareen” (the newly discovered continent), making the three week voyage quite frequently.
  • The Griffon’s Crest – A ship that took several new adventurers to the new continet of Vareen.
  • The Shadow Minnow is a ship, captained by a human who rescued several adventurers who had been aboard The Wave Hammer.
  • The Starjammer – The Starjammer is a vessel that travels to and from Tawaim to the new continent, bringing hopeful adventurers. The Starjammer is made up of a mixture of crew members, including a human named Korsair who is the captain; a Tabaxi named Hepzey, a minotaur named Chawd, and a half-elf name Rawza.
  • The Wave Hammer – A vessel that traveled to and from Tawaim to the new continent, bringing hopeful adventures. The ship was captained by a Minotaur by the name of Trihorn Bloodhoff. The ship was tragically sunk by a Kraken during the Hollowing, and more than half of those on the ship perished.
  • The Winged Griffon – a ship that was mysteriously attacked by an unknown beast believed to be a Kraken.

Taverns, Stores & Inns:

  • Alashamar Alkalhara (which translates to The Eternal Sun) is an Inn in Drastor. It was the sole inn to survive the blue dragon attack (see Session 69). The Inn was first mentioned in Session 59.
  • Daggerpoint – Located in Tawaim, it’s a single tower located near The Wyvern’s Nest. Daggerpoint is nothing more than a tower in the side of the mountain. Approximately 20 people work there (and tend to live there). Their sole purpose is to broadcast messages from their tower to the next (whether it’s coming from Greystone or Highview). The latest residents of Daggerpoint were slain brutally in an attack by a small group of Orcs of the Broken Hand, led by their Orc Priest, Gra’mar. The Orcs were recently defeated by the party; and King Saric is sending new people to clean up and take residence in Daggerpoint so the message towers can continue to function.
  • Das’hunar Kaldhabi – It is a bathhouse that is next to the Alashamar Alkalhara. The bathhouse suffered great damage during the blue dragon attack. (see Session 69) The name of the bathhouse translates to “the golden shower” (and it’s not that kind of golden shower, people – but rather that the sand dunes look like endless waves)
  • Drunken Dragon, The. The Drunken Dragon is an inn located on Eagle Rock, located inside of Greenhaven. It’s a favorite establishment of many on Eagle Rock. A group introduced the concept of cider to the owner (See Servants of the Wizard, Session 21). The owner is a human named Gogert Wayfair.
  • The Lion’s Pride – Located in The Ivory Vale, the Lion’s Pride is the towns most popular and well respected inns.
  • The Lion’s Mane. The Lion’s Mane is connected to the Lion’s Pride, and officially the tavern (with the Lion’s Pride being the Inn; formerly belonged to two different people who finally agreed to make it one business)
  • Meznar’s Potion Shop – This is a potion shop run by an Astral Elf by the name Meznar. The shop is located in the Astral Plane – specifically on Barawaui – home to the Astral Elves. Meznar is an Astral Elf.
  • The Moon’s Shadow – This is an Inn, in Midridge (Ridgecrest) run by Shorkin Eversky. The six story Inn was well known and well respected, but suffered some damage when the first floor caught on fire.
  • The Nightshade – a tavern located in Redstone, owned by Bradbury.
  • The Pegasus Wing – An inn/tavern run by Horak Splinterwood, located in the Ivory Coast.
  • The Purple Phoenix – A small tavern in the fishing village of Avador on Shadow Island that became well known for its fiery, purple drink made up from fermented grapes that were magically enhanced from the feywild when a portal opened and the unique plant was found by the tavern owner.
  • Seahaven Tavern – This is a tavern located in Lakefront. It garnered quite a bit of attention when four survivors of a horrible ship attack survived and returned to Lakefront amassing many of the remain people at Seahaven to create a rescue mission.
  • Stonesteam’s DreamsCaraus Stonesteam is rock gnome who spent a great amount of time around dwarves, often making trades. He became experienced in herbalism which he used to create healing potions – which the dwarves, often needed – whether from burns at the forge, or the battles against the goblins and orcs. Caraus eventually left the mountain and made his way to Ridgecrest. He became well known as an herbalist there, often treating wounds. This got him a pass to Mid-Ridge, which was eventually upgraded to High Ridge, where he runs a healing shop.
  • The Stone’s Throw Inn and Tavern – located in Spire’s Edge, run by a dwarf named Thoris Blackoak.
