Adventure Notes – The Adventurers – 03

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  • The party eventually made it to the Ivory Coast
  • The captain of the ship (The Shadow Minnow) recommended checking at the Lion’s Mane for potential job opportunities.
    • The party had lost considerable amount of gold between the flooding island and the time spent aboard the Shadow Minnow (food and lodging costs)
  • The party found a Monk who was offering job costs (200gp total) for going into an ore mine and collapsing a cavern.
    • The party convinced the Monk to pay for half up front.
    • The party joined a caravan headed for Spire’s Edge, the city where the miners worked out of.
    • On the first night, the caravan is attacked by brigands, which the party successfully helps defend.
  • The party arrives at Spire’s Edge and speaks with the mayor of the city, and manages to convince him to pay half the payment up front (deceiving the mayor that they had not gotten paid by the Monk at the Ivory Coast)
  • The party spent the night in Spire’s Edge before heading into the mine
  • Arriving at the mine, they found one of the metal carts on the outside cavern and climbed into it, while Apostrophe pushed it
    • The creaking of the cart alerted the Gnolls just inside the cavern
    • While the party was investigating the gnoll’s camp, the gnolls ambushed them and dealt some strong damage, but the party eventually overcame the gnolls, after Apostrophe casted Thunderwave and toppled over some of the mining beams.
    • The party set up the deceased gnolls as “scarecrows” so that anyone who peered inside would believe that the gnolls were still present in the room.
    • The party moved to the northern portion of the room (where the gnolls had gone around) and encountered several hyenas that had been chained up by the gnolls.
    • Dick blasted them with a cantrip and the party gathered some meat from the hyenas. Dick gathered some feces and noted that there was something unusual about it.
  • Moving around, the party next encountered several Bugbears, which they were able to dispatch.
  • The party entered the main room in the cavern where there was a large pulley system made for picking up and dumping clumps of ore into carts which were then pushed out to the main entrance, to be transferred.