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- Arhian Vos – Human Monk
- Hartmut Helmsworth – Elf Monk
- Sindri Waggletop – (Forest) Gnome Wizard
- Rettniss Kulvith – Water Genasi Druid
- Pet (?): Vindri (Sindri Voodoo Doll)
- Avacyn “Jolyne” Uloth the Merciless – Half-Orc Paladin
- Twilight Skybane – Tiefling Bard
Note – You can click on the images and they usually open up to larger images.
- Aboard the ship, The Morning Glory, the party and crew find themselves being attacked by the vile Sahuagin – when suddenly, a larger Sahuagin boards the ship! (DM Note – All that happened last session!)
- To make matters worse, Sindri and Rettniss both feel an unusual tug in their very soul – and both know what that means – their eyes peering skyward, the twin moons eclipse – the symbol of The Hollowing.
- DM Note: Something I did in the Servants of the Wizard game recently, I thought worked out well, when there’s two large opposing sides. In the Servants of the Wizard game, there was a small army of gnolls and on the other side, a small rebel army to fight them. Rather than me roll for a bunch of rebels and a bunch of gnolls – I created two “lump sum pools of health” for the gnolls and for the rebels and had players roll at the top of the Initiative, once for the gnolls and once for the rebels – just having them roll a d20 – then I add their hit bonus. If it meets or beats the AC assigned to each pool, they’d do 5 points of base damage; unless it was a Natural 20, in which they’d do 10 points of damage. Critical fails were 5 points of damage to their own side. So I did the same thing with this session – I created a base health pool and AC for the Sahuagin and a base health pool and AC for the ship’s crew. Damage done by the players to the enemy are normal damage (not the standard 5 base damage). This helped cut down on long initiatives of having 10 Sahaugin and 10 crew members, for example, in between all the players.
- As the battle ensues, the Sahuagin seem to have the advantage, striking successfully at many of the crew members
- Arhian seeing the Sahaugin “Chief” – fires two shots at him with her longbow – but in the chaos of it all, both shots miss!
- Hartmut races up to the Sahaugin Chief, and tries to use his Cestus to attack; both of which miss, but his unarmed strike lands a critical hit (Natural 20!)
- He tries to follow up with the Stunning Strike but the Sahuagin chief is able to resist the stun!
- Rettniss, knowing the Hollowing is in effect, knows she must put out the fire she created (on accident) – and uses the Create/Destroy Water spell to create water above her – and onto the sails – unfortunately, while the spell does work – the Hollowing creates a side effect, in which she loses control of her bowel movements – to hide this, she quickly runs beneath the downpour of water she’s created
- Avacyn runs up on the Sahuagin Baron and swings her axe; the baron parries it away with its trident, but Avacyn is able to quickly pull her axe back and swing again, while the Sahuagin Baron is off balance, and lands a solid hit
- Smelling blood on Hartmut, the Baron tries to strike at him (getting advantage due to the blood frenzy) and lands a hit against the agile monk
- Twilight, being the bard that she is, recalls the gift she’d gotten from Nikalos, the Bells of Jingling and rattles them – neither the Sahuagin nor the Sahuagin Baron are able to resist its magical effects – and proceed to dance!
- DM Note – On the crew’s turn to attack the Sahuagin, I had Arhian roll 2d20 – to say the crew has advantage since the Sahauagin are dancing and not defending themselves…
- The crew, mystified by the sudden turn of events, seeing the Sahuagin dancing, pause and look around confused (DM Note – flavored how they missed, rolling a “2” on advantage….)
- Sindri, knowing it’s The Hollowing, knows he has to rely on his magic to help win the fight, so he casts Magic Missile which goes off successfully – but also teleports all of his companions, including Hartmut and Avacyn to his side as a side effect
- Arhian rushes up to the Sahuagin Baron and manages to strike the large creature – and despite her efforts to also using Stunning Strike it laughs off her attempt to do so, while still dancing merrily
- Arhian tries an unarmed strike, which hits, and the Baron, yet again – perhaps because he is too merrily dancing and refuses to stop dancing – avoids the stunning strike attempt
- Hartmut rushes up and lands a hit and tries to stunning strike as well – but the Baron shakes it off
- Hartmut lands another unarmed strike and attempts a stunning strike – which it shakes off
- Rettniss, coming from around the mast of the ship she’d hidden behind, holds her stomach which seems to ache terribly as food continues to exit her delicate body, focuses on the baron and casts Frostbite – which goes off – and hits – and the Baron rolls a Critical Fail against the save! So he takes the cold damage and has disadvantage! And just then, Rettniss’ stomach stops aching – and she suddenly finds herself on all fours… in the form of a sheep.