  • The Shellshock Tavern is run by a Tortle by the name of Ump’rah Greenshell (who had attended and miraculously survived the night – see Marcus Mapplewood for more).
  • The Sunforge – A weapon shop in High Ridge run by Sten Sunforge.
  • Swift, The Lavender Shop – A tailor shop in High Ridge run by a human female, Taylor Swiftsong.
  • Tashara’s Palace of the Sensual – A brothel found in Redstone.
  • Tavaris’ Wonder of Wonderous Things – A magic shop run by an Astral Elf named Tavaris, located in the Astral Plane – specifically on Barawaui.
  • Teelara’s Blades and Protection – It is an armor and weapons shop run by a human named Teelara.
  • Twostone’s Steel – A shop run by Daz Twostone located in Havar.
  • Vanara’s Potion Shop – Potion shop in Drastor. First mentioned in Session 59 when Korra met Ramgor. The shop suffered greatly from the blue dragon attack in Session 69.
  • Wharf’s End – This is a small tavern, where chairs and tables make it difficult to pass through, located in Lakefront – near the piers of Lakefront. Wharf’s End is specifically designed to be a rogue’s haven (which is why the tables and chairs make for a tight squeeze, making anyone who comes in there, sure to brush against someone who can relieve them of some of their money). A secret passage is located at the back that drops them into the sewers in the event of an emergency. (Note: Wharf’s End first appeared in The Discovery – Session 33)
  • The White Fang Inn and Tavern – The only tavern in the small village of Felhorn, located on Eaglerock.

Landmarks / Areas:

  • The Great Hills – Just north of the Ivory Coast, the Great Hills are named as such, because of their size. There are endless stories about how cults gather in the Great Hills to do unholoy ceremonies. DM Note – The Great Hills was modeled after an area in San Diego I live near called Proctor Valley. There are tons of stories and urban legends that surround Proctor Valley Road in San Diego, including Cult activities. There was even a comic released by Grant Morrison and Boom! Comics called Proctor Valley Road.
  • The Tower of Magi – In the year 400, the Tower of the Magi was constructed. The Tower of the Magi is a means for Mages of any walk (Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard) to be able to travel to. Speculation (though never confirmed) is that the Tower’s stones were made from the rocks of Faye Isle (simply because the island is known to move its location as well). Most of the knowledge in regards to magic was lost between 450 and 400, when paranoia against all Magic had reached it’s greatest heights. Towers were mages studied were burned down, mages were ruthlessly hunted down and killed. Now, within the Tower of Magi, what little knowledge could be saved is now kept safe. Select Mages remain within the Tower of Magi, dedicating their lives to restoring volumes of magic that they knew, or are learning, for others to one day master. While, outside the Tower of Magi, the different Mages may dislike one another, within the Tower of Magi, fighting is forbidden.
    • Wizards frown upon Sorcerers, because they are born with their magical abilities, rather than taking the time to study and master the magic in the world. So most Wizards find Sorcerers to be uneducated and careless.
    • Sorcerers have no problem with Wizards, though they do find themselves frequently being accused of being “reckless and casting magic carelessly without thought of consequence.” This sometimes creates a slight tension.
    • More can be found on the Tower of Magi page.
  • The Mother Tree Sometimes called The Ancient Tree or The Great Sky Spear. There is a massive tree located in the Jade Forest stands taller than any other, and the branches weave in and out, creating intricate designs. The base of the tree is so wide (roughly around 300 feet). The roots at the base of the massive tree, even create safe areas where someone could take shelter and hide. The Mother Tree is a sacred tree to the Druids. They believe that her roots reach out and touch every plant, no matter what continent – and that it is able to feel the destruction of any tree. (Legend even states that when a forest is burned down, the Mother Tree’s leaves turn brown and fall, in mourning). The Mother Tree is also protected by a Unicorn (that’s been known to take a Human or Elf form, adopting the name “Aurora”). In this form, she’s often asked for the aid of adventurers to protect the Mother Tree, or even nearby woods. Those will good hearts, or good intentions, who take shelter at the base of the Mother Tree will find they get the most peaceful sleep, and they will not be attacked during the night/day. Many even claim to have received healing while sleeping at the base of the Mother Tree. The origin of the Mother Tree, according to Lore, is that the arrow that Nifika, goddess of Magic, fired her arrow that took out Grumthak’s eye (see Timeline of the Gods for more details); the arrow had been thrown down from the heavens and struck the world below – and bloomed into the Mother Tree. It would explain the unique nature of the tree (no other tree like it exists in the world so far), as well as it’s incredible width and height. The magical properties of the Mother Tree, go even further – that, according to witnesses, an ancient Green Dragon named Emereth, tried to destroy the tree because it despised it’s beauty – and the tree was able to withstand the dragon’s breath, and able to repel the dragon’s claw and bite attacks. However, tragedy struck in 1,185 when a cult managed to lure the Dryad out. By placing her in danger, they had also managed to lure the Unicorn of the Jade Forest. Sacrificing the Dryad to an ancient dark evil, allowed the “demon” (which turned out to be a Fallen Angel) free. The Fallen Angel then snapped the Unicorn’s horn from its head and plunged into the heart of the Unicorn; turning it into a Nightmare, for the Fallen Angel to escape upon. The Jade Forest has since fallen to dark corruption and is no longer a safe place to travel… especially at night.