- Acacyn rushes over, cleaves deep into the baron’s chest – and as the baron begins to crumble, she looks – thinks of kicking in his knee, leaping from it, and cleaving him – just as she goes to step – she realizes how slick their skin is – and needs to readjust (DM Note – I put a DC 12 check for the fancy death kill, just for flavor and fun! And she rolled a 5, but then used Inspiration to succeed!)
- Avacyn breaks the baron’s knee, forcing him to crumble forward, then leaps on his knee, throws her axe into the air, catches it as she jumps and brings the full force of her axe with her strength and momentum cleaving through the baron’s skull!
- Twilight casts Bane on some of the existing Sahuagin – and suddenly suffers the opposite effect that Rettniss had – feeling backed up and suffers the poisoned condition!
- With the baron slain, the crew fighting the Sahuagin have advantage, as the Sahuagin’s morale drops – and they land critical hits! (Natural 20!)
- Sindri casts Scorching Ray, using his wizardry skill to turn the damage from fire to force damage against some of the Sahuagin aboard the ship – the spell goes off – however, he suddenly feels mentally connected and has the ability to control Rettniss – allowing him to give Rettniss any command, so long as self-harm is not a part of it, for two rounds!
- With the baron out of the picture, the party seems to be doing much better with Arhian, Hartmut, and even Rettniss – in the form of a sheep – successfully striking the Sahuagin – Rettnis manages to even break the back of the last remaining Sahuagin by ramming her sheep head into the creature’s back. The remaining Sahuagin and sharks circling the water take their loss and quickly retreat beneath the ocean again.
- Rettniss eventually comes out of sheep form and everything is restored to normal
- The female elf captain of the Morning Glory, Kenna Moonchaser, begins shouting at her crew to stop standing around – and help with the wounded and start getting repairs done on the ship.
- Sigfrid Shieldcrest, the female human, and her brother, Colborn Shieldcrest, begin helping with the repairs, while Geir Horsemane helps with the wounded
- The ship limps along the water for a short while, while the crew and party do what they can for the wounded and aiding in the repairs of the ship. Roughly an hour later, the four survivors of the previous ship:Bardon Eversail, Galvyn Meadowcreek, Reaghan Barkwood, and Turi Brownsparrow point just ahead. “There! There it is!”
- And much to everyone’s disbelief – especially Kenna’s – there is indeed a very small sandbar in the middle of this deep area of the ocean…

- Kenna shakes her head, confident she would have spotted this sandbar during all of her sailing across the Garagin Depths
- The crew member on the crow’s nest calls down that the water around the sandbar and around their ship is beginning to bubble – running to the edge, the party stares out into the dark, moonlight ocean…
- Hartmut, Rettniss and Sindri see four areas in the water that begin to bubble – and to their surprise – what appears to be… humans?… emerge from the water, their loud chanting heard clearly above the churning of the ocean
- The sandbar then begins to shimmer and vanish – and one of the humanoids calls out, “You have done well, my scions! The ceremony shall proceed and the sacrifice will commence!”
- Chaos aboard the ship, has the party turning around – and now they see the four “survivors” in their (true? new?) forums… and it’s horrifying… these must be the “scions” which the other one in the water call out to…
- Rettniss, seeing the Deep Scions as they’re called – all standing close to one another casts Faerie Fire… and has an unexpected result… fairies appear around Arhian and force her to magically dance for three rounds… but the spell still manages to go off…

- Unfortunately, the Deep Scions, so devote to their cause are able to avoid the effects of Faerie Fire… making this attempt worse… for now she’s stopped Arhian from being effective as well as failing to snare the Deep Scions!
- One of the Deep Scion emit their Psychic Screech ability which manages to stun everyone except for Rettniss and Sindri; causing those stunned to have the Stunned condition
- One of the Deep Scion scores a Critical Hit on Hartmut
- Sindri positions himself to see two of the Kraken Priests and launches a Scorching Ray in their direction to disrupt them – while the scorching rays do go off as expected – an unexpected side effect is a small rift opening over Sindri’s head where several Stirges pour out and focus their attack on him!
- Rettniss shouts to Sindri to trust her and come leap on her shoulders. With Stirges fluttering all around Sindri’s head, he tries to bat them away (get it? Bat them away? Is this thing even on?) and leaps onto Rettniss’ shoulders
- Arhian focuses and uses Stillness of Mind to center herself; the fairies seeing Arhian stop dancing, grow disappointed and teleport away. With the distraction of the fairies gone, Arhian is able to use a bonus action and manages to hit one of the Deep Scions, but it is able to avoid her stunning strike
- Avacyn caught up in the battle begins swinging her axe wildly, tagging one of the Deep Scions directly in the ribs
- Rettniss shouts to Sindri, “Hang on!” And runs and leaps off the edge of the boat, successfully landing on the water, using her Ring of Water Walking – Sindri, swinging at the stirges fluttering around his head, nearly falls forward into the ocean – but at the last minute grabs Rettniss’ hair (who screams in pain) and rights himself (DM Note – His first roll failed, so he used Inspiration roll and succeeded – the DC had been 10!)