  • The Ivory Coast – The Ivory Coast is named for the bone (rib cage) like structure that protrudes out of the ocean, like an ivory cage in the bay. Dives to examine the origin of the massive, ivory cage show that they’re rooted deep into the earth. Until the recent return of the Dragons into the world; the origin of the Ivory Coast was thought to be based in legend. It had been said, long, long ago – when the world was first created, a great hero of the heavens battled a dragon in the heavens. After a thousand years of battle, the hero finally claimed victory and the dragon fell not from the sky – but the very heavens itself – and crashed into the world. Because of the shape of the bay, it appears it might have been from a large impact of something – possibly that of a dragon (due to the width on each side of the ivory cage in the bay). The ivory bones, if they are that of a dragon – measured from the surface of the ocean to their height – is well over two hundred feet (and that does not include whatever may be buried beneath the ocean floor). The lore around the ivory bones is that Valingard, during the war of the heavens, killed an ancient dragon, unlike any seen before – who then fell from the skies and crashed into the land. Some even believe, that would explain some of the Ivory Coast’s unusual sea creatures that have been spotted by sailors coming to and leaving the Ivory Coast, believing the evil dragon’s taint changed the ocean drastically.
  • The Shadow Realm – There are several stories that speak of the origins of the Shadow Stone Realm; but the accepted truth is that the god of ancient beasts, Terrorskew was slumbering in hibernation when the new gods arrived to the world. They saw a world, full of chaos, and giant raging beasts. Only humans existed on the world, but they were barely intelligent; relying on primitive weapons and communicating, if that, only through grunts and growls. There was no civilization, no cities, no laws – only roving tribes of men who ruled by violence and aggression. Believing they could do better, the new gods all agreed that the world must be remade, because there was no saving what already existed. Florasena had Jarisfargen reforge the world. Mounts of stone fell from Jarisfargen’s mighty forge, down to the world – and caused earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis and violent storms that destroyed most of the life on the world. Those that did survive were buried deep beneath the stone, miles and miles away from the surface world. When Terrorskew awoke from hibernation, he was enraged to see his precious creatures (dinosaurs) virtually extinct in the world. Furious, he tried to fight the new gods, but their combined might drove him back. He swore he would extract his revenge, and with his ability to create life, would take existing animals and reshape them – hoping to create, what he would call “The God Killer.” Some of his attempts to shape the God Killer resulted in new creatures that now exist throughout the world, such as the BasiliskBehirHydraKraken, before creating his God Killer – the Tarasque. Terrorskew’s hatred consumed him so much – but he realized that none of these new gods realized that there was life beneath the miles of stone that the dwarven god, Jarisfargen, had buried. Terrorskew discovered that hundreds of stronger, primitive humans from his version of the world survived in the darkness. He turned to them and granted them great power; since they still had not formed any form of language, he gave them the telepathic ability to communicate, and empowered their minds so much so, that they could tap into the minds of other living creatures; and found that by devouring the brains of those who possessed intelligence, their own intelligence would increase – and thus began the hunger for brains. These savage humans continued to evolve their minds, but also their bodies, and would soon earn the name Mind Rippers. Terrorskew used his godly, dark magic to then manipulate all the creates in this area he deemed ‘The Shadow Stone’ realm. Once normal creatures were modified and changed in order to adapt and survive in the harsh conditions of the Shadow Stone realm. Terrorskew’s own hatred and anger for the new gods, poured into the essence of each of these creatures that lived here – forgotten, deep, down in the dark; and each decade that passed, they seemed to grow more powerful, more insane, and more evil, all because of Terrorskew’s fury. His plan changed – he would not kill the gods, as he had originally planned. Instead, he saw how these new gods regarded their new rendition of the world that was once his; how they loved the lush green forests, the beautiful elves, the hard working dwarves, the ever expanding humans. Terrorskew’s new plan was no longer to destroy the gods; but to strike deeper and destroy the very things they loved. Such creatures as: AnkhegBehirBeholdersBulletteCarrion CrawlerCloakerDarkmantleDisplacer BeastsGrellGrickHook HorrorNothicOwl Bears, and of course Mind Rippers, are just some of the vicious creatures that dwell in the Shadow Stone Realms. Others were eventually made, either by exposure, or through experiments by Mind Rippers, such as the DuegarDeep Gnomes, and Intellect Devourers to just name a few. A group of dwarves, seeking a unique metal to forge their weapons and armor, were the first ones responsible to breaking the barrier between the “upper” world and the Shadow Stone Realm, when one of their tunnels collapsed and created massive opening. Hundreds of creatures raided the dwarven kingdoms as a result, and some escaped into the outside world. The hole between the Shadow Stone Realm, and the now abandoned dwarven kingdom grows larger and larger every single day as more stones collapse and fall into the Shadow Stone Realm. Wizards who have been studying the widening gap fear that it is Terrorskew’s doing – and that somewhere in the Shadow Stone Realm awaits the God Killer – to be unleashed upon the world above.
  • The Wildthorn Woods – Located in Tawaim, the Wildthorn Woods are fiercely protected by a group of Wild Elves who broke off from Quan’rath (the main home of the High Elves). The Wild Elves developed their own society within the woods, rather than being confined within stone walls like the High Elves of Quan’rath. The Wild Elves uses removable tattoo through berries, to mark their faces (so that they distinguish what tribe and what their job/rank within the tribe is). The Wild Elves will let others into the woods, so long as they do not upset the balance of the woods. If someone begins hunting for the sport, or cutting down trees, the Wild Elves will attempt to drive the invaders out (killing only if the beings are truly evil and bent on destroying the woods or the balance of nature). The Wild Elves use a specific bird whistle to signal one another, as a way of communicating while in the woods. The Wildthorn Woods is full of all kinds of wild life (most of which, also avoids the Crater). There is said to be a Unicorn that calls the Wildthorn Woods its home, but only a very select few have ever been blessed to see it.
  • The Deep Crater – Located in Tawaim, which according to Elven Lore, a large stone fell from the heavens and struck the land, decimating a portion of the Wildthorn Woods. The Wild Elves believed it was an attack from Grumthak (God of War and Orcs). The strike happened almost 1,500 years ago – and vegetation has since grown. However, the Crater is about 100’ deep into the ground. The Wild Elves have tried to explore the inner Crater, but found unusual, and typically violent creatures lived there; perhaps corrupted by the foul magic of “Grumthak’s Stone” (as the Wild Elves call it). As a result, the Wild Elves typically avoid journeying into the Crater. Rather, they patrol around it, to ensure that the vile things that have made their home in the Crater do not escape into the woods and cause havoc there.
  • Frost Peak – A city located near the very top of the mountain that Ridgecrest is built into the side of. Frost Peak is so high that the chilling winds can freeze someone who is not properly dressed. The people of Frost Speak celebrate the day of Nikalos by gathering around “The Mother Tree” – the first tree in Frost Peak that is said to give life to the other trees. The Mother Tree is a female, ancient treant. A white dragon named Snowclaw is known to reside nearby. Frost Peak was the center of an issue during the day of Nikalos, which a party was able to help with.
  • Everstone Keep – Everstone Keep is the primary castle of the ruling king on the Plane of Earth. The current ruler is Lord Greymountain.
  • Shadow Sea Kingdom – An underwater kingdom near Shadow Island, populated by mer-folk. It first was seen in Shadow Island, Session 04.


  • Felhorn (some spell it Fellhorn since the “Curse” began) is a small coastal village in Eaglerock.