- Rettniss charges one of the Kraken Priests at the front of the ship and extends her hands – and casts Burning Hands – which still goes off – but suddenly, Rettniss can’t stop frothing at the mouth
- Twilight looks at many of the wounded on the ship, hurt by the Deep Scions, and begins to gather them and help them below deck. Before also going down there to protect them, she once again jingles the bells… (DM Note – Twilight had to leave at this point, so I excused her out of the action by saying she would take the wounded – along with the previously wounded by the Sahuagin – and protect them down below)
- Knowing that he was risking the effects of the Hollowing – which so far, have not been favorable – Sindri knew that casting another spell would help get rid of the Stirges which had already drained some of his blood – he extends his hands and unleashes another Scorching Ray on the Kraken Priest – which goes off – but Sindri is suddenly struck by a massive headache!
- On the deck of the ship, Avacyn, Arhian and Hartmut are holding their own against the Deep Scions, managing to take one down while all of this is happening
- The Kraken Priest reaches down and places his hand on Rettniss forehead and whispers, “Boom” and lands a Thunderous Punch doing massive damage to Rettniss – Sindri, using a reaction to try and Counterspell the attack – however, the Hollowing cancels his ability to cancel it and creates another unusual side effect…

- Sindri discovers that he has turned himself into a Living Scarecrow – and realizes he can’t speak – so he can not cast any verbal spells for four rounds!
- Hartmut tears through one of the Deep Scions aboard the ship…
- Sindri, realizing the only way to break the Scarecrow effect would require casting a spell without a verbal component – so he casts Minor Illusion – which finally breaks the Scarecrow effect on Sindri – but he suddenly feels as if he’s being petrified and turned to stone – however – he can still move – and he realizes, he has become perhaps the smallest Earth Elemental in all of Kne’Urth – and with it – he can do astounding physical damage!
- Onboard, Arhian is able to tear into one of the Deep Scions
- Arhian tries to do a special shove – but the Deep Scion is able to resist (Natural 20!)
- Avacyn cleaves into one of the only two remaining Deep Scions and digs deep – and on her second attack, unleashes a Divine Smite
- Rettniss casts Healing Spirit towards the ship to grant some healing – following Hartmut who has taken the most damage; however, suffers a headache
- Rettniss then quaffs a potion to recover some health as her bonus action
- Sindri, in the meantime, decides he will not cast another spell and this time take advantage of the Earth Elemental form – with it, he’s able to slam the Kraken Priest for significant damage!
- Arhian is able to fire her bow at the Kraken Priests as well, helping in the fight, as Avacyn swings wildly behind her at the Deep Scions
- However, during the fighting, Hartmut manages to critical fail – and loses his gloves, that slide off his hands and slide across the blood soaked deck of the ship!
- However, he snaps the Deep Scion’s neck with an unarmed strike, leaving just one Deep Scion on the ship
- Avacyn is on a tear – hitting twice on the remaining Deep Scion – and expending Divine Smites into each hit!
- The Kraken Priest touches Rettniss’ head and whispers, “Boom” again and delivers 30 points of damage
- The human in the Morning Glory’s ship shouts, “Water’s getting more violent!”
- The last Deep Scion tries to stop Hartmut from firing at the Kraken Priest – Hartmut is able to do an unarmed strike and kicks the Deep Scion’s ankle in, and then caves in the Deep Scion’s chest, cracking the ribs beneath the force of his fist
- In the distance – something can be seen approaching after the human in the crow’s nest shouts that something’s approaching
- Sindri, as an Earth Elemental slams the Kraken Priest – then grabs his legs and arms and rips him in half – and as he changes back into his normal self, he whispers, “Well, that was very uncharacteristic of me.”
- Rettniss hears Vindri’s voice in his head, “See, and he says I am the evil one…”
- Avacyn pulls out her crossbow and takes aim at the second Kraken Priest – and casts Hunter’s Mark on it – and suddenly feels two eyes grow on the back of her head!
- Out on the ocean, with Sindri and Rettniss – Sindri does scorching ray and discovers that his hands remain on fire!
- Suddenly the figures in the distance become clear – it’s a sperm whale, merfolk, dolphins and what appears to be an actual “sea-horse” – known as a Hippocampus!
To Be Continued.