  • Greenhaven – a large island covered in fauna – no humanoids are known to exist on the island which is covered in lush jungles and forests, animals are abundant, and so are various rare herbs used for medical purposes. There is an agreement along the trading route that those who come here only take what they need and never establish the island with humanoid civilization to preserve it’s beauty and riches.
  • Greystone – located in Tawaim in the Plains of Terran. The population is about 800 people originally; however it was burned down by the orc tribe known as The Broken Hand leaving less than 50 survivors from the attack. Those few survivors made their way to Guardstone.
  • Guardstone – Located on the western shore of the Plains of Terran on Tawaim, it contains several temples, and most major supplies. 
  • Havar – A small island between Tawaim and “Vareen” which is a small mining island, rich with steel. Primarily inhabited by humans. Very primitive town despite it’s richness in trades.
  • Korvask / Fourstone – A small hamlet located on Eagle Rock, it was founded by the Korvask family whose ship had been drawn and crashed into the jagged stones surrounding Eagle Rock. Others, who had shipwrecked, eventually also found Korvask, and the town was renamed as Fourstone, named after the four core families who made up Korvask now. The name is interchangeable (as some still call it Korvask, while others call it Fourstone). 
  • Quan’rath – Located in Tawaim, it is in the center of Skytree Forest. Massive temple of Nifika, Goddess of Magic (and favored by the Elves). There are other temples for the other members of The Circle, however, they are mostly there for the Elves to visit and give thanks for their hand in the creation of the world. In the eyes of the Elves, all of the members of the Circle appear as Elves. Quan’rath is led by a single elf, always a male, who forgoes their name and adopts the title of Sovereign of the Stars, making Quan’rath a theocracy. The Sovereign of the Stars is said to communicate directly with Nifika. Quan’rath is a city populated by the High Elves, who got their name because they believe they are the “highest” in the chain among “mortals.” Quan’rath is an elegant city, made of stone with spiraling towers, endless gardens and sparkling fountains; a city, whose beauty goes unmatched. Historical documents show that the High Elves once simply dwelt in Skytree Forest; but as the humans continued to encroach on their territory, they retreated to the center of Skytree Forest and built Quan’rath to protect themselves from the greed and ugliness they saw in humans. The elves that disagreed with the idea of surrounding themselves in stone walls and spoke against the Sovereign of the Stars (something that was unheard of in Elven culture) were outcast and simply became known as Wild Elves.
  • Rockhome – Located in Tawaim, it is home to primarily 1,000 gnomes; Only contains one temple, and that is to Bargledar, whom the Gnomes worship. While they acknowledge the other gods and goddesses, they do not find the need to build a temple in Rockhome, because every gnome believes only in Bargledar. Within the Gnomish Kingdom; Rockhome is a large, spacious area where the gnomes have steel pipes running throughout all of the mountain in a crisscross pattern, harvesting the steam pouring up from the volcano below. A massive river pours into the volcano’s open; a river that the Gnomes call Bargledar’s Regret (believing it’s his tears that fill the river) that generates the steam that is harvested by the gnomes.
  • Skotland – located in the Northern Terrain in Tawaim focused primarily in trading furs, made up of locals, consisting solely of humans – an extremely cheery set of people, who celebrate with drinking and singing. They are suspicious of anyone who isn’t human or uses magic and highly superstitious. 
  • Skyland – A small island between Tawaim and Vareen, whose population consists of dwarves. The story of how these dwarves got on the island varies, depending on which dwarf you ask and how intoxicated they are; but the most common version is that a large band of dwarves had been enslaved and captured – and brought on a ship, which ran aground on this island. The dwarves rebelled against their captors and earned their freedom. However, with a destroyed ship and not familiar with sailing or making ships, the dwarves remained here and made a glorious city which primarily is known for its buildings and weapon/armor making (getting most of it’s steel from ships bringing it over from Havar).
  • Sinking City – Located in Tawaim, populated by 2,100 people, it was located in the Southern Marshes. There are no temples to any of the gods or goddesses; however, there is rumored to be several (feuding) thieves guilds.
  • Thoridun – Dwarven city located beneath Blue Ridge Mountain which is just southwest of Spire’s Edge. The current King is King Thariak Firestorm.
  • Thalaustrea – It’s a small island. Waesyn is from there.
  • Wyvern’s Nest – located in Tawaim between Greystone and Daggerpoint, the small town had a population of about 80 people. It has a few temples and merchant guilds.


  • Black Swan, The – A Thieves guild in Lower Ridgecrest, mostly composed of infected humans who are Wererats (though they prefer the term “Ratlings”).
  • Coven of Blackmore, The – According to legend, Blackmore, was a grand city that even the gods would visit in humanoid disguises – the kingdom prospered greatly – until one day, it simply vanished – as if there was never a city there – there was no evidence of buildings, people – nothing – just barren land where a city once stood proud. Through history – the exact location of where this city once stood has now changed hundreds of times – but from what Sindri is able to uncover is that this Coven of Hags seems to have originated from this fabled city. Most of the runes that he and Arhian and Sindri had copied from the side of a magical house were so ancient – that he’s forced to dig out tomes which are protected by the Wizardly Order of the Ivory Coast because of how fragile these ancient tomes are.
  • The Forgotten Sands is a Thieves Guild that supposedly operates all throughout the Broken Lands having bases in several half buried temples and pyramids in the endless deserts.
  • Lion’s Maw – Operates out of the Ivory Vale. In constant combat with The Raven’s Claw. The Lion’s Maw had traded a Giant Slayer to another guild that had been passing through the Ivory Vale called The Forgotten Sands. The guild has operations that run beneath the majority of the Ivory Vale. Many of their operatives work out of The Lion’s Pride Inn. The current leader of the Lion’s Maw is Elrik. Elrik is a half-elf, brown hair, hazel eyes, thin beard. Scar over his left eye (apparently from a lion attack, for which the inn is named after; the lion’s head hangs over the bar)
  • The Night Blades – formerly located in Guardstone, under a group of adventurers discovered them. The member list included:
    • One of the members, the leader:Human named Arakzar. Though he is a thief, he’s actually quite muscular. Led the Night Blades through brute force. Some suspect that somewhere in his blood line there is a touch of Orc somewhere along the lines (which would also explain why he sympathized with the Orcs of the Broken Hand and was smuggling equipment to fund their army).
      • Arakzar was defeated and killed by the party in the caves.
    • Chirun, Brother to Arakzar, he was the second in command. Where his brother was all strength, Chriun was all brains and extremely clever and deceptive. It was Chriun who managed to get several of the members of the Night Blades into the King’s Circle to allow them access to the equipment that was being smuggled.
      • Chirun died when a piercer fell through his chest
    • Frenur is a half-elf mage, who was known to have a strong hatred for humans (his father was a brigand who raped his mother and left her to die). Thus, Frenur sympathized with the Orcs of the Broken Hand, knowing they sought to destroy the human. Frenur had planned on turning on the Orcs, according to what your guild learned, when the Broken Hand was going to turn their attention to the Elves.
      • Frenur was killed by the Wild Elves of Wildwood when the thieves initially entered the forest.
    • Prenstar is a human cleric who worshipped the evil god, Sarenthar. He was the one that was the primary healer for the Thieve’s Guild.
      • Prenstar was killed after reviving Arakzar, as Ariana cast Hold Person and Luna shot an arrow that delivered a killing blow.
    • Quan’reel. Quan’reel was a Halfling who was a part of the Night Blades, simply because he was bored. When they began smuggling items to the Broken Hand, he began having his doubts about them, but it was too late once a warrant was issued for his arrest, he knew his only chance was to remain with them.
      • Quan’reel had briefly been captured by the party, but released because they had not realized who he was. Quan’reel’s current whereabouts are unknown.
    • Blackstone is an evil, dwarven paladin who follows Skortaurian, the god of Spite. Blackstone had murdered some of his own clan in a fit of rage once, when alcohol had gotten the best of him. Though his tolerance level for the consumption of alcohol is ridiculously high, so is his violent temper. When his people sought to arrest him, Blackstone fled and rejected his people and began his dark path as an unholy Paladin.
      • Blackstone was defeated and killed by Bodrag in the caves.
    • Brin is a Grey Elf who lost his way. He met Blackstone when the dwarf was just beginning his journey into darkness, having fled from his people. Brin hung out with Blackstone, with the idea he might be able to save the helpless dwarf. However, Brin found himself in compromised positions time and time again, due to Blackstone’s rage, and soon found himself on the other side of the law frequently.
      • Brin was unfortunately killed by a Carrion’s Crawler. His body was discovered when the party was attacked by the same Carrion Crawler, and it’s guts had been cut open during combat.
    • Ureath is a human thief, who seeks to gain as much money as he can, as quickly as he can, no matter who he steps on. Ureath had planned to eventually try and overthrow Arakzar, until their smuggling operation was discovered, and they were forced to flee.
      • Ureath was unfortunately killed by Harpies down in the Crater. His body was discovered by the party, on the river bed.
    • Ionacular. She is a female human who met Brin in Guardstone. She found herself very attracted to him, despite his warning that she was better off away from him. She had pieced together that Brin was a part of the thieves guild, and began stealing in hopes of gaining his favor. Realizing that she was going to land in jail because she didn’t know what she was doing, Brin brought her before Arakzar and had asked him to allow her to join. Despite her lack of experience, Arakzar agreed because Brin was associated with Blackstone, who Arakzar thought was useful for the upcoming war against the other Thieves Guild he had planned (before the smuggling operation ruined that).
      • Ionacular was captured by Bugbears. The party killed the Bugbears, but realizing who she was, quickly captured Ionacular as she tried to flee (during the party’s combat with the Bugbears). She was stripped of all her belongings and tied to a tree. Her current whereabouts (whether alive or dead, remain unknown).
    • Argus is a gnome who works for the Night Blades, creating gadgets to help them improve breaking into more secure homes.
      • When the Night Blades first came into the Crater, they were almost immediately attacked by a creature known as a Anhkhong. Argus’ body was found near by, after the same creature attacked the party.
    • Dreadblade is a human fighter who thrives on killing. Though he is not a good thief, Arakzar thought his warrior skills would be of great use in the coming Thieves Guild War (once again, had not the smuggling operation been discovered). Dreadblade will always fight to the death, no matter the odds.
      • Much like the leader (perhaps the only person he respected), Arakzar, Dreadblade was a victim to Tenjii’s poison that paralyzed him in the middle of combat, and eventually found himself killed by the party.
    • Everella is a young, female elf who was traded to the Night Blades by someone who could not pay their debts. She has since been a servant to the Night Blades, and is treated horribly. She will not hesitate to flee from them if she can or betray them.
      • She was not found with the Night Blades in the cave, and no tracks indicated she was around. She may have abandoned the Night Blades before entering the caves, or perhaps even before then. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
  • The Nightshells – These are “pirates” who operate in the Plane of Water, run by Wade Mistmorn and Rain Amberskies; which is on the back of a massive horizonback turtle. The crew now has about 40 members in total.
  • The Raven Claw / Ravenclaw – The largest Thieves Guild in the Ivory Coast, and known for smuggling weapons and armor in and out of the Ivory Coast for a hefty price. They also have an operation that works out of Lakefront, where their leader Kin Ravenclaw typically can be found.
  • The Coven of the Fallen Star – A group of five hags escaped the prison of the Merfolk of the Shadow Sea Kingdom just off the shore of Shadow Island. The five hags had wreaked havoc through the portals that opened all around Shadow Island – and eventually entered to continue the chaos, and were captured by the Merfolk. The five coven members managed to escape.
    •  Jarnius, the Sea Hag (“The Sea Witch”)
    • Keeluh, the Green Hag
    • Bortorada, the Annis Hag
    • Teurur, the Night Hag
    • Chillarah, the Bheur Hag, leader of the Coven
    • They are known as the Coven of the Fallen Star due to each of them possesses a small star fragment that binds them together. The purpose of this star fragment or where they got it remains unknown. But they all stood in a circle as a complete coven and were extremely powerful.

Drinks / Food / Plants / Animals:

  • Deep Weed – Named after the seaweed which is found at extreme depths, when crushed and placed into a drink, it can make the intended target very suggestive to ideas that they’re already akin to. Deep Weed was first discovered on the bodies of Sahuagin in the Garagin Depths on the continent of Vareen. The Sahuagin consume it as food (either they’ve grown immune to its effects, or their leaders insist they consume, to ensure the Sahaugin follow their commands). When Rogues discovered its properties, they began paying sailors who found and killed Sahuagin and find the Deep Weed on their bodies, to bring it back and the Rogues will pay for it. Rogues often use it to spike someone’s drink who is making a trade or purchase from them, to make them more suggestive towards paying a higher price for the item the intended target wants. Deep Weed is first mentioned in Session 33 of the Discovery game.
  • Doramar – Doramar is a plant that, when grinded down, causes drowsiness when consumed. Doramar is most typically used by some who do not have magic but need to medically attend to someone with grievous wounds. Doramar will put the victim to sleep rapidly and for a brief time make them immune to pain as it dulls the nerves in the victim’s body. However, Doramar has been known to used in malicious ways as well, often put in drinks to knock victims out.
  • The Dragon’s Breath is an extremely potent alcoholic beverage that one mug will cause even the most hearty of people to fall on the floor, intoxicated. The exact ingredients that make up the drink are known only to a few select Dwarves from Tawaim. Dragon’s Breath is first mentioned in The Adventurers, Session 06.
  • Vikarus – It’s a potato and barley alcoholic beverage made with 7 Gallons of Water, 25 Pounds of Potatoes, 5 Pounds of Crushed Malted Barley, Mash Pot, Heat Source, and a Long Spoon. Vikarus became very popular on islands that did not have a main trade to other islands, and relied firmly on farms. Vikarus is first mentioned in Servants of the Wizard, Session 04.
  • Kalisin – An extremely rare plant whose fruits are full of natural sugar (and when freshly picked, grant the sensation of Inspiration – explained as a “sugar high”). The plant only blooms during the Hollowing. Kalisin was first mentioned in the Servants of the Wizard game, Session 12.
  • Levican Powder – A mixture of extremely strong peppers, crushed down to an extremely fine dust; and when inhaled can snap someone back to their senses – including removing the sensation of intoxication (Note – it does not actually sober them up; but the fine powder is so strong that the brain synapsis fire so rapidly that the person will feel as if they’re sober), It is first mentioned in Servants of the Wizard, Session 15.
  • Ollmhor kelp – Can reach heights of 100 to 175 feet tall and creates a dense forest like structure on the deep, ocean floor. It’s well known to be around the Shadow Sea Kingdom just off the coast of Shadow Island. The Kelp is first mentioned in Shadow Island, Session 04.
  • Sea Carrion Exactly like their surface counterparts, the Carrion Crawler, the Sea Carrion is simply a version of the creature that crawls across the ocean floor looking for things that have died in shipwrecks, most commonly or any pieces of meat that have drifted to the ocean floor. First seen in Shadow Island, Session 04.
  • Suflare – A creature roughly twelve inches wide that bears a close resemblance to the blue man-o-war fish. Due to its appearance, most predators leave the suflare alone, believing them to be the extremely dangerous man-o-war. Merfolk have harvested the suflare for times that they’ve rescued people who have been thrown overboard during storms or raids against their ships, as the suflare generates oxygen as it eats microorganism in the ocean, trapping it within itself. The unusual fish is first mentioned in Shadow Island, Session 04.
  • Vindecarea Kelp – A form of kelp that grows around the far depths of the ocean, off the shores of Shadow Island. The kelp contains nutrients that invigorate the body and help naturally heal minor cuts and wounds. Due to the depth of which the plant grows, if it’s brought anywhere near the surface, it almost immediately “suffocates” and dies, losing its chemical balance. This kept was first mentioned in Shadow Island, Session 04.
  • Whistling Leaf – Whistling Leaf grows near forested areas and contains nutrients that invigorate the body and help naturally heal minor cuts and wounds. Herbalists will harvest Whistling Leaf to create healing potions; but the contents must be made quickly, because as soon as Whistling Leaf is uprooted, it will begin losing its healing abilities as the natural chemicals of the Whistling Leaf break down. Because of the nature of Whistling Leaf, it is often difficult to grow – and thrives best in nature where large amounts of materials can feed its roots. Large patches of Whistling Leaf can often be found in swamps as well; but because of their healing nature, and over all pleasurable tastes, creatures often protect this as a food source, making acquiring them in swamps, a very dangerous task. Whistling Leaf is first mentioned in Servants of the Wizard, Session 05.
  • Highland Shaggy Cow – The Highland Shaggy Cow is similar to what a Mammoth looks like, although they live in the Astral Plane that are known to live in the area of Kruezadune. The Highland Shaggy Cow was first mentioned in The Adventurers, Session 80.

Unique Languages:

  • Eibrikku – It is the language spoken on the Seven Continents of Utsukkuen. DM Note – It is this world’s version of Japanese, essentially.
  • Ilyxian – The language of the people of Ilyx/Gold Coast/Broken Lands. DM Note – It’s similar to this world’s version of the Arabic language, essentially